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Best Celery Juicer: A Must-Have for Health Enthusiasts

Cel­ery is a fleshy veg­etable with a 95% mois­ture con­tent. It is not sur­pris­ing that all major types of juicers, such as a sin­gle auger, twin gear, cen­trifu­gal, and man­u­al, can han­dle it and pro­duce a high cel­ery juice yield.

Yet, it is not the eas­i­est veg­etable (grass) to juice. The long and strong fiber strings along the cel­ery stalk may cause jam­ming with some types of juicers.

This arti­cle will inves­ti­gate which juice extrac­tor is most suit­able for juic­ing cel­ery. Even though all types of juicers can extract cel­ery juice, the qual­i­ty of extract­ed juice will dif­fer across the dif­fer­ent juicer types and with­in the same type.

Here, we out­line the para­me­ters that are impor­tant when decid­ing on the best machine for juic­ing celery:

  • Cel­ery juice yield;
  • Cel­ery Juice Qual­i­ty (oxi­da­tion level);
  • Ease to feed;
  • Prone to jamming;
  • Easy to clean;
  • Juicer price.

This arti­cle will not list the machine, illus­trate how the dif­fer­ent types of juicers per­form when pro­cess­ing cel­ery, or advise on the sup­pos­ed­ly best juice extrac­tor for this task with­in each juice extrac­tor type, so you will decide for your­self what suits you best.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

celery juice

Table of Contents

Horizontal Single Auger Cold Press Slow Masticating Juicer

Hor­i­zon­tal sin­gle-auger juicers are the ones that have a rod-shaped auger that rotates at a slow 80 RPM speed in hor­i­zon­tal direc­tions, chew­ing the ingre­di­ents against the stain­less steel or plas­tic per­fo­rat­ed screen and cold press­ing the juice via it. Any hor­i­zon­tal sin­gle-auger juicer is tech­ni­cal­ly a slow and cold press juicer, thus pro­duc­ing high-qual­i­ty, low-oxi­da­tion juice.

It has a ver­ti­cal, nar­row ingre­di­ent feed­ing chute, and it appears to be very effi­cient, fast, and easy to feed the cel­ery stalks. Remark­ably, it does not jam cel­ery long fiber even if you feed the whole stalk with­out cut­ting it into small­er pieces. As a result, they are pret­ty fast to feed and process the cel­ery, and they usu­al­ly juice about 2 pounds of cel­ery in under 3 minutes.

Sin­gle-auger juicers usu­al­ly do not show the best cel­ery juice yield. How­ev­er, the Omega MM900HDS Cel­ery Juicer with the unique end cap designed for a bet­ter cel­ery yield out­puts one of the high­est yields for cel­ery among all types of juicers.

#1Omega MM900HDS Low-Speed Masticating Celery Juicer

Omega MM900HDS Celery JuicerOmega MM900HDS Mas­ti­cat­ing Cel­ery Juicer is a sin­gle auger hor­i­zon­tal slow mas­ti­cat­ing juicer. It is rec­om­mend­ed as the best Juicer for pro­cess­ing cel­ery juice by the Med­ical Medi­um Antho­ny William, the world­wide cel­ery juice move­ment ini­tia­tor. He even licensed his name for this mod­el, so the MM abbre­vi­a­tion MM900 stands for Med­ical Medium.

Although MM900HDS comes with the Omega 8006/8008 (5th gen­er­a­tion sin­gle auger juicers) hous­ing body design it belongs to the 6th gen­er­a­tion sin­gle auger juicers with upgrades and new fea­tures for the best yield when juic­ing cel­ery.

Set Includes:

  • Motor Hous­ing;
  • Drum with Chute;
  • Remov­able Hopper;
  • Out­let cap with two adjust­ing knobs (cel­ery knob and juic­ing nob);
  • Juic­ing Screen/cone;
  • Auger;
  • 32 oz. Juice and Pulp Container;
  • Acces­sories (push­er, clean­ing brush).

Chute and Pro­duce Feed­ing: The Omega MM900HDS Mas­ti­cat­ing Cel­ery Juicer is equipped with a remov­able round 1.5” in diam­e­ter chute (iden­ti­cal to 8006/8008 mod­els. Although it is pret­ty nar­row, and the lat­est Omega juicers come with a broad­er chute (NC 800/900/1000 mod­els), it still allows the user to feed a com­plete cel­ery stalk into it with­out pre-cutting.

Motor unit: Omega MM900HDS comes with a 200 Watts motor that runs at 80 RPMs speed. The motor hous­ing has a design iden­ti­cal to the Omega 8006/8008 Juicer.

The gad­get is equipped with a ther­mal cut-off sys­tem to pro­tect the motor from over­heat­ing, and under the motor base, it has a reset switch to reset the Juicer if it is over­heat­ed. Gen­er­al­ly, the Juicer should not over­heat as it is designed to oper­ate for up to 30 min with­out stopping.

Gears/Auger: The Juicer auger also has spe­cial­ly designed fea­tures. It has a slight­ly longer size and a mod­i­fied edge at the auger’s nar­row end.

The same as 5th and 6th gen­er­a­tion mod­els, its auger is made of heavy-duty GE Ultem mate­r­i­al, which is 8x stronger than oth­er juicer augers. GE Ultem resin is a very safe mate­r­i­al and is used in med­ical and chem­i­cal equip­ment due to its resis­tance prop­er­ties to sol­vents, heat, and flame.

The MM900HDS auger process­es cel­ery very well with­out any jam­ming and clogging.

