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Immersion Blender Buying Guide | KitchenGearPro

Immersion BlenderImmer­sion Blender Buy­ing Guide: An Immer­sion Blender, also known as a Hand and Stick Blender, is the best com­pli­ment every mod­ern kitchen requires.

They elim­i­nate all the hus­tle and bus­tle involved when deal­ing with large and noisy appli­ances. How­ev­er, it is not until you pur­chase a stick blender that you real­ize how vital it can be in your home.

It has mod­er­ate dimen­sions and can be stored eas­i­ly in any draw­er, and is rel­a­tive­ly light; you can use it with one hand. Besides, it has a sim­ple design that allows users to per­form var­i­ous blend­ing tasks direct­ly in a cook­ing pot, bowl, or any oth­er con­ve­nient con­tain­er. Final­ly, it is far sim­pler to clean than the coun­ter­top, per­son­al blender, or most oth­er kitchen appliances.

Read More: KitchenAid K150 Blender Review | 3 Speed Ice Crush­ing Blender 

It is worth not­ing that not all hand blenders found in the mar­ket are prac­ti­cal and con­ve­nient. There­fore, there are some essen­tial qual­i­ties you need to reflect on before pur­chas­ing your best Immer­sion Blender. How­ev­er, as long as you need an excel­lent immer­sion blender, you should con­sid­er some cru­cial para­me­ters this immer­sion blender buy­ing guide specifies.

Table of Contents


Func­tion­al­i­ty is a cru­cial fac­tor to con­sid­er when buy­ing stick blenders. Typ­i­cal­ly, they need to be there in the kitchen to pre­pare your hearty recipes, for instance:

  • Mak­ing the creami­est Soup direct­ly in the cook­ing pot;
  • Besides, you can blend any hot ingre­di­ents with it, includ­ing Bul­let­proof Cof­fee;
  • With­in five min­utes, you can com­fort­ably make home­made sal­ad dress­ing eas­i­ly pre­pare a vari­ety of sauces, dips, and pesto, or may­on­naise, and it is per­fect for light blend­ing tasks;
  • Emul­si­fy­ing a Toma­to Sauce;
  • Mak­ing Baby food is anoth­er task where an immer­sion blender excels;
  • Mash­ing pota­toes and purée­ing veg­eta­bles can be quick­ly done in under a minute with­out any effort from the user side;
  • When­ev­er you think of whip­ping up creams, and the immer­sion blender makes this pos­si­ble, sev­er­al whips of foamy bev­er­ages do this with lit­tle effort;
  • You can still reach your hand blender when beat­ing eggs to make omelets or when­ev­er you need a fluffy egg as part of your cooking;
  • Essen­tial­ly, you can mix up pan­cake bat­ter if your recipe demands it;
  • Besides, it can sur­prise you when you require to make milk­shakes and smooth­ies; remem­ber it will han­dle only soft­er ingredients;
  • Chop­ping cheese, bread­crumbs, and even small por­tions of meat.

Immersion Blender Wattage

The immer­sion blenders are designed for light blend­ing, whisk­ing, mash­ing, and chop­ping tasks, and this deter­mines the wattage of immer­sion blenders, which usu­al­ly ranges from 150W-600W.

Gen­er­al­ly, if you require this gad­get for light blend­ing, a 200–350 watts blender will serve the pur­pose, while heavy-duty immer­sion machines will fea­ture up to 1000 watts. How­ev­er, some com­mer­cial-style immer­sion blenders, such as Bamix, come with mod­er­ate wattage of 200–400 watts; still, they are per­fect for what they are designed for since oth­er con­struc­tion para­me­ters allow them to per­form heavy-duty tasks.

 Maximum Running Time

Before buy­ing this gad­get, it is also vital to know that the major­i­ty of Immer­sion blenders are designed for 10 sec­onds to 1 minute of con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion and must be cooled for a few min­utes before you start oper­at­ing them again. This run­ning time is gen­er­al­ly enough as this type of blender is intend­ed for light and the quick task where you can con­ve­nient­ly use them in the cook­ing pot or the glass.

