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Which Blendtec Blender To Buy? | All Models Guide 2025

Blendtec is one of the lead­ing brands man­u­fac­tur­ing com­mer­cial blenders for home use, also known as high-end blenders. All the Blendtec blenders fea­ture the same as any oth­er high-end unit para­me­ters, such as a pow­er­ful motor, high blade rota­tion speed, and the abil­i­ty to per­form many func­tions. The Blendtec blender’s func­tion­al­i­ty com­pris­es the pro­duc­tion of very smooth smooth­ies, includ­ing green ones, cruis­ing ice to the snow-like con­sis­ten­cy, mak­ing frozen treats such as ice cream, sor­bets, and frozen yogurt, and heat­ing the liq­uids with the fric­tion that results in steam­ing hot soup.

Read More: Instant Pot Ace Nova Cook­ing Blender Review 

There­fore, like any pow­er­ful high-end blender, all Blendtec mod­els also fea­ture a motor pro­tec­tion sys­tem that is sup­posed to stop the blender if it is over­heat­ed, over­loaded, or its blades are jammed.

Apart from typ­i­cal for any oth­er high-end blender, the Blendtec machines have their own unique fea­tures that dis­tin­guish them from dif­fer­ent sim­i­lar types of blenders. The Blendtec blenders are well-known for users’ auto­mat­ic blend­ing expe­ri­ence or the so-called Smart-Touch Tech­nol­o­gy that allows users to press a but­ton and walk away. The pre-set pro­gram cycle will blend at var­i­ous speeds and stop at the end of the pre-pro­grammed cycle. Thus, all Blendtec mod­els come with a dig­i­tal dis­play show­ing the num­ber of cycles blend­ed, the time for each cycle, and an error mes­sage if the motor is over­heat­ed, over­loaded, or jammed.

Besides, most of the mod­els also have a selec­tion of man­u­al­ly reg­u­lat­ed speeds to expand the machine’s func­tion­al­i­ty. How­ev­er, all man­u­al speeds run 50 sec­onds max­i­mum and end after a cycle is com­plet­ed; to con­tin­ue using the speed user has to repeat it.

All Blendtec blenders come with pre­mi­um qual­i­ty clear as glass, light­weight, tem­per­a­ture, and stress-resis­tant Tri­tan copoly­ester con­tain­ers that are also equipped with per­ma­nent­ly inbuilt into con­tain­ers unique­ly designed with very thick and total­ly blunt wingtip-shaped blades.

The Blendtec machines for home use are rep­re­sent­ed by 3 Prod­uct Lines or Series – Clas­sic, Design­er, and Pro­ces­sion­al — and 9 mod­els. So, it may some­times be a very chal­leng­ing task to iden­ti­fy which blender is best for you.

Here in this arti­cle, we will com­pare all prod­uct lines and mod­els, so you will be able to clar­i­fy which mod­el may suit your needs better.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

Classic Blenders Product Line

The Blendtec Clas­sic Series is a bud­get Prod­uct Line that includes the Fit, 575, and Total Clas­sic Orig­i­nal Blender mod­els. All Clas­sic blenders come with the fol­low­ing sim­i­lar features:

  • 1560 Watts pow­er­ful motor;
  • Illu­mi­nat­ed touch­pad con­trol pan­el with soft but­tons and an illu­mi­nat­ed LCD screen that dis­plays blend­ing time;
  • Con­trol pan­el with soft but­tons controls;
  • 75 oz. Four­Side or 90 oz.+ Jar with per­ma­nent­ly inbuilt hard­ened wingtip blades;
  • Com­pact size 7″ x 8″ x 15″ that eas­i­ly fits under any kitchen cabinet;
  • Very rea­son­able price for high-end blenders.

Here you can read in more detail about all types of Blendtec jars and their functionality.

Blendtec Classic Fit Blender

Best Blendtec Blender Buy fit

Blendtec Clas­sic Fit Blender is the most basic mod­el in the Clas­sic Prod­uct Line. Like oth­er Clas­sic mod­els, it has the “old­er” base unit design that hous­es the stan­dard for old­er mod­els’ 1560 Watts motor. This unit is avail­able in black col­or only.

