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Oster Versa 1100-watt Blender vs Ninja Auto-iQ Compact System

The Nin­ja and Oster are both very well-known brands to USA cus­tomers. The Nin­ja is a rel­a­tive­ly new one but has already won a lucra­tive mar­ket share in the blender mar­ket due to very pro­fes­sion­al adver­tis­ing. At the same time, the Oster is bet­ter known because it was on the mar­ket for many years and earned a good rep­u­ta­tion for its qual­i­ty and durability.

In this arti­cle, we will com­pare the Nutri Nin­ja Auto-iQ Com­pact Sys­tem and Oster Ver­sa 1100-watt Blender with very sim­i­lar prices and para­me­ters to find out which one of these two will bet­ter sat­is­fy your needs.

Alter­na­tive­ly, check our arti­cle on the Best Blender Under the $200.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

Oster Versa 1100-watt Blender (BLSTVB-103–000/BLSTVB-104–000)

oster versa 1100The Oster Ver­sa 1100-watt Blender is avail­able in two mod­els — BLSTVB-103–000 and BLSTVB-104–000. Both of them are equipped with the same para­me­ters and acces­sories, but the BLSTVB-104–000 machine includes an extra 4 cup mini jar and tamper.

So, the Oster Ver­sa 1100-watt Blender set includes:

  • 64 oz. (8 cups) jar with remov­able blade assem­bly (gas­ket and fix­ing col­lar), Lid, and cap;
  • Two 20 oz. per­son­al blender cups with remov­able blade assem­bly and two to-go lids;
  • 40 oz. food proces­sor bowl, food push­er and cov­er, blade shaft, cut­ting disc, S‑type blades;
  • 4 cups pitch­er with the cus­tom tam­per (the BLSTVB-104–000 mod­el ONLY);
  • Recipe Book;
  • Instruc­tion manual.

The Oster Ver­sa 1100-watt Blender is con­struct­ed with a high-qual­i­ty 1100 watts motor and all-met­al dri­ve blade cou­plings that ensure dura­bil­i­ty and reliability.

The Oster Ver­sa 1100-watt Blender comes with pre­mi­um qual­i­ty tem­per­a­ture and stress-resis­tant Tri­tan copoly­ester main the 64 oz jar that allows pro­cess­ing hot ingre­di­ents. In con­trast, the oth­er con­tain­ers (20 oz. sin­gle-serve cups, food proces­sor bowl, 4 cups mini jar) are made from BPA-free qual­i­ty polycarbonate.

The 64 oz. Pitch­ers and sin­gle-serve con­tain­ers are equipped with a remov­able blade sys­tem, good qual­i­ty stain­less steel blades, and a seal­ing sys­tem. The large pitch­er comes with a two-part lid (Lid and cap) where the cap could be used as a wrench for screwing/unscrewing blade assembly.

The food proces­sor with s‑blades and slic­ing discs expands the func­tion­al­i­ty of the machine. The BLSTVB-104–000 mod­el with a small jar and cus­tom tam­per is designed to eas­i­ly process thick mix­tures and nut butter.

The Oster Ver­sa 1100-watt Blender con­trol pan­el is equipped with 3 speeds (low, medi­um, and high) and two pre-set pro­grams (Dip/Salsa and Smoothie/Frozen Drink). Although the speed choice seems slight­ly lim­it­ed but addi­tion­al attach­ments con­sid­er­ably expand its func­tion­al­i­ty. As a result, this Oster Ver­sa 1100-watt Blender will eas­i­ly accom­plish the fol­low­ing tasks:

  • Pro­duces qual­i­ty smooth­ies, includ­ing green ones, but is not able to process berries seeds;
  • Han­dles frozen ingre­di­ents with and with­out liq­uid added, thus can pro­duce not only smooth­ies from frozen fruits and berries but also slash­es or frozen desserts;
  • Suit­able for pro­duc­ing nut milk;
  • The large pitch­er is capa­ble of pro­cess­ing hot ingre­di­ents, so very use­ful for liq­uidiz­ing soup ingre­di­ents and bul­let­proof cof­fees. The machine will not heat food from blade frictions;
  • Purees cooked and raw veg­gies eas­i­ly using a food proces­sor bowl, s‑blades, and shred­ding disc;
  • Effi­cient­ly shreds, slices, cuts, mix­es, and chops all kinds of veg­gies with the use of food proces­sor attachments;
  • The food proces­sor is able to make good qual­i­ty nut butter;
  • Grinds all kinds of herbs and cof­fee beans and mills bak­ing qual­i­ty flour from soft and hard grains.

