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9 Space Saving Kitchen Appliances for Small Kitchens Or Student Dorm

Space Sav­ing Kitchen Appli­ances­Many peo­ple in cities live in com­pact flats with very small kitchens. When you have only a few cup­boards and draw­ers to work on and lack counter space, you need to be full of resources. There are dif­fer­ent ways to do this, but this is espe­cial­ly dif­fi­cult with the appli­ances you need to plug, switch on, use and then store.

Read More: Hamil­ton Beach Food Proces­sor 10 Cups — Bowl Scraper Review 

Many firms are man­u­fac­tur­ing high-per­for­mance, styl­ish small-space appli­ances in response to the grow­ing num­ber of small­er hous­es and flats through­out the world. In small kitchens, devices should be both com­pact and prac­ti­cal. Since counter space is lim­it­ed, cre­at­ing ‘mul­ti-func­tion­al’ com­pact areas is vital.

Small­er space appli­ances can, in some cas­es, make the kitchen more spa­cious than full-size appli­ances. Small­er appli­ances in a small­er area give the impres­sion of pro­por­tion and free up space for stor­age, coun­ter­tops, and din­ing tables. We will go over some of the kitchen appli­ances that will save you space while also improv­ing the over­all kitchen functionality.

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Table of Contents


A blender is an appli­ance that can be use­ful in almost every kitchen. For exam­ple, you can pre­pare a few healthy break­fast recipes like smooth­ies, milk­shakes, or bul­let­proof cof­fee. If you occa­sion­al­ly use your blender to pre­pare morn­ing smooth­ies, you may con­sid­er a per­son­al blender that will not take much of your counter space and is very easy to store.

How­ev­er, if you cook at home often and need help with blend­ing, mix­ing, and chop­ping recipes. For this pur­pose, you will be bet­ter off with an immer­sion blender. It can eas­i­ly assist you with the essen­tial cook­ing task but is very com­pact to store. A pre­mi­um blender is also could be an option in a small kitchen. Although it has big­ger dimen­sions than a per­son­al or immer­sion blender, its func­tion­al­i­ty can replace many use­ful gad­gets in a kitchen. By the way, pre­mi­um blenders like Vita­mix or Blendtec are very pop­u­lar with camper­vans owners.

Instant Pot or MultiCooker

What­ev­er deli­cious recipe you want to make in the kitchen, a mul­ti-cook­er can help you out is a good chance. It is a one-size-fits-all solu­tion that can take the place of a hot plate or oven and expand its func­tion­al­i­ty to the pres­sure cook­er, slow cook­er, steam­er, yogurt mak­er, and rice cook­er. As a result, it can save you kitchen space while also sav­ing you time.

Instant Pot or Mul­ti­Cook­er can help you pre­pare the finest things, includ­ing soup or a small Sun­day roast. These gad­gets are inex­pen­sive, easy to use, and effec­tive. You just turn it on, put some ingre­di­ents, and walk away. A juicy, tasty meal, delec­table veg­etable roast, a per­fect­ly fluffy steamed rice, slow-cooked cur­ries, and pres­sure-cooked lamb shanks melt-in-your-mouth will await your return in a few hours. There’s no need to sac­ri­fice counter space for such a mul­ti-func­tion­al and handy device, even if you have a lit­tle one!

Electric Kettle

The elec­tric ket­tle will not take up a lot of counter space but could be a huge life-saver if you do not have a space for many kitchen appli­ances. It can help you quick­ly boil water for tea in min­utes with­out the has­sle of a stove and do sev­er­al non-typ­i­cal tasks such as mak­ing oat­meal, ramen, hot choco­late, and boiled eggs; the choic­es are limitless.

Coffee Grinder

A cof­fee grinder is a must if you are a bev­er­age fan, even when every square inch is a mat­ter in a com­pact kitchen. Cof­fee grinders could also be used for oth­er tasks such as grind­ing herbs, spices, sea­son­ings, chop­ping nuts, milling oat­meal, or Break­ing up bread crumbs.

