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NutriBullet 600 watts Blender vs Nutri Ninja Pro BL450

NutriBul­let 600 watts is prob­a­bly the most pop­u­lar per­son­al blender cur­rent­ly on the mar­ket, with the Nutri Nin­ja just slight­ly behind just because it is the new­er prod­uct. They are both accom­pa­nied by quite entic­ing adver­tis­ing cam­paigns. Con­sumers strug­gle with decid­ing which blender to choose. This arti­cle will help you to iden­ti­fy your needs and answer which machine is the best to meet your expectations.

Would you like to look at alter­na­tive options? Check here our arti­cle the Best pow­er­ful but afford­able per­son­al types blenders.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

NutriBullet 600 watts High-Speed Blender

NutriBullet 600 watts blenderThe NutriBul­let, 600 watts machine, is avail­able in 3 pack­ages — 8‑piece, 12-piece, and 14-piece sets. All pack­ages come with the iden­ti­cal 600 watts motor base unit and a dif­fer­ent selec­tion of cups, blade attach­ments, lids, and pro­mo­tion­al mate­ri­als, so the typ­i­cal NutriBul­let set includes:

  • Pow­er Base Unit with 600 watts motor;
  • Pul­ver­iz­ing Blade and Milling Blade for 12-piece and 14-piece sets and only Pul­ver­iz­ing Blade for the 8‑piece set;
  • 24 oz. and 32 oz. poly­car­bon­ate cups (the num­ber of each cup depend on the package);
  • Selec­tion of dif­fer­ent types of lip rings and lids;
  • Pock­et Nutri­tion­ist Guide, User Man­u­al, and Heal­ing Book (selec­tion depends on the package).

The NutriBul­let, like the major­i­ty of oth­er per­son­al-type machines, does not have a con­trol pan­el. It is oper­at­ed at one speed by lock­ing the cup against the base unit in the run­ning posi­tion, and in order to stop oper­a­tion, users have to release the locked mode. Although lim­it­ed speed choice does not allow much flex­i­bil­i­ty over the blend­ing process, fans of sin­gle-serve gad­gets do not mind this problem.

This machine also comes with two or three con­tain­ers depend­ing on the pack­age; the cups are made from a not very high-qual­i­ty poly­car­bon­ate mate­r­i­al and do not stress, and tem­per­a­ture resis­tance makes them prone to crack­ing and leaking.

It is also equipped with remov­able blade assem­blies; the 12-piece and 14 –piece pack­ages come with two sets of blades for liq­uids and dry ingre­di­ents that allow them to process a bit wider range of recipes. The 8‑piece set has only a pul­ver­iz­ing type blade intend­ed to process liq­uid food. NutriBul­let blade assem­blies are not well made and often have dura­bil­i­ty issues.

This blender is sup­posed to per­form the fol­low­ing functions:

  • Smooth­ie, it blends decent qual­i­ty drinks only from soft ingre­di­ents, green smooth­ies from tough and leafy veg­gies will pul­ver­ize into grainy con­sis­ten­cy drinks;
  • Crush­es ice only with added enough liq­uid, is not able to process iced into snow cone consistency;
  • Not designed to process hot liquids;
  • It is suit­able only for light puree­ing, chop­ping, and food prep tasks and will make sim­ple sal­ad dress­ing, mix­es, and salsas;
  • Suit­able for grind­ing and milling only for soft ingre­di­ents, but will han­dle cof­fee beans.

Besides, the Mag­ic Bul­let 600 watts comes with only a 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty; Mag­ic Bul­let cus­tomer ser­vice has a bad rep­u­ta­tion among cus­tomers for being not helpful.