The Oster Ver­sa 1100-watt Blender comes with an excel­lent 7 years lim­it­ed war­ran­ty on all parts and a life­time guar­an­tee for motor parts. Oster also has a very good cus­tomer ser­vice reputation.


Nutri Ninja Auto-iQ Compact System

Ninja AMZ493BRN Compact Kitchen SystemThe Nutri Nin­ja Auto-iQ Com­pact Sys­tem is avail­able in four dif­fer­ent mod­els (BL942/BL492); all of them have iden­ti­cal tech­ni­cal para­me­ters and dif­fer only by the selec­tion of con­tain­ers includ­ed in the set. Thus, the sets include:

  • Base Unit 1200 Watts/1.4HP;
  • 40 oz. bowl with Lid;
  • 24 oz. stain­less steel cup with sip & seal lids;
  • 24 oz. Tri­tan Sin­gle Serve Cup with Sip & Seal Lids;
  • Selec­tion of 48 oz con­tain­er (BL491 only), 32 oz. Tri­tan sin­gle-serve cup (BL493Z only) and 18 oz. Tri­tan sin­gle-serve cup (BL493Z only);
  • A blade assem­bly for sin­gle-serve cups and 48 oz. jar;
  • Blade sys­tem for 40 oz. bowl;
  • Dough hook;
  • Inspi­ra­tion guide (with 30-Recipe);
  • Own­er’s manual.

The Nutri Nin­ja Auto-iQ Com­pact Sys­tem is equipped with a pow­er­ful 1200 watts but a plas­tic cou­pling sys­tem that makes the motor not the most durable in the indus­try. The machine has suc­tion caps and is thus very sta­ble dur­ing the operation.

The blender comes with two sets of blades and a dough hook. The sin­gle-serve blade sys­tem has the clas­sic 4‑prong design and is made from stain­less steel plas­tic base. The plas­tic base is the weak part of this assem­bly because it often devel­ops cracks with­in 1 year. The blades for the 40 oz. the bowl has a unique Nin­ja design and has 6 blades stacked around the plas­tic tow­er. Nev­er­the­less, this food proces­sor type blade is not very effi­cient for mak­ing smooth­ies but very good at food pro­cess­ing jobs and crush­ing ice.

The Nutri Nin­ja Auto-iQ Com­pact Sys­tem set includes the 40 oz. the main bowl for food pro­cess­ing pur­pos­es, a large selec­tion of sin­gle-serve cups depend­ing on the mod­el, and 48 oz. bowl (BL491 only). The 40 oz. and 48 oz bowls are made from poly­car­bon­ate, which is not the best qual­i­ty and may devel­op cracks. All sin­gle-serve cups are made from pre­mi­um qual­i­ty stress-resis­tant Tri­tan copoly­ester and thus very durable and of good qual­i­ty. Each set also includes the stain­less steel cup’s nov­el­ty, which is very pop­u­lar among consumers.

This Nutri Nin­ja Auto-iQ Com­pact Sys­tem con­trol pan­el comes with 6 but­tons (start/stop, pulse, low, chop, smooth boost, blend, and extract) and 5 actu­al speed or pre-pro­grammed func­tions – Low speed, pre-pro­grammed Chop func­tion (con­sist of puls­es and paus­es), Smooth Boost + Extract +Yes that process hard ingre­di­ents up to smooth tex­ture, Smooth Boost + Extract +No for tex­tured con­sis­ten­cy of hard ingre­di­ents, Smooth Boost + Blend for soft food smooth­ies, pro­tein drinks or shakes and Pulse func­tion. Hence, the Nutri Nin­ja Auto-iQ Com­pact Sys­tem is able to han­dle the fol­low­ing tasks:

  • Good qual­i­ty smooth­ies, even from hard ingre­di­ents but only with sin­gle-serve attach­ments. The 40 oz. and 48 oz con­tain­ers pro­duce rather tex­tures drinks;
  • Able to crush ice even with­out any liq­uid added, thus suit­able for mak­ing frozen desserts or slush­es. This func­tion per­forms well by 40 oz bowl and sin­gle-serve cups;
  • Crunchy tex­ture nut butter;
  • Purees raw and cooked veg­eta­bles using the 40 oz con­tain­er into spreads, pesto, or baby food;
  • Eas­i­ly chops and mix­es food includ­ing sal­sa, dips, mari­nades, and oth­er recipes;
  • Grinds cof­fee beans and herbs and makes flour from soft grains only;
  • Knead a vari­ety of dough recipes using the dough hook with a 40 oz container.

