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Vitamix Explorian E310 and E320 Blender vs Blendtec Total Classic Original Blender

Vita­mix and Blendtec are true com­pet­i­tive brands in the niche of high-end pro­fes­sion­al-type blenders for home use. Nor­mal­ly, it is a chal­lenge for cus­tomers to choose between the two brand blenders. In addi­tion, each brand has numer­ous mod­els and a few prod­uct lines that make a choice even more confusing.

What is true is that the com­par­i­son should be made between the appro­pri­ate Vita­mix and Blendtec mod­els, the one that ranges from the basic to the top brand models.

Here we will com­pare bud­get Vita­mix and Blendtec mod­els that per­form all the key Vita­mix and Blendtec tasks but do not have the typ­i­cal pre­mi­um mod­els’ “bells and whis­tles” fea­tures. For this pur­pose, we select­ed the Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E310/E320 and the Blendtec Total Clas­sic Orig­i­nal blenders.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Check the Best Blender for Smooth­ies and More arti­cle for more options.

Table of Contents

Vitamix Explorian E310/E320 Blender

E310 side

The Vita­mix Explo­ri­an blender is avail­able in two mod­els, E310 and E320 (refur­bished only), which dif­fer from the jar option.

Motor: Both Vita­mix Explo­ri­an blenders have sim­i­lar base units design and pow­er­ful 2.2 HP/ 1440 watts (= 12 Amps X 120 V) motors.  It is con­struct­ed with durable all-met­al to-met­al blades for motor cou­pling.  As with all machine Vita­mix, the base unit is heavy and stur­dy and comes with a cool­ing fan and auto­mat­ic over­heat and over­load pro­tec­tion sys­tem that shuts off the unit auto­mat­i­cal­ly and pre­vents the motor from burn­ing out.

The Vita­mix Explo­ri­an blender pack con­tains the following:

  • Base unit with 2.2 HP motor;
  • 64 oz. (E320) or 48 oz. (E310) Con­tain­er with lid;
  • Tam­per;
  • User Man­u­al;
  • Cook Book.

Con­tain­er and blades: Both E310 and E320 mod­els fea­ture pre­mi­um-qual­i­ty shat­ter and tem­per­a­ture-resis­tant con­tain­ers. How­ev­er, the jars are dif­fered by capac­i­ty and design. For exam­ple, the E310 unit comes with 48 oz. nar­row bot­tom jar with 3” inbuilt blades jar while the E320 blender has a 64 oz. wide bot­tom jar with 4” inbuilt blades.

Both jars are equipped with a sig­na­ture Vita­mix tam­per to help to process thick blend­ing mixtures.

Although 48 oz. and 64 oz. con­tain­er blades dif­fer in size 3” (for 48 oz.) and 4” (for 64 oz.) but have an iden­ti­cal semi-dull design, and both han­dle wet and dry food.

Con­trol Pan­el: Both mod­els have a very sim­ple and min­i­mal­ist con­trol pan­el. It is equipped with ON/OFF and Pulse levers and a 10-speed dial knob. The low­est speed one (1) spins between 1,400 and 1,600 rpm, while the high­est speed spins at 23,000 – 28,500 rpm (depend­ing on the blade’s size 3” or 4” while deliv­er­ing the same blend­ing result). The true low speed and good option of speeds allow the user a lot of con­trol over the blend­ing process.

The blender is designed to run for 10 min­utes with­out stop­ping after 10 min­utes if the unat­tend­ed blender shuts off.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: So this machine is designed to exe­cute the fol­low­ing tasks:

  • Makes flaw­less­ly smooth and free of chunks drinks from soft, hard, and berries seeds ingredients;
  • Crush­es the ice into the impec­ca­ble snow and can pro­duce per­fect snow cones, ice cream, and slushy drinks;
  • Cre­ates smooth smooth­ies, aka “whole juice”;
  • Designed to han­dle hot ingre­di­ents, able to process hot liq­uid for soup, make bul­let­proof cof­fee, heats liq­uid with fric­tion, and with­in just 7 min­utes deliv­er steam­ing hot liquid;
  • Pre­pares per­fect qual­i­ty sauces and dips, includ­ing hum­mus and pesto, chops, veg­gies, and nuts;
  • Puree raw and cooked fruits and veg­gies and per­fect­ly suit­ed for mak­ing baby food;
  • Pow­er­ful enough to process nut milk;
  • With­out effort, makes nut but­ter from any nuts type with­out adding oil; the tam­per is great to help in this task;
  • Kneads fault­less dough, pre­pares batter;
  • Grinds, spices, flax seeds, pow­dered sug­ar, or ground cof­fee make bak­ing qual­i­ty flour from any grains and seeds.

War­ran­ty: The Explo­ri­an E310 comes with 5 years and the E320 (recon­di­tioned) the 7 years of FULL WARRANTIES that cov­er all machine parts from top to bot­tom. The Vita­mix war­ranties are trans­fer­able, so it con­tin­ues to apply even to the sec­ond-hand Vita­mix owner.


