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Cleanblend 1800-Watt Commercial Blender Review

cleanblend belnder review

The Clean­blend is a very pow­er­ful com­mer­cial-type blender that is mar­ket­ed as a Vita­mix com­peti­tor at half the price. It is equipped with sim­i­lar Vita­mix 5200 tech­ni­cal fea­tures — jar shape and mate­r­i­al, motor-to-blade cou­pling, top cen­ter­ing pad, and con­trol pan­el — and oper­ates the same way. This machine seems to be quite a decent copy­cat of Vita­mix with the blades pro­duced in Japan, Jar in the USA, and assem­bled in China.

Does this machine pro­duce the same excel­lent blend­ing result and reli­a­bil­i­ty as Vita­mix? Please read our review to answer these questions.

Think­ing about an alter­na­tive option? Check our articles:

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

Functionality and Versatility

Smooth­ie: Clean­blend will pro­duce excel­lent qual­i­ty drinks, includ­ing green smooth­ies from any soft or tough ingre­di­ents. It pul­ver­izes any veg­eta­bles like car­rots, kale, gin­ger, cel­ery, beets, and all the “usu­al sus­pects” into a per­fect­ly smooth con­sis­ten­cy. Even avo­ca­do pits are not a prob­lem for this gad­get. This machine will also crush any straw­ber­ry or rasp­ber­ry seeds in drinks with no residue left.

Juic­ing: This is a blender as opposed to a juicer.  It does not sep­a­rate liq­uid from the fiber and requires liq­uid for the blend­ing process. But if you want a real­ly smooth smooth­ie, aka “whole juice,” then this machine can make it.

Frozen ingredients/desserts: This machine can crush ice cubes into a snow-like con­sis­ten­cy. It also eas­i­ly han­dles any frozen fruit and veg­eta­bles when processed in drinks. With the help of the tam­per or the pulse mode, this machine is capa­ble of mak­ing good-qual­i­ty frozen desserts, ice creams, mar­gar­i­tas, daiquiris, and others.

Soup/ hot ingre­di­ents:  Clean­blend can make hot soups with­out pre-cook­ing and heat ingre­di­ents placed in the jar from fric­tion. This process works quite the same way as with Vita­mix but takes about 8–10 min­utes, while Vita­mix does it in 5–6 min­utes. This machine is also per­fect­ly suit­ed for mak­ing such recipes as bul­let­proof coffee.

cleanblend smoothie

Puree­ing:  It will process raw or cooked veg­eta­bles into per­fect puree even with­out liq­uid added. This blender has no prob­lem mak­ing excel­lent hum­mus, pesto, or puree­ing the wide recipes of baby food.

Chopping/food prep:  This machine is equipped with a pulse func­tion and vari­able speeds, so it can chop veg­eta­bles for coleslaw, minced onion, or gar­lic or make excel­lent sal­ad dress­ings, sal­sas, and oth­er types of recipes. It is bet­ter to use low speeds in con­junc­tion with pulse func­tion for food pro­cess­ing because the low speeds of this machine are not real­ly low and thus require some manip­u­la­tions to achieve the best results.

Nut milk:  It has more than enough pow­er to blend nuts into nut milk. But as with any oth­er high-end blender, the mix­tures must be strained through a nut­bag for the best qual­i­ty result.

Nut but­ter: The Clean­blend is able to make good qual­i­ty, smooth nut but­ter.  The tam­per is a great help for this task and will effec­tive­ly remove air pock­ets dur­ing this process.

Grinding/milling: It mills herbs, nuts, and cof­fee beans into a good qual­i­ty pow­der. The Clean­blend is also able to mill grains into bak­ing-qual­i­ty flour. How­ev­er, the user should not oper­ate the blender for longer than 90 sec­onds in one go when pro­cess­ing dry ingre­di­ents. It is bet­ter to alter­nate con­tin­u­ous milling with a pulse func­tion for the best result.

Dough/batter: The Clean­blend is also able to mix dough and batter.

This machine is equipped with a nar­row bot­tom and high pro­file con­tain­er, and thus it is designed to process small batch­es of food, so it han­dles 8–10 oz. of ingre­di­ents eas­i­ly. The min­i­mum por­tion it is able to process is about 4 ounces. Over­all, Clean­blend per­forms very well, and this machine’s blend­ing qual­i­ty is very com­pa­ra­ble to the qual­i­ty of Vita­mix. As with any oth­er pow­er­ful blender, Clean­Blend requires some skill and time to become accus­tomed to this machine. 

Speed Settings and Programs

The Clean­blend con­trol pan­el is equipped with an on/off lever, a 10-vari­able speed knob, and a pulse lever. The pulse mode is oper­at­ed while the user holds the lever, and it is usu­al­ly used for remov­ing air pock­ets and for pro­cess­ing tough ingre­di­ents. In com­bi­na­tion with high speed, the pulse func­tion allows one to process effi­cient­ly such recipes as puree, nut but­ter, and flour milling. The option to select from the 10 speeds and the pulse mode gives the user good con­trol over the blend­ing process and allows the user to cre­ate a wide range of recipes.