Typical Attachments and Accessories

For effi­cient work­ing of this hand machine, the attach­ments or acces­sories are vital com­ple­ments. These are the essen­tial attach­ments that accom­pa­ny a typ­i­cal immer­sion blender:

  • Star blade head (s‑blades) is the stan­dard attach­ment for all types and brands of immer­sion blenders. It is suit­able for most of the homog­e­niz­ing chores such as mak­ing soup or prepar­ing a vari­ety of dress­ing and sauces recipes; it is also can be used for shred­ding and minc­ing meat;
  • The Whisk head is designed for whisk­ing and whip­ping tasks and also for mix­ing essen­tial cake recipes;
  • Mash­er is used for mash­ing pota­toes and oth­er cooked veg­eta­bles and fruits;
  • The Mini Chop­per is the stand­ing bowl fit­ted into it the cen­tral blender unit; it is designed for light chop­ping dry tasks. The food proces­sor has a very sim­i­lar chop­ping attach­ment design but has a giant bowl and stronger blades and per­forms heav­ier tasks such as mak­ing hum­mus and thick dips;
  • The Froth­ing Blade head is intend­ed for froth­ing milk and can mix basic batter;
  • Beaker is a con­tain­er where you can blend your recipes.

Sim­i­lar­ly, oth­er minor attach­ments might not be very essen­tial but can still be includ­ed in the stick blender’s pack:

  • A Splash Guard fit­ted on the arm of the blender and guard­ed the splash­ing against the beaker;
  • The Beaker lid makes the beaker a stor­age container;
  • Pan Guard is a plas­tic rim fit­ted with a met­al bell head to pre­vent the non­stick pans from scratching.

It is typ­i­cal­ly, the more expen­sive gad­gets come with a greater selec­tion of attach­ments and acces­sories. Nev­er­the­less, a high-qual­i­ty food prod­uct can be made when­ev­er the min­i­mal selec­tion of attach­ments or acces­sories is used skillfully.

Speed Settings for Stick Blender

The basic Immer­sion blender may have only one speed, which is acti­vat­ed with a press-and-hold but­ton. The more sophis­ti­cat­ed mod­els come with two and more speeds, includ­ing vari­able and tur­bo speed selections.


Stick blenders are easy to assem­ble and use. For exam­ple, if you need to pre­pare food or a drink, an immer­sion blender can con­ve­nient­ly reach cook­ing pots or bowls. More­over, most stick blenders are auto­mat­ed, enabling you to pre­cise­ly pre­pare your recipe. For instance, when you increase the pres­sure on some immer­sion blenders’ trig­gers, they auto­mat­i­cal­ly increase their speed.

Oth­ers go to the extent of warn­ing you against blend­ing hot food and drinks. Anti-suc­tion tech­nol­o­gy has also been applied in most mod­ern mod­els. This tech­nol­o­gy helps pre­vent the food con­tent from spilling out of the cook­ing pot or a bowl when blending.


Most stick blender has a remov­able shaft, which is about 8–12 inch­es. The main advan­tage of the remov­able shaft is to clean the gad­get in an eas­i­er way. Thor­ough clean­ing is pos­si­ble since the shaft can be removed from the blender’s body and cleaned sep­a­rate­ly. Besides, a hand blender has a remov­able blend­ing head and oth­er attach­ment parts. Most of the remov­able immer­sion blender parts are dishwasher-safe.

Corded and Uncorded 

Most immer­sion blenders are hard-wired, but some of them come with remov­able cords and recharge­able bat­ter­ies. Although the cord­less machines have bet­ter maneu­ver­abil­i­ty but are heav­ier and have less wattage. At the same time, cord­ed blenders are more robust and more powerful.