[i2pc show_title=“true” title=“Pros & Cons” show_button=“false” pros_title=“Pros” cons_title=“Cons” ][i2pros]One of the Fastest Per­son­al Blenders
Stain­less-Steel Extrac­tor Blades + Cyclonic Action
Extreme­ly Easy to Clean[/i2pros][i2cons]Older & Outdated
No Vari­able Speed or Pulse Control[/i2cons][/i2pc]


Nutri Ninja Pro BL455 Blender

nutri ninja bl456Nutri Nin­ja Pro comes in 3 dif­fer­ent mod­els such as BL455, BL451, and BL456. All mod­els have the same base unit with a very pow­er­ful 900 watts motor but a dif­fer­ent selec­tion of con­tain­ers and recipe books. The typ­i­cal Nutri Nin­ja Pro set includes:

  • 900 Watt Motor Base Unit;
  • One Blade Assembly;
  • 12 oz., 18oz. and 24oz. poly­car­bon­ate cups (num­ber and selec­tion depend­ing on model);
  • Sip and Seal Lids (selec­tion depends on model);
  • Recipe and Well­ness Guide and Instruc­tion Book (depends on model).

The blender does not have a con­trol pan­el and is oper­at­ed with a pulse func­tion only while the user holds it. In addi­tion, the only one speed avail­able allows pro­cess­ing of the selec­tion of recipes only by manip­u­la­tion with pulse mode. These lim­i­ta­tions, how­ev­er, have some pos­i­tive side; it makes the gad­get eas­i­er to use than tra­di­tion­al blenders.

Nutri Nin­ja Pro is equipped with rather low-qual­i­ty poly­car­bon­ate cups that are not able to han­dle hot liq­uids and may crack when exposed to high loads.

This machine comes with only one blade assem­bly set for both liq­uid and dry tasks. Dry food pro­cess­ing is not the strong side of this gad­get; it can per­form very lim­it­ed grind­ing and milling tasks. So, this gad­get is designed for the fol­low­ing tasks:

  • Smooth­ies, includ­ing decent qual­i­ty green smooth­ies, nut milk, and pro­tein shakes;
  • Crush­es ice even with­out added liq­uid up to snow cone con­sis­ten­cy and pro­duces excel­lent ice cream and frozen dessert;
  • Not designed to process hot liquids;
  • Puree­ing, chop­ping, and food prep, includ­ing sim­ple dips, it is able to puree soft food, make sal­sas and sal­ad dressings;
  • Grind­ing and milling have lim­it­ed abil­i­ties to per­form these tasks, will not be able to mill hard grains, and are not designed for grind­ing cof­fee beans also.

The Nutri Nin­ja comes with a 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty; the cus­tomer ser­vice is not good at solv­ing cus­tomers’ issues.

[i2pc show_title=“true” title=“Pros & Cons” show_button=“false” pros_title=“Pros” cons_title=“Cons” ][i2pros]It can actu­al­ly blend ice
Comes with 12 oz, 18 oz and 24 oz cup
Dish­wash­er safe
1‑year warranty
Ultra afford­able per­son­al blender
Com­pact design
Easy to use
Sur­pris­ing­ly, you can pulse it[/i2pros][i2cons]One speed only
Not designed for mak­ing hot soups
It‘s loud[/i2cons][/i2pc]



NutriBullet and Nutri Ninja Pro BL450 Differences and Features


NutriBul­let 600 watts High-Speed


Nutri Nin­ja Pro BL450/BL451/BL456
Motor 600 watts with the plas­tic motor to the blade couplings; 900 watts with the plas­tic motor to the blade connections;
Blades Remov­able pul­ver­iz­ing and milling blade assem­bly for 12 and 14 pieces sets and only  pul­ver­iz­ing blade for 8–piece set; Remov­able one blade assem­bly set for both liq­uid and dry ingre­di­ents processing;
Con­tain­ers Low qual­i­ty 24 oz. and 32 oz. poly­car­bon­ate containers(number of cups depends on package); Not a high qual­i­ty 12 oz., 18 oz. and 24 oz. poly­car­bon­ate cups (selec­tion of cups depends on model);
Using & Cleaning Very easy to use and clean that is typ­i­cal for any oth­er per­son­al type blender, all parts are dish­wash­er safe for cleaning; Very easy to set up for run­ning, using, and clean­ing, the same as any oth­er sin­gle-serve blender;
Con­trol panel It is oper­at­ed at one speed. To start run­ning, users push the cup and lock it in a run­ning posi­tion. The user has to push anti-clock­wise to stop the machine from releas­ing the cup. The user does not need to hold the cup while the blender is running. This machine has no speed con­trol and is oper­at­ed on a pulse func­tion. The user press­es the top part of the machine against the base unit to run it in short inter­vals. The blender oper­ates only while the user holds the machine in a pulse position.
War­ran­ty 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty. Bad rep­u­ta­tion Cus­tomer Service. 1‑year Lim­it­ed war­ran­ty with not very help­ful Cus­tomer Service.
  • Blends decent smooth­ies only from soft ingre­di­ents, tough veg­eta­bles will result in are quite grainy consistency;
  • Process­es ice only with liq­uid added;
  • Does not han­dle hot liq­uids, not suit­able for bul­let­proof coffee;
  • Do basic chop­ping and minc­ing veg­etable tasks.
  • Grinds herbs and cof­fee beans and mills soft grains only.