Juic­ing Screen: The Omega MM900HDS Mas­ti­cat­ing Celey Juicer is equipped with 2 stages juic­ing screen that fea­tures the stain­less still mesh­es at the begin­ning of the auger and near the cap of the Juicer, which allows extract­ing of juice in two zones of pro­duce pro­cess­ing and thus pro­vides the larg­er juic­ing screen area.

The juic­ing screen near the out­let cap comes with a sil­i­cone flap that keeps pulp in a juicer for longer and thus is able to squeeze more juice.

End Cap and Adjust­ment Knobs: The Juicer comes with two pres­sure adjust­ment knobs – 1) the stan­dard juic­ing knob with three pres­sure set­tings and 2) the ded­i­cat­ed cel­ery juic­ing knobs with three pres­sure set­tings that are specif­i­cal­ly designed to max­i­mize cel­ery juice out­put and extrac­tion. The cel­ery knob has nar­row­er than any oth­er knob out­let and has a green sil­i­con inset that retains the pulp for max­i­mum juice squeezing.

Con­tain­ers: The Omega MM900HDS Mas­ti­cat­ing Celey Juicer is equipped with a basic 32 oz: plas­tic juice and pulp containers.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: Although the gad­get is mar­ket­ed as a cel­ery juicer, it is very well pro­cess­ing oth­er juices, so it suites juicing:

  • Cel­ery juice;
  • Leafy greens and pine tree needles;
  • Wheat­grass, bar­ley grass, and oth­er grasses;
  • Sprouts;
  • Cit­rus;
  • Veg­etable;
  • Hard Fruit.

How­ev­er, it is not suit­able for stringy fruits like pineap­ple and oth­er soft fruits and berries.

The cel­ery adjustable pres­sure knobs will also work for the leafy greens, sprouts, and grass­es; you have to select the prop­er set­ting for each produce.

The Juic­ing knob will work for cit­rus fruits and veg­gies; the tighter set­ting will suit hard pro­duce while loos­en­ing the set­ting for soft ingre­di­ents. It is even bet­ter to remove the adjustable knob for some of the soft ingredients.

Clean­ing, assembling/disassembling, oper­at­ing: It is prob­a­bly the eas­i­est Juicer to assemble/disassemble and clean. You have to con­nect the hop­per to the chute, attach the chute/drum part with the lock­ing col­lar to the juicer motor hous­ing, fit the auger and the juic­ing screen to the hous­ing, con­nect the out­let cap, and adjust the knob, and it is ready to use. To dis­sem­ble is the same in oppo­site orders.

Oper­at­ing is easy; only one switch has ON/OFF/REVERSE positions.

The clean­ing is also a breeze; how­ev­er, the juic­ing screen will require some effort to clean with the set spe­cial brush. All dis­as­sem­bling and clean­ing pro­ce­dures will take no longer than 2 min­utes for expe­ri­enced users.

War­ran­ty: The gad­get is equipped with an indus­try-lead­ing 15-year war­ran­ty for the USA / Cana­da, cov­er­ing parts and per­for­mance. How­ev­er, a 1‑year com­mer­cial and inter­na­tion­al warranty.

Dimen­sions: 6.5” W × 14.5” D × 15.5” H (165mm W × 368mm D × 394mm H), weight 13.0 lb/ 5kg.

Aver­age juice yield from 1 kg of cel­ery: 700ml — 730 ml

Sum­ma­ry: The Omega MM900HDS Mas­ti­cat­ing Celey Juicer yields 10–15% more cel­ery juice than oth­er Omega sin­gle auger extrac­tors and approx­i­mate­ly the same as twin gear mas­ti­cat­ing juicers. The high yield is achieved due to spe­cial cel­ery juic­ing design fea­tures. The Juicer also out­puts a high yield for oth­er leafy greens and wheatgrass.

How­ev­er, this Juicer does not include any extra attach­ments such as a blank screen/cone and bland end cap or noz­zles used for mak­ing nut milk, nut but­ter, frozen desserts, sal­sa baby food, grind­ing, paste extru­sion, and oth­er food pro­cess­ing tasks (like sim­i­lar Omega juicers).

Nev­er­the­less, this machine is still one of the eas­i­est type­most acces­si­bleean and assemble/disassemble. And if you plan to juice a lot of cel­ery and oth­er leafy greens cel­ery and want a juicer that is very easy to clean and use, then Omega MM900HDS will be the best. Besides, it does not clog and feed the entire stalk into the juicer chute with­out cut­ting. Keep also in mind that the high juice yield saves mon­ey on your gro­cery bill.

Omega MM900HDS Juicer Pro and Cons for Juicing Celery


  • Very high cel­ery juice yield and dry pulp due to the spe­cial cel­ery attachment;
  • Quick feed­ing, the whole cel­ery stalk could be fed into a chute;
  • No need for pre-cut;
  • Fast pro­cess­ing, sim­i­lar to the twin gear juicer;
  • The eas­i­est to clean, assem­ble and disassemble;
  • No clog­ging and jam­ming with cel­ery stringy produce;
  • High juice quality;
  • Rea­son­able price for a rep­utable brand Juicer;


  • It does not include a blank screen and knob for food pro­cess­ing tasks, thus com­pro­mis­ing functionality.


If the Omega MM900HDS Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing Cel­ery Juicer is unavail­able, then the best alter­na­tive will be the Omega J8008C Nutri­tion Cen­ter Juicer (5th gen­er­a­tion); the Omega NC800/NC900 is not as effi­cient as the 5th gen­er­a­tion Omega mod­els with stain­less steel screen. At the same time, the J8008C mod­el will deliv­er almost sim­i­lar cel­ery juice yield as the ded­i­cat­ed (same or 2–3% less yield, and NC800/NC900models will work under deliv­er almost 10% onear­lyry juice yield).


