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The Braun MQ7035X Multiquick Immersion Blender | Exceptional Versatility and Reliable Built

braun multiquick 7 immersion blenderA hand blender is a vital com­ple­ment found in most per­fect mod­ern kitchens. Most dai­ly kitchen activ­i­ties require this kitchen tool to pre­pare per­fect recipes. Think of mak­ing omelets, mash­ing pota­toes, puree­ing soup, and veg­eta­bles, chop­ping cheese, and prepar­ing baby food. All these kitchen activ­i­ties require you to use a hand blender.

So as you decide to buy one, you have to select a suit­able mod­el. Here is the CORDED Mul­ti­quick MQ735X Immer­sion Blender that belongs to the mid-range Braun MQ700 Series. This arti­cle will look at all the fac­tors you need to con­sid­er when pur­chas­ing the immer­sion blender.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Read More: KitchenAid K150 Blender Review | 3 Speed Ice Crush­ing Blender 

Table of Contents


The Braun’s Mul­ti­quick 7 Immer­sion Blender Blend­ing Shaft, Whisk, and Chop­per attach­ments are designed to per­form the fol­low­ing tasks:

Blend­ing Shaft functions:

  • Mak­ing vel­vety smooth Soup, the blender con­struc­tion allows blend­ing boil­ing hot ingre­di­ents direct­ly on a stove;
  • Light prep recipes like may­on­naise, hum­mus, pesto, dips, sauces, sal­ad dress­ings, and others;
  • Puree­ing cooked veg­eta­bles such as pota­toes, toma­toes, sweet pota­toes, parsnip, and others;
  • Mash­ing and Chop­ping cooked meat and fish;
  • Bul­let­proof Cof­fee which sup­posed to blend togeth­er hot cof­fee with but­ter and oil;
  • Smooth­ies, Milk and Pro­tein, Shakes from soft fruits and veg­gies; it also can process semi-frozen ingre­di­ents; how­ev­er, it does not have the pow­er to blend ice cubes or large pieces of frozen bananas and oth­er fruits and veggies;
  • It also is able to froth milk;

Whisker Attach­ment func­tions:

  • Beats ready-mix desserts and sponge cakes bat­ter;
  • Whips egg whites and yolks, cream, meringue;
  • This attach­ment, sim­i­lar to the blend­ing shaft, is per­fect­ly suit­able for mak­ing may­on­naise;

Chop­per Accessory: 

  • Dices hard cheese, onion, toma­toes, and oth­er vegetables;
  • Chops cooked meat, cooked fish, herbs, nuts, bread, crackers;
  • Minces garlic.

How­ev­er, this blender is unsuit­able for chop­ping ice cubes, cof­fee beats, milling grains, and oth­er hard-shelled ingredients.

Motor Unit

Braun Mul­ti­quick 3‑in‑1 Immer­sion Blender comes with a pow­er­ful 500 Watts motor, while most immer­sion blenders have 200–400 Watts. As a result, it has excel­lent torque with­out bog­ging or slow­ing down.

It has a solid­ly built met­al body with a con­trol but­ton on the front and an excel­lent rub­ber grip on the back­side, so it is com­fort­able to hold and safe from slippage.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, like the major­i­ty of immer­sion blenders (exclud­ing Bamix), its inter­nal gear cou­pling is made of plas­tic, thus not very durable.

Speed Settings

braun mq7035x blender controlsThe Braun Mul­ti­quick Braun 3‑in‑1 Immer­sion Blender fea­tures a lock but­ton on top of a han­dle with a pilot light and con­trol but­ton in front. The lock but­ton is just a safe­ty fea­ture, so you can­not acci­den­tal­ly press the blender, and it rumps up blend­ing. So, to start oper­at­ing the blender, you have to press the lock but­ton with your point­er fin­ger, and the pilot light will change from red to green; then, you have to start push­ing the front con­trol but­ton gen­tly with your index finger.