Con­trol Pan­el: Although it has the same pow­er as all oth­er Clas­sic Blendtec mod­els, it is equipped with a very basic con­trol pan­el with lim­it­ed con­trol selec­tion. It has vir­tu­al­ly no speeds and features:

  • Two (2) one-touch timed pre-set cycles — “+30” (for 30 sec­onds) and “+10” (for 10 seconds):
  • As a bonus, it also has two Pulse speeds — Low Pulse and High Pulse.

Both Blendtec Clas­sic Fit Blender pre-sets “+30,” and “+10” are designed to act as stand­alone cycles. At the same time, the “+10” pre-set has an addi­tion­al func­tion that allows users to add 10-sec­ond inter­vals to ini­tial blend cycles.

This Blendtec mod­el may seem not to allow users much con­trol over the blend­ing process. How­ev­er, sup­pose you invest a lit­tle time in learn­ing this machine. In that case, you will man­age to use lim­it­ed con­trol options for a vari­ety of recipes almost to the same extent as with a mod­el with full con­trol pan­el options.

Con­tain­ers: The Clas­sic Fit blender is avail­able in two types of con­tain­ers: (1) the 75 oz. Tri­tan copoly­ester Four­Side jar that has a blend­ing capac­i­ty of 32 oz. and (2) 34 oz. sin­gle-serve or Go cup with a blend­ing capac­i­ty of up to 24 oz.

Besides, the Blendtec blender is set with 34 oz. sin­gle-serve cup trans­forms the Blendtec machine into the per­fect, very pow­er­ful per­son­al blender.

War­ran­ty: The Blendtec Clas­sic Fit Blender’s only draw­back is it comes untyp­i­cal­ly short for the Blendtec brand, with only two years warranty.

Sum­ma­ry: Not sur­pris­ing­ly, the Blendtec Clas­sic Fit mod­el has the low­est price tag among all Blendtec blenders.

While the price of this mod­el with a sin­gle-serve cup cer­tain­ly out­bids Vita­mix not only per­son­al blender mod­els S30, S50, and S55 (now retired) but also very pop­u­lar but much worth qual­i­ty NutriBul­let Rx blender. The Blendtec Fit mod­els with Go cup are the most pow­er­ful and afford­able sin­gle-serve blenders avail­able on the cur­rent blender market.

Blendtec Total Classic Original Blender

Best Blendtec blender classic total oroginal

The Total Clas­sic Orig­i­nal Blender is the most func­tion­al, user-friend­ly, and ver­sa­tile mod­el in the Blendtec Clas­sic Prod­uct Line.

Con­trol pan­el: The Total Clas­sic Orig­i­nal Blender base unit and con­trol pan­el slight­ly dif­fers from the Fit and 575 Clas­sic Prod­uct Line mod­els. And fea­ture more sim­i­lar­i­ties with Blendtec com­mer­cial blenders’ base unit and con­trol pan­el that has:

  • 10 speeds adjust­ed by the “+” and “-“soft-touch but­tons;
  • 6 pre-set pro­grams (Smooth­ie, Bat­ters, Hot Soup, Whole Juice, Ice Cream, Ice Crush);
  • Pulse func­tion but­ton.

Such a func­tion­al con­trol pan­el allows a lot of flex­i­bil­i­ty for the user to exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent recipes. Thus, this par­tic­u­lar mod­el will suit both cat­e­gories of cus­tomers who love to exper­i­ment with recipes and those who pre­fer the “push but­ton and go away” blend­ing tactic.

Con­tain­ers: The Total Clas­sic Orig­i­nal Blender is avail­able with Tri­tan copoly­ester 75 oz. Four­Side and 90 oz. Wild­Side+ jars.

War­ran­ty: Both Blendtec Total Clas­sic Orig­i­nal sets — with 75 oz. Four­Side and 90oz. Wild­Side+ jars — come with stan­dard Blendtec 8‑year warranty.

Sum­ma­ry: The Blendtec Total Clas­sic Orig­i­nal blender is very afford­able. Blendtec also offers cheap­er Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned mod­els for a blender with both types of con­tain­ers (Four­Side and Wild­Side+) that will suit cus­tomers on a tight budget.

More­over, this mod­el comes in Black, White, and Red col­ors to match a vari­ety of kitchen col­or patterns.

