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Ninja Mega Kitchen System vs Oster VERSA 1400-watt Blender

When you are shop­ping for an afford­able alter­na­tive to high-end com­mer­cial-type blenders, the Nin­ja Mega Kitchen Sys­tem is prob­a­bly the first you will come across. The Nin­ja infomer­cial is very per­sua­sive and often com­pares Nin­ja to Vita­mix, point­ing out how the Nin­ja Mega Kitchen Sys­tem’s per­for­mance will out­shine Vita­mix. Of course, this com­par­i­son is not fair since Vita­mix has a sto­ried his­to­ry of man­u­fac­tur­ing, the best cus­tomer ser­vice in the indus­try, and invests a lot of mon­ey into RD and man­u­fac­tur­ing its blenders in the USA. In addi­tion, it has a high price. On the oth­er hand, Nin­ja is a new brand with pro­duc­tion out­sourced to China.

How­ev­er, quite a selec­tion of new com­mer­cial-type blenders has come onto the mar­ket in recent years. They are unac­com­pa­nied by heavy adver­tise­ments, and for this rea­son, cus­tomers are not very famil­iar with them. How­ev­er, few of these new­com­ers are the true com­peti­tors of the Nin­ja Mega Kitchen Sys­tem. The Oster VERSA 1400-Watt Pro­fes­sion­al Blender is one of the best in this selection.

Read our com­par­i­son below that high­lights the dif­fer­ences between Nin­ja and Oster and may help you decide which one of these blenders will sat­is­fy your needs.

Would you like to con­sid­er more options? Check our articles:

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

Ninja Mega Kitchen System BL770

Ninja Mega Kitchen Blender

The Nin­ja Mega Kitchen Sys­tem comes in 4 pack­ages — BL770, BL771, BL772, and BL773CO. All the mod­els have the same 1500 Watt motor unit base but dif­fer by a selec­tion of con­tain­ers and blade attach­ments, which are as follows:

  • 72 oz. poly­car­bon­ate con­tain­er with lid and blade assem­bly (all models);
  • 16 oz. poly­car­bon­ate Sin­gle Serve Cups with to-go lids and blade assem­bly (BL770, BL771 with 2 cups and BL772, BL77CO3 with 3 cups);
  • 64 oz. poly­car­bon­ate food proces­sor bowl with lid, dough hook, and chop­ping blade (all models);
  • 24 oz. poly­car­bon­ate Mini Prep Bowl (must be fit­ted into food proces­sor bowl) with chop­ping blade (only BL771 and BL 772);
  • Slicing/Shredding, Grat­ing Discs, and Disc Adap­tor (only BL773CO).

The Nin­ja Mega Kitchen Sys­tem con­trol pan­el has only 3 speeds and a pulse func­tion. This is obvi­ous­ly a pret­ty poor option for a blender that claims to be pro­fes­sion­al. Instead, the Nin­ja Mega Kitchen Sys­tem design­ers equipped this machine with mul­ti­ple attach­ments that make this machine ver­sa­tile and able to per­form a vari­ety of blend­ing and food pro­cess­ing func­tions. Still, this makes this machine very bulky, and it requires a lot of kitchen space for stor­age. That being said, this blender with lim­it­ed speed choic­es but mul­ti­ple attach­ments is sup­posed to per­form the fol­low­ing functions:

  • Smooth­ie, how­ev­er, the qual­i­ty of this drink made from tough veg­eta­bles or fibrous fruits is not very good;
  • Crush­es ice eas­i­ly to snow cone con­sis­ten­cy, makes decent frozen desserts, and han­dles frozen fruit and vegetables;
  • Chops veg­eta­bles, minced onions, and gar­lic per­forms oth­er food prepa­ra­tion includ­ing grat­ing cheese and crumbs;
  • Shreds and slices veg­eta­bles (only BL773CO);
  • Nut but­ter;
  • Dough and bat­ter for bread, cook­ies, piz­za, etc.

