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Glass Jar Blenders: A Comprehensive Guide for Choosing Plastic-Free Blender

Glass Jar Blenders: A Com­pre­hen­sive Guide for Choos­ing Plas­tic-Free Blender: Find­ing a blender with a non-plas­tic jar, such as glass or stain­less steel, is para­mount for many health-con­scious indi­vid­u­als and those with plas­tic aller­gies. Some go to great lengths to elim­i­nate plas­tic entire­ly from their kitchen settings.

What moti­vates this choice? I will not delve into that ques­tion here, but I per­son­al­ly agree with their view­point to a great extent. Oth­er­wise, I would not have under­tak­en exten­sive research on this top­ic and test­ed numer­ous non-plas­tic blenders avail­able on the market. 

Read More:  The Best Blender for Smooth­ies and More

                          Plas­tic vs. Glass vs. Stain­less Steel Blender Jar: Which One to Choose?

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

Critical Considerations for Selecting the Best Glass Blender

Giv­en the con­cerns voiced by health-con­scious enthu­si­asts regard­ing the poten­tial pres­ence of BPA in plas­tic con­tain­ers, despite man­u­fac­tur­er claims, I was dri­ven to seek out blenders that are gen­uine­ly free of plas­tic. How­ev­er, those search­ing for blenders equipped with glass or stain­less steel jars encounter two sig­nif­i­cant challenges.

oster bladehamilton beach blades

Blade Construction and Design 

First, most glass blender jugs are not gen­uine­ly non-plas­tic. The gen­uine blender with a glass or met­al con­tain­er must also have all-met­al blades mount­ed to guar­an­tee no food con­tact with the plas­tic dur­ing blend­ing tasks.

Sur­pris­ing­ly, many rep­utable man­u­fac­tur­ers who offer blenders with glass con­tain­ers, like Kitchenaid, Oster, Hamil­ton Beach, Cuisi­nart, and War­ing, over­look all-met­al blade mount­ing when design­ing their con­tain­ers, even though they mar­ket them as glass jar blenders.

Power and Speed of the Motor

The sec­ond chal­lenge is find­ing a tru­ly pow­er­ful and ver­sa­tile blender with a glass con­tain­er, which is almost impos­si­ble. The glass mate­r­i­al is inher­ent­ly frag­ile, and there is cur­rent­ly no proven tech­nol­o­gy to pro­duce shat­ter­proof glass that can endure the high-end blenders’ high loads. As a result, most of the blenders with glass con­tain­ers are equipped with motor motors rat­ed below 450 watts, which falls short of the expec­ta­tions of mod­ern consumers.

Thus, when choos­ing a glass blender, the con­sumer must make a tough choice between the gad­get’s pow­er and the glass jar’s ecology.

Glass Jar Integrity and its Stainless Steel Alternative

So, the only viable option for tar­get cus­tomers is to go for stain­less steel con­tain­er machines. How­ev­er, even such an indus­try vet­er­an as Vita­mix, which has exclu­sive­ly pro­duced met­al pitch­ers in the past, has opt­ed out of the prac­tice. Nowa­days, most high-pow­er blenders have an East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester pitch­er, which is pre­mi­um poly­car­bon­ate that can with­stand high-end blenders’ high loads and appears as trans­par­ent as glass.

As a result, I came up with this arti­cle, which aims to address this chal­leng­ing task and offer a list of the blenders that can deliv­er a rel­a­tive­ly heavy-duty job and, at the same time, com­ply with the require­ments of hav­ing all-met­al blade mounting.

P.S. In July 2020, Vita­mix released a new Stain­less Steel Con­tain­er com­pat­i­ble with all full-size Vita­mix Models.

How the Research Was Conducted and Ratings Assigned

In our hunt for the ide­al type of Glass Blender, we select­ed a list of 14 blenders with glass or stain­less steel (War­ing) jars and a pow­er rat­ing of 700 watts and high­er. Our list includ­ed Cuisi­nart, Kitchenaid, Elec­trolux, Oster, Black & Deck­er, Frigidaire, Omega, and War­ing machines.

Genuine Glass Blender Key Parameters 

To short­list the best nom­i­nees, we applied a set of cri­te­ria to assess these gad­gets, includ­ing blade assem­bly, motor pow­er and RPMs, func­tion­al­i­ty and per­for­mance, price, con­trol pan­el and speed options, war­ran­ty and cus­tomer ser­vice, con­sumer feed­back, and numer­ous reviews.

 Finalizing The True Glass Blenders List

After metic­u­lous­ly study­ing the man­u­fac­tur­er’s prod­uct man­u­als of these select­ed machines, it became evi­dent that only five (5) gad­gets passed the cru­cial all-met­al blade assem­bly criteria.

This select group com­pris­es three Oster mod­els: Tribest, Mag­im­ix (a Euro­pean brand unavail­able in the USA), and Tribest Glass Per­son­al Blender with Vac­u­um Jar. This cri­te­ri­on has immense sig­nif­i­cance in our research as it ensures that food placed in the blender does not come into con­tact with plas­tic dur­ing processing—a con­cern giv­en that the major­i­ty of glass jar machines come with plas­tic blade couplings.