You will need a com­pact machine with lit­tle foot­print space to get the best cof­fee grinder to fit into a lim­it­ed kitchen space and stor­age. For­tu­nate­ly, there are many options for you to select from, and they come in var­i­ous sizes, so you can choose one that works best for your require­ments. More­over, a com­pact cof­fee grinder takes up very lit­tle room and can be stored until need­ed in the kitchen draw­er, help­ing to keep your kitchen neat.

Single-Serve Coffee Maker

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Sin­gle-serve cof­fee mak­ers are the per­fect option to buy for small kitchen spaces and small house­holds. More­over, own­ing a cof­fee mak­er is way cheap­er than buy­ing cof­fee out­side. This is because they are designed to make one cup at a time and not brew a whole pot. Sin­gle-serve cof­fee mak­ers offer few­er fea­tures than larg­er mod­els. How­ev­er, there are still many mod­els with all kinds of extras, such as auto­mat­ic shut­offs, cof­fee fil­ters, and even tem­per­a­ture control.

A Sin­gle-serve cof­fee machine is also a vital gad­get for your wal­let and lifestyle.

Countertop Water Filter

First, think about how much water you use dai­ly. It is also expen­sive and time-con­sum­ing to buy bot­tled water from the store. At the same time, a small coun­ter­top water fil­ter will save you time and mon­ey and pro­tect the envi­ron­ment from plas­tic garbage.

Some coun­ter­top water fil­ters are portable and eas­i­ly fit even into the small­est kitchen space, unlike tap water fil­ters. It is because they are made to take up as lit­tle space as pos­si­ble and do not require any plumb­ing con­nec­tions to work.

Mini Fridge

In the kitchen, typ­i­cal refrig­er­a­tor designs take up a lot of room. A mini-fridge is a styl­ish alter­na­tive to full-sized refrig­er­a­tors. A “com­pact refrig­er­a­tor” is anoth­er name for a mini-fridge. A mini-fridge might also be posi­tioned beneath the counter.

A mini-fridge is your best bet if you have a tiny kitchen space area and require many appli­ances to make life eas­i­er. In addi­tion, a mini-fridge is an ener­gy-sav­ing option that requires very lit­tle maintenance.

Electric Grill and Sandwich Maker

The small size of the elec­tric grill press is espe­cial­ly suit­able for peo­ple liv­ing in flats with lim­it­ed kitchen space. It does not only save space but also allows you to make tasty meals in a short time. The clas­sic Elec­tric Press and Sand­wich Mak­er can make you a burg­er, veg­eta­bles, or any oth­er deli­cious food with­out effort.

Toaster Oven

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Toast­er Oven is anoth­er help­ful kitchen appli­ance, espe­cial­ly if you are con­cerned that you can­not fit into your small kitchen every gad­get you need. A good qual­i­ty small toast­er oven is often an easy way to replace oth­er com­mon appli­ances. It is not only help­ful in defrost­ing ready meals or mak­ing toast­ed sand­wich­es. They can also per­form a few oth­er tasks such as bak­ing eggs, mak­ing a home­made piz­za, and grilling fish, meat, burg­ers, and veg­gies. You can even bake cook­ies and cake in it.

Essen­tial­ly, it could become one of the indis­pens­able small kitchen appli­ances in your small kitchen as you mas­ter it.

Final Thoughts

If you have a small kitchen, you may not be able to put stan­dard-sized appli­ances in your cook space, or you may live in a dorm with no kitchen at all. The good news is that there are plen­ty of small space-friend­ly devices available.

These appli­ances can help you max­i­mize your tiny kitchen’s effec­tive­ness, from real­ly lit­tle coun­ter­top kitchen electrics to more exten­sive and still com­pact equip­ment such as nar­row refrig­er­a­tors and grill machines.


Posted in Buying Advice

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