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NutriBullet Pro 900 Watts Blender Review

NutriBullet Pro 900 BlenderNutriBul­let Pro 900 Blender Review: NutriBul­let Pro is one of the Mag­ic Bul­let series blenders that comes with 900 Watts motor pow­er. As with all of the Mag­ic Bul­let prod­ucts, the gad­get is over-mar­ket­ed and over­sold. In numer­ous infomer­cials, it is called a juice extrac­tor or a nutri­ent extrac­tor, and the adver­tis­er insists that this blender does some­thing no oth­er blender can do. In fact, the NutriBul­let Pro is an ordi­nary blender that is com­pact and designed for small kitchen spaces and can make quick smooth­ies to be tak­en out. It cer­tain­ly does not extract nutri­ents or juice, but it pul­ver­izes ingre­di­ents for bet­ter diges­tion like any oth­er blender.

This blender is avail­able in two pack­ages — the 9‑piece and 13-piece- that are absolute­ly iden­ti­cal but dif­fer by the selec­tion of con­tain­ers, lids, and recipe books.

It is a very pop­u­lar blender with many very good reviews. Why is it so pop­u­lar, how good is this gad­get in real life, and does it func­tion in ways oth­er blenders cannot?

Read this review to answer the ques­tions above and decide if this machine is real­ly what you need.

Will you be inter­est­ed in alter­na­tive options? Here are some rel­e­vant arti­cles for you to consider:

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

Functionality and Versatility

Smooth­ie: This gad­get will pro­duce decent smooth­ies from soft ingre­di­ents. Tough fruit and veg­eta­bles will be processed into tex­tured con­sis­ten­cy, but some boosts and fruit also may not be com­plete­ly processed. Any fibrous ingre­di­ents should be cut into coin-sized pieces to process them into the prop­er tex­ture. It also will not pul­ver­izes any small seeds, like straw­ber­ry or blue­ber­ry. It leaves a seed­ed residue, and some flaxseed added into a smooth­ie will sur­vive the blend­ing process. The skin of the fruit from apples or pears will leave a flaked tex­ture in the drink. Any nuts added to the smooth­ie as a boost often come out as crunchy pieces.

Ice-crush­ing, frozen ingre­di­ents: This machine will process frozen ingre­di­ents only with water or liq­uid added, and the more water you add, the eas­i­er it is to blend. Accord­ing to the user man­u­al, this gad­get is not designed to crush ice with­out liq­uid, but you can add crushed ice cubes to the blend­ed ingre­di­ents in a vol­ume not exceed­ing 25% of the cup capac­i­ty. The man­u­fac­tur­er also warns not to use this blender as an ice crush­er and not to blend any oth­er hard items as it can dam­age the blades. There are also a few con­sumer reports of blades break­ing while crush­ing ice. In addi­tion, the small blade chips can eas­i­ly go unno­ticed and will cause prob­lems if digested.

Puree­ing: This gad­get is not designed to be used with­out liq­uid added to the blend­ed ingre­di­ents. So if you are fine with watery puree, then you can use this gad­get for puree­ing. How­ev­er, mak­ing puree with­out any liq­uid added may over­load your machine and will con­sid­er­ably reduce its lifespan.

Chop­ping: This gad­get can­not real­ly do a good chop­ping job because chop­ping requires a slow speed and some con­trol over the blender speed, and NutriBul­let Pro is equipped with only one speed. If the user is pret­ty famil­iar with this gad­get, it is pos­si­ble to achieve accept­able results by using the pulse method. How­ev­er, this machine will liq­ue­fy ingre­di­ents in most cas­es instead of chop­ping them.

Grind­ing: The NutriBul­let 900 does not come with a milling blade, and the main blade assem­bly is sup­posed to do grind­ing in the reg­u­lar blend­ing con­tain­er. It will grind flax seeds or herbs, but not as well as a cof­fee grinder.

Hot food, nut but­ter, dough: Hot food and liq­uid should not be used in this blender because it may cre­ate inter­nal pres­sure. Nei­ther is it safe to heat liq­uid. More­over, the man­u­fac­tur­er warns that the user must be care­ful not to over­heat the machine. The blender is not designed to be exposed to high tem­per­a­tures. Cer­tain­ly, this blender is not able to make any nut but­ter, which has to be quick­ly heat­ed and should be cooled often and mak­ing nut but­ter will ruin the machine. Also, this unit is not able to knead the dough.

