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Vitamix Personal Cup Adapter for Classic Series Blender Review

adapter 2Per­son­al Cup Adapter for Clas­sic Vita­mix mod­els is the brand’s answer to the per­son­al blender pop­u­lar­i­ty, which began with the intro­duc­tion of Mag­ic Bul­let blenders in 2004.

Vita­mix ini­tial­ly intro­duced the Sin­gle Serve attach­ment for the Ascent series blenders. Since Ascent blenders are the newest prod­uct line released in Decem­ber 2016, they were designed with the per­son­al blender attach­ment pos­si­bil­i­ty in mind, which was released in 2017. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the Blend­ing Cup Starter Kit is not com­pat­i­ble with any of the Clas­sic Series blenders; thus, the Per­son­al Cup Adapter for Clas­sic blenders came to life. To resolve the com­pat­i­bil­i­ty prob­lem for the very pop­u­lar per­son­al blender attach­ment, Vita­mix released an adapter that makes the Per­son­al Cup starter Kit com­pat­i­ble with any clas­sic mod­el, any G‑series mod­el, with­out exclusion.

Read More: How To Make Smooth­ies With Frozen Fruits? 

Espe­cial­ly it is valu­able as Vita­mix dis­con­tin­ued its Space Sav­ing S‑series S30 /S50 /S55 per­son­al blenders.

Com­pat­i­bil­i­ty: The Per­son­al Cup Adapter is com­pat­i­bles with 5200, Stan­dard with Pro­grams, Explo­ri­an E310 and E320, 5300, 6300, 6500, 7500, Pro 750, 780, Aspire Series, Cre­ations Series, Total Nutri­tion Cen­ter, Tur­boBlend Series. 

Not com­pat­i­ble with Vita­mix Ascent Series machines, which have its ded­i­cat­ed per­son­al blender attach­ment called Blend­ing Cup Starter Kit.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

What does it include?

AdapterThe Per­son­al Cup Adapter Set includes:

  • An Adapter with inbuilt laser-cut blades;
  • Two (2) 20 ounces dou­ble insu­lat­ed Cups;
  • Two (2) remov­able gaskets;
  • Two (2) spill-proof and flip-top lids;
  • Get­ting Start­ed Guide with recipes;
  • User Man­u­al;
  • 3‑Year Full Man­u­fac­tur­er Warranty.

Dimen­sions: 10″ x 5.5″ x 5.5″, weight: 2.2 lbs

Adapter and Blades: An adapter is a device that pro­vides a con­nec­tion between the sin­gle-serve cup and the Clas­sic blenders’ base. It has inbuilt blades on one side and met­al gear on anoth­er that fits the adapter into the base unit sock­et. The inbuilt 4‑prongs blades are made from the usu­al Vita­mix air­craft qual­i­ty stain­less steel.

The blade assem­bly base is made of hard and qual­i­ty plas­tic, while all blade-to-motor cou­pling is made of met­al. Over­all, the Adapter device is very sol­id and well-made, and if han­dled with care and cleaned well, it will last for many years with­out wear­ing out and need­ing to be replaced.

Cups and Lids: The two 20 oz. (0.6l) sin­gle-serve cups are made from very durable Tri­tan copoly­ester mate­r­i­al that impacts and is tem­per­a­ture resis­tant. They are shaped like typ­i­cal bul­let-type cups with nar­row­ing tips and oper­at­ed upside down, and after blend­ing, the blade assem­bly could be replaced by the to-go lid and tak­en away in a car or out­side. The 20 oz. cups are very thick and have dou­ble insu­la­tion that will keep cold or hot tem­per­a­tures 30–50 % longer than ordi­nary cups.

Two to-go lids are also well designed for easy drink­ing and come with a seal­ing gas­ket and clip to pre­vent any leak­ing when on the go.

How does it work?