Blendtec Classic 575 Blender

Blendted 575

The Blendtec Clas­sic 575 Blender comes with a mod­ern­ized Clas­sic base unit exte­ri­or design the same as the Blendtec Fit and more com­plex than the Blendtec Fit mod­el con­trol pan­el that features:

  • Five (5) speeds are con­trolled by 5 soft-touch buttons;
  • Two (2) pre-pro­grammed set­tings – Smooth­ies (60 sec­onds) and Clean (23 seconds);
  • Two (2) timed cycles – 60 sec and 90 sec;
  • Pulse func­tion

The 5 incre­men­tal speed makes this mod­el ver­sa­tile enough for peo­ple who love to exper­i­ment with their own recipes, while those who like the pre-set pro­grams for quick and easy blend­ing have four pre-set cycles.

Con­tain­ers: The 575 mod­el is avail­able with 75 oz. Four­Side or/and 90 oz. Wild­Side+ Tri­tan copoly­ester pitch­er. The 75 oz. the Jar is designed to han­dle small batch­es of food bet­ter than the Wilde­Side+ Jar can do it.

War­ran­ty: The Blendtec Clas­sic 575 Blender also comes as a Total Clas­sic Orig­i­nal Blender with a stan­dard Blendtec 8‑year warranty.

Sum­ma­ry: The Blendtec has a very rea­son­able start­ing price for this mod­el, and often it is avail­able in Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished con­di­tion to suit cus­tomers with dif­fer­ent bud­gets. It is also avail­able in a vari­ety of col­ors — Black, Red, Sea Foam, Orchid, Slate Gray, and Polar White.

How to Select Between Blendtec Classic Fit vs. Total Classic Original vs. Classic 575 Models

The Fit mod­el is the cheap­est one and will suit those on a bud­get. Although it has a lim­it­ed con­trol option, after some learn­ing, you will mas­ter how to use it for a vari­ety of recipes. The only prob­lem is it has a short­er than oth­er mod­els’ 2 years warranty.

The 575 blender is the new­ly designed clas­sic mod­el with enough con­trols even for demand­ing cus­tomers, includ­ing 5 speeds and a few pre-set. Thus if you catch a moment when the Blendtec 575 mod­el is avail­able at a dis­count­ed price, it is a great chance to buy an afford­able high-end blender.

How­ev­er, our favorite is the Blendtec Total Orig­i­nal Total blender. Although it has old­er designs like a clas­sic com­mer­cial blender, it is a true val­ue-for-mon­ey option. It has ten speeds and six pre-set and thus will suit cus­tomers with any user pref­er­ences. This mod­el is avail­able in new and refur­bished con­di­tions and in 3 col­ors. Also, it is avail­able in a pack­age with a Wild­Side+ jar or a Four­Side jar.

Comparison Table: Blendtec Classic Fit vs. 575 vs. Total Blenders

Clas­sic Fit Total Clas­sic Original Clas­sic 575
Motor pow­er 1560 Watts 1560 Watts 1560 Watts
Amps 13 Amps 13 Amps 13 Amps
Con­trol panel soft push buttons soft push buttons soft push buttons
Speeds One speed (30 sec) Ten speeds and Pulse Five speeds and Pulse
Pre-sets “+ 10” (sec), High Pulse, Low Pulse Smooth­ies, Bat­ters, Hot Soup, Whole Juice, Ice Cream, Ice Crush/Mixed Drinks Smooth­ie (60 sec), Clean (23 sec), 60 sec, 90 sec
Jars Four­Side or Go Cup Four­Side or WildSide+ Four­Side or WildSide+
Blades 3″ 3″ or 4″ 3″
War­ran­ty 2 years 8 years 8 years
Dimen­sions 7“x 8″ x 15″ 7“x 8″ x 15″ 7“x 8″ x 15″
Weight 7.28 lbs 7.28 lbs 7.28 lbs
Col­ors Mold­ed plas­tic — Black Mold­ed plas­tic — Black, White, Red Mold­ed plas­tic — Black, Red, Sea Foam, Orchid, Slate Gray, Polar White
Price Blendtec Clas­sic Fit, via Amazon Total Clas­sic Orig­i­nal, via Amazon Clas­sic 575, via Amazon

Blendtec Designer Blenders Product Line

The Blendtec Design­er Prod­uct Line includes the 625, 650, 675, and 725 mod­els. As the name implies, they come with a sharp design­er look, round­ed base unit edges, shiny sur­face fin­ish, and flat con­trol pan­el. In fact, all four mod­els have iden­ti­cal exte­ri­or designs and dimen­sions, and the 625, 650, and 675 mod­els look almost indistinguishable.

