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Hurom H101 Easy Clean Slow Juicer Review

Hurom H101 Slow JuicerHurom is known for its inno­v­a­tive con­tri­bu­tion to the juic­ing mar­ket. It often comes with new designs. Hurom H101/H100 Easy Clean Mas­ti­cat­ing Slow Juicer is one of the lat­est edi­tions released in late 2018 by well-known South Kore­an man­u­fac­tur­ers of high-qual­i­ty juicers.

This mod­el comes not only with a new screen design screen that allows to sub­stan­tial­ly reduce the juicer clean­ing time but also with a range of oth­er inno­v­a­tive features.

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Read More: Bre­ville Sous Chef 16 Pro Food Proces­sor Review | KitcheGearPro 

Table of Contents

Set includes

  • Juicer Body with Cham­ber & Hopper;
  • Easy Clean Juic­ing strain­er, Smooth­ie Strain­er, and Ice Cream Strainer;
  • Twin Wing Auger;
  • Juice and Pulp Con­tain­er Set,
  • Push­er;
  • Clean­ing Brush;
  • Man­u­al & Recipe Book.

Motor and Body Unit

The Hurom H101/H100 Easy Clean Mas­ti­cat­ing Slow Juicer comes with a very ele­gant plas­tic and chrome cov­er­ing hous­ing design. The design fea­tures a fair­ly small foot­print that will not occu­py much of the counter space.

The machine has a 120 V, 60 Hz, 150 W pow­er­ful motor that rotates the auger with a slow 43 rpm speed to ensure to deliv­er the high­est qual­i­ty cold press and long shelf-life juice.

It is designed to run for up to 30 min of con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion before stop­ping for rest.

Drum, Hopper and Feeding Chute

The juicer fea­tures the Tri­tan copoly­ester BPA–free juic­ing cham­ber with a 16.9 oz./500 ml/ 1.3L capac­i­ty, an absolute­ly inno­v­a­tive design hop­per, and a feed­ing chute made from ABS BPA-free polymer.

It has the stan­dard long chute inlet and hop­per with two dif­fer­ent ingre­di­ents inlets. It has an upper hop­per chute (to insert long and nar­row veg­gies like cel­ery and car­rots) and a side hop­per chute (to insert toma­toes, grapes, or diced produce).

The small­er 2 x 1.5 inch (cres­cent) open­ing is designed to accom­mo­date such ingre­di­ents as car­rots and cel­ery which allow them to drop to auger eas­i­ly. And the sec­ond inlet (big­ger size than the top inlet) is on the side of the hop­per which is mod­eled in the shape of a fun­nel, so the larg­er pre-cut pro­duce such as chunks of veg­gies, fruits, and leafy greens slide eas­i­ly into the chute, mak­ing it self-feeding.

Nev­er­the­less, when pro­cess­ing beets and car­rots it is advised to cut them into small­er pieces like half or quar­ters for roots, it also requires cut­ting strong­ly veg­gies like cel­ery into 1–2 inch­es bits oth­er­wise it may jam.

Anoth­er mod­el inno­va­tion is the unique pulp out­let lever which ful­ly opens the pulp area and allows easy adjust­ment and reg­u­la­tion of juice thick­ness. No oth­er juicer on the mar­ket has a sim­i­lar pulp out­let design.

The juic­ing out­let has a con­ve­nient cap that allows you to release juice when you want and also helps in the wash­ing process.


The Juicer comes with dual wings design auger which allows cut­ting pro­duce before it goes into the chew­ing process between the augers.

The auger is made from ULTEM plas­tic which is an extra strong and chem­i­cal resis­tant polymer.

Juicing Screen

It pro­vides a very new take on juic­ing design by replac­ing the tra­di­tion­al style screen with the new and rev­o­lu­tion­ary strain­er sys­tem. It is a screen­less design. The two strain­ers fit togeth­er and form a tight com­bi­na­tion of thin slits that are designed to allow the juice to flow through them while sep­a­rat­ing the pulp pieces. They can be pulled apart after juic­ing for eas­i­er access to all parts of the screen for cleaning.