 Glass Blenders Fail The No Food-Plastic Contact Rule

We’ve cho­sen not to include oth­er pop­u­lar glass jar blenders with heat­ing ele­ments on our list, such as the Instant Ace Nova / Ace Plus Cook­ing Blender and the Nin­ja Foo­di Cold & Hot Blender (HB152). These blenders fail to meet the no food–plastic con­tact requirement.

While the Instant Ace Nova/Ace Plus Cook­ing Blender may seem ide­al at first glance, a care­ful exam­i­na­tion revealed a plas­tic coat­ing around the blade shaft, which could melt from the heat, accord­ing to cus­tomer reports. Sim­i­lar­ly, the Nin­ja Foo­di Cold & Hot Blender (HB152) con­tains plas­tic com­po­nents inside the jar, which are even more con­spic­u­ous than in the Instant Ace models.

Eval­u­at­ing the remain­ing cri­te­ria against our short­list turned out to be easy, as we had a chance to test all of the blenders in our short­list. How­ev­er, it must also be men­tioned that the War­ing 700S and the War­ing Com­mer­cial BB900G mod­els fea­tur­ing the metal/glass jars and all-met­al blade assem­bly were exclud­ed from our “Best Glass Blenders” short­list due to their notably low motor wattage, and such a low pow­er does not allow them to crush ice or pul­ver­iz­ing hard or leafy veg­eta­bles properly.

After apply­ing the rest of our cri­te­ria, here are the short reviews on the best pow­er­ful blenders with a glass jar. And we believe our selec­tion is the most com­pre­hen­sive that exists on the market.

#1 Oster Pro 1200 Blender — Number One Glass Jar Blender

Oster Pro 1200 blenderThis pop­u­lar glass jar blender is the most pow­er­ful, with the best per­for­mance against most of the select­ed cri­te­ria and parameters.

Motor: The machine comes with an impres­sive 1200-watt (1.6HP) at-peak motor that deliv­ers an effec­tive pow­er out­put of 900 watts and rapid 19,000 rpm. With an all-met­al dri­ve con­nec­tion, this gad­get is durable and like­ly to serve its cus­tomers for many years. It has a heavy, sta­ble base and a sleek, mod­ern look.

Con­trol pan­el: The gad­get con­trol pan­el is equipped with sev­en (7) speeds—the low, medi­um, and high speeds; puls­ing mode; and three (3)  pre-set pro­grammes for a smooth­ie, crush­ing ice, and chopping—and this allows good con­trol over the blend­ing job.

Con­tain­er, blades: It comes with a stress- and tem­per­a­ture-resis­tant sil­i­cate glass 6 cups (48 ounces) pitch­er. The glass pitch­er and the all-met­al blade mount­ing ensure that the food has no con­tact with plas­tic when blend­ing and thus will sat­is­fy most of the strict require­ments of health-con­scious peo­ple look­ing for a non-plas­tic jar blender. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this machine does not include a tam­per to help push the food down to the vor­tex, which is prob­a­bly the only down­side of this blender.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: This device is quite ver­sa­tile and per­forms many tasks very well. It makes an almost per­fect­ly smooth drink from soft fruits, decent frozen and green smooth­ies, and chops food, and makes many dif­fer­ent sal­sas, mix­es, and sal­ad dress­ing recipes. It is also able to make wor­thy frozen desserts. And most impor­tant­ly, with great effort, it can make nut but­ter. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this machine does not have enough pow­er to heat liq­uid or mill qual­i­ty flour. But it will grind herbs, nuts, and oth­er soft­er ingredients.

War­ran­ty: The gad­get comes with an excel­lent 3‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty for blender parts and a 10-year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty for the all-met­al motor and dri­ve connections.

Sum­ma­ry: Oster Pro 1200 is undoubt­ed­ly the num­ber one blender with a glass jar and robust motor. It offers sol­id func­tion­al­i­ty and, notably, comes at a high­ly rea­son­able price point.

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#2 Tribest DB-950 Dynablend Clean Blender — Second Best Option for the Glass Jar Blender

Dynablend DB-950 BlenderThis mod­el is an upgrad­ed ver­sion of Tribest DB-850, the ini­tial brand attempt to pro­duce all non-plas­tic blenders. The new­er DB-950 mod­el has the same as the DB-850 ver­sion, a rea­son­ably pow­er­ful 1.1HP (820 watts) motor, and is able to attain a 23000rpm.

Motor: This machine has the same as the 850 ver­sion, a rea­son­ably pow­er­ful 1.1HP (820 watts) motor, and deliv­ers at the high­est speed, a siz­able 23000 rpm.