Besides, these machines share the fol­low­ing sim­i­lar features:

  • Same base unit exte­ri­or design, which is big­ger, more sta­ble, and qui­eter than Clas­sic models;
  • All 625, 650, 675, and 725 mod­els come with only BPA-free heat and stress-resis­tant Tri­tan copoly­ester 90 oz. Wild­Side+ jar;
  • And each has two parts grip­per lid with a remov­able cap that can add extra ingre­di­ents dur­ing the blend­ing process with­out stop­ping the machine;
  • Illu­mi­nat­ed con­trol pan­el with flat design and shiny fin­ish that lights up with a sin­gle touch and shuts off automatically;
  • Capac­i­tive touch screen con­trol pan­el that is oper­at­ed with the touch or slide of a finger;
  • All come with a trun­cat­ed slid­er for incre­men­tal man­u­al speeds;
  • All have 8 years warranty;
  • Mod­er­ate 7″ x 9.25″ foot­print and 15″ pro­file that allows eas­i­ly fit under the kitchen cabinet.

Yet, the Blendtec Design­er Prod­uct Line 625, 650, 675, and 725 mod­els dif­fer by the motor pow­er, selec­tion of speeds and pre-set cycles, base unit fin­ish, and selec­tion of avail­able colors.

Blendtec Designer 625 Blender

The Blendtec Design­er 625 blender has a very sleek and mod­ern exte­ri­or design and comes with 1560 Watts and 13 amps of motor power.

The gad­get con­trol pan­el is com­plete­ly flat and illu­mi­nat­ed only when it is on, so all con­trols are vis­i­ble only when you start using it. In addi­tion, the con­trol pan­el is equipped with:

  • The touch screen capac­i­tive slid­er reg­u­lates six (6) speeds,
  • Four (4) pre-set pro­grams: Smooth­ie (60 secs), Hot Soup (180 sec), Frozen Treat (65 sec), and Whole Juice (65 sec), and
  • Pulse, Start and Stop capac­i­tive buttons.

Six (6) speeds allow users enough con­trol over the blend­ing and room for exper­i­ments with a vari­ety of recipes.

The Blendtec Design­er 625 blender base is made from mold­ed plas­tic. The unit weighs 9.25 lbs and is avail­able in a wide range of col­ors — Black, Pome­gran­ate, Polar White, and Slate Grey.

Despite the fact it has the low­est Design­er 625 num­ber, it is not the cheap­est this Prod­uct Line mod­el but fol­lows after Design­er 650 in price tag.

Blendtec Designer 650 Blender

650 blender

The Blendtec Design­er 650 blender comes with 1560 Watts and 13 amps motor. Although it is mar­ket­ed to have less pow­er than the 625 mod­els, accord­ing to the sim­ple for­mu­la, they have the same pow­er of 1560 watts (pow­er Watts = V x Amps).

Besides, the Design­er 650 blender has a more sophis­ti­cat­ed con­trol pan­el than the 625 mod­els. In fact, it has the same pre-set pro­grams selec­tion as Total Clas­sic Orig­i­nal Blender:

  • Eight (8) incre­men­tal speeds;
  • Six (6) pre-set pro­grams — Bat­ters (23 sec­onds), Ice Crush (35 sec­onds), Smooth­ie (60 sec­onds), Ice Cream (65 sec­onds), Whole Juice (65 sec­onds), Hot Soup(180 seconds);
  • Pulse func­tion, Start and Stop.

The Blendtec Design­er 650 Blender is the same as the 625 mod­els, made from mold­ed plas­tic mate­r­i­al and avail­able in 3 col­ors — Black, Pome­gran­ate, and Stain­less Steel. The unit weighs 9.8 lbs which is slight­ly more than 625 due to more con­trol functions.

Even though this mod­el has more con­trols, it has a slight­ly low­er price tag than the Design­er 625 mod­el. For this rea­son, we think this is the best val­ue for mon­ey Blendtec Design­er blender.