How­ev­er, Clean­blend low speed is not very low. It is approx­i­mate­ly equal to 10,000 RPMs (com­pared to Vita­mix low­est 500 RPMs and Blendtec — 4,000 RPMs), so it will require using a com­bi­na­tion of low speed and pulse mode to achieve the best result while chop­ping food for sal­sa, or oth­er recipes.

Ease of Using and Cleaning

Oper­at­ing: The Clean­blend is very easy to oper­ate. To start blend­ing, the user has to add ingre­di­ents to the jar, clip the lid secure­ly into place, put the jar on the cen­ter­ing pad on the motor base, and it is ready to run. This machine should be start­ed at the low­est speed for best per­for­mance and then grad­u­al­ly increased to a high­er speed. Oth­er­wise, some of the ingre­di­ents may be thrown up and will not be processed properly.

The blender lid is equipped with a plug that makes it easy to add extra ingre­di­ents dur­ing blend­ing with­out stop­ping the machine. The cus­tom tam­per, includ­ed in the set, is also a very help­ful tool that allows the user to accel­er­ate the pro­cess­ing of thick or frozen ingre­di­ents. 

The machine does not have a lock­ing mech­a­nism to lock the con­tain­er onto the base unit, but the jar sits secure­ly on the rub­ber­ized cen­ter­ing pad enclosed by four mount guards.

Clean­ingThis machine is very easy to clean with a self-clean­ing pro­ce­dure – add a few drops of dish deter­gent to the pitch­er with a few cups of water and blend it for 30–45 sec­onds, then rinse and repeat if nec­es­sary. It is also pos­si­ble to clean it by hand with a dish brush and some soap. The user man­u­al does not rec­om­mend clean­ing this blender in the dish­wash­er, and it should not be a prob­lem as self-clean­ing is the eas­i­est and quick­est way to per­form this task. 

Base Unit and Motor Power

cleanblend bearing

This machine comes with a very pow­er­ful 3HP (2238Watt) at peak (dur­ing accel­er­a­tion) motor and 1800 Watt nor­mal oper­a­tional pow­er at the full load. It has 38,000 RPMs as the unloaded blade speed, 36,000 RPMs as the high­est speed, 31,000 RPMs as the pulse func­tion speed, and 10,000 RPMs as the low­est speed.

The motor is also equipped with a cool­ing sys­tem, which is oper­at­ed at high speed, and an over­load pro­tec­tor that will trip the motor in case of over­heat­ing. If the machine stops due to the auto­mat­ic shut-off, the machine can resume oper­a­tion with­in 45 min­utes after the reset­ting but­ton at the bot­tom of the unit.

The base unit is also equipped with four anti-slip rub­ber feet to pre­vent the unit from trav­el­ing dur­ing oper­a­tion. The cord is stored under the base of the motor.

Although this machine looks sol­id and stur­dy, a cer­tain per­cent­age of these machines may expe­ri­ence motor fail­ure with­in 2 years of use. How­ev­er, the war­ran­ty cov­ers the fail­ure, and faulty units will be replaced.


Clean­Blend comes with a 64 oz. BPA Free pre­mi­um qual­i­ty Tri­tan copoly­ester con­tain­er that looks like glass and is shock and tem­per­a­ture resis­tant like Vita­mix con­tain­ers. How­ev­er, the Clean­Blend jar is a bit thin­ner, and some cus­tomers report that it may devel­op cracks at the bot­tom with­in 1–2 years of use.

The container’s rub­ber lid is equipped with two clips on the side for secure­ly fit­ting the jar. The lid is in two parts and has a remov­able cap for using the tam­per or adding ingre­di­ents dur­ing blending.

There is also an option­al 32 oz. jar avail­able sep­a­rate­ly for pro­cess­ing small batch­es of ingre­di­ents. 


The blender is equipped with a Japan­ese, 6‑pronged, ser­rat­ed stain­less steel hard­ened blade with 4 prongs point­ing up and 2 down. This allows a user to cre­ate a prop­er vor­tex and effi­cient­ly process wet and dry ingre­di­ents. The all-met­al blade assem­bly is well-sealed with a met­al lock­ing nut that is locat­ed at the bot­tom of the con­tain­er. How­ev­er, the blade assem­bly seems to have some flaws in the met­al nut retain­er’s design because the blades tend to become loose after 1–2 years of reg­u­lar use. This fault also may cause the pitch­er to crack at the bot­tom, near the retain­er nut.

The blade assem­bly is sup­posed to be non-remov­able; how­ev­er, the user can unscrew it with a spe­cial span­ner if needed.

Cleanblend Blender Special Features

Tam­per: The set includes a tam­per for pro­cess­ing very thick or/and frozen ingre­di­ents and remov­ing air pock­ets. This is a very use­ful tool that allows a user to blend even the most stub­born ingre­di­ents with­out stop­ping the blender and remov­ing the lid.

Col­ors: Clean­blend is avail­able in black only.

Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished: There are no cer­ti­fied, refur­bished mod­els avail­able for this gadget.

Use in coun­tries out­side of the USA/Canada:  This blender is avail­able only with the 110–120 USA/Canada volt­age sys­tem. The volt­age con­vert­er could be used for a 220–240 volt­age sys­tem, but it will void the warranty.

