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Blendtec Classic 575 Blender Review — Best Blendtec Budget Option

blendtec classic 575 blenderThe Clas­sic 575 is a com­mer­cial stan­dard blender from the Blendtec entry-lev­el prod­uct line that pro­vides excep­tion­al per­for­mance with a pow­er­ful 3HP motor.

In addi­tion, it comes with a mod­ern and col­or­ful design and a range of mod­ern fea­tures that make it stands out from the mod­ern crowd of high-per­for­mance blenders. Alto­geth­er, it results in a high­ly accom­plished model.

Which Blendtec Blender To Buy? – All Mod­els Guide 2022

Read our hon­est review to find out if the Clas­sic 575 is the blender you are look­ing for and if it is capa­ble of tak­ing your blend­ing to the next level.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

Functionality and Versatility

Smooth­ie: The Clas­sic 575 han­dles any­thing you throw at it – kale, pineap­ple, car­rots, gar­lic, gin­ger, nuts, berries, and even avo­ca­do seed. No dif­fer­ence you put into it soft fruits, fibrous veg­gies, or tough car­rots, the result is always lus­cious­ly smooth with­out seeds,

Soup/hot ingre­di­ents: You can eas­i­ly make soup with this blender because it heats the liq­uid with the blade’s fric­tion in just 5–7 min­utes. Though, it is not advised to put the hot liq­uids into the jar. If you make bul­let­proof cof­fee, just cool the cof­fee brew a bit before the drink processing.

Chopping/food prep: The blender chops veg­gies, onion, and gar­lic, and cre­ates a sal­sa, sal­ad dress­ing, dips, mix may­on­naise, and pesto. Grates, nuts, cheese, and frozen butter.

Puree­ing and baby food: Eas­i­ly will smash cooked or raw fruits and veg­gies for fresh home­made baby food or side dishes.

Nut milk: Cre­ates per­fect nut, oat, and soy milk.

Nut but­ter: The Clas­sic 575 is so pow­er­ful that it can process nut but­ter from any type of dry nut with­out oil added, and the Wild­side+ Jar comes in the blender pack­age. You do not even need to use a spe­cial Blendtec twister jar for the thick mixture.

Dough/batter: It makes per­fect pan­cake bat­ter and thick bread and piz­za dough in the very same Wild­Side+ con­tain­er; it does not require any addi­tion­al acces­sories or containers.

Grinding/milling: The blender is per­fect for grind­ing cof­fee beans or any spices into per­fect pow­der, milling bak­ing qual­i­ty flour from any grains, nuts, or legumes.

Control Panel, Speed Settings, and Programs

The Clas­sic 575 blender con­trol pan­el is equipped with a blue LCD dig­i­tal dis­play, con­trol but­tons, and a pow­er switch in the rear.

The LCD shows a count­down timer indi­cat­ing how many secs left until the fin­ish of your blend­ing cycle, the error mes­sage, or the total num­ber of cycles the blender has run.

The touch­pad has but­tons con­trol­ling stop/start, pulse func­tions, 5 speeds, and 4 pre-pro­grammed blend­ing cycles (Smooth­ie, Clean­ing, 60 sec­onds, and 90-sec­onds blends).

The 60 and 90 sec­onds cycles start with the slow­est speed, then medi­um for 2 or 3 sec­onds, the high­est for the rest; the gad­get stops auto­mat­i­cal­ly and shuts off at the end of the cycle. These cycles are ide­al for recipes such as hot soups or bread dough.

The smooth­ie set­ting is designed to process var­i­ous smooth­ies and thick drinks fre­quent­ly made from dense or frozen ingre­di­ents. It slows down, speeds up dur­ing the cycle, and stops auto­mat­i­cal­ly when finished.

Clean pre-sets runs with water and soap and auto­mat­i­cal­ly clean the inside of the jar.

The five incre­men­tal speed cycles run for 50 sec­onds each: Lo: Speed 1, Medi­um-lo: Speed 3, Medi­um: Speed 5, Medi­um-hi: Speed 7, Hi: Speed 9. You can select any oth­er speed at any point dur­ing the cycle. To stop the cycle at any point dur­ing blend­ing, press Stop.