Blendtec Designer 675 Blender

Blendtec 675 blenderThe Blendtec Design­er 675 mod­el comes with 1675 Watts and 15 amps motor (it must be 1800 Watts accord­ing to the for­mu­la =120V X 15amps).

The Blendtec Design­er, 650 con­trol pan­el, equipped with:

  • Eight (8) man­u­al incre­men­tal speeds,
  • Six (6) pre-set pro­grams — “+10”, Smooth­ie (60 sec­onds), Ice Cream (65 sec­onds ), Whole Juice (65 sec­onds), Hot Soup (180 sec­onds), Clean (23 seconds);
  • Pulse func­tion, Start and Stop capac­i­tive touch controls.

In fact, this mod­el has 5 pre-set pro­grams and one +10 sec­ond pre-set that func­tions as a stands-along 10 sec­onds cycle and could be added to any oth­er pre-set pro­gram as an incre­men­tal one.

Fur­ther­more, the Blendtec Design­er 675 Blender base unit has a pre­mi­um paint­ed metal­lic fin­ish and is avail­able in 3 col­ors — Char­coal, Cham­pagne, and Dark Roast. The unit weighs 9.8 lbs, the same as the Design­er 650 model.

Since this mod­el has a more pow­er­ful motor than the 625 and 650 mod­els and a pre­mi­um paned fin­ish, it comes at a high­er price than pre­vi­ous models.

Blendtec Designer 725 Blender

725 Designer Blendted

The Design­er 725 mod­el is Blendtec’s most advanced Design­er Prod­uct Lines blender with few “bells and whis­tles” features.

The Blendtec Design­er 725 Blender comes with a pow­er­ful 1725 Watts and 15 amps (in fact, 1800 Watts) motor.

The Design­er 725 con­trol pan­el is equipped with the most state-of-the-art con­trols com­pared to the Blendtec Design­er mod­els and the Pro­fes­sion­al Prod­uct Line.

This blender con­trol pan­el is equipped with the following:

  • A hun­dred (100) speed incre­men­tal touch slider,
  • Six (6) pre-set pro­grams — Smooth­ie (40 sec­onds), Sal­sa (23 sec­onds), Ice Cream (45 sec­onds), Whole Juice (50 sec­onds), Hot Soup (90 sec­onds), and Clean (23 seconds);
  • Pulse, Start and Stop

The Design­er 725 base unit is con­struct­ed from die-cast met­al; no won­der it weighs 10.7 lbs more than oth­er Design­er series mod­els. In addi­tion, it comes in 3 metal­lic col­ors — Stain­less Steel Black, Gun­metal, and Stain­less Steel White.

More­over, Design­er 725 also runs a bonus pro­gram; when you reach an appro­pri­ate num­ber of blend­ing cycles, it dis­plays a unique code that you can redeem with dif­fer­ent prizes online, such as recipe books.

Since the Design­er 725 Blender is a true pre­mi­um mod­el with more fea­tures than pro­fes­sion­al prod­uct line machines, no won­der it has the high­est price tag among all Design­er Prod­uct Line blenders.

How to Select Between Blendtec Designer 625, 650, 675, and 725 Models

Although the Blendtec Design­er 625, 650, and 675 blenders come with dif­fer­ent motor pow­er of 1625 Watts, 1560 Watts, and 1675 respec­tive­ly, this dif­fer­ence has almost no effect on the func­tion­al­i­ty of the gad­gets when it comes to blend­ing. Thus, motor wattage could not be an essen­tial para­me­ter for select­ing the Blendtec blender.

The 625, 650, and 675 blenders also have slight­ly dif­fer­ent con­trol pan­els, where the 625 mod­el is the sim­plest one with 6 speeds and 4 pre-sets, while the 650 and 675 mod­els come with 8 speeds and 6 pre-set pro­grams. Still, all three mod­els have enough con­trol over the blend­ing process, even for the most cre­ative cook­er to cre­ate any recipe.

In fact, the Blendtec Design­er 625, 650, and 675 blenders are so sim­i­lar in design and func­tion­al­i­ty that the price para­me­ter is the key to my choice when select­ing between these models.

How­ev­er, it must be not­ed that the 650 blender is the best val­ue for the mon­ey mod­el. Despite the fact it has the most func­tion­al con­trol pan­el among 625, 620, and 675 mod­els, it has the cheap­est Blendtec Design­er Ben­der price. How­ev­er, 675 has come with a paint­ed fin­ish. So, those for whom the exte­ri­or design is essen­tial can go for the 675 blenders.