How­ev­er, for coun­tries that use a 220–240 volt­age sys­tem, there are good alter­na­tives to Clean­blend avail­able such as OmniBlend sold in Aus­tralia and UK, and the Epee Com­mer­cial Grade Blender, sold in Europe.


Clean­blend is equipped with a noise-damp­en­ing cater­ing pad and rub­ber feet, so the noise out­put is com­pa­ra­ble to Vita­mix 5200. This is around 90 deci­bels, which is sim­i­lar to the sound com­ing from a motor­cy­cle at a dis­tance of twen­ty-five feet. The sen­si­tiv­i­ty to sound con­sumers also may place a rub­ber pad under the base unit to reduce the sound output.

Warranty and Customer Service

cleanblend warranty

This blender comes with 5‑year Lim­it­ed War­ran­ty (recent­ly upgrad­ed from 2 years.) Clean­blend claims that they have a low defect rate and offer also a 5‑year replace­ment war­ran­ty if the blender or any part fails. Cus­tomers do not need to reg­is­ter the war­ran­ty since this is auto­mat­i­cal­ly processed at the time of pur­chase. The war­ran­ty is not trans­fer­able and cov­ers only the orig­i­nal pur­chas­er from and This item also offers a 30 day mon­ey-back guarantee.

Although this is a new brand (came to mar­ket in 2013), it has excel­lent cus­tomer ser­vice that will replace any faulty units and parts with­out any ques­tions asked. 

Optional Accessories and Attachments

The Clean­blend cur­rent­ly offers a 32 oz. small­er capac­i­ty con­tain­er (with cus­tom tam­per and lid) as an addi­tion­al acces­so­ry for those who need to process small batch­es of food. The 64 oz. replace­ment con­tain­er, lid, and tam­per are also avail­able from the com­pa­ny web­site or Amazon.

Set Includes

Base unit with 3 HP motor;
Con­tain­er with the inbuilt blade;
Lid with a plug;
User manual.

The pack­age does not include any recipe book, but all Vita­mix recipes are per­fect­ly suit­ed to Cleanblend.



The Clean­blend has a heavy but fair­ly com­pact pow­er­ful blender foot­print of 8 inch­es X 9 inch­es. The height of the machine with the jar (13 inch­es tall) and the lid on the top of the unit base is about 21 inch­es and with­out the lid is near­ly 19 inch­es, so this blender will not fit under a stan­dard 18-inch kitchen cab­i­net. 

Pros and Cons


  • This machine is very ver­sa­tile and pro­duces a good qual­i­ty smooth­ies, hot soups, and frozen desserts and crush­es ice, mills flour, and mix­es dough;
  • The small jar is avail­able for pro­cess­ing small batch­es of food;
  • This heavy-duty machine is designed for com­mer­cial use, the Clean­blend does have san­i­ta­tion seals, and it is proven to be used in com­mer­cial environments;
  • The Clean­blend is a well-built machine and could be the true alter­na­tive to Vitamix;
  • It comes with a good 5‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty and excel­lent cus­tomer service;


  • It comes with a not very slow, low speed of 10000rpms that reduces the func­tion­al­i­ty for chop­ping and cre­at­ing the desired texture.
  • It has a design flaw with the nut retain­er that may cause a loos­en­ing of the blade sys­tem and cracks at the bot­tom of the container;
  • The pack­age does not include a cookbook.

Cleanblend Blender Consumer Reviews

It comes with many high-rat­ing cus­tomer reviews on Ama­zon, the major offi­cial deal­er of this machine. Many cus­tomers are very sat­is­fied with the blender’s per­for­mance and very friend­ly and help­ful cus­tomer service.

Cleanblend 1800-Watt Commercial Blender Review Price

Since Ama­zon is the only major offi­cial deal­er for this blender, the price is quite sta­ble and does not change much.



Clean­blend came to the mar­ket in 2013, and its true dura­bil­i­ty is not yet test­ed over time. But what is cer­tain is that it is a well-made machine that is con­firmed with a 5‑year war­ran­ty. It is a tru­ly ver­sa­tile blender that is equipped with fea­tures very sim­i­lar to the Vita­mix 5200. Most impor­tant­ly, it can deliv­er pro­fes­sion­al results for a frac­tion of the cost and is def­i­nite­ly a good choice for those look­ing for a pro­fes­sion­al-grade blender at a frac­tion of the cost of the Vita­mix 5200.

Think­ing about an alter­na­tive option? Check our articles:


Posted in Other Blenders Reviews

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  1. Michael williams

    Bought 5 of these great blender but how do i get motor brush parts also that round part at the bot­tom of jar that holds the blade.i blend 300 smooth­ies per day in kingston jamaica alot of pow­er shakes includ­ing nuts ‚oats and gra­nola inata­gram: @fruitismoothies_ and my best blender ever.

    • lucy

      Dear Michael,

      The blade is not remov­able and meant to be cleaned in a self-clean­ing way. You have to fill the jar with water and deter­gent, let soak it for some time and run the blender for a minute or so to clean it thoroughly.

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