Assembling/Disassembling: Fill the 20 oz bul­let cup with ingre­di­ents first. To achieve the best blend­ing result, you must cut the ingre­di­ents into 1‑inch size pieces because of the nar­row con­tain­er and place them in the right order — Ice and Frozen Ingre­di­ents first and fol­lowed by the soft fruits and veg­gies, leafy greens, dry goods (grains, sea­son­ings, pow­ders), liq­uids (water, juice, yogurt). Nev­er over­fill the cup. The cup does not have any MAX line bit; it has two ver­ti­cal indents on it, so do not fill over those indents.

Fit the seal­ing gas­ket snug­ly and even­ly around the thread of the adapter. Attach the adapter to the cup by thread­ing the cup in a clock­wise direc­tion tight enough to avoid leak­ing. Place on the base unit, and it is ready to run; start blend­ing at a low speed (1 or 2) for 5–7 sec­onds; it gives the blades time to cap­ture all ingre­di­ents into the vor­tex; when all ingre­di­ents start cir­cu­lat­ing, increase the speed need­ed for your recipe.

Once you fin­ished blend­ing, invert the adapter with a cup, wait for 10 sec­onds to allow set­tling for your blend­ing, and unscrew the adapter from the per­son­al cup in a counter-clock­wise direc­tion. Next, put a seal on the flip-top lid and thread the flip-top lid onto the per­son­al cup in a clock­wise direc­tion until just tight and it is ready to be tak­en on the go or to drink.

Warn­ing: (1) If you decide to re-blend your cup after open­ing, always wipe the threads with a tow­el if it spills over. (2) Ingre­di­ents may have prob­lem to blend prop­er­ly if the cup not filled in a right order of overfilled.

Clean­ing: All blender parts — con­tain­ers, lids, lid plug, tam­per, blade assem­bly, and seals — are top-rack dish­wash­er safe. The gas­ket must be removed from the blades or the lid before clean­ing. The gas­ket also must be cleaned sep­a­rate­ly to avoid build-ups.

It also could be cleaned fol­low­ing the self-clean­ing pro­ce­dure by run­ning soapy water in the blender or hand-washed with a brush. It may seem incon­ve­nient to some cus­tomers, but it is the usu­al pro­ce­dure for all per­son­al blender types with the remov­able blade assembly.

Which Ingredients does it blend?

  • The Per­son­al Cup Adapter is designed to make sin­gle-serve smooth­ies, and it does its best.
  • It also makes oth­er thin small recipes like mari­nades, sal­ad dress­ing, sal­sas, or small batch­es of pesto.
  • It is per­fect for baby food.
  • It can grind nuts but hard­ly will make nut but­ter with­out stop­ping and shak­ing it. So it is bet­ter to use a full-size jar for this purpose.
  • It does not design to blend hot ingre­di­ents because the cup is not vented.
  • It can grind spices and cof­fee beans, but it will han­dle the task if only you fill the cup up to 1/2 or 2/3 and no more.

Warn­ing: The Vita­mix issued a warn­ing not to use the Per­son­al Blender Adapter with the Ascent series Blend­ing Bowls as it could have a prob­lem unscrew­ing what can dam­age your adapter. The Vita­mix will not val­i­date the war­ran­ty if you dam­age it using with the Ascent Blend­ing bowls.





The Per­son­al Cup Adapter Kit looks a bit clum­sy, but it does the smooth­ies and small and thin recipes job per­fect­ly. Also, it has some oth­er ben­e­fits, such as hav­ing extra blend­ing con­tain­ers at your dis­pos­al, min­i­miz­ing smooth­ies’ loss while you trans­fer to dif­fer­ent ves­sels, or encour­ag­ing your fam­i­ly mem­bers to take the healthy smooth­ie on the go. Over­all it is a per­fect addi­tion for those who want to increase your Vita­mix func­tion­al­i­ty with the per­son­al blender attachment.

Posted in Vitamix Reviews

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    • lucy

      Hi Leah,

      If you mean to buy an adapter with­out the cup there is no way to do it. I con­tact­ed Vita­mix with a sim­i­lar ques­tion they con­firmed they do not sell an adapter with­out the cup.

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