Also, The Nutri Nin­ja Auto-IQ Com­pact Sys­tem Blender has a 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty; the Nin­ja cus­tomer ser­vice does not have a very good reputation.


Oster Versa 1100-watt (BLSTVB-103–000) Blender and Nutri Ninja Auto-IQ Compact System Differences and Features

  Oster Ver­sa 1100-watt Blender (BLSTVB-103–000/BLSTVB-104–000) Nutri Nin­ja Auto-IQ Com­pact Sys­tem BL942/BL492
Motor Qual­i­ty 1100 watt motor and all-met­al dri­ve connections; Pow­er­ful 1200-watt motor with the plas­tic motor to the blade couplings;
Blades Remov­able blade sys­tems for the 64 oz. pitcher;

Remov­able blades for 20 oz. cups;

Remov­able s‑type blades and shred­ding disc assem­bly for food proces­sor attachment;

Remov­able blade assem­blies for 40 oz. jar;

Remov­able blades for sin­gle-serve cups and 48 oz. container;

Con­tain­ers Qual­i­ty Tri­tan copoly­ester 64 oz. container;

Poly­car­bon­ate 40 oz. food proces­sor bowl;

Two poly­car­bon­ate 20 oz. sin­gle-serve cups;

40 oz. main poly­car­bon­ate container;

24 oz. Stain­less Steel Cup;

24 oz. Tri­tan Sin­gle Serve Cup;

Selec­tion of 18 oz. and 32 oz. Tri­tan sin­gle-serve cups depend­ing on model;

48 oz. poly­car­bon­ate con­tain­er (only BL491 model).

Using & Cleaning Assem­bling is not com­pli­cat­ed but requires some effort since all blades sys­tems are removable;

The clean­ing pro­ce­dure is easy; all con­tain­ers are dish­wash­er safe, and the blade assem­bly must be hand cleaned;

The 40 oz. the jar is quite cum­ber­some to assem­ble due to mul­ti­ple lock­ing systems;

The sin­gle-serve cups and 48 oz con­tain­er are straight­for­ward to get ready to use;

The clean­ing pro­ce­dure is not dif­fi­cult; most of the parts are dish­wash­er safe;

Con­trol panel It comes with 3 speeds, 2 pre-set pro­grams,  addi­tion­al pulse, and reverse blend functions; Equipped with  6 but­tons and 5 actu­al speed or pre-pro­grammed func­tions; the Con­trol pan­el is quite elab­o­rate and needs to be learned before use;
War­ran­ty 7‑year Lim­it­ed War­ran­ty and rep­utable Cus­tomer Support. 1‑year Lim­it­ed War­ran­ty with bad rep­u­ta­tion Cus­tomer Support.
  • Excel­lent at mak­ing smooth­ies from soft, hard, and leafy food but may leave berries seed part­ly unprocessed;
  • Makes good qual­i­ty frozen drinks and frozen desserts; Crush max­i­mum of up to 6 ice cubes into snow consistency;
  • Able to pro­duce nut milk;
  • Han­dles hot liq­uids, but not heat food via frictions;
  • Can puree soft raw and cooked ingre­di­ents with food proces­sor accessories;
  • Chops, shreds, slices, and mix­es ingre­di­ents for var­i­ous recipes using the food processor;
  • Makes qual­i­ty nut butter;
  • Grinds cof­fee and herbs, mills bak­ing qual­i­ty flours;
  • Not able to knead dough;
  • Sin­gle-serve attach­ment makes good qual­i­ty smooth­ies, includ­ing green ones, but leaves unprocessed berries seeds; 40 oz. and 48 oz. con­tain­ers are not very good at mak­ing smoothies;
  • Very good at crush­ing ice with and with­out liq­uid added, so suit­able for pro­duc­ing iced drinks, snow cones, and frozen desserts;
  • Can­not han­dle hot liquids;
  • Purees cooked and uncooked ingredients;
  • Chops and mix­es sal­sa, dips, grinds cheese and crumbs;
  • Grinds cof­fee and herbs and is able to make flours only from soft grains;
  • Good at knead­ing dough;
Dimen­sions The foot­print is 8 inch­es x 9 inch­es; the pro­file height is 17.5 inch­es with 64 oz. jar. The weight is 7 pounds. The foot­print is 7.80 inch­es X 8.80 inch­es; the pro­file height is 15.50 inch­es with the 40 oz jar on the top of the motor base. Weight is 7.4 pounds.
Price Fluc­tu­ate with the dif­fer­ent retail­ers, how­ev­er comparable Has approx­i­mate­ly sim­i­lar to the Oster Ver­sa 1100 watts price