The pulse func­tion runs and speeds 7 and is designed for the momen­tary task. It is ide­al for chop­ping, minc­ing, whip­ping, and oth­ers and runs only while the Pulse but­ton is pressed.

It should be men­tioned that the Clas­sic 575 low­est speed is not low, and this is prob­a­bly the biggest issue with this blender.

Using and Cleaning

Assembling/ oper­a­tion. The Blendtec Clas­sic 575 is an extreme­ly user-friend­ly machine, the same as most high-per­for­mance blenders with blades per­ma­nent­ly attached to the jar.

To pre­pare it for blend­ing, sim­ply load the jar with the ingre­di­ents in the cor­rect order, close the lid snug­ly, place the blend­ing jar on the top of the base and press the pre-set but­ton or one of the 5‑speed options that suit your recipe. The small LCD timer will show how many sec­onds are left until the end of the cycle. Final­ly, you can refine it a bit with a pulse that will elim­i­nate any remain­ing clamps of ingredients.

Many cus­tomers find very con­ve­nient the pre-set cycles of Blendtec blenders that stop on their own at the end, so they can walk away and come back lat­er to get the blending.

Disassembling/Cleaning: The blender has an irre­mov­able blade assem­bly, so it does not need any dis­sem­bling. After emp­ty­ing the jar, it is ready to be cleaned.

The jar can be washed in the dish­wash­er or man­u­al­ly with kitchen uten­sils. How­ev­er, the most con­ve­nient way is to use the self-clean­ing pro­ce­dure to remove even the most annoy­ing thick ingre­di­ents that tend to stick to blender jars. Pour some water into the jug, add a touch of wash­ing liq­uid, and press the clean­ing cycle. Rinse, dry with the cloth, and you are done.

Base Unit and Motor Power

The Clas­sic 575 has a neat design that binds nice­ly with its mod­ern idea. It is man­u­fac­tured in the US from impact-resis­tant and durable BPA-free plastic.

The mod­ern hous­ing enclos­es a very pow­er­ful 3HP (1560 Watts), 120 Volts, 50–60 Hz, and a 13 Amp motor. It has a hard­ened met­al dri­ve sock­et and rub­ber gas­ket. Hav­ing access to such pow­er allows the Clas­sic 575 to blitz through any ingre­di­ents ensur­ing con­sis­tent performance.

The motor is also equipped with motor over­load­ing and over­heat­ing sys­tems; it will auto­mat­i­cal­ly shut off the machine and show 01 and 02 error mes­sages on dis­play in case of overloading.


WildSide+ jar
Blendtec FourSide Jar
Four­Side Jar

The blender is avail­able with 90-ounce Wild­Side+ (with mea­sure­ments up to 36 oz.) and 75-ounce Four­Side (with mea­sure­ments up to 32 oz.) capac­i­ty jars. Both Wild­Side+ and Four­Side con­tain­ers have a square-shaped design that allows easy food load­ing and extrac­tion from the pitcher.

Both are made from US pro­duce, BPA-Free, tem­per­a­ture (up to 200F), and impact-resis­tant East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester material.

The 75-ounce Four­Side is a clas­sic style con­tain­er with 3 inch­es blade designed to han­dle small­er batch­es of ingredients.

While the 90-ounce Wilde­Side+ has a wide bot­tom, 4 inch­es blade, and the addi­tion­al wild (fifth) side that allows the most effec­tive vor­tex, so thick ingre­di­ents form min­i­mum air pock­ets dur­ing blend­ing. The wide bot­tom jar process is bet­ter for big batch­es of food.

Both jars also have to latch a sil­i­cone rub­ber lid with the remov­able plas­tic square cen­ter for venting.

The blender often comes with an addi­tion­al acces­so­ry, the sil­i­cone spoonu­la, with a slight­ly curved plas­tic han­dle for easy scrap­ping out thick residue.