Twin Gear Masticating Slow Cold Press Juicers

The Twin Gear, also known as Trit­u­rat­ing Juicers, employs the two hor­i­zon­tal counter-rotat­ing jum­bo gears with a slow 110 rpm speed that chew pro­duces down to the small frag­metiny­old press those frag­ments along­side stain­less steel holed juic­ing screen. Thus, the Twin Gear Juicers are also tech­ni­cal­ly slow (110 rpm) cold press Juicers, which are known to deliv­er the high­est juice yield and the best juicer qual­i­ty with the longest shel­most extendeda­mong all juicer types for the major­i­ty of production.

Twin gear juicers’ down­side is the price; they are the most expen­sive among all juicer types. How­ev­er, we select­ed the Tribest GSE Green­star Elite Twin Gear Juicer, which is priced rea­son­ably and known as one of the best in the indus­try. The Green­star Elite also does not clog cel­ery and is eas­i­ly fed with the entire cel­ery stalk.

#2Tribest Greenstar Elite Cold Press Masticating Juicer (GSE-5000/5010/5050)

Tribest Green Star Elite Juicer fro celeryThe Green­star Elite is a Twin Gear Masticating/Low Speed/Cold Press Juicer. It is avail­able in 3 mod­els that dif­fer by col­or only – white (GSE5000B), black (GSE5010B), and chrome (GSE505B) — and have iden­ti­cal tech­ni­cal para­me­ters and selec­tion of acces­sories in the package.

Motor unit: The Juicer is equipped with a 200 Watts motor that rotates two stain­less steel gears with a slow 110 RPM speed. So this machine is a tru­ly Cold Press Slow juicer.

The Juicer is designed for 30 min­utes of con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion; after every 30 min­utes, it must be stopped for 10 min­utes and then resumed. It is con­ve­nient as you can make more juice with­in a min­i­mal time interval.

The con­trols for oper­at­ing the gad­get are straight­for­ward. It has only one tog­gle, which reg­u­lates the On, Off, and Reverse func­tions (to pre­vent clog­ging and jamming).

Set includes:

  • The Motor Base Unit with con­trols and pow­er cord;
  • Jum­bo Twin gears;
  • Twin Gear Hous­ing with Feed­ing Chute;
  • Juice and pulp Out­let;
  • Feed­ing Chute Hous­ing with safe­ty hood, safe­ty tray, and safe­ty tray lid;
  • Juic­ing, Bread­stick, and (option­al) Knobs;
  • Fine, Coarse, Homog­e­niz­ing Blank, and Bread­stick Blank Fil­ter Screens;
  • Glass Juice Pitch­er and Drip Tray;
  • Plas­tic Plunger and Wood­en Plunger;
  • Stain­less Steel Strainer;
  • Clean­ing Tool with Brush and Scraper Heads with Han­dle and Reg­u­lar GS Clean­ing Brush

Four dif­fer­ent fil­ter screens expand the ver­sa­til­i­ty of the machine. The fine screen is used for min­i­mum pulp juice con­sis­ten­cy; the coarse screen is for a more pulpy juice con­sis­ten­cy; the homog­e­niz­ing blank is for food pro­cess­ing tasks (baby food, sor­bet, nut but­ter, and oth­ers); the bread­stick (mochi) mak­er set is for raw bread­sticks and rice cakes.

The pas­ta mak­er and soft fruit out­let adjust­ing knob (orange and toma­to) are not includ­ed in the set and are avail­able to buy separately.

Gears/Auger: The Green­star Elite comes with stain­less steel twin gears that have a unique 3‑stage mas­ti­ca­tion design to repli­cate the human mas­ti­ca­tion sys­tem that allows users to max­i­mize the nutri­tion­al val­ue and yield of extract­ed juice.

The augers are also sep­a­rat­ed from each oth­er by a nylon safe­ty buffer to pre­vent any leak­ing from shav­ing off the gear met­al dur­ing oper­a­tion to the juice and pulp.

The gears also have inbuilt into their core a usu­al for twin gear mas­ti­cat­ing machines bio-ceram­ic and mag­net­ic tech­nol­o­gy that allows for pulling more enzymes and min­er­als into the juice, reduc­ing oxi­da­tion, and extend­ing the Green’s shelf life Star Elite juice for up to 5 days.

Chute and Pro­duce Feed­ing: The Green Star Elite comes with a 1.5” wide square feed­ing chute that is typ­i­cal for hor­i­zon­tal mas­ti­cat­ing juicers (usu­al­ly 1.25” ‑1.85”).

The chute and gear design’s width allows you to feed the whole cel­ery stalk with­out the need to cut it; the Juicer does not jam or clog the cel­ery stalks.

Con­tain­ers: The machine is equipped with a pre­mi­um and durable 24 flu­id ounces (680 ml) glass juice pitch­er and stain­less steel pulp container.

Pres­sure Adjust­ment Juic­ing Knob: The Green­star comes with two adjust­ing knobs/valves that are designed to reg­u­late the pres­sure for the pulp squeez­ing before it is pushed out through the pulp out­let. The tight­ly adjust­ed juic­ing knobs, when used with fine and coarse fil­ters, will squeeze more juice from firm fruit and veg­gies like cel­ery, car­rots, or apples. At the same time, loos­er juic­ing knob pres­sure is more suit­able for soft fruits and veg­eta­bles like wheat­grass or cucumber.

There are also two oth­er option­al knobs avail­able – a soft fruit knop and a pas­ta knob.