Con­tain­er, blades: The Tribest DB-850 gad­get had the prob­lem that the major­i­ty of glass jar blenders have – it is equipped with a glass jar but has plas­tic blade mount­ing. This DB-950 Dyn­ablend Clean mod­el comes with a suc­cess­ful­ly resolved blade mount­ing issue, and it has a full glass con­tain­er with a sil­i­cone seal­ing gas­ket and all-met­al blade and cou­pling. In addi­tion, it comes with an 1800ml thick heavy-duty glass pitch­er and includes a met­al scoop that has the role of tam­per and can be used for push­ing or stir­ring dense ingre­di­ents dur­ing blend­ing or as a mea­sur­ing scoop.

Con­trol pan­el: Its con­trol pan­el has five (5) vari­able speeds and two pre-set pro­grams — 30-sec­ond puls­ing and 60-sec­ond high-speed blend­ing modes. That allows enough con­trol for the user to per­form many blend­ing tasks.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: This gad­get usu­al­ly makes a very decent-qual­i­ty smooth­ie, although some­times it is a lit­tle tex­tured. It han­dles frozen ingre­di­ents or ice cubes when blend­ing at the high-speed 60-sec­ond cycle. The machine chops dif­fer­ent veg­eta­bles and nuts well using the pre-set pulse mode or vari­able speeds. It will do a decent herb-grind­ing job, but milling grains is a bit chal­leng­ing for this gad­get. This machine does not deliv­er enough speed to heat soup from fric­tion. This machine can make nut but­ter with con­sid­er­able effort, but you will have to run 8–10 high-speed cycles to achieve a smooth con­sis­ten­cy. Over­all, it can per­form a wide range of blend­ing tasks with good quality.

War­ran­ty: Most impor­tant­ly, this machine is backed by the high­est 10-year war­ran­ty, which means that the man­u­fac­tur­er stands by the prod­uct and its durability.

Sum­ma­ry: In gen­er­al, this is a decent blender that is pow­er­ful enough to make decent smooth­ies, crush ice, and pro­duce oth­er qual­i­ty blend­ing tasks. How­ev­er, this machine has one draw­back: It is still a bit pricey.

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#3 Magimix 11610 Blender- The Best Glass Jar Blender for Europe

(Only avail­able for Euro­pean consumers)

Magimix blenderThis gad­get is pro­duced in France and is cur­rent­ly avail­able only to Euro­pean con­sumers. It comes with a pow­er­ful 1200-watt at-peak motor and oper­a­tional pow­er of around 600 watts.
Con­trol pan­el: This machine con­trol pan­el has four (4) vari­able speeds, four (4) pre-set pro­grams (ice, smooth­ie, soup, and desserts), and pulse mode. The vari­able speed deliv­ers ampli­tude rang­ing from 600 RPMs at the low­est to 15000 RPMs at the high­est speed.

Con­tain­er, blades: Mag­im­ix 11610 comes with 1800ml (64 oz.) heat and a cold-resis­tant borosil­i­cate glass jar. It includes a very con­ve­nient tam­per that allows for stir­ring stub­born ingre­di­ents dur­ing blend­ing for effort­less pro­cess­ing. Most impor­tant­ly, it has an all-met­al blade assem­bly that ensures no food con­tacts plas­tic dur­ing blending.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: This machine makes very good qual­i­ty smooth­ies from soft fruits and leafy veg­eta­bles. It process­es ice and frozen ingre­di­ents well, and its user man­u­al includes a few recipes for frozen desserts. This machine comes with an addi­tion­al grind­ing ball and blade assem­bly to grind herbs or chop nuts quite well. This Mag­im­ix blender will not heat liq­uid from fric­tion but will make pan­cake bat­ter. It is also pos­si­ble to expand its ver­sa­til­i­ty by buy­ing addi­tion­al food pro­cess­ing attach­ments com­pat­i­ble with this blender.

War­ran­ty: Mag­im­ix 11610 Blender comes with a rea­son­able three (3) years war­ran­ty. The pro­duc­er has a good rep­u­ta­tion as it is well-known in Europe for the pop­u­lar Food Proces­sors prod­uct lines.

Sum­ma­ry: Over­all, it is a very stur­dy and ver­sa­tile gad­get with all met­al and glass jar and blade assem­bly. It is priced and per­forms very sim­i­lar­ly to the Tribest blender. When choos­ing between those two blenders, Euro­pean health-aware con­sumers may base their deci­sion on brand loy­al­ty or design preferences.

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#4 Oster Glass Jar 2‑Speed Toggle Beehive Blender — The Best Budget Option for Glass Jar Blender

Oster Beehive blenderThe Oster Glass Jar 2‑Speed Tog­gle Bee­hive mod­el has a sim­i­lar look and func­tion­al­i­ty to the gad­get man­u­fac­tured when Oster­iz­er Engi­neer­ing Com­pa­ny acquired the Stevens Elec­tric Co. and blender machine license in 1946 and start­ed pro­duc­ing elec­tric blenders.

Motor: The gad­get has a pow­er­ful 1000-watt at-peak, 600-watt off-peak motor and a plas­tic motor hous­ing. The base unit retro design copies the first Oster­iz­er blender that the com­pa­ny man­u­fac­tured in the 1940s and 1960s.