Small vs. large batch­es. The larg­er wide bot­tom Wild­Side+ jar is good for pro­cess­ing big­ger vol­umes of liq­uid and thick recipes like dough. It can serve up to 6 peo­ple bev­er­ages. The min­i­mum vol­ume the wide bot­tom Wile­Side+ jar can han­dle is about 2 cups, but you can always buy an extra Twister or Mini Wild­side + for pro­cess­ing small blends.

The Four­Side jar han­dles a small­er vol­ume of ingre­di­ents. The min­i­mum liq­uid vol­ume that will be able to han­dle is about 8/9 oz. or 1 cup. So, it is good to process small recipes and serve small­er house­holds of 1–3 people.


The Blendtec Clas­sic 575 wing-tipped 3″ (Four­Side jar) and 4”(WildSide+ jar) blades are per­ma­nent­ly affixed to the wide bot­tom con­tain­er and thus make it very easy to use and clean. The patent­ed thick blunt blades are made from forged stain­less steel, with no dan­ger of any cuts and poke dur­ing clean­ing. The blades process wet and dry ingre­di­ents equal­ly well and do not need an extra con­tain­er for grind­ing and kneading.

Warranty and Customer Service

The Blendtec Clas­sic 575 comes with a fan­tas­tic 8‑year war­ran­ty for all parts from top to bot­tom, includ­ing the jar and lid. No won­der the blender is engi­neered, man­u­fac­tured, and served by a USA fam­i­ly-owned company.

The cus­tomer ser­vice is very friend­ly and will repair and replace any part of the blender at your request. You can con­tact them via phone or email, pro­vid­ing the staff with your blender ser­i­al num­ber on the bot­tom of the base unit. If you send you Blendtec for repair or a replace­ment, you may be asked to pay ship­ping one or both ways, depend­ing on the con­di­tions and the retail­er you bought your blender from.

If you do not like the blender, you can return it with­out ques­tion asked for a full refund with­in 30 days of the item being deliv­ered; you will pay the ship­ping charges, though.

Set Includes

The blender is com­prised of the

  • Base motor unit,
  • Plas­tic square jar,
  • Lid with remov­able centerpiece,
  • Recipe book,
  • Spoonu­la spatula.

The pack does not include a user man­u­al, but you can down­load it from the Blendtec web­site.

A Blendtec web­site also has addi­tion­al resources for recipes. So, you will nev­er, ever run out of ideas for how to use this machine.


Optional Accessories and Attachments

The Twister jar comes with a twister lid, grip­per lid, and spat­u­la. The jar has 37 oz. capac­i­ty with mea­sure­ments up to 16 oz.

The twister lid has tines that are turned dur­ing blend­ing and are intend­ed for han­dling thick recipes such as nut but­ter, ice cream, sor­bet, dips, hum­mus, and oth­er thick blends. Of course, you can make the same recipes in the stan­dard Wild­Side+ jar, but the twister jar with a twister lid just makes it bet­ter because it pre­vents ingre­di­ents from stick­ing to the jar sides, allow­ing a more effi­cient and pain­less vortex.

The grip­per lid has a sim­i­lar design as the stan­dard Wild­Side+ lid, and togeth­er with a small­er jar, it just intends to process small­er batch­es of food.

The Mini Wild­Side+ jar is sim­ply a small­er ver­sion of Wild­Side+, which has 46 oz. capac­i­ty and mea­sure­ments up to 24 oz. It intends to han­dle small­er por­tions of ingre­di­ents for mak­ing sin­gle-por­tion smooth­ies, sal­ad dress­ings, baby food, and others.

The Blendtec GO is a sin­gle-serve attach­ment that comes with two sin­gle-serve/­trav­el bot­tles and a sin­gle-serve blade sys­tem attach­ment called Blendtec GO micronized base. The bot­tles have 30 oz. and 24 oz. capac­i­ty. It also fea­tures two trav­el lids for the grab-and-go option.

Special Features

Col­ors: The Blendtec Clas­sic 575 blender is avail­able in a wide vari­ety of col­ors – black, orchid, slate grey, pop­py, сaribbean blue, and polar white.