NutriBul­let Pro 900, like all sin­gle-serv­ing blenders, has lim­it­ed func­tion­al­i­ty and is only use­ful for smooth­ies, and works well with fresh fruits and veg­eta­bles. Nev­er use this blender with­out any liq­uid, and you can only use dry ingre­di­ents with­out liq­uid for grinding/milling pur­pos­es. If you over­load your gad­get, it may result in a short lifes­pan for the machine.

Speed Settings and Programs

There is no con­trol pan­el or speed option for this blender. It is oper­at­ed at one speed the same way a cof­fee grinder is by twist­ing the cup against the pow­er base. How­ev­er, the man­u­fac­tur­er offers a few tech­niques to slight­ly expand this machine’s oper­a­tional abil­i­ties, such as puls­ing meth­ods to use for sal­sa and oth­er recipes. Also, you can shake the cup to get rid of air pock­ets and help cre­ate a vortex.

Ease of Using and Cleaning

Set­ting up and oper­at­ing: The con­tain­er has to be filled with ingre­di­ents and liq­uid up to the MAX line. Then the blade assem­bly has to be screwed to the cup and tight­ened prop­er­ly to pre­vent leak­ing. Final­ly, the con­tain­er with blades should be turned upside down, pushed down to the pow­er base, and twist­ed to engage the cup.

The blender should not be oper­at­ed longer than one minute in every sin­gle go, with a few sec­onds rest before the next go. You can run only three con­sec­u­tive cycles and if you need longer than 3 cycles, allow it to cool for 2 min­utes before you run it again. Oth­er­wise, the machine can be over­heat­ed, which con­sid­er­ably reduces the blender’s lifespan.

Clean­ing: The blade assem­bly is not approved for dish­wash­ing, so it must always be cleaned by hand. It is bet­ter to rinse the blade or wash it with soap and brush imme­di­ate­ly after use to avoid build­ing up debris around the blade. It would help if you always cleaned it with warm water and mild soap. The User man­u­al does not rec­om­mend remov­ing the gas­ket as it will dam­age the blade assem­bly and cause leak­ing. Cups can be washed in the dish­wash­er but must be rinsed right after use for easy cleaning.

Base Unit and Motor Power

The NutriBul­let Pro blender comes with a pow­er­ful 900-watt at-peak motor. How­ev­er, the effec­tive pow­er must be much less as it is not very good at crush­ing ice or tough ingre­di­ents. This blender also has an inter­nal breaker/sensor that shuts off the machine if over­heat­ed. The machine heats up quite fast while oper­at­ing and thus should not be used for longer than one minute with­out cool­ing it.


q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B07XW11TPW&Format= SL300 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=kitchen0a03 20&language=en USir?t=kitchen0a03 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07XW11TPWNutriBul­let Pro 900 comes with 32 oz. and 24 oz. containers/cups, depend­ing on the pack­age. The 9‑piece set includes one 24 oz. and one 32 oz. cup; the 13-piece set comes with two 32 oz. cups, and the 15-piece set includes one 32 oz. and two 24 oz. cups. All con­tain­ers are made of rather cheap plas­tic that devel­ops cracks eas­i­ly and is not resis­tant to stress.

It is very inter­est­ing that the cups are sup­posed to be tak­en out with ready smooth­ies, but the user man­u­al insists that the blend­ed smooth­ies should not be kept in the cup for a long time as it is not designed to store the drinks for very long. The NutriBul­let Pro con­tain­ers are flim­sy, thin, and not durable at first look, and most con­sumers con­firm this. There are signs that con­tain­ers start to wear out with­in 6 months of reg­u­lar usage.

NutriBullet Pro Blades

The NutriBul­let Pro 900 watts unit comes with one set of 6‑pronged blades. The man­u­fac­tur­er claims the blade is made of stain­less steel; how­ev­er that is unlike­ly. First, the blade begins to dull in the first six months, and sec­ond, there are many reports from cus­tomers of bro­ken blade frag­ments found in the drinks. Some of these could eas­i­ly go unde­tect­ed in the smooth­ies and digest­ed. Third­ly, the blade can become rusty, and this also no doubt seeps into the drinks. In addi­tion, the seal­ing gas­ket is not remov­able, as indi­cat­ed in the user man­u­al. This can cause a lot of build-ups to accu­mu­late that cer­tain­ly may leak into your smoothies.

What is cer­tain is that the blade and assem­bly are not durable and wear with­in six months to 1 year. How­ev­er, sup­pose the cus­tomer requests a replace­ment for worn parts from the man­u­fac­tur­er. In that case, Mag­ic Bul­let will nor­mal­ly charge the price of replace­ment parts plus the ship­ping cost, and that is obvi­ous­ly not fair while the item is still under warranty.