Con­trol pan­el: The con­trol pan­el fea­tures an old-fash­ioned tog­gle, which runs at con­tin­u­ous speed in the top posi­tion and the Pulse func­tion in the down posi­tion. Yes, it has only one speed, but who needs more speed? It does its job very well, though. You use puls­ing to break hard staff in the jug and switch to con­tin­u­ous speed to cre­ate a smooth drink.

Con­tain­er blades: The machine comes with remov­able all-met­al 4‑prong blades. The blades are very sharp, and their design is sim­i­lar to Oster 1200 pro blender blades. In addi­tion, the blade sys­tem is of good qual­i­ty; the blades are incred­i­bly sharp, which you can sharp­en with knife sharp­en­ers when they become dull.

The 6 cups (1400 ml) jar is made of durable heat-resis­tant borosil­i­cate glass and has grad­u­a­tions in cups. The good news is that Oster Bee­hive has a few com­pat­i­ble glass­es and met­al jug mod­els that are sold sep­a­rate­ly by Oster Com­pa­ny and cost very little.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: It makes impres­sive smooth­ies, turns ice into per­fect snow, and is able to blend ice cream and ice drinks like mar­gar­i­tas, daiquiris, and oth­ers. The machine can blend dress­ing, puree, dip/salsa, and chop vegetables.

War­ran­ty: The Oster Bee­hive Blender comes with a one-year war­ran­ty. How­ev­er, it is a durable blender and will like­ly last over ten (10) years.

Sum­ma­ry: Over­all, it is a good val­ue for mon­ey machine. It pro­duces a good qual­i­ty drink and per­forms a range of oth­er func­tions. It has a strong motor equipped with heat pro­tec­tion tech­nol­o­gy but bare­ly warms up dur­ing use.

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#5 Oster Reverse Crush Counterforms Blender — The Best Glass Jar Blender for Crushing Ice

Oster Reverse Crush blenderThis machine is very pop­u­lar with fans of frozen ingre­di­ents smooth­ies as it is designed to crush ice well.

Motor: It comes with a pow­er­ful enough 1000-at-peak watt motor that out­puts an effec­tive 600 watts when work­ing con­tin­u­ous­ly or crush­ing ice.

Con­tain­er, blades: Most impor­tant­ly, this Oster mod­el sat­is­fies no plas­tic inside pitch­er require­ments. It has an all-met­al blade and mount­ing assem­bly and a very well-built, durable motor. In addi­tion, it comes with a sol­id and sta­ble unit base that does not trav­el over the counter when working.

Con­trol pan­el: This machine has low, medi­um, and high speeds, low pulse and high pulse modes, and two pre-set pro­grammes for mak­ing frozen drinks and chop­ping ingre­di­ents that allow fair­ly decent con­trol over blending.

Con­tain­er, blades: It comes with a 6‑cup (48 oz.) Boro­class sil­i­cate Glass jar. The glass is stress and tem­per­a­ture-resis­tant and shat­ter­proof. This machine has no tam­per and some­times requires you to stop and stir.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: The Oster Reverse Crush blender has lim­it­ed func­tion­al­i­ty and is most­ly ded­i­cat­ed to pro­cess­ing frozen ingre­di­ents. Still, mak­ing a fair­ly smooth smooth­ie with some effort is pos­si­ble. Using hard ingre­di­ents will prob­a­bly have to be run on more than one cycle on pre-sets or 2–3 min­utes on high speed. It will chop veg­eta­bles rea­son­ably well and can pro­duce sal­sa or sal­ad dress­ings. How­ev­er, this machine has lim­it­ed grind­ing abil­i­ties and will not make nut butter.

War­ran­ty: As the major­i­ty of Oster blenders do, it comes with a 3‑year machine lim­it­ed war­ran­ty and a 10-year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty for its motor parts.

Sum­ma­ry: Gen­er­al­ly, this gad­get per­forms very well for lim­it­ed tasks such as mak­ing smooth­ies or crush­ing ice. It will also do oth­er jobs to var­i­ous degrees of per­fec­tion. Besides, this machine has a very rea­son­able price for such a qual­i­ty blender.

Read here the full Oster Reverse Crush BVCB07-Z00-000 Review.

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#6 Tribest Glass Personal Blender and Glass Vacuum Blender

Tribest Personal Glass Blender and Vacuum Glass blenderAnoth­er South Kore­an Tribest Glass Jar Blender per­fect­ly meets our cri­te­ria and has zero plas­tic parts in con­tact with food. This machine is avail­able in two packages:

1) PBG-5050, which includes a set of sin­gle-serve glass jars, and

2) PBG-5001‑A, which has sin­gle-serve glass jars and vac­u­um-lid glass jars that allow blend­ing the drinks with min­i­mum food oxidizing.

Motor: The machine has a sleek design, a pow­er­ful enough 500 Watts/0.67 peak HP motor, a tur­bo cool­ing fan, and an auto­mat­ic over­heat pro­tec­tion system.