With Fine Screen Coarse Fil­ter Screens and Juic­ing Knob:

  • Awe­some for Fan­tas­tic cel­ery, it out­puts excel­lent qual­i­ty and the best cel­ery juice yield. The twin gears 3‑stage mas­ti­cat­ing process effec­tive­ly tears the cel­ery strings with­out any clogging;
  • Per­fect for all leafy greens and fibrous veg­eta­bles like kale, broc­coli, chard, gin­ger, spinach, turmer­ic, pars­ley, and others;
  • Excel­lent with beets, car­rots, and oth­er roots;
  • Awe­some with apples, pears, and oth­er firm fruits;
  • Han­dles well soft­er veg­gies like cucum­bers, zuc­chi­ni, and peppers;
  • Process well oranges and lemons;
  • Suit­able for wheat­grass juicing;

With Bread­stick Screen and the Bread­stick Knob:

  • Makes raw bread­sticks, nut but­ter, frozen desserts, sauces, baby food, mock meat, and pates.

For the best result, you can also buy option­al soft fruit acces­sories as well as pas­ta mak­ing acces­sories for mak­ing pasta.

Clean­ing and assembling/disassembling: There is a learn­ing curve to study­ing the machine’s assem­bling and dis­as­sem­bling pro­ce­dure. How­ev­er, all parts come apart easily.

Although it has 12 parts to clean, it is not as com­pli­cat­ed as it seems; first, an expe­ri­enced user can do it with­in 3 ‑4 min­utes. The most com­pli­cat­ed is fil­ter screen clean­ing. The Juicer set comes with a clean­ing brush.

War­ran­ty: Pro­duced by rep­utable Tri­bets Com­pa­ny in South Korea, spe­cial­iz­ing in the pro­duc­tion of juicers. It has an out­stand­ing 12-year war­ran­ty cov­er­ing the plas­tic parts, motor, and twin gears and does NOT cov­er the juice pitch­er, tam­pers, brush­es, and sieve.

Cus­tomer ser­vice is easy to reach and very helpful.

Dimen­sions: 18.6″ W x 6.8″ D x 12.4″ H, weights 17lb.

The aver­age yield from 1 kg of cel­ery: 760ml — 790ml

Sum­ma­ry: The Tribest Green­star Elite Cold Press Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer is an excel­lent, well-made gad­get and one of the best Twin Gear/Triturating Juicers on the mar­ket. Though the Super Angel Juicer is wide­ly thought to be the best, it is very expen­sive, while The Tribest costs Green­star Elite will cost you around $500–600. Although this Juicer could be labo­ri­ous to assem­ble and dis­as­sem­ble, its func­tion­al­i­ty and the abil­i­ty to extract excep­tion­al­ly high juice qual­i­ty must out­bid all minor inconveniences.

The new 3‑stage pro­cess­ing tech­nol­o­gy includes the most sophis­ti­cat­ed stage 2, which mix­es the juice and pulp and makes it con­sis­tent with the Ger­son the­o­ry for the best qual­i­ty and nutri­tion­al val­ue juice.

The pres­sure adjust­ment fea­ture allows you to achieve a very high cel­ery juice yield; the stain­less steel gears cut the cel­ery strings well and do not clog. The bio­ce­ram­ic and mag­net­ic tech­nol­o­gy pro­vide the best qual­i­ty juice with low oxi­da­tion, the high­est lev­el of nutri­tion­al val­ue, and the longest shelf life. The entire machine design allows you to feed the whole cel­ery stalk with­out cut­ting it.

Besides, the Tribest Green­star Elite Cold Press Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer is mul­ti­task­ing and can juice a wide range of ingre­di­ents, deliv­er­ing a high yield by juic­ing cel­ery and almost any ingre­di­ent this Juicer will process. In com­par­i­son, this Juicer will not per­form its best with regard to yield when extract­ing the juice from only a lim­it­ed selec­tion of soft fruits and veggies.

Tribest GSE Greenstar Elite Cold Press Masticating Juicer Pro and Cons for Juicing Celery


  • The high­est cel­ery juice yield;
  • The best juice qual­i­ty is due to the mag­net­ic sys­tem (how­ev­er, by test, it is not notice­ably dif­fer­ent from hor­i­zon­tal and ver­ti­cal sin­gle-auger juicers);
  • Sec­ond fast after cen­trifu­gal Juicer to process celery;
  • The whole cel­ery stalk may be fed into the chute with no spe­cial prepa­ra­tion for celery;
  • No cel­ery pre-cut needs;
  • It does not clog and jam cel­ery fiber.


  • Clean-up is most labo­ri­ous and time-con­sum­ing, has many parts, and the juic­ing screen is fair­ly large;
  • Tricky to assemble/disassemble;
  • Most expen­sive.


Vertical Cold Press Slow Masticating Juicer

Ver­ti­cal Cold Press Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicers have a very sim­i­lar design to hor­i­zon­tal sin­gle auger juicers. Still, they have a much fat­ter auger size locat­ed and rotat­ed in the ver­ti­cal direc­tion instead of the hor­i­zon­tal direc­tion. The lat­est gen­er­a­tions of ver­ti­cal slow auger juicers come with a speed of 43 RPMs and are known to be the slow­est among all the mas­ti­cat­ing juicer machines.

Although ver­ti­cal sin­gle-auger juicers are known to be very effi­cient with a wide range of prod­ucts, they are not ide­al for juic­ing cel­ery. The cel­ery long fiber strings tend to clog the ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger machines, so cel­ery needs to be cut into small­er parts (0.5–1 inch) before they are fed into the ver­ti­cal slow cold press mas­ti­cat­ing juicers feed chute.

We select­ed the Omega VRT843 ver­ti­cal juicer, which is very effi­cient for juic­ing a vari­ety of ingre­di­ents and deliv­ers high-yield and qual­i­ty cel­ery juice.