Blendtec Total Classic Original Blender

blendtec total classic blenderBlendtec Total Clas­sic Blender comes with 90 oz. Wild­Side and 75 oz. Four­Side+ jars, and both are avail­able in refur­bished condition.

Motor: The Total Clas­sic mod­el has a com­pact, light­weight base unit that hous­es a pow­er­ful 1560 Watts (= 13 Amps X 120V) with a long-last­ing met­al dri­ve sock­et and cou­pling. The unit is also equipped with a motor pro­tec­tion sys­tem that auto­mat­i­cal­ly shuts off the machine when it is over­heat­ed, over­loaded, or jammed.

So the pack­ages for this machine include:

  • Motor base;
  • 70 oz. Four­Side or 90 oz. Wild­Side con­tain­er with lids;
  • Recipe book with over 200 recipes(for new mod­els only);
  • User Man­u­al.

 Con­tain­er and blade: The Total Blender is avail­able with a 75 oz. Four­Side+ jar with mark­ings up to 32oz. and 90 oz. Wild­Side+ jar with mark­ings up to 36oz. Both con­tain­ers were made from heavy-duty shat­ter and tem­per­a­ture-proofed East­man Tri­tan co-poly­ester mate­r­i­al. The 75oz.

Four­Side jar has a square shape and nar­row bot­tom with 3” inbuilt blades. While the Wild­Side+ jar with wide bot­tom and 4” inbuilt blades though, looks very sim­i­lar to the square Four­Side con­tain­er but has a 5th side that, accord­ing to the Blendtec, is sup­posed to per­form even better.

Both jars have blade sys­tems per­ma­nent­ly inbuilt into the jar. The wing-tip cold-forged stain­less steel blades are blunt.

The gad­get does not include a tam­per, so it has some has­sle in pro­cess­ing thick mix­tures and may require stop­ping dur­ing the blend­ing to mix ingredients.

Con­trol pan­el: The Total blender con­trol pan­el has 9 but­tons to man­age 6 pre-set pro­grams  — Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt, Ice Crush/ Milk­shakes, Soups/Syrups/Fondues, Sauces/Dips/Dressings/Batters, Whole Juice, and Smooth­iesPulse mode, “+” and “ –“ but­tons for select­ing 10 incre­men­tal speeds. The low­est speed, 1 is spun at ~ 4100 rpm, while the high­est speed 10 rotates the blade at 29,000 RPMs. Each speed cycle stops auto­mat­i­cal­ly after 50 sec­onds. For exam­ple, the longest Soups/Syrups/Fondues pre-set 90 sec.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: This machine is designed to accom­plish the fol­low­ing duties:

  • Makes out­stand­ing fruit, veg­etable, and green smooth­ies from fresh and frozen food, fibrous ingre­di­ents, and rup­tured berry seeds;
  • Process ice or frozen fruits into ice cream, sor­bet, or frozen yogurt; shaves ice for snow cones or frozen drinks;
  • Out­puts vel­vety smooth so-called whole juice;
  • Han­dles hot ingre­di­ents for hot soup or bul­let­proof cof­fee, heats liq­uids via blade fric­tions in 3–4 soup cycles;
  • Chops raw and cooked veg­gies for sal­ads, sal­sa, and dressings;
  • Purees any fresh and cooked food for baby food;
  • Pul­ver­ize any nuts and liq­uid to make nut milk;
  • It makes excel­lent nut but­ter, though it will involve some re-blend­ing and scrap­ing since the blender has no tamper;
  • Mix­es bat­ters and kneads dough;
  • Makes bak­ing qual­i­ty flour from beans and grain, grinds cof­fee or spices.

War­ran­ty: Blendtec Total Clas­sic Orig­i­nal Blender comes with 8‑year Lim­it­ed War­ran­ty. In com­par­i­son, the Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished mod­el has only a 3‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty. How­ev­er, the war­ran­ty cov­ers the entire machine and all parts from top to bot­tom but you will be expect­ed to pay for return ship­ping if it is sent for repair.


Vitamix Explorian E310/E320 Blender vs. Blendtec Total Classic Original Blender Comparison

  Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E310/E320 Blender Blendtec Total Clas­sic Orig­i­nal Blender
Motor 1440 watts, all-met­al the blade to the motor connections; 1560-watt, all-met­al  motor to the blade coupling;
Blades 3” or 4” per­ma­nent­ly built into con­tain­er 4‑prongs semi-sharp stain­less steel; 3” or 4” irre­mov­able blunt wing-tip stain­less steel;
Con­tain­ers Tri­tan copoly­ester shat­ter and tem­per­a­ture resis­tant 64 oz. and 48 oz. with vent­ed lid; Tri­tan copoly­ester shat­ter and tem­per­a­ture-proofed 90 oz. (36 oz. mark­ing) and 75 oz. (32 oz. marking);
Using & Cleaning Very easy to assem­ble, use, and clean; dish­wash­er safe; Very easy to assem­ble, use, and clean; dish­wash­er safe;
Con­trol panel 10 speeds dial knob, pulse, and on/off switches; Touch­pad with 6 pre-sets pro­grams, ten speeds, and pulse buttons;
RPMs 1,400 – 1,600 rpm – 2,3000 – 2,8500 rpm 4,100 rpm  ‑29,000 rpm
War­ran­ty 5‑year full war­ran­ty for the new model;