Special Features

Col­ors and pack­ages: It is avail­able in 11 col­or fin­ish­es — Berry, Cham­pagne, Clover, Cobalt, Coral, Onyx, Rose Gold, Sil­ver, Sky, Vio­let, and White.

Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished: This gad­get is avail­able in cer­ti­fied refur­bished con­di­tion but only in the 9‑piece set. The price is about $20 cheap­er than the orig­i­nal 9‑piece set.

Oth­er coun­tries: The USA/Canada sets come with a 110–120 volt base unit. This gad­get also is rep­re­sent­ed in many coun­tries cur­rent­ly. The 210–220 volt­age mod­els are avail­able in the UK on Ama­zon and through oth­er Euro­pean, Asian, and Aus­tralian retail­ers. This blender will work through a volt­age adapter if you take it while trav­el­ing, but the man­u­fac­tur­er does not hon­or the war­ran­ty once you use it with an adapter.



This gad­get is quite noisy, but this blender is not sup­posed to run longer than 1 minute at a time, so it is not that annoy­ing. To reduce the loud­ness of the blender, the user can always place it on a rub­ber mat to absorb some of the noise.

Warranty and Customer Service

This machine comes with a 1‑year Lim­it­ed War­ran­ty. The lim­it­ed war­ran­ty pro­vides that you have to pay the ship­ping cost if the unit fails with­in one year. How­ev­er, Mag­ic Bul­let also often charges cus­tomers for the cost of the replace­ment parts in addi­tion. NutriBul­let cus­tomer ser­vice has quite a bad rep­u­ta­tion, also. Usu­al­ly, they are very reluc­tant to replace any parts and are always try­ing to avoid serv­ing the warranty.

Optional accessories

The NutriBul­let Pro 900 watts comes with many orig­i­nal acces­sories, and there are some oth­er Mag­ic Bul­let acces­sories com­pat­i­ble with this mod­el, for exam­ple, the grind­ing NutriBul­let 600watts blade. Like oth­er replace­ment parts, the grind­ing blade is avail­able from Ama­zon and oth­er retailers.

Replace­ment parts avail­able: Cross Extrac­tor Blade; Nutri Bul­let Gas­ket; Nutribul­let Cup & Blade Replace­ment Pack; Nutribul­let 32 oz. Over­sized Mug with Lip Ring.

Set Includes

The NutriBul­let Pro 900 watts is avail­able in 9‑piece and 13-piece packages.

  • Unit Base with 900 Watts motor (1);
  • Extrac­tor Blade (1);
  • 32-oz. Cups (2);
  • To-go lids (2);
  • Reg­u­lar lip ring (2);
  • Han­dled lip ring (1);
  • Recipe Book (1);
  • Pock­et nutri­tion­ist guide (1);
  • User man­u­al (1).

The user man­u­al, pock­et nutri­tion­al guide, and recipe book include a lot of health-relat­ed infor­ma­tion and recipes for this unit.


NutriBul­let Pro unit is a per­son­al blender, so it is com­pact in size, and with a base foot­print diam­e­ter of only 5 ½ inch­es, it will not take over much of your counter space. It is also only 15 inch­es tall with a colos­sal (32 oz.) cup on the top of the unit base and will eas­i­ly fit under any kitchen cab­i­net. Although the blender itself is quite com­pact, it comes with a few acces­sories that may require some stor­age space in your kitchen.

Pros and Cons

• This blender is tru­ly a sin­gle-size machine, and it is quite com­pact, so it will not take much of the space in the kitchen or in the stor­age drawer.
• This machine pack­age includes a lot of inspir­ing healthy lifestyle book­lets; how­ev­er, some cus­tomers find this annoying.

• It is made of too much plas­tic; cheap plas­tic con­tain­ers, plas­tic blade assem­bly, and motor cou­pling. All of these plas­tic parts raise the ques­tion about the dura­bil­i­ty of this gadget.
• When it comes to prac­tice, this machine shows a rather short lifes­pan, and it lasts on aver­age for around one year, which is clear­ly reflect­ed by a 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty for this machine.
• It comes with only one puls­ing speed, and that con­sid­er­ably reduces the con­trol over the blend­ing and the abil­i­ty to make a wide range of recipes.
• The blade is not durable, and many cus­tomers report that they often break if exposed to heavy loads such as ice crushing.
• The prob­lem for all upright blenders is that it is impos­si­ble to add ingre­di­ents dur­ing blend­ing easily.
• This machine is over­priced con­sid­er­ing the short life span and the many plas­tic parts it is made of.