#3Omega VSJ843QS Vertical Slow Masticating Juicer

Omega VSJ843QS Vertical Slow Masticating Juicer for celery

Omega VSJ 843 is a sin­gle-auger ver­ti­cal mas­ti­cat­ing juicer with a slow juicer’s com­mon name (rather a mar­ket­ing term). How­ev­er, it was released in 2014 and improved in 2018 with a new motor. The Juicer is avail­able in 5 mod­els — VSJ843QS (square shape in sil­ver col­or), VSJ843QR (square shape in red col­or), VSJ843QW (square shape in white col­or), VSJ843RS (round shape in sil­ver col­or), and VSJ843RR (round shape in red col­or). All mod­els have sim­i­lar tech­ni­cal para­me­ters but dif­fer in col­or and shape.

Set includes:

  • Motor Base
  • The upgrad­ed dual-stage juic­ing screen
  • Upgrad­ed spin­ning brush
  • Juic­ing Bowl with attached extrac­tion plug and upgrad­ed pulp outlet
  • GE Twin Wing Ultem Auger
  • Self-clean­ing screen holder
  • Two 32-ounce juic­ing cups
  • Pulp Con­tain­er
  • Acces­sories: Push­er, Clean­ing Brush

Chute and Pro­duce Feeding:

The Omega VSJ 843 Juicer fea­tures an oval-shaped feed chute with a 2.5” X 1.5” size. Although the entire cel­ery stalk will fit into the Juicer chute, this type of Juicer tends to clog stringy ingre­di­ents and leafy greens, so they must be pre-cut before juic­ing with this machine. The cel­ery must be cut into 0.5–1‑inch pieces before feed­ing into the Omega VSJ 843.

The hard ingre­di­ents like car­rots do not need pre-cut­ting; how­ev­er, apples will not feed into the chute and must be cut before feeding.

Motor unit: It comes with a strong 150-watt motor (equiv­a­lent to 2 HP) and oper­ates with a very slow 43 RPM speed that allows min­i­mal oxi­da­tion and pro­duces high nutri­tion­al val­ue juice.

Start­ing in 2018, Omega VSJ 843 comes with improved motors that pro­duce a bet­ter torque to process hard ingre­di­ents like car­rots efficiently—a sin­gle-phase induc­tion type motor.

Gears/Auger: The VSJ843 comes with a new patent­ed twin-wing auger design that is made of tough GE’s ULTEM mate­r­i­al. The unique twin-wing auger cuts up and grinds pro­duce more effi­cient­ly than the stan­dard augers. It also han­dles the grind­ing job much bet­ter and is able to make supe­ri­or nut milk recipes.

Juic­ing Screen: It has a dual-stage patent­ed inno­v­a­tive juic­ing screen. It is made of good qual­i­ty fine mesh stain­less steel and intro­duces the Auto­mat­ic Wip­ing Sys­tem (AWS) for the screen. To be pre­cise, it adds to the screen a sil­i­cone wip­ing blade to clean and wipe the screen dur­ing pro­cess­ing from an excess of pulp, so it ensures that pulp is processed to a fin­er con­sis­ten­cy that results in high­er juice yield; the juice with the low pulp con­sis­ten­cy in the juice and much eas­i­er screen clean­ing experience.

The dual-stage screen allows the juice to be extract­ed via the first crush­ing stage and in the area just before the pulp ejec­tion, which results in more juice and dri­er pulp.

Juicer Tap: It also has the inno­v­a­tive and patent­ed no-drip Juice Tap that holds the juice in the juic­ing cham­ber until you release it; that makes sure the drink is mixed well with pulp before it goes into the juic­ing cup, which pro­vides more nutri­tion­al juice.

The no-drip juice tap also allows faster Juicer clean-up; you fill the machine with water and run it for a short time.

Con­tain­ers: It comes with a 32 oz plas­tic juic­ing cup and pulp container.


  • Cel­ery juice;
  • Leafy greens;
  • Wheat­grass;
  • Hard veg­gies like car­rots, beet, and oth­er roots;
  • Oranges and oth­er cit­rus fruits;
  • Firm fruits like apples and pears;
  • Soft fruits and veg­gies like pineap­ples, mel­ons, grapes, toma­toes, and cucumbers;
  • Makes nut milk;
  • Soy­bean milk;
  • Frozen sor­bets with­out a sep­a­rate “blank” attachment;

Although the Juicer han­dles a wide range of pro­duce, most of them must be cut before feed­ing into the rel­a­tive­ly nar­row chute (beets, apples). Also, grass and veg­gies with sin­u­ous fibers, like cel­ery and gin­ger, need to be cut into small­er pieces; oth­er­wise, the long fibers will entan­gle the auger and clog.

Clean­ing and assembling/disassembling: The Omega VSJ843 juicer is easy to assem­ble; it sim­ply requires set­ting all parts ver­ti­cal­ly down into place. Dis­as­sem­bling needs to repeat the pro­ce­dure in the oppo­site order.

Clean­ing this Juicer is a more chal­leng­ing task. Although this machine is designed for a self-clean­ing mech­a­nism, it is more suit­able for clean­ing the machine between dif­fer­ent juic­ing ses­sions or pre-clean­ing pro­ce­dures before man­u­al clean­ing. The juic­ing screen and spin­ning brush are quite labo­ri­ous to clean and will require some effort and time.

Con­trols: The juicers have only one switch that con­trols all of the Juicer’s func­tions – for­ward (On) and reverse (Rev) functions.

War­ran­ty: The Omega VSJ843 is equipped with a 15-year parts & labor War­ran­ty for the USA / Cana­da, which guar­an­tees you many years of trou­ble-free service.