The hard­er you press the con­trol but­ton, the faster it is going to blend, if you need a slow speed, you just gen­tly squeeze it, and if you need a rapid speed, you press it more. The speed con­trol has about 3/4 inch deep­ness to adjust from low to high speed.

The lock and con­trol but­tons are both very respon­sive and per­fect­ly placed on a han­dle and allow easy con­trol of how you chop and blend, press light­ly for light recipes, or press down hard­er for tougher jobs. So you can oper­ate and adjust the speed with one hand with­out any effort.

Like all immer­sion blenders, The Braun Mul­ti­quick Braun 3‑in‑1 has no cycle time; it oper­ates when you press a but­ton and stops work­ing when you release it.

Attachments and Accessories

braun mq7035x blender attachmentsBraun Mul­ti­quick 7 Blender comes with four (4) acces­sories – the Blend­ing Shaft, Whisk Attach­ments, Chop­per Attach­ment, and Beaker.

  • Blend­ing Shaft is the 8 1/8 inch­es long brushed stain­less steel post with a non-brushed stain­less steel head cov­er­ing s‑type blade assem­bly. The stain­less steel blend­ing shaft has an immer­sion length of 6 5/8 inch­es and allows the process of hot ingre­di­ents on the stove; it also has no dan­ger and no leach­ing of plas­tic to your food. The blend­ing head has a no holes unique design that redi­rects the force down­wards with a lot of suc­tion to the point of blend­ing and not the bot­tom of the con­tain­er. So such design allows ingre­di­ents to flow eas­i­ly with­out clog­ging, sub­stan­tial­ly min­i­mizes the suc­tion effect, and does not splash what­ev­er ingre­di­ents you blend. In addi­tion, the 2.6 inch­es blade head diam­e­ter allows fit­ting it into a reg­u­lar Mason Jar Mouth. A mov­able stick blade is anoth­er Braun unique fea­ture. It allows mov­ing the blade assem­bly by ¼ inch up and down inside the bell head, pro­vid­ing bet­ter, faster, and fin­er cut­ting ability.
  • Whisk Attach­ment is con­struct­ed with two parts — a plas­tic Gear­box and a stain­less steel Whisk. It has a slight­ly nar­row­er design than oth­er stan­dard whisks, so it eas­i­ly fits in the beak in the Braun blender pack­age and most of the oth­er stan­dard ones you can find in your cupboard.
  • Beaker is 20 ounces in capac­i­ty and is made of BPA-free plas­tic. This 6 ½ inch­es tall cup with a 2 ¼ inch­es top diam­e­ter is per­fect­ly suit­ed for blend­ing smooth­ies or light prep recipes.
  • Chop­per Attach­ments come in 4 parts — 2‑cup / 500 ml BPA-free plas­tic Chop­ping Bowl, Lid (with gear), Chop­ping blade, and Anti-slip rub­ber ring.

The Lid sits on the con­tain­er grooves with­out fas­ten­ing to it, so it is very easy to use. The blade assem­bly is remov­able and allows unload­ing and clean­ing of the bowl with­out effort. The rub­ber ring on the bot­tom of the bowl keeps it sta­ble dur­ing the oper­a­tion with­out hold­ing it for stability.

In gen­er­al, the chop­per attach­ments work very well; it chops process ingre­di­ents into the per­fect size chunks and does not process the food to the puree texture.

The MQ9037X mod­el also includes the Mash­er Attach­ment for puree­ing cooked veg­eta­bles. How­ev­er, you can per­fect­ly do the mash­ing with an S‑blade blend­ing shaft.

It also should be men­tioned the Braun Mul­ti­quick 7 Immer­sion Blender acces­sories are not inter­change­able with

Assembling, Dissembling, and Cleaning

braun mq7035x blender assemblingAssem­bling /Disassembling: Set­ting up for use and dis­as­sem­bling the blender is a breeze. It takes zero time; every­thing is intuitive/common sense. You just have to pop the attach­ments on a han­dle and push it until you click, and all attach­ments are set up the same way.