Use in coun­tries out­side of the USA/Canada: The blenders that are sold in the USA or Cana­da fea­ture the 110–120 volt­age. The machines are also may be oper­at­ed in the North and South Amer­i­ca region, Tai­wan, Japan, Sau­di Ara­bia, and oth­er coun­tries with the 110–120 volt­age system.

Regions with the 220–240 volt­age should buy the gad­get local­ly; oth­er­wise, look at the UK option, which has the best selec­tion and price for the Blendtec models.

Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished: The Blendtec offers the refur­bished ver­sion of Clas­sic 575 for about $320.


Blendtec Clas­sic 575 is not the qui­etest blender among the fam­i­ly of high-end machines. The sound lev­el it dis­charges is between 95 dB to 102 dB, as loud as a hand drill, motor­cy­cle, or Boe­ing 737 jet. How­ev­er, the stan­dard blend­ing cycle dura­tion is pret­ty short and well tol­er­at­ed by most peo­ple. To reduce the sound-emit­ting, you can put the cloth or sil­i­con mat under­neath the blender while it is processing.

How­ev­er, if you are very sound sen­si­tive, you can pay an extra $170 and buy a sound enclo­sure, which will reduce the blender noise to up to 65 dB.


With the dimen­sions of 8” x 7” x 15” (20.3 x 17.8 x 38.1 cm), the Clas­sic 575 eas­i­ly fits under stan­dard kitchen cup­boards. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the 34 inches/3 feet cord is non-remov­able and has no stor­age or wrap.

It is a fair­ly light machine, 7.28 lbs (3.2 kg), so it does tend to jump around a bit when blend­ing frozen and hard ingre­di­ents like car­rot, kale, or nuts. To make it sta­ble, you may need to keep a hand on it while it is processed.

Pros and Cons


  • Pow­er­ful and mul­ti­func­tion­al blender which han­dles a large vari­ety of recipes from hot soup to frozen dessert;
  • Fea­tures 5 speeds, four pre-set pro­grams, and pulse function;
  • User-friend­ly and easy to clean;
  • Man­u­fac­tured and assem­bled in the US by the fam­i­ly-run company;
  • Equipped with eight years war­ran­ty and excel­lent cus­tomer service;
  • Rea­son­ably priced and mar­ket­ed as an entry-lev­el Blendtec model.


  • The Clas­sic 575 has a fair­ly fast low­est speed, so not very good for chop­ping tasks;
  • The blender is expensive.

Consumer Reviews

The fan of the Blendtec loves the auto­mat­ic con­trols pan­el and the idea that to oper­ate the blender, you can push the but­ton and go away while the machine will stop auto­mat­i­cal­ly at the end of the cycle. How­ev­er, some cus­tomers com­plain that the blender trav­el­ing around the counter while pro­cess­ing is quite light while pro­cess­ing; anoth­er weak side of the machine is the fair­ly frag­ile blade sys­tem seal­ing. But, over­all, it is an excel­lent high-per­for­mance machine and a major viable Vita­mix competitor.

Blendtec Classic 575 Blender Price

The Blendtec Clas­sic 575 is a bud­get Blendtec mod­el; still, it is an expen­sive machine like any oth­er high-end pow­er­ful blender, but it is worth the high price. Since it is a very reli­able and durable machine that will last for many years, and in the long term, you will save mon­ey over buy­ing cheap blenders.



Invest­ing in a high-per­for­mance blender or mov­ing from a cheap blender to a pre­mi­um one could be a hard deci­sion. But the ver­sa­til­i­ty, ease of using it, the ver­sa­til­i­ty of tasks it han­dles, from smooth­ies to nut but­ter and from hot soup to deli­cious ice cream, and effort­less cleanup pro­ce­dure make it wor­thy. Clas­sic 575 is the entry-lev­el Blendtec mod­el and is often avail­able at a very rea­son­able price. This machine must be con­sid­ered if you are look­ing for a pow­er­ful, reli­able blender with dig­i­tal con­trols that will last for years.

Do you want to find out which Blendtec Blender suits you best? Vis­it our Vita­mix Blender Guide arti­cle and reviews.

Posted in Blendtec Reviews

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