Dimen­sions: 7” W × 8 1/2” D × 15 1/2” H (178mm W × 216mm D × 394mm H), weighs 11.5 pounds.

Aver­age juice yield from 1 kg of cel­ery: 700ml — 730ml, depend­ing on the produce.

Sum­ma­ry: The Omega VSJ 843 Ver­ti­cal Slow mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer comes with a bunch of patent­ed inno­va­tions that make this machine one of the best among the Ver­ti­cal Slow Juicers. The unique twin-wing auger, new juic­ing screen and wip­ing blade, the no-drip tap, and an upgrad­ed motor that deliv­ers bet­ter torque make this machine not only very effi­cient with pro­cess­ing ingre­di­ents and deliv­er a very high yield with min­i­mum pulp for most ingre­di­ents but also the eas­i­est to clean among the ver­ti­cal slow juicers.

Although this Juicer is the slow­est to process cel­ery because of the need for pre-cut­ting, it makes high-qual­i­ty juice. This Juicer is also mul­ti­task­ing and can process almost any ingre­di­ents avail­able for juicing.

This machine has a very mod­est foot­print as an extra ben­e­fit, so it will not take up much space at your counter.

Omega VRT843 Vertical Slow Masticating Juicer Pro and Cons for Juicing Celery


  • Very high yield;
  • Clean-up is the sec­ond eas­i­est after a sin­gle auger;
  • Easy to assemble/disassemble and use;
  • Good juice quality;
  • Mul­ti-func­tion­al and could be used for a wide range of prod­uct types;


  • Needs pre-cut­ting for cel­ery juic­ing; oth­er­wise will clog;
  • It is the slow­est among all juicer types to process cel­ery juice due to extra time tak­en for pre-cutting;
  • Nar­row pulp out­let prone to clogging;
  • Expen­sive.


Centrifugal Juicer

Cen­trifu­gal juicers are the sim­plest juicer type. They use a juic­ing screen that con­sists of a grat­ing disc and a per­fo­rat­ed drum that spins at a very high speed of over 10,000 RPMs. The grat­ing disc rips apart and chops the pro­duce that is pushed with cen­trifu­gal force towards the per­fo­rat­ed screen, where the liq­uid con­tent of the chopped pro­duce is released through the meshed screen. The high-speed cen­trifu­gal process aer­ates the juice and deliv­ers very oxide and watery out­put. So, the cen­trifu­gal juicers deliv­er the low­est qual­i­ty juice with the short­est shelf life.

Although cen­trifu­gal juicers are not as mul­ti-func­tion­al as the types above and process a lim­it­ed range of ingre­di­ents, they can per­fect­ly process cel­ery juice. In addi­tion, cen­trifu­gal juicers are the fastest and eas­i­est to use, and gen­er­al­ly, they are much cheap­er than all the juicers above.

We select­ed a very afford­able L’Equipe Cen­trifu­gal juicer that is known for its high juice yield.

#4 Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor

Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor
Bre­ville JE98XL Juice Foun­tain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor

This machine is an upgrad­ed ver­sion of the L’E­quip XL215 mod­el with an array of new and improved fea­tures. This Juicer is tru­ly the best val­ue-for-mon­ey cen­trifu­gal Juicer on the mar­ket. It is man­u­fac­tured in South Korea by L’Equip Com­pa­ny, which spe­cial­izes in Kitchen appli­ances that were USA- South Korea co-estab­lished in 1998 and have now become a well-known glob­al brand.

 Set includes:

  • Motor base;
  • Top hous­ing;
  • Juic­ing basket;
  • Juic­ing Bowl with juice spout and pulp ejec­tion outlet;
  • Pulp con­tain­er;
  • Juic­ing container.
  • Push­er;

Motor unit: L’E­quip Juicer comes with sleek, made from a heavy-duty BPA-free poly­mer built to last base unit. It hous­es a heavy-duty and strong 800-watt, 110–120 volts dual-speed motor that runs at 11,000 RPMs speed.

The base unit hous­ing uses a lever arm to connect/fix the top hous­ing; if it is not closed prop­er­ly for safe­ty rea­sons, the machine will not operate.

Chute and Pro­duce Feed­ing: The Juicer fea­tures an extra-wide 7.5 cm/3 inch­es Extra Wide Feed­er Mouth/chute that allows you to feed whole fruits and veg­gies, so you do not need to pre­pare and cut any ingredients.

Juic­ing Basket/screen with blades: The juic­ing bas­ket made of stain­less steel com­pris­es juic­ing screen walls and a bot­tom with razor-sharp blades. The bas­ket, dur­ing the oper­a­tion of the Juicer, rotates at a high speed of 11,000 RPMs; the blades grate the pro­duce, which is then pushed to the spin­ning screen where the juice is sep­a­rat­ed from the fiber and sacked via the screen mesh­es down to the juic­ing bowl and juic­ing spout.

Juic­ing Bowl: The Juic­ing bowl con­tains all the major parts that are involved in juic­ing pro­cess­ing. L’E­quip juic­ing bowl is made entire­ly of stain­less steel, which means it is very well made and durable. It also fea­tures a patent­ed anti-clog­ging pulp ejec­tion sys­tem that pro­vides an unin­ter­rupt­ed juicer oper­a­tion and effi­cient­ly process­es large bunch­es of pro­duce. Besides, L’E­quip has improved the pulp col­lec­tion bas­ket, adding a han­dle to make it sim­pler to remove and clean.

Con­tain­ers: It comes with 34 34-ounce (1 L) clear plas­tic (BPA-free) juice con­tain­ers with mea­sure­ments of up to 800ml. It is also spe­cial­ly designed and attached to the juice con­tain­er a froth sep­a­ra­tor to remove the foam from its juice.