Final­ly, the Blendtec Design­er 725 mod­el is vir­tu­al­ly the most advanced Blendtec Design­er mod­el with a full range of “bells and whis­tles.” First of all, it has 100 vari­able speeds, a Pulse func­tion, and 6 pre-sets pro­grams. All those allow a lot of con­trol over the blend­ing process and offer the best expe­ri­ence to any avid cook­er. Besides, it has a die-cast pre­mi­um base unit. Although it costs a lot, it is the most lux­u­ri­ous Blendtec blender. Those who wish to buy the best of the Blendtec blender should buy 725 models.

Comparison Table: Blendtec Designer 625 vs. 650 vs. 675 vs. 725

Design­er 625 Design­er 650 Design­er 675 Design­er 725
Motor pow­er 1625 Watts 1560 Watts 1675 Watts 1725 Watts
Amps 13 Amps 13 Amps 15 Amps 15 Amps
Con­trol panel capac­i­tive touch screen capac­i­tive touch screen capac­i­tive touch screen capac­i­tive touch screen
Speeds 6 speeds and Pulse 8 speeds and Pulse 8 speeds and Pulse 100 speeds and mul­ti-speed Pulse
Pre-sets Smooth­ie (60 s), Hot Soup (180 s), Frozen Treat (65 s),

Whole Juice (60 s)

Bat­ters (23 s),

Ice Crush (35 s), Smooth­ie (60 s), Ice Cream (65 s), Whole Juice (65 s), Hot Soup (180 s)

“+10”, Smooth­ie (60 s), Ice Cream (65 s), Whole Juice (65 s), Hot Soup (180 s), Clean (23 s) Smooth­ie (40 s), Sal­sa (23 s), Ice Cream (45 s), Whole Juice (50 s), Hot Soup 90 s), and Clean (23 s)
Jars 90 oz. WildSide+ 90 oz. WildSide+ 90 oz. WildSide+ 90 oz. WildSide+
Blades 4″ 4″ 4″ 4″
War­ran­ty 8 years 8 years 8 years 8 years
Dimen­sions 7″ x 9.25″ x 15″ 7″ x 9.25″ x 15″ 7″ x 9.25″ x 15″ 7″ x 9.25″ x 15″
Weight 9.25 lbs 9.8 lbs 9.8 lbs 10.7 lbs
Col­ors Mold­ed plas­tic — Black, Pome­gran­ate, Polar White, Slate Grey Mold­ed plas­tic — Black, Pome­gran­ate, Stain­less Steel Pre­mi­um Paint­ed Fin­ish — Char­coal, Cham­pagne, Dark Roast Die-Cast Met­al — Stain­less Steel Black, Gun­metal, Stain­less Steel White

Blendtec 625, via Amazon

Blendtec 650, via Amazon

Blendtec 675, via Amazon

Blendtec 725, via Amazon 

Blendtec Professional Blenders Product Line

The Blendtec Pro­fes­sion­al Blenders Prod­uct Line is rep­re­sent­ed by two machines — Pro 750 and Pro 800. Both of these blenders are unique. They do not share any sim­i­lar fea­tures apart from hav­ing the same 90 oz. Wild­Side+ jar and belong­ing to the Blendtec Pro­fes­sion­al Prod­uct Line.

Blendtec Pro 750 Blender

750 blender1

The Blendtec Pro­fes­sion­al 750 has a dis­tinc­tive design, and its main fea­ture is that it can be cus­tom installed direct­ly into the kitchen coun­ter­top. So the base unit with the motor of the blender will be sub­merged under the counter while the con­trol pan­el and Jar will stay above the counter. How­ev­er, this blender could also be used as a stan­dard one on the top of the counter if you like.

The Blendtec Pro­fes­sion­al 750 Blender comes with motor pow­er sim­i­lar to the Clas­sic series mod­els – the 1560 Watts (3 HP at peak) and 13 amps.