Con­trol pan­el: The gad­get is equipped with four (4) vari­able speed dial knobs and the touch Pulse but­ton, allow­ing enough con­trol over the vari­ety of blend­ing taste addi­tions. the con­trol pan­el has a speed dis­play that shows if the con­tain­er is installed correctly.

Con­tain­er, blades: The mod­el with only per­son­al blender cups includes three (3) mason-style tem­pered glass con­tain­ers with the capac­i­ty of 8 oz., 16 oz., and 24 oz.
The set with a vac­u­um jar includes one 16 oz. Mason-type glass jar and 42 oz tem­pered glass upright con­tain­er with vac­u­um lid.
The blender comes with remov­able 6‑prongs of all stain­less steel blades and a sil­i­cone seal­ing ring.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: This mod­el is very effec­tive and capa­ble of mak­ing good qual­i­ty smooth­ies from wet and dry ingre­di­ents; it crush­es ice fair­ly well, grinds cof­fee and herbs, though not very fine, and can make even nut milk. And no doubt, it is more than capa­ble of being used for bul­let­proof coffee.

War­ran­ty: The Tribest Per­son­al and Vac­u­um mod­els are equipped with a good 5‑year war­ran­ty and polite and help­ful cus­tomer service.

Sum­ma­ry: The Tribest Glass Per­son­al Blender is a pricey machine and, thus, not for everyone.
Nev­er­the­less, it per­fect­ly sat­is­fies all the no-leach­ing chem­i­cals require­ments and is capa­ble enough for the lit­tle 500-watt machine. The blender is com­pact with a mod­er­ate foot­print and pro­files 5.7″ x 5.7″ x 15″ (147 mm x 143 mm x 384 mm), and weighs only 5.5 Ibs (2.5 kg).

Warn­ing: The Tribest Glass Jar Blender PBG-5050 and PBG-5001‑A blender are designed to be used only with con­tain­ers includ­ed in the set (replace­ments are avail­able) and NOT with the stan­dard Mason jars.

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Accord­ing to our research and test­ing based on the fol­low­ing criteria:
1. All-met­al blade system,
2. Motor Power,
3. Performance,
4. Dura­bil­i­ty, and
5. Price

The Oster Pro 1200 Blender is the best blender with a glass jar. The Tribest DB-950 Dyn­ablend machine per­forms sim­i­lar­ly to the Oster Pro 1200. Both make good smooth­ies and han­dle frozen desserts well. They also can make nut but­ter (though with some effort), but the Oster is almost 2.5 times less expen­sive than Tribest. Yet, the Tribest DB-950 Dyn­ablend has a nicer design and comes with the tamper/measuring spoon.

Although the Oster Bee­hive machine per­forms sim­i­lar­ly to the Oster Pro 1200 and Tribest DB-950 Dyn­ablend, it has only one speed and puls­ing function.

Apart from oth­er robust and “healthy” Oster Reverse Crush Coun­ter­forms, there are a cou­ple of oth­er Oster mod­els with a peak pow­er of around 1000 watts. Still, they have only two or three speeds, and thus, the user has lim­it­ed con­trol over the blend­ing process.

The Tribest Per­son­al and Vac­u­um Blender is not as pow­er­ful as all the machines above and has the high­est price tag com­pared to oth­er blenders on our list. But it is an option for those look­ing for the Per­son­al Glass or the Vac­u­um Glass Blender.

Cus­tomers who are look­ing for the best blender with a plas­tic-free jar have to decide among the Oster Pro 1200, Oster Bee­hive, Tribest DB-950 Dyn­ablend Clean, Tribest Per­son­al Glass, and Vac­u­um blender, and Oster Reverse Crush Coun­ter­forms blenders. The deci­sion may depend on such para­me­ters as bet­ter per­for­mance but not rep­utable man­u­fac­ture and ques­tion­able dura­bil­i­ty, more excel­lent appear­ance, and tam­pered but more expen­sive. The Euro­pean cus­tomers will decide between the very sim­i­lar per­form­ing and iden­ti­cal­ly priced Tribest DB-950 Dyn­ablend and Mag­im­ix 11610 blenders.

P.S. It should be men­tioned while select­ing the best blender with the glass jar, our main cri­te­ri­on was the all-met­al blade sys­tem. The per­for­mance and func­tion­al­i­ty of the gad­get had sec­ond-order pri­or­i­ty. Hence, the blenders in our list are not high-end machines and have many issues with their per­for­mance, but they meet the health-safe­ty criteria.

We still desire to unveil a high-end blender with a non-plas­tic jar and all-met­al blades. It must be a stain­less steel con­tain­er machine since the glass will not tol­er­ate such high loads. And we even believed we dis­closed the one — the War­ing Com­mer­cial MX1000XTS/ MX1200XTS Xtreme Hi-Pow­er. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, after our exam­i­na­tion, we found that the machine’s stain­less steel can­is­ter leaks the Teflon black specks and plas­tic flecks. We report­ed the prob­lem to the man­u­fac­tur­er and hope War­ing will resolve the future issue. Then, the health-con­scious con­sumer will have their chance to obtain a per­fect­ly healthy, non-plas­tic con­tain­er high-end blender.