It also fea­tures a huge black plas­tic, near­ly 70-ounce large pulp con­tain­er that is attached to the juicer body.

Clean­ing and assembling/disassembling: The cen­trifu­gal juicers do not have many parts to assemble/disassemble, and it is an effort­less task. All parts are easy to remove and ready for hand wash; most of the parts are also dish­wash­er friend­ly. The only labroid part of clean­ing is the juic­ing screen.

Con­trol pan­el and use: L’E­quip Cen­trifu­gal Juicer comes with a real­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed juicer con­trol pan­el.  It has a dig­i­tal dis­play and four but­tons, On/OFF, Pulse, and two but­tons to set pre-one of the 5 pre-sets:

  • Hard Veg­etable,
  • Apple,
  • Mix Blend,
  • Reg­u­lar Vegetable,
  • Cit­rus


Although cen­trifu­gal juicers are bet­ter at juic­ing hard fruits and veg­gies, sur­pris­ing­ly, they han­dle cel­ery well. Over­all, cen­trifu­gal juicers are not mul­ti­func­tion­al machines, and L’Equip is not an exclu­sion, so it can juice the fol­low­ing products:

  • Cel­ery juice,
  • Firm fruits like apples and pears,
  • Firm veg­gies like car­rots and beets,
  • Aver­age­ly per­form juic­ing oranges and cit­ruses because of eject very wet pulp.

The cen­trifu­gal juicers are not suit­able for juic­ing leafy greens like kale, cilantro, wheat­grass, and oth­er grasses.

The juice it deliv­ers is rather watery and heav­i­ly oxi­dized, so it must be con­sumed imme­di­ate­ly. As a result, it pro­duces the low­est qual­i­ty of juice com­pared to oth­er types of juicers but is still tasty and acceptable.

War­ran­ty: The L’E­quip Juicer fea­tures a 10-year war­ran­ty on the machine and a year war­ran­ty on a juic­ing bas­ket. The com­pa­ny has a very good rep­u­ta­tion and stands behind its products.

Dimen­sions: 15.2 x 9 x 16.1 inch­es (31 x 19.7 x 38.5cm). Unboxed weight is 8.7 lbs.

The aver­age yield from 1 kg of cel­ery is 680–730 ml.

Sum­ma­ry: The L’E­quip is the best cen­trifu­gal Juicer not only for juic­ing cel­ery but also for all oth­er juic­ing tasks that cen­trifu­gal juicers can per­form – juic­ing hard fruits and veg­eta­bles, cit­rus, and mixed juice. It is an impres­sive bud­get machine with one of the best juice yields among the cen­trifu­gal juicers avail­able on the mar­ket and a very impres­sive 10-year war­ran­ty. In addi­tion, an array of oth­er remark­able fea­tures such as a very wide chute where you can fit even a whole apple with­out cut­ting it, the froth-elim­i­nat­ing fea­ture, an inno­v­a­tive con­trol pan­el with 5 pre-set pro­grams, and besides, this machine is very easy to assemble/disassemble and clean that is not com­mon for cen­trifu­gal juicers.

L’Equip Centrifugal Juicer Pro and Cons for Juicing Celery


  • Fastest to process cel­ery for juicing;
  • Good yield;
  • The whole cel­ery stalk fed into the chute;
  • No pre-cut is needed;
  • Very afford­able juicer price.


  • Low­est juice qual­i­ty due to high juice oxidation;
  • Watery juice taste;
  • Very wet pulp s sprayed all over the pulp container;
  • Juice must be con­sumed imme­di­ate­ly as it has a very short shelf-life;
  • Loud.


How to Select the Best Juicer for Juicing Celery

Sur­pris­ing­ly, all four types of juicers – hor­i­zon­tal sin­gle auger, twin gear, ver­ti­cal sin­gle auger, and cen­trifu­gal – pro­duce near­ly sim­i­lar yields for cel­ery juice. That means any type of machine can juice cel­ery effi­cient­ly. So, while select­ing a juicer for cel­ery pro­cess­ing, you have to con­sid­er oth­er para­me­ters such as juice qual­i­ty, how easy it is Juicer to assemble/disassemble, use, and clean, and price.

We assigned the first posi­tion to the Omega MM900HDS Low-Speed Mas­ti­cat­ing Cel­ery Juicer because it is eas­i­est to use and clean (has the least num­ber of parts), does not require any cel­ery pre-cut­ting for juic­ing, and deliv­ers good qual­i­ty juice (as any oth­er mas­ti­cat­ing slow juicer), and it has a rea­son­able price. As a bonus, Antony Williams’s favorite Juicer is the glob­al cel­ery juice move­men­t’s initiator.

It should be men­tioned that the major­i­ty of sin­gle auger juicers (exclud­ing the Omega MM900HDS) usu­al­ly deliv­ers the low­est cel­ery juice yield across all type of juicers, but it is still a favorite for the major­i­ty of peo­ple to juice cel­ery because it is easy to use, clean. In addi­tion, it is the cheap­est option amongst the cold press slow mas­ti­cat­ing juicers, so if you plan to make cel­ery juice every day and do not want to put any effort into it, then this machine is the best option.

We assigned the sec­ond posi­tion to the Tribest GSE-5000/5010/5050 Green­star Elite Cold Press Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer for extract­ing cel­ery juice only because it is the most expen­sive Juicer on our list. How­ev­er, it deliv­ers the high­est juice yield (though mar­gin­al) and pro­duces the juice with the high­est nutri­tion­al val­ue and longest juice shelf life (up to 48–72 hours). It is most labo­ri­ous to assemble/disassemble and clean as a down­side because it has the largest num­ber of parts. Although it is the most dif­fi­cult to use, it is the best Juicer for juic­ing devo­tees as it deliv­ers the best juice qual­i­ty not only for cel­ery but for most of the prod­ucts and shows the best yield for most of the leafy greens and wheatgrass.