It is so easy to set up and dis­man­tle that you are most like­ly to use it all the time for all light or medi­um kitchen tasks.

Clean­ing: All the attach­ments, includ­ing the shaft, whisker, beaker, chop­per parts, and exclud­ing the motor body part, are top-rack dish­wash­er safe. How­ev­er, you bet­ter clean it man­u­al­ly to pro­long the life of the device.


The Braun Mul­ti­quick Braun MQ7035X 3‑in‑1 Immer­sion Blender comes with an excel­lent hand blender 3‑years man­u­fac­tur­er warranty.


Braun Mul­ti­quick 7 3‑in‑1 Immer­sion Blender has com­pact sizes for such a pow­er­ful machine. The motor han­dle with blend­ing shaft assem­bled mea­sures 15.35 inch­es long and 2.68 inch­es in diam­e­ter. It weighs only 1.90 lbs and suits even peo­ple with weak hands.

The device also comes with a stan­dard two (2) prone 4ft/1.2 m long cord that makes it easy to get around the kitchen and blend the soup on the stove.

Set Includes

  • Motor Body;
  • Blend­ing shaft with s‑blades;
  • Wisk attach­ments;
  • Chop­per attachment;
  • 20 ounces mea­sur­ing cup;
  • Instruc­tion man­u­al with the pic­to­r­i­al guide (no recipes);

Special Features

Col­or: The unit is avail­able only in one col­or — pre­mi­um black and brushed stain­less steel.

Volt­age Sys­tem: The Blender is con­struct­ed to oper­ate with a 110–120 V sys­tem only in the USA, Cana­da, South Amer­i­ca, and some oth­er coun­tries. Con­sumers with 220–240 volt­age sys­tems are advised to buy the device via local retailers.

 Country of Production

Engi­neered in Ger­many and man­u­fac­tured in Romania.

Pros and Cons


  • This is a well-built, sol­id device with pow­er­ful 500 watts motor;
  • Comes with the per­fect set of attach­ments for wide func­tion­al­i­ty tasks;
  • Has stain­less steel shaft;
  • Con­struct­ed to oper­ate with one hand easily;
  • The shaft head is designed to oper­ate with zero splashing;
  • It comes with an excel­lent immer­sion blender three (3) a years warranty;
  • The blend­ing head fits into the stan­dard Mason Jar mouth;


  • A gear cou­pling is made of plastic;
  • It has no bell guard to pro­tect pots.

Braun Multiquick Braun MQ7035X 3‑in‑1 Immersion Blender Price

The Braun Mul­ti­quick Braun MQ7035X 3‑in‑1 Immer­sion Blender comes at a rea­son­able price for such a well-built device with the per­fect attachments.



The Braun Mul­ti­quick Braun MQ7035X 3‑in‑1 Immer­sion Blender is a very ver­sa­tile pre­mi­um qual­i­ty blender. It has a pow­er­ful 500 Watts motor, comes with a per­fect set of attach­ments, and is thus able to per­fume all the vari­ety of tasks typ­i­cal for a hand blender. It is also equipped with unique fea­tures such as non-splash­ing tech­nol­o­gy, mul­ti­ple speed con­trol to oper­ate with one hand, and easy one-click assem­bling /disassembling con­struc­tion. In addi­tion, it has an excel­lent three (3) years war­ran­ty that ensures the man­u­fac­tur­er stands behind its product.

So, if you are look­ing for a good qual­i­ty blender for every­day food prep tasks or quick basic smooth­ies, Braun Mul­ti­quick Braun MQ7035X 3‑in‑1 Immer­sion Blender is a per­fect option. More­over, it is rea­son­ably priced and will not break the bank.

Would you like to look at oth­er options? Check our arti­cle, The 8 Best Immer­sion Blenders for all Bud­gets?

Posted in Immersion Blenders

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