In fact, you can find a per­fect­ly healthy stain­less steel con­tain­er blender ‑Har­rex­co Mix­er — with no Teflon in blade assem­bly and 3000rpms–32000rpms blade speed (thus able to process ice and heat liq­uid with fric­tions); sad­ly, this per­fect­ly healthy blender is avail­able only from Ger­man Ama­zon and very expensive.

Mean­while, in July 2020, Vita­mix intro­duced to the mar­ket the long-wait­ing Vita­mix Stain­less Steel Con­tain­er; it com­plies with no-plas­tic safe­ty require­ments and has a stain­less steel jug and all-met­al blade mount­ing. This con­tain­er must com­plete­ly sat­is­fy health-aware con­sumers who are in search of a pow­er­ful high-end blender with a glass or stain­less steel container.

Frequently Asked Questions About Blender Choices

Q: Is a Glass Blender Better Than a Plastic?

A: Select­ing blenders equipped with glass con­tain­ers depends on your pri­or­i­ties. The most crit­i­cal para­me­ter for choos­ing the right blender for you is avoid­ing leak­ing harm­ful chem­i­cals into your food. In that case, it proves to be wise. Glass blenders are also durable, adore-free, and han­dle cold and boil­ing mix­tures. How­ev­er, the glass jar is heavy and unsuit­able for peo­ple with weak hands. The Glass jar also will not suit con­sumers who are look­ing for a pow­er­ful machine since there is no blender with a glass jar that has the pow­er of more than 1200 Watts.

Q: What is the Best Glass Blender?

A: Deter­min­ing the “best” glass blender can be chal­leng­ing because there are lim­it­ed options with glass jars that are both pow­er­ful and meet the require­ment of “no plas­tic to food con­tact.” Cur­rent­ly, the Oster Pro 1200 stands out as the most potent and effi­cient blender in this cat­e­go­ry. It offers a glass jar and excel­lent per­for­mance. It’s worth not­ing that the Vita­mix E310 and KitchenAid KSB1570 come with Tri­tan copoly­ester jars and can­not be clas­si­fied as glass blenders.

Q: What Blenders Have a Glass Container?

A: Some of the top blenders fea­tur­ing glass pitch­ers include the Oster Pro 1200, Tribest DB-950 Dyn­ablend Clean Blender, and Oster Glass Jar 2‑Speed Tog­gle Bee­hive Blender. These blenders are renowned for their high-qual­i­ty glass pitch­ers, robust all-met­al blade assem­blies, and impres­sive blend­ing capabilities.

Q: Are there any Glass Blenders on the market?

A: Yes, glass blenders are avail­able in the mar­ket. Glass blenders typ­i­cal­ly include glass pitch­ers or con­tain­ers with all-met­al blade assem­blies. Oster stands out as a leader in pro­duc­ing true glass blenders. Tribest offers a sin­gle glass blender mod­el, while KitchenAid also has one, although it is rel­a­tive­ly rare and often found in local offline retail­ers. It’s impor­tant to note that Vita­mix does not pro­duce blenders with glass con­tain­ers; instead, they offer stain­less steel con­tain­ers that can be pur­chased sep­a­rate­ly for use with their blender units.

Q: Are Vitamix Blenders Glass or Plastic?

A: As of the present moment, no Vita­mix mod­el incor­po­rates a glass jug in its design. All Vita­mix mod­els come with Tri­tan copoly­ester con­tain­ers. It is a high-qual­i­ty plas­tic mate­r­i­al, and even though Vita­mix claims it is BPA-free and does not leak any chem­i­cals, it is not absolute­ly cer­tain it is, as there are stud­ies that claim it leaks. For­tu­nate­ly, Vita­mix sells stain­less steel con­tain­ers com­pat­i­ble with all Vita­mix Blender models.

Q: What are Glass Blenders used for?

A: A glass blender serves var­i­ous pur­pos­es, much like blenders with poly­car­bon­ate con­tain­ers. How­ev­er, its ver­sa­til­i­ty depends on the motor pow­er and blade design. The most potent Glass Jar blenders fea­ture peak motor pow­er of up to 1200 watts; they can be employed to blend fruits and veg­eta­bles into smooth­ies, cre­ate creamy soups, puree, sauces, crush ice for bev­er­ages, and pre­pare a wide array of recipes. While they excel in most tasks, they may face chal­lenges when attempt­ing to pro­duce nut but­ter or excep­tion­al­ly smooth green smooth­ies. Glass blenders fea­ture eco-friend­ly con­tain­ers that ensure no chem­i­cal leach­ing into your food.

 Q: Can you put boiling water in a Glass Blender?