  • Makes decent qual­i­ty drinks, includ­ing green smoothies;
  • Crush­es ice with­out liq­uid added and is able to pro­duce frozen desserts, ice creams, and shave ice for drinks;
  • Does not han­dle hot liq­uids; pro­cess­ing bul­let­proof cof­fee may dam­age blender; Makes nut milk but no nut butter;
  • Makes nut milk but no nut butter;
  • Makes nut milk but no nut butter;
  • Purees veg­eta­bles well, does not com­pli­cat­ed food prep tasks such as veg­gie chop­ping, nut chop­ping, sal­ad dress­ing, and others;
  • Mills soft grains, not good at grind­ing cof­fee or herbs.
Dimen­sions Foot­print diam­e­ter is 5.4 inch­es; pro­file height is 13 inch­es with 32 oz. on the top of the base unit. Weight is 3.6 pounds. The foot­print is 4 x 4 inch­es; the pro­file height is 14.8 inch­es with 24 oz. con­tain­er. Weight is 8.2 pounds.

How to Choose Between the Two Blenders

The NutriBul­let 600 watts High-Speed and Nutri Nin­ja Pro BL450/BL451/ BL456 are a sim­i­lar design and func­tion­al­i­ty gad­gets. Still, Nutri Nin­ja Pro has a more pow­er­ful motor and pro­duces a supe­ri­or qual­i­ty of blend­ing. Nutri Nin­ja is able to make good qual­i­ty green smooth­ies, while NutriBul­let almost fails in this func­tion. The Nutri Nin­ja is a pow­er­ful machine and the only per­son­al blender under $100 that will crush ice with­out liq­uid and will pro­duce excel­lent frozen desserts or shaved iced drinks. While NutriBul­let is not able to process ice with­out liq­uids and even with liq­uid added, the qual­i­ty of ice pro­cess­ing is not always per­fect. Both blenders are able to pro­duce the same qual­i­ty light chop­ping and food prep tasks and make sal­sa, sal­ad dress­ing, and oth­ers. The only task the NutriBul­let per­forms a bit bet­ter than the Nutri Nin­ja is the herbs and cof­fee beans milling; the NutriBul­let comes with a spe­cial milling blade for this pur­pose (only 12-piece and 14-piece sets).

Nutri Nin­ja is also a more sol­id and bet­ter-built machine in terms of dura­bil­i­ty, but both blenders suf­fer from dura­bil­i­ty issues.


Although NutriBul­let is more pop­u­lar, Nutri Nin­ja is undoubt­ed­ly a much bet­ter machine. If you need a blender to make decent smooth­ies, crush ice, and pro­duce frozen desserts, then the Nutri Nin­ja is an obvi­ous choice. The price is also very sim­i­lar and can­not be a deci­sion-mak­er; both machines are pos­si­ble to grab from under a hun­dred dol­lars depend­ing on the mod­el and colors.

Alter­na­tive­ly, check here the Best pow­er­ful but afford­able per­son­al types blenders article.

Posted in Personal Blenders, Ninja Reviews, NutriBullet Reviews

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