The Nin­ja Mega Kitchen Sys­tem design, how­ev­er, has a few faults. A very com­pli­cat­ed process of clos­ing and open­ing con­tain­er lids and lock­ing the con­tain­ers with the unit base makes the entire sys­tem quite com­pli­cat­ed to set up and use. In addi­tion, the blender is made of too many plas­tic parts, and the plas­tic motor to blade cou­pling makes the blender not durable, while the cheap poly­car­bon­ate con­tain­ers may crack with­in 6 months of fre­quent use. No won­der this machine comes with only a 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty. It is also worth notic­ing that this machine is bet­ter at per­form­ing some food pro­cess­ing rather than blend­ing tasks and is prob­a­bly more of a food proces­sor than a prop­er blender.

Read here the full Ninja Mega Kitchen Sys­tem BL770 review.


Oster VERSA 1400-watt Professional Blender

oster versa pro 1400

The Oster VERSA 1400 Pro­fes­sion­al is avail­able in two dif­fer­ent mod­els — BLSTVB-RV0-000 and BLSTVB-000–000. The only dif­fer­ence is that the first one has a low-pro­file con­tain­er while the sec­ond one has a high-pro­file con­tain­er. All of the oth­er fea­tures are absolute­ly the same. This blender has a pow­er­ful and stur­dy 1400-watt motor that is well-made with an all-met­al dri­ve-to-blade con­nec­tion. The Oster VERSA comes with a good qual­i­ty tem­per­a­ture and shat­ter-resis­tant Tri­tan copoly­ester 64 oz. pitch­er. It is also equipped with a tam­per that is an invalu­able tool for all heavy-duty blenders. The tam­per makes it hard to process ingre­di­ents like nut but­ter and ice eas­i­ly and helps to cre­ate the prop­er vor­tex when the tough ingre­di­ents obstruct circulation.

The Oster VERSA has inbuilt con­tain­er blades, and thus it is easy to set up for run­ning. As a result, this blender is extreme­ly easy to use and is a dream gad­get for those who like things in the kitchen to run quick­ly and sim­ply. Besides, it has an 8‑speed dial knob, a pulse mode, and 3 pre-set pro­grams that give the user excel­lent con­trol over the blend­ing and the abil­i­ty to per­form mul­ti­ple func­tions by using dif­fer­ent speeds, the pulse func­tion, and the tam­per. So, the blender is designed to per­form the fol­low­ing functions:

  • Smooth­ies, includ­ing good qual­i­ty green smooth­ies and milk and pro­tein, shakes;
  • Nut milk is eas­i­ly done with this blender;
  • Crush­es ice up to snow cone con­sis­ten­cy and make frozen desserts and ice creams;
  • Puree­ing well-cooked and uncooked ingre­di­ents using the Dips/Spreads pre-set pro­gram or the man­u­al con­trol dial knob;
  • Chops veg­eta­bles, onions, gar­lic, gin­ger, and oth­er veg­eta­bles very well;
  • Hot soup is made with blade fric­tion to steam­ing tem­per­a­ture, also han­dles hot food, and is suit­able to make bul­let­proof coffee;
  • Nut but­ter;
  • Grind­ing and milling cof­fee beans, cacao nibs, any herbs (large batch­es only), chia seeds or flax seeds, corn, dry peas, and wheat grain, are all pret­ty well.

Besides, the Oster Ver­sa comes with a 7‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty and will make a decent and afford­able sub­sti­tute for Vita­mix or Blendtec.

Read here the full Oster VERSA 1400 Pro­fes­sion­al blender review.


Ninja Mega Kitchen System and Oster VERSA Differences and Features

  Nin­ja Mega Kitchen System Oster VERSA 1400-watt Pro
Motor 1500 watt with the plas­tic motor to the blade couplings; 1400 watt with the all-met­al motor to the blade couplings;
Blades Remov­able blade con­struct­ed as a plas­tic spin­dle with 6 sharp stain­less steel blades fit­ted around it; All stain­less steel blade assem­bly is inbuilt into the con­tain­er (non-remov­able);
Con­tain­ers Low-qual­i­ty poly­car­bon­ate con­tain­ers that are prone to crack; Pre­mi­um qual­i­ty stress-resis­tant Tri­tan copoly­ester container;
Using & Cleaning The com­pli­cat­ed set­up process for run­ning includes mul­ti­ple steps. Not easy and safe to clean as very sharp blades have to be handled; Very easy to set up for run­ning that involves only 1 step.  Very easy to clean with the self-clean­ing process;
Con­trol panel Only 3 speeds and pulse func­tions, and dif­fer­ent attach­ments oper­at­ed with a dif­fer­ent range of speeds. 8 speeds, pulse mode, and 3 pre-set pro­grams – Smooth­ie, Soup, and Dips/Spreads.
War­ran­ty 1‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty. Bad rep­u­ta­tion Cus­tomer Service. 7‑year Lim­it­ed War­ran­ty with very help­ful Cus­tomer Service.
Per­for­mance Does not make decent green smooth­ies, but crush­es ice well, makes ice cream and frozen desserts, does not han­dle hot liq­uids, will not make soup by heat­ing, kneads dough eas­i­ly, makes nut but­ter, chops and minces veg­eta­bles and meat, grat­ed cheese, and crumbs, will not mill flour or grind herbs well;