A: It’s gen­er­al­ly not advis­able to pour boil­ing water direct­ly into a glass blender. Rapid tem­per­a­ture changes can stress the glass, poten­tial­ly lead­ing to cracks or shat­ter­ing. To blend hot liq­uids safe­ly, allow­ing them to cool slight­ly before trans­fer­ring them to the blender is bet­ter. Even blenders designed for cook­ing pur­pos­es may have lim­i­ta­tions when it comes to using boil­ing liquids.

 Q: Can you blend hot liquid in a Glass Blender?

A: You can intro­duce hot liq­uids into a glass blender, but cau­tion is essen­tial. Let­ting the hot liq­uid cool slight­ly before blend­ing is rec­om­mend­ed to min­i­mize the risk of ther­mal stress on the glass. Addi­tion­al­ly, leave the blender lid slight­ly ajar or use a vent­ed lid to enable steam to escape and pre­vent pres­sure build-up. Always adhere to the man­u­fac­tur­er’s instruc­tions for using your spe­cif­ic glass blender with hot liq­uids to ensure safe­ty and pre­vent accidents.

Q: Which Glass Pitcher Blender Excels at Managing Frozen Fruits?

A: The Oster Blender mod­el is the pin­na­cle of glass blenders today. They are most pow­er­ful among their coun­ter­parts with glass con­tain­ers, and they process good qual­i­ty smooth­ies with­out bear­ing a hefty price tag.

Q: Is a Glass or Stainless Steel Blender the Superior Choice?

A: Choos­ing between a glass and stain­less steel blender depends on your pref­er­ences. Glass blenders are not as pow­er­ful as machines with stain­less steel con­tain­ers; how­ev­er, they per­mit you to over­see the blend­ing process. How­ev­er, they can be cum­ber­some and prone to break­age upon impact.

Con­verse­ly, stain­less steel blenders exhib­it robust­ness and resilience, though they lack vis­i­bil­i­ty dur­ing blend­ing and may not be con­ducive to han­dling hot liq­uids. Both mate­ri­als are BPA-free BPA and are facile to clean; thus, the deci­sion lies in your per­son­al incli­na­tions and blend­ing necessities.

Q: What are NutriBullet blender containers made from glass or plastic?

A: All NutriBul­let cups com­prise resilient and BPA-free plastic.

Q: Is Ninja Blender Glass or Plastic?

A: Nin­ja pri­mar­i­ly offers blenders with plas­tic jars. Only one Nin­ja mod­el fea­tures a glass jar—the Nin­ja Foo­di Cold & Hot Blender. How­ev­er, this is not your typ­i­cal blender; it comes with blend­ing but also a heat­ing func­tion; it also has e a cook­ing soup set­ting. Due to its mul­ti­func­tion­al­i­ty, the Nin­ja Foo­di Cold & Hot Blender is rel­a­tive­ly heavy and bulky, set­ting it apart from tra­di­tion­al blenders.


Read More: Dis­cov­er the Best Vita­mix Blender for Your Healthy Lifestyle 

                         Best Coun­ter­top Blender Under $100

                             Best Vita­mix Alter­na­tive Blender for Under $200

Which Among These Blenders Stands Out as the Pre­mier Best Glass Blender In your Opin­ion? Are There Addi­tion­al Mod­els Wor­thy of Inclu­sion in this Guide? Feel Free to Share Your Thoughts In Com­ments Below – I am Eager to Listen!

Posted in Buying Advice, Best Products

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  1. Mary B

    I pur­chased an Oster 1200 based on this review. It may sound fussy — indeed, I know it is — but the edge of the gas­ket ring (which is referred to as “rub­ber”, but which feels like plas­tic) at the bot­tom of the blender does actu­al­ly touch the food, and I did­n’t like the look of the met­al that the blades and bot­tom are made of. These also touch the food.

    I was look­ing for a blender to blend hot soups, so there being any plas­tic-like mate­r­i­al or alu­minum touch­ing the hot soup was a concern. 

    I will most like­ly inves­ti­gate immer­sion blenders next!

    • Maria F.

      Hi, I pur­chased this blender yes­ter­day and had the exact same obser­va­tions. It’s not fussy. I called the com­pa­ny and they told me that the base on which the blades are attached is made of unpol­ished steel and so it can rust, so the con­sumer should dry it imme­di­ate­ly after wash­ing it. I’ll prob­a­bly return the product.

  2. Gayleen Sinclair

    Very infor­ma­tive, thank you for this most com­pre­hen­sive and infor­ma­tive information .
    I was using a friends old met­al con­tain­er Vita­mix blender and liked it very much but gave it back a short while ago
    so now in the mar­ket for a good but not out­ra­geous­ly expen­sive blender. I was look­ing for one with a glass jar because
    I have noticed that my neigh­bour’s Vita­mix blender con­tain­ers stain. What do you rec­om­mend clean­ing the pitchers
    with. I would be inter­est in buy­ing a refur­bished 7500 G — series blender.
    Can you pro­vide any infor­ma­tion on the Nin­ja 1000 blender? Are their con­tain­er BPA free and made of East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester like the Vitamix?