Besides, its con­trol pan­el is iden­ti­cal to the Total Clas­sic Orig­i­nal Blender derived from the com­mer­cial mod­els but adapt­ed for home use. Unlike the Design­er blenders and Pro 800, it has soft-touch but­ton con­trol instead of a capac­i­tive touch screen. The Pro­fes­sion­al 750 Blender fea­tures the fol­low­ing controls:

  • Ten (10) speeds are reg­u­lat­ed by “+” and “-” soft-touch buttons;
  • Six (6) pre-set pro­grams — Bat­ter, Mixed Drinks, Smooth­ie, Frozen Treats/Ice Cream, Whole Juice, and Hot Soup;
  • It also has a Pulse function.

This blender does not have Start and Stop but­tons; instead, the user must press any but­ton to stop the blend­ing process.

Fur­ther­more, the Pro­fes­sion­al 750 mod­el has a high­er pro­file than Design­er and Clas­sic machines because of the high­er base unit but a very com­pact foot­print of 6.4″ x 8.3 x 16.2″. No won­der this pro­fes­sion­al gad­get weighs 11 lbs.

Like most pre­mi­um Blendtec blenders, it is equipped with an eight (8) years war­ran­ty. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this blender is avail­able only in black plas­tic. Giv­en that Blendtec Pro 750 mod­el belongs to the Pro­fes­sion­al Prod­uct line, it obvi­ous­ly comes at a pre­mi­um price.

Blendtec Professional 800 Blender

800 blender

The Blendtec Pro­fes­sion­al 800 mod­el is also marked with a unique fea­ture. The sound shield comes with the pro­fes­sion­al one that is com­mon for com­mer­cial types of blenders and makes the Blendtec Pro­fes­sion­al 800 the qui­etest high–end blender for home use on the mar­ket. The blender sound shield reduces the noise out­put to 61 dB, com­pa­ra­ble with con­ver­sa­tion in the office or back­ground music.

Besides, the Blendtec Pro­fes­sion­al 800 comes with a pow­er­ful 1800 watts and 15 amps motor. Although it is mar­ket­ed as the most pow­er­ful Blendtec blender for home use, 675 and 725 have the same motor pow­er cal­cu­lat­ed accord­ing to the stan­dard for­mu­la for motor wattage (pow­er Watts = V x Amps).

The machine con­trol pan­el fea­tures the same as all Design­er series blenders, the capac­i­tive touch­screen con­trol pan­el and the fol­low­ing controls:

  • Eleven (11) incre­men­tal speeds,
  • six (6) pre-set pro­grams — Smooth­ie (40 sec), Sal­sa (23 sec), Ice Cream (45 sec), Whole Juice (50 sec), Hot Soup (90 sec), and Mix Drinks/Ice Crush (35 sec) -,
  • Pulse func­tion, Start and Stop controls;
  • Press mode to switch between using the man­u­al touch slid­er and the pre-set cycles.

The unit has a larg­er than-aver­age Blendtec blender foot­print of 8.5″ x 9.25″ and a high­er 17.25″ pro­file, as it includes a sound shield. No won­der it is very heavy — 16.2 lbs. How­ev­er, this machine is the same as any oth­er Blendtec blender, even with the sound shield that will fit under the stan­dard kitchen cabinet.

Besides, the Blendtec Pro 800 mod­el has sim­i­lar to the Design­er blenders base unit exte­ri­or design, is made of mold­ed plas­tic, and is avail­able only in Black color.

The Pro 800 blender comes with a great 10 years war­ran­ty. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the Blendtec Pro 800 is a pre­mi­um blender and has a very high price tag with all the retailers.

How to Select Between Blendtec Designer Pro 800 vs. Pro 750 Models

It is not hard to select between these two blenders. They are very dif­fer­ent and have unique features.

The noise-sen­si­tive cus­tomers or those who care for their house­hold dwellers and neigh­bor com­fort, and those whose bud­get con­sents to buy this pre­mi­um blender with­out doubts will select this as the qui­etest high-end blender for home use.

While Cus­tomers who want to inbuilt the blender into the counter and enjoy com­mer­cials for their blender will select the Blendtec Design­er Pro­fes­sion­al 750 model.