3‑year Full War­ran­ty for the recon­di­tioned model;

8‑year Lim­it­ed War­ran­ty for the new model;

3‑year Lim­it­ed War­ran­ty for the recon­di­tioned model;

Per­for­mance ·        Blends excel­lent drinks, includ­ing green smoothies;

·        Makes whole juices;

·        Pul­ver­izes frozen food and ice eas­i­ly, makes snow cones;

·        Han­dles hot liquids;

·        Designed to process nut butter;

·        Purees, chops, and mix­es food;

·        Makes nut but­ter easily;

·        Mills flours, and grinds beans;

·        Kneads dough.

·        Pro­duce per­fect qual­i­ty smooth­ies and green smoothies;

·        Process whole juices;

·        Crush­es ice and frozen food in drinks;

Make snow cones;

·        Able to process hot liquids;

·        Purees, mix­es, and chops;

·        Makes nut butter;

·        Makes flours, grinds herbs and cof­fee beans;

·        Kneads dough;

Dimen­sions 11 in x 8 in x 17 in, fits under stan­dard upper cabinets. 7 in x 8 in x 15 in fits under all kitchen cabinets.

How to Choose Between the Two Blenders

Both blenders come with heavy-duty, durable, and pow­er­ful motors. While the Blendtec Total Clas­sic unit has a slight­ly more pow­er­ful one, the dif­fer­ence is so neg­li­gi­ble that it does not impact the blend­ing outcomes.

Both blenders can per­form the same blend­ing func­tions with the per­fect final result, though the Vita­mix makes it slight­ly eas­i­er to process thick mix­tures such as nut but­ter and hum­mus because it is equipped with the tam­per, while Blendec is not designed to use the tam­per. The Vita­mix also chops bet­ter because it has blades more suit­able for this function.

The Blendtec has 6 pre-set pro­grams, where­as the Vita­mix comes only with 10 speeds. How­ev­er, the Vita­mix low­est speed is low­er than Blendtec’s one, so the Vita­mix allows slight­ly more flex­i­bil­i­ty while blending.

The Blendtec has a longer war­ran­ty than Vita­mix; how­ev­er, the Vita­mix has a Full War­ran­ty as opposed to the Lim­it­ed Blendtec. So, Blendtec cus­tomers are eli­gi­ble for pay­ing some repair ship­ping fees, while Vita­mix cus­tomers do not pay any ship­ping at all. Besides, Vita­mix has a trans­fer­able war­ran­ty, while Blendtec does not. Although both com­pa­nies have excel­lent ser­vice, Vita­mix Cus­tomer Ser­vice is slight­ly more reputable.

The Blendtec is a short­er and lighter machine, so it will fit under any kitchen cab­i­net, but it trav­els over the counter, while Vita­mix does not. But the light unit is more con­ve­nient to take when you trav­el because the Vita­mix is a heav­ier machine; it is also a 1–2 Deci­bels quit­ter than the Blendtec blender.




There is no win­ner in the bat­tle between Vita­mix and Blendtec; both blenders are awe­some. Both machines are very ver­sa­tile and able to accom­plish sim­i­lar func­tions with out­stand­ing per­for­mance for all of them. Both blenders are easy to use and clean. Which one is bet­ter is very spe­cif­ic and depends on per­son­al preferences.

For exam­ple, some­one who finds the idea of pre-pro­grammed set­tings very con­ve­nient and just wants to press the appro­pri­ate but­ton and go away will go for the Blendtec Total Blender machine. But, no doubts, the pre-set pro­grams usu­al­ly work very well when you fol­low the recipe in the cookbook.

How­ev­er, if you stray and pre­fer more exper­i­ments in the kitchen, then the Vita­mix Explo­ri­an min­i­mal­ist speed dial knob will cer­tain­ly allow more flex­i­bil­i­ty. You also may keep in mind that a rotary speed dial has a longer life expectan­cy than the elec­tron­ic touch­pad con­trol panel.

Besides, there are some more Vita­mix and Blendtec para­me­ters that could mat­ter to you – a slight­ly longer war­ran­ty for Blendtec but bet­ter Cus­tomer Ser­vice for Vita­mix, a small­er and lighter Blendtec unit that fits under all kitchen cab­i­nets but trav­els over the counter dur­ing the blend­ing process, or larg­er and stur­dier Vita­mix Explo­ri­an blender with less noise released to the surrounding.

With all of the above, you will make your final deci­sion and choose the machine that will best suit you.

Check here our arti­cle Which Vita­mix to Buy? – Vita­mix Mod­els Explained for mod­els clar­i­fi­ca­tion guide. 

Or vis­it the Vita­mix Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished Blenders – Are They Worth to Con­sid­er? page to find out about bar­gain options

Posted in Blendtec Reviews, Vitamix Reviews

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