    • lucy

      You are right, unfor­tu­nate­ly, East­man Tri­tan con­tain­ers stain. How­ev­er, if you dry it with the cloth imme­di­ate­ly after clean­ing the con­tain­er should not devel­op stains. If your con­tain­er already cloudy than you can soak it in the water with 8 ounces of white vine­gar, leave it for few hours and care­ful­ly clean after wet sponge.

      Nin­ja 1000 con­tain­ers are indeed PBA free but made from the rather cheap plas­tic and not Tri­tan copoly­ester. You can find our Nin­ja 1000 review here.

  3. Trish

    I would­n’t rec­om­mend the Oster 1200 as I had mine for a peri­od of 4 months and the pin on the so-called durable met­al con­struc­tion broke. I was mak­ing bread­crumbs when this occurred. Since Oster does have an excel­lent war­ran­ty I was able to exchange it for anoth­er one at my retail store. Upon set­ting it up and test­ing it, it sound­ed like an out board motor and was so loud my apart­ment neigh­bour could hear it, plus I had to hold it from mov­ing around my counter. I had read reviews of it being extreme­ly loud, but my first one was­n’t. So, I returned it and end­ed up get­ting the Hamil­ton Beach 950 that is much qui­eter and makes bet­ter smooth­ies. The qui­et shield they include is hyped and use­less, but to-date it suits my smooth­ie and home­made milk needs.

  4. Elizabeth Thomas

    Does any­body make a mini blender with a glass jar con­tain­er? I like to blend my hot cof­fee but I hate to have to get out the big blender for just a cup of coffee.

    • toto

      yup Krups/Moulinex make a small fair­ly inex­pen­sive glass jar blender. it’s only 300W and its jar is heavy and unwieldy so it is easy to drop.

  5. Christopher Mehelic

    Are use the KitchenAid old-school blender with a glass jar and an option­al Met­al Jar. I recent­ly bought a new KitchenAid blender that’s poly­car­bon­ate pitch­er. Call me crazy but my old school blender blends way bet­ter than the new one. The new one I have is an archi­tect series the old one I have is a ProS­eries like my old school Kitchenaid food proces­sor. These are made in France and built for a life­time not the new stuff it’s cheap

    • Eric Cumming

      Hi Christo­pher, what is the mod­el num­ber for your old school KitchenAid Pro blender? I am look­ing for one with a glass jar, but all I can find are the new Pro blenders with the poly jars. Thanks!

  6. Kim

    I had an Oster Blender that I used for smooth­ies, com­mon­ly crush­ing ice with frozen organ­ic berries–it last­ed 20 years!! I’m now shop­ping for a replace­ment. Any advice?

  7. Ema

    Hi, I am look­ing for a small blender for the same rea­son- most­ly for hot drink — Have you found any solu­tion? thanks 🙂

    • lucy

      Hi Ema,

      There are few per­son­al blenders that come with mason jars and han­dle hot drinks. The Tri­bets is a rep­utable brand but quite expen­sive and man­u­fac­tures a glass jars per­son­al blenders mod­el (now this arti­cle is updat­ed and the review of this mod­el is added).

      There is also Chi­nese knock off for cheap­er prices that come with Mason jar — ECX Per­son­al Blender for Shakes and Smoothies.

  8. Barbara Dooley

    I had a cuisi­nart blender for years…Had a prob­lem after twen­ty years and asked my hus­band to look at.…he told me throw it away just old…get a new one.…I bought two or three oth­er blenders…they are hor­ri­ble. I used to make frap­pi­cianas with cuisinart…tasted just like Starbucks.….where could I find a used one that is in good condiition.….I do not drink hot cof­fee in a.m.…drink frappiciana.…


    • lucy

      Hi Bar­bara,
      What Cuisi­nart mod­el are you talk­ing about? Try eBay, you often can find there some old school glass jar blenders there.

  9. Mel

    Thank you for this arti­cle, it’s very helpful 🙂

    Do you hap­pen to know if any oth­er Mag­im­ix blenders are plas­tic free?
    I’m in Aus­tralia and could pur­chase the Mag­im­ix Pow­er Blender but still haven’t man­aged to find out if it’s plas­tic free. The oth­er blenders you’ve men­tioned aren’t avail­able in Australia.

    • lucy

      There is no guar­an­tee that oth­er Mag­im­ix blenders are plas­tic free.… if you men­tion the mod­el that is avail­able in your region, I can prob­a­bly tell you.

      • Mel

        Hi Lucy, thank you for your reply 🙂

        I actu­al­ly end­ed up choos­ing a stain­less steel Luvelle blender after doing lots more research! I was wor­ried that the glass jug may be too heavy for my hands/arms. I’m soooooo pleased with it and the cus­tomer ser­vice was amaz­ing — here.

        Appar­ent­ly the stain­less jug for the Vita­mix won’t be avail­able in Aus­tralia for over a year so the Luvelle was my only option.

  10. Timothy Aldred

    We bought an Oster glass jar blender and with­in a month the plas­tic at the bot­tom of the jar cracked and broke. Oster is off our list of brand names to buy.

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