Comparison Table: Blendtec Pro 750 vs. 800 Blendersn Table: B

Pro­fes­sion­al 750 Pro­fes­sion­al 800
Motor pow­er 1560 Watts 1800 Watts
Amps 13 Amps 15 Amps
Con­trol panel soft push buttons capac­i­tive touch screen
Speeds 10 speeds and Pulse 11 and Pulse
Pre-sets The bat­ter, Mixed Drinks, Smooth­ie, Frozen Treats/Ice Cream, Whole Juice, and Hot Soup Smoothie(40s), Salsa(23s), Ice Cream(45s), Whole Juice(50s), Hot Soup(90s), and Mix Drinks/Ice Crush(35s)
Jars Wild­Side+ Wild­Side+
Blades 4″ 4″
War­ran­ty 8 years 10 years
Dimen­sions  6.4’‘ x 8.3 x 16.2’’ 8.5″ x 17.25 x 9.25
Weight 11lbs 16.2lbs
Col­ors Mold­ed plas­tic — Black Mold­ed plas­tic — Black
Price Blendtec Pro 750, via Amazon Blendtec Pro 800, via Amazon

Blendtec Extra Accessories

Unlike most brands, all Blendtec blender has inter­change­able con­tain­ers; it does not mat­ter which Blendtec blender you own; any Blendtec con­tain­er avail­able will be com­pat­i­ble with your blender.

Here is the range of Blendtec extra con­tain­ers you can be ben­e­fit­ed from if you use the blender often:

 90 oz Wild­side+ Jar is the newest and updat­ed largest capac­i­ty jar with a wide bot­tom and a 4 inch­es blade. The Jar is designed to process large batch­es of food and will suit larg­er households.

 75 oz Four­side Jar – the old­er con­tain­er design that was used with Blendtec blenders before the new Wild­Side+ was intro­duced. This Jar is good to have for small­er house­holds as it process­es small­er than Wild­Side+ min­i­mum food batches.

46 oz. Mini Wild­Side Jar This Jar is designed to per­form the same func­tions as 90 oz Wild­Side+, with the only dif­fer­ence being that it comes in a small­er capac­i­ty and can han­dle small­er recipes.

46 oz. Twister Jar is designed to process thick recipes such as nut but­ter, frozen desserts, and others.

Blendtec GO Jar – It is all Blendtec blender’s mod­el com­pat­i­ble upside down the sin­gle-serve cup that comes with the remov­able blade assem­bly and to-go lid and could be tak­en away in the same cup you blend your drink in.

How to Select Between Blendtec Classic vs. Designer vs. Pro Product Lines

Those who want Blendtec but are on a bud­get will cer­tain­ly go for the Clas­sic prod­uct line, rep­re­sent­ed by three (3) mod­els. How­ev­er, the Total blender is the Best Val­ue for the mon­ey in this series. It has 10 speeds, 6 pre-sets, and a lot of pow­er to per­form the same tasks as the most advanced 725 blender does. It is also avail­able with Wild­Side+ or Four­Side jars, so small or big house­holds may ben­e­fit from it with­out sac­ri­fic­ing blend­ing quality.

Those who pay atten­tion to the exte­ri­or look and have a high­er bud­get will go for the Design­ers series mod­el, where the Design­ers 650 mod­el is the best val­ue for mon­ey. It has 8 speeds, 6 pre-sets, and a beau­ti­ful mod­ern Blendtec look. Final­ly, those who want the best of the best will go for a metal­lic fin­ish, and 100 speeds Design­ers 725 mod­el.

How­ev­er, cus­tomers with spe­cial require­ments such as noise issues who are look­ing for the Blendtec mod­el will go for the qui­etest blender among all high-end blenders for home use on the mar­ket, the Blendtec Pro­fes­sion­al 800 model.

Those who want to install the blender on their counter and have all advan­tages of a high-end blender must choose Blendtec Pro­fes­sion­al 750 model.

Posted in Blendtec Reviews, Best Products

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    • lucy

      Thank you for your ques­tion C,
      All Blendtec blenders with any full-size jar (Four­Side or Wiled­Side+) will grind grains and any oth­er dry ingre­di­ents. All Blendtec blenders come with either Four­Side or Wiled­Side+ con­tain­ers that are both designed for pro­cess­ing wet and dry ingre­di­ents equal­ly well. Any Blendtec blender with a full-size con­tain­er is able to grind bak­ing qual­i­ty flour.

  1. Bonita

    Thank you for the com­par­isons. Oth­er than the HSN demon­stra­tion, your com­par­isons final­ly helped me to make my deci­sion. Thank you!

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