It also does not require the spin­ning brush with this design, so it can juice effec­tive­ly with­out it. The strain­er parts are very easy to clean and maintain.


It comes with BPA-free Tri­tan copoly­ester glass-shaped juice and pulp col­lec­tion con­tain­ers. The con­tain­ers could be eas­i­ly nest­ed for more con­ve­nient stor­age in the cupboard.


  • Car­rots, Beets, gin­ger oth­er roots
  • Cel­ery,
  • Leafy greens, wheatgrass
  • Apples, pears,
  • Oranges and citrus,
  • Pineap­ples,
  • Berries, grapes.
  • Vari­ety for mix juicers with all types of ingredients;

The juicer comes with a blank screen that is designed for homog­e­niz­ing tasks such as mak­ing nut but­ter, frozen treats, and oth­er con­coc­tions. While the smooth­ie strain­er which is also includ­ed in the pack­age allows for mak­ing low oxi­dized smooth­ies. 


2.2lbs/1 kg of car­rots pro­duces 430–470 ml of juice/2 lbs of car­rots pro­duce 420–450 ml depend­ing on the fresh­ness and tex­ture of the ingredients.

Assembling, Disassembling, and Cleaning

Hurom H101/H100 juicer has few­er parts and an inno­v­a­tive design which makes this machine the eas­i­est ver­ti­cal slow mas­ti­cat­ing juicer to assemble/disassemble and clean.

You just have to slot two strain­ers parts togeth­er, fit them with­in the juic­ing cham­ber, nes­tle the auger and place the hop­per on the top of the cham­ber seal­ing every­thing togeth­er. You do not even require to assem­ble it on the base unit, instead, you can con­nect all parts and then fit them on the base unit. This is non-typ­i­cal for all oth­er ver­ti­cal juicers assem­bling procedures.

Clean­ing: This machine was con­struct­ed with eh idea mind to make this ver­ti­cal slow juice extrac­tor easy to clean. The most dif­fi­cult part to clean in the ver­ti­cal juicer is the juic­ing screen wip­ing brush. And this machine does not have them. Instead, it is designed with two nest­ed strain­ers which clean­ing includes only rins­ing them with the run­ning water. All clean­ing pro­ce­dure is easy and fast and takes less than 1 minute.

Con­trols: These machine con­trols are also designed dif­fer­ent­ly than most ver­ti­cal juic­ing machines do. It comes with a sleek-look­ing sil­ver dial knob with ON, Off, and reverse func­tions. Although the func­tions are stan­dard for any oth­er juicers the design is nice and sophis­ti­cat­ed. 


The Juicer comes with a ten (10) Years Motor and 5 Years Parts War­ran­ty. If you need to con­tact cus­tomer sup­port you bet­ter reach it direct­ly by Email:  [email protected] or by phone: 1–800-253‑2140 from 9 AM to 6:30 PM EST; MON — FRI except for Holidays.


 6 x 6 x 18 in/152 x 152 x 457.2 mm, weights 18.2 lb/8.3 kg, cord length is 4.6 ft./ 1.4 m.



The H100 is a fan­tas­tic juicer with a num­ber of great fea­tures mak­ing it worth buy­ing. It looks ele­gant and styl­ish, has a mod­est foot­print, and occu­pies lit­tle space on the kitchen counter. It has a lit­tle num­ber of parts and is thus very easy to assem­ble. The inno­v­a­tive strain­er makes it tru­ly the eas­i­est ver­ti­cal slow juicer to clean com­pared to oth­er juicers. Even so, it is an expen­sive machine it is worth con­sid­er­ing buying.

It han­dles per­fect­ly beets, car­rot, orange, gin­ger, spinach, and apple juice. Please note you do have to cut fruit and veg­gies into small­er pieces to fit the chute. Deliv­er a good yield. Most impor­tant, since it is very easy to clean it makes you use it often, basi­cal­ly noth­ing will pre­vent you from using it every day and make your diet much healthier.


Posted in Juicers

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