Although the Omega VSJ843QS Ver­ti­cal Slow Mas­ti­cat­ing Juicer per­formed very well pro­cess­ing cel­ery juice, it was placed in the third posi­tion just because the Juicer can­not process cel­ery with­out pre-cut­ting. How­ev­er, it pro­duces high-qual­i­ty juice, deliv­ers a high yield, and is not dif­fi­cult to clean and use. Besides, it is a mul­ti-func­tion­al machine and is able to process the widest range of prod­ucts. So, if you plan to juice only 50% of cel­ery and 50 % of oth­er prod­ucts, includ­ing soft fruit and veg­gies, this Juicer is a great option to consider.

The L’Equip Cen­trifu­gal Juicer also showed quite a good result and excel­lent cel­ery juice yield. How­ev­er, it placed fourth because of the juice qual­i­ty. It is believed and con­firmed by a few sci­en­tif­ic stud­ies that cen­trifu­gal juicers deliv­er 50% less nutri­tious juice than twin auger juicers, which are lost due to high-speed pro­cess­ing and, thus, high oxi­da­tion. How­ev­er, juice made with a cen­trifu­gal juicer con­sumed imme­di­ate­ly after pro­cess­ing is still very accept­able. So, if you want to receive all the health ben­e­fits from juic­ing with min­i­mum fuss, you will appre­ci­ate L’Equip Cen­trifu­gal Juicers’ pow­er, speed, and ease of use.

Just to sum­marise, the best means dif­fer­ent for dif­fer­ent peo­ple; we explained to you the pros and cons of each juicer type with the best-rep­re­sent­ing machine for cel­ery juic­ing. How­ev­er, the choice is yours.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Juicer is best for celery?

For­tu­nate­ly, all types of juicers, such as cen­trifu­gal, sin­gle-auger mas­ti­cat­ing hor­i­zon­tal and ver­ti­cal juicers, and twin gear, can be used for cel­ery, but the best ones are slow juicers. These juicers use a gen­tle process to extract juice from cel­ery, which helps to pre­serve the nutri­ents and enzymes in the juice. Mas­ti­cat­ing juicers are also bet­ter at han­dling the stringy, fibrous make­up of cel­ery, which can be dif­fi­cult for cen­trifu­gal juicers to process. Some of the best juicers for cel­ery include:

Omega MM900HDS Cel­ery Juicer

Hamil­ton Beach Juicer Machine

Bre­ville Juice Foun­tain Plus

The Orig­i­nal Healthy Juicer

Omega J8006HDS

Can I juice celery with a centrifugal juicer?

Yes, you can juice cel­ery with a cen­trifu­gal juicer. Although cen­trifu­gal juicers gen­er­ate almost the same juice yield as sin­gle-auger mas­ti­cat­ing hor­i­zon­tal and ver­ti­cal juicers, they tend to cre­ate a lot of mess while extract­ing juice, and the juice qual­i­ty is low­er than that gen­er­at­ed with mas­ti­cat­ing juicers. They pro­duce more heat, which can dam­age the nutri­ents and enzymes in the juice. If you are look­ing for the best qual­i­ty juice, a mas­ti­cat­ing juicer is a bet­ter option, but if you want a juicer that is fast, a cen­trifu­gal juicer can do the job.

Is a juicer better than a blender for celery?

Yes, a juicer is bet­ter than a blender for cel­ery. In fact, the blender does not sep­a­rate the juice from the fibre. It requires some liq­uid in order to blend cel­ery into thick and pulpy smooth­ies since it con­tains fibre. Juicers are specif­i­cal­ly designed to extract juice from fruits and veg­eta­bles, and they sep­a­rate the juice from the pulp and fibre. This results in a smoother, more nutri­ent-dense juice that is eas­i­er to digest.

Can you use a citrus juicer for celery?

No, you can­not use a cit­rus juicer for cel­ery; cit­rus juicers are designed specif­i­cal­ly for juic­ing round cit­rus fruits like oranges, lemons, and limes. They are not equipped to extract juice from non-round and fibrous ingre­di­ents. If you want to juice cel­ery, you will need to use a juicer that is specif­i­cal­ly designed for that purpose.

The Celery Juice Benefits

Cel­ery juice offers a wide range of health ben­e­fits, mak­ing it a pop­u­lar choice among health enthusiasts.
  • Hydra­tion: Cel­ery juice is well known for its abil­i­ty to hydrate the human body due to its high water content.
  • Anti-Inflam­ma­to­ry Prop­er­ties: Cel­ery juice is rich in antiox­i­dants, which help reduce inflam­ma­tion in the body which can help alle­vi­ate con­di­tions like arthritis.
  • Improved Diges­tion: Drink­ing cel­ery juice reg­u­lar­ly can pro­mote a healthy diges­tive sys­tem and relieve bloat­ing and constipation.
  • Detox­i­fi­ca­tion: Cel­ery juice helps flush out tox­ins from the body; it also sup­ports liv­er func­tions as a nat­ur­al diuretic.
  • Weight Loss: With its low-calo­rie and high-fiber con­tent, cel­ery juice can aid in weight loss by pro­mot­ing a feel­ing of full­ness and reduc­ing cravings.

Other Products to Think About

medical medium celery juiceThe Med­ical Medi­um Cel­ery Juice book by Antho­ny William.



Posted in Juicers, Best Products

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