High-qual­i­ty blend­ing includes green smooth­ies, crush­ing ice, mak­ing ice cream and frozen desserts, chop­ping and minces veg­eta­bles and meat, mak­ing hot soup with­out pre-cook­ing, mak­ing nut but­ter and nut milk, puree­ing raw and cooked veg­eta­bles, milling grain flours includ­ing rice well, grinds herbs and cof­fee beans, does not make the dough.
Dimen­sions The foot­print is 9.5 x 8.2 inch­es; the pro­file height is 17.8 inch­es with 72 oz. pitch­er on the top of the base unit. Weight is 9.2 pounds. Requires space for mul­ti­ple attach­ments to store. The foot­print is 9.3 x 10.3 inch­es; the pro­file height is 17.6 inch­es for the short con­tain­er and 20.5 inch­es for the tall con­tain­er. Weight is 11.8 pounds.

How to Choose Between the Two Blenders

If you are look­ing for a blender that makes excel­lent qual­i­ty drinks, includ­ing a green smooth­ie, makes soup with­out pre-cook­ing, mills decent grain flour makes nut but­ter and nut milk, then the Oster VERSA is the obvi­ous choice. The Nin­ja Mega Kitchen Sys­tem and Food Proces­sor will not pro­duce good qual­i­ty drinks from green and fibrous veg­eta­bles, will not make prop­er nut milk or grind grain flour or any­thing else that is impor­tant if you claim to be a pro­fes­sion­al blender, and it will not han­dle hot ingre­di­ents and of course, is not able to make soup by heat­ing it. The only func­tion Nin­ja Mega Kitchen Sys­tem per­forms that the Oster VERSA is not able to do is knead­ing all types of dough. Besides, the Oster VERSA is a much more com­pact blender, and it comes with only one pitch­er with an inbuilt blade that is much eas­i­er to use and store. Oster Ver­sa will not take much space in your kitchen and per­form all func­tions with only one com­pact unit base and pitch­er. The Nin­ja per­forms only lim­it­ed blend­ing and food pro­cess­ing func­tions and includes sev­er­al very com­pli­cat­ed attach­ments to use and bulky to store.

The Oster is a bit more expen­sive than Nin­ja BL770, and Bl771 mod­els, but around the same price as the BL772 and BL 773CO mod­els, and of course, it is worth this pre­mi­um con­sid­er­ing the supe­ri­or build and per­for­mance to Ninja.


Although the Oster VERSA is not as force­ful­ly adver­tised, the above com­par­i­son makes clear that it out­per­forms the Nin­ja Mega Kitchen Sys­tem in many aspects. Oster has a well-built and stur­dy motor with an all-met­al, durable blade-motor cou­pling. It has a wide range of speeds and pre-set pro­grams. Most impor­tant­ly, it pro­duces blend­ing that is close to the qual­i­ty of such high-end gad­gets as Vita­mix and Blendtec. Nin­ja is poor­ly built, with a lot of plas­tic parts that make this blender usu­al­ly only last for 1 to 1.5 years. And, if you are look­ing for good val­ue for your mon­ey, a blender that is like­ly to last for many years and pro­duces blend­ing qual­i­ty close to that of the com­mer­cial machines, then the Oster VERSA 1400 Pro­fes­sion­al must be a good option.

Alter­na­tive­ly, check our articles:


Posted in Ninja Reviews, Oster Review

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