How to Choose Between the Two Blenders

Both machines — Nutri Nin­ja Auto-iQ Com­pact Sys­tem and Oster Ver­sa 1100-watt Blender – are priced approx­i­mate­ly sim­i­lar, have alike tech­ni­cal para­me­ters, and come with a good selec­tion of addi­tion­al attach­ments but the Oster is, no doubt, the bet­ter choice in this comparison.

Although the Nutri Nin­ja Auto-iQ Com­pact Sys­tem has a bit more pow­er­ful motor, 1200 watts com­pared to the Oster‘s 1100 watts, the Oster Ver­sa 1100-watt Blender motor is much bet­ter built with all-met­al cou­pling com­pare to plas­tic Nin­ja dri­ve to a motor con­nec­tion. More­over, the good qual­i­ty motor makes this machine very reli­able and durable. No won­der Oster comes with 7 years war­ran­ty and life­time motor guar­an­tee while Nin­ja has only 1- a year lim­it­ed warranty.

As far as func­tion­al­i­ty is con­cerned, both machines per­form approx­i­mate­ly sim­i­lar­ly and pro­duce good qual­i­ty smooth­ies, includ­ing green ones, able to crush ice into snow con­sis­ten­cy and suit­able for mak­ing frozen drinks and desserts. How­ev­er, the Nutri Nin­ja Auto-iQ Com­pact Sys­tem is equipped to make a vari­ety of dough types while Oster is not, but Oster Ver­sa 1100-watt Blender comes with a shredding/slicing disc and can pro­duce a wider selec­tion of food prep recipes com­pared to Nin­ja. The Oster Ver­sa 1100-watt Blender is able to process hot liq­uids and make good qual­i­ty smooth nut but­ter, while Nin­ja is not designed to han­dle hot liq­uids and is able to make only crunchy nut but­ter. The Oster Ver­sa 1100-watt Blender is also equipped with reverse blade tech­nol­o­gy that allows for cre­at­ing a bet­ter vor­tex with­out a need to open con­tain­ers to remove air pock­ets and has a lid open­ing that allows adding extra ingre­di­ents dur­ing blend­ing. While the Nutri Nin­ja Auto-iQ Com­pact Sys­tem lock­ing sys­tem is so com­pli­cat­ed that it requires some effort to remove each time, the user needs to mix the food in the con­tain­er or add some more ingredients.


Although the Nutri Nin­ja Auto-IQ Com­pact Sys­tem is bet­ter adver­tised and more pop­u­lar with the con­sumers, the Oster Ver­sa 1100-watt Blender is a trust­ed brand with a good rep­u­ta­tion earned over 50 years of being on the mar­ket. No doubt, it will last for much longer than over­sold Nin­ja machines.

There­fore, con­sumers who are look­ing for long-last­ing and reli­able machines must go for the Oster Ver­sa 1100-Watt Blender. It will most like­ly serve its own­er for at least 7 years, while the aver­age Nutri Nin­ja Auto-iQ Com­pact Sys­tem life expectan­cy is around 1–1.5 years with­out a chance to be replaced if it is bro­ken after the 1‑year warranty.

How­ev­er, if you are not sure about these blenders, you can alter­na­tive­ly check our arti­cle, the Best Blender Under the $200.

Posted in Oster Review, Ninja Reviews

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