The Material It Is Made

The immer­sion blenders usu­al­ly have stain­less steel blades, heads, and plas­tic bod­ies. The com­mer­cial types of immer­sion blenders may have met­al shafts. The steel mate­r­i­al increas­es the dura­bil­i­ty of the hand blender. The con­tain­ers usu­al­ly are plas­tic and some­times glass.

The more stain­less steel in the immer­sion blender design, the eas­i­er it is to clean because you only need hot or warm water and mild deter­gent to make it clean. You need not wor­ry when­ev­er you are work­ing on hot or even boil­ing soup using a hand blender with steel mate­r­i­al. The safe­ty of your stick blender is guar­an­teed since the steel part can’t melt. Such durable mate­ri­als pro­tect the stick blender from crack­ing or even warping.

Although plas­tic mate­r­i­al is also eas­i­ly clean­able, it may leave unre­mov­able stains after pro­cess­ing such ingre­di­ents as car­rots or beets.  Plas­tic is also not always safe to use with hot ingredients.


There is a large vari­ety of Immer­sion blenders avail­able on the mar­ket nowa­days. Some of the most trust­ed gad­gets on the mar­ket include KitchenAid, Braun, Cuisi­nart, Bre­ville, Smeg, Bamix, War­ing, All-Clad, and Hamil­ton Beach; they are usu­al­ly well-made, come with a war­ran­ty, and demon­strate excel­lent per­for­mance. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the brands you nev­er heard of before are gen­er­al­ly pro­duced in Chi­na; they are much cheap­er than rep­utable brands, but they typ­i­cal­ly do not last for long and often come with­out a war­ran­ty and non-exis­tent cus­tomer support.

Among the rep­utable brands, some KitchenAid and Braun mod­els are eas­i­ly afford­able, and they are known for their high-per­for­mance lev­els. If you go for a rep­utable stick blender brand, you are guar­an­teed to get its acces­sories on the mar­ket quick­ly, and their war­ran­ty will be served. For instance, if one addi­tion breaks down, you can eas­i­ly replace it instead of pur­chas­ing a new hand blender.


When­ev­er a cus­tomer thinks of buy­ing an item, the first ques­tion that hits their mind is the cost. Do not wor­ry if you are plan­ning to pur­chase an immer­sion blender. There are count­less afford­able brands avail­able in the mar­ket. Even with a tight bud­get, you can eas­i­ly buy one accord­ing to your choice. Their prices are deter­mined by design, motor pow­er, num­ber of acces­sories, and the mate­r­i­al used to make them. With as low as $60, you can get a qual­i­ty mod­el. While the pre­mi­um mod­els may cost over $200, they usu­al­ly will have a styl­ish stain­less steel con­struc­tion, a wider vari­ety of attach­ments, and com­mer­cial blender-lev­el performance.


Final­ly, if you look for an appli­ance that per­forms a vari­ety of light-duty blend­ing tasks, then an immer­sion blender is the right option. It may replace a few kitchen appli­ances, it is effort­less and con­ve­nient to use, and they are more afford­able than full-size blenders. As long as you buy a qual­i­ty immer­sion blender, your cook­ing will be defi­ant­ly made eas­i­er. Before going for a stick blender, care­ful­ly con­sid­er the above buy­ing guides for you to pur­chase the spe­cif­ic blender that will serve your purpose.


Posted in Immersion Blenders, Buying Advice

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  1. ellbug

    Is there any brand with a blender head attach­ment that is small­er than 2 inch­es or 5cm? I’m try­ing o fit one of these into a stan­dard wide mouthed nal­gene bottle.

    • lucy

      Most rep­utable brands’ immer­sion blender head diam­e­ter is 3” or big­ger. How­ev­er, you may find among the gener­ic Chi­nese brands the blender with small­er heads. It seems Makoloce 800W hand blender and KOIOS 800W 3‑in‑1 Immer­sion Hand Blender may fit your require­ments for the head size. I advise you to con­tact the man­u­fac­ture and con­firm the size of this para­me­ter is very impor­tant to you.

      I hope, it helps.

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