NutriBullet Pro900 watts Blender Consumer Reviews

Despite the very short lifes­pan and poor build, this blender is very pop­u­lar with the con­sumer. This uncon­di­tion­al love for this gad­get can only be explained by the very well-orga­nized adver­tis­ing or by the fact that this is the first blender for Nutribul­let cus­tomers. If they got a chance to com­pare it to oth­er supe­ri­or gad­gets, this machine def­i­nite­ly would not win so many voices.

Most retail­ers try to main­tain a com­pet­i­tive price for the NutriBul­let Pro machine, and the price has fall­en con­sid­er­ably for this gad­get in recent times. This gad­get comes in 2 pack­ages, and the price cur­rent­ly ranges with dif­fer­ent retail­ers depend­ing on the pack­age. There is also a Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished ver­sion for the 9‑piece set, with a dis­count­ed price of two new sets.



NutriBul­let Pro is a quite pow­er­ful com­pact per­son­al unit that makes accept­able qual­i­ty smooth­ies and will suit peo­ple with kitchen space issues or those who trav­el and need a com­pact and light­weight blender to take with them. How­ev­er, this gad­get is not a heavy-duty machine and has lim­it­ed func­tion­al­i­ty. For exam­ple, this blender does not han­dle ice or frozen fruit eas­i­ly, it is too small to use to blend soups, and it can­not make dress­ings because of lim­it­ed speed and has a prob­lem adding ingredients.

But most impor­tant­ly, this machine seems not to be durable, and it has many build qual­i­ty issues. The short war­ran­ty on the NutriBul­let Pro is an indi­ca­tor that it is made to be dis­pos­able, and it is not a prod­uct to con­sid­er if you are look­ing for a gad­get that will last. This gad­get is cer­tain­ly over­priced and is not the best val­ue for your mon­ey in a per­son­al blender on the mar­ket. It seems that peo­ple who write a good review have used it only for a short peri­od of time or the NutriBul­let is the first blender they have used dur­ing their life. Con­sumers who have had expe­ri­ence with oth­er blenders, and espe­cial­ly with high-pow­ered ones, can cer­tain­ly name a num­ber of machines a quar­ter of the price of NutriBul­let that can do the job as good as this over­priced gadget.

Some rel­e­vant arti­cles you may be inter­est­ed in:

Posted in Personal Blenders, NutriBullet Reviews

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  1. Tiwa

    Too much hype about the Nutribul­let pro. It’s per­for­mance is below my expec­ta­tions. It does­n’t grind smooth­ly, the motor gives a burn­ing smell and turn­ing it off is a prob­lem. Mine starts work­ing imme­di­ate­ly it’s plugged even with­out plac­ing the cup on the motor. I regret buy­ing this product.

  2. Geo

    Wow. The review­er must work for anoth­er blender com­pa­ny that is a com­peti­tor. After read­ing this review you would think that all the ppl who brought the nutribul­let must be under some spell. No mat­ter what the review­er says, it sold in the mil­lions for a rea­son. Truth: it does what it says, con­ve­nient­ly, quick­ly, and effi­cient­ly. Truth: it takes up lit­tle space, and the clean up is very easy, very fast. Truth: the blades do a very good job, and I have NEVER had the blades chip away. They are thick and durable. Truth: you only need a minute to chop up any­thing you put into it any­way, as it whips up the food quick­ly. Truth: it blends as well as any oth­er blender, and is small­er. Plus, if you want to add any­thing, sim­ply stop it, flip it and open the top to add. Not hard. Yes, it is loud, but most blenders are. And the food blends very well, even­ly and smooth con­sis­ten­cy. It is worth the price imo.

    • lucy

      It is real­ly nice that you are sat­is­fied, NutriBul­let cus­tomer. How­ev­er, based on my expe­ri­ence with a num­ber of high-end blenders includ­ing Vita­mix, Blendtec, KitchenAid, Oster, and oth­ers the Chi­nese man­u­fac­tured NutriBul­let and Nin­ja blenders are poor­ly made and designed machines and their per­for­mance often is beyond my idea bout quality.

      • Roberta Rose

        If you’re going to com­pare, do it in the same price range. Peo­ple buy Nutribul­let because it’s afford­able. You can’t com­pare an $80 bul­let blender with a $500 Vita­mix. Yes, any­thing that costs hun­dreds of dol­lars will per­form bet­ter, but not every­one can afford that so they buy what they can afford and the Nutribul­let does a great job for the price.

    • lucy

      Hi Shob­ha,
      In gen­er­al, it should be able to grind dry fruits includ­ing man­go, how­ev­er, it depends on the thick­ness of man­go pieces. Try just a few pieces first and then decide how many more you grind in one go.

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