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Best NutriBullet Blender – All Models Comparison 2022

Nutribul­let was born from a heavy adver­tise­ment in which infomer­cials were worth more than $250m of air­time. In 2003, the NutriBul­lets com­pa­ny intro­duced the bul­let-style Mag­ic Bul­let Blender, the mod­el gained pop­u­lar­i­ty, and by 2004 the NutriBul­let bul­let-style design was patent­ed. Lat­er, a series of oth­er mod­els fol­lowed, and NutriBul­let blenders took by storm the blend­ing market.

The NutriBul­let adver­tise­ment claimed it is a pow­er­ful break­fast weapon that, although slight­ly dif­fer­ent in design from a tra­di­tion­al blender and a stan­dard juicer, can eas­i­ly sub­sti­tute them. Fur­ther­more, it is a real nutri­tion extrac­tor and can eas­i­ly pul­ver­ize all your choice food ingredients.

The Nutribi­ul­let does not belong to the pre­mi­um blender mar­ket seg­ment; it is a rather infe­ri­or prod­uct in qual­i­ty and design to such mastodons as Vita­mix, Blendtec, KitchenAid, War­ing, and a long list of oth­ers. It is Chi­na’s out­sourced aver­age-qual­i­ty blender with mas­sive and expen­sive adver­tise­ments. But, regard­less, Nutribul­let is now one of the most rec­og­niz­able and pop­u­lar brands on the mar­ket. And you are one of those poten­tial Nutribul­let cus­tomers who want to find out about the best NutriBul­let blender you can buy today.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Read More: Best Blender for Smooth­ies and More – Buy­ing Guide 2020

Table of Contents

NutriBullet Blenders – What Is The Difference?

The Nutribul­let blenders vary in size and con­struc­tion. Main­ly, they are clas­si­fied into three cat­e­gories from which you can choose accord­ing to your need. These include Full-size, Per­son­al, and Baby blenders. If you need to blend a large amount of juice from dif­fer­ent food ingre­di­ents, you can choose a full-size blender. It is worth not­ing that there is only two full-size NutriBul­let blender mod­el avail­able now. A per­son­al blender will do the task for a smooth­ie lover who does not need much from their blender. This blender saves you time, espe­cial­ly if you want to kick start a day with a glass of your favorite juice. The baby bul­let is specif­i­cal­ly valu­able for par­ents who need to pre­pare baby food. Home­made baby food prep is no longer a has­sle with this blender.

Magic Bullet Blender

magic bullet blenderMag­ic Bul­let is the first and most basic NutriBul­let blender that was intro­duced in 2003 and from which the brand start­ed its existence.

Motor: The Mag­ic Bul­let is equipped with a 250 Watts motor. Besides, the motor base has a com­pact foot­print of only 4.01 x 4.48 and a sleek-look­ing design. The small size ensures it takes a min­i­mal kitchen counter space. It is also quite easy to oper­ate; all you need to know is how to load the ingre­di­ents, twist blades, line up the tab, and now it is ready to run.

Con­tain­ers, blades, lids: Blender comes with three cups – 12 oz. short cup, 18 oz. tall cup, and 18 oz. smooth­ie mug with han­dle -, one (1) cross 4‑prong stain­less steel blade that is designed for wet tasks (there is also a flat NutriBul­let blade exist for dry tasks), and three dif­fer­ent types of lids –two (2) reseal­able lid, shaker/steamer lid for using it to sprin­kle ground spices, and a flip-top lid for cov­er­ing the cup when tak­ing it out.

Con­trols: The Mag­ic Bul­let has no con­trol pan­el; instead, it is oper­at­ed on 1 sin­gle speed at 2000 RPMs as a coffee/spice grinder when the cup is against the base unit and puls­es as long as you keep hold­ing it.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: The Mag­ic Bul­let can do the smooth­ie from soft ingre­di­ents while it strug­gles with tougher ones like raw car­rots or leafy greens. Although the user man­u­al insists it can process frozen ingre­di­ents, it will ice or thaw frozen fruits and veg­gies and only with plen­ty of water added. The light tasks such as mak­ing sal­sa and sal­ad dress­ing are what this gad­get is most capa­ble of doing. It is also good at mak­ing baby food and puree­ing fruits.

Light grind­ing tasks such as pow­der­ing cof­fee, seeds, herbs, spices, or chop­ping nuts are also where this gad­get shines.

Sum­ma­ry: It is an over­priced mod­el for a basic blender that has only a 250 watts motor; how­ev­er, it comes with a set of acces­sories such as a few cup sizes, dif­fer­ent styles of lids, user man­u­al. Thus if you need an essen­tial smooth­ies gad­get with many cups and lids, then you can go for this option.

Besides, this gad­get is very com­pact, 13.2 x 6.9 x 10.6 inch­es, and weighs only 4.7 pounds.


NutriBullet Blender 600W

NutriBullet 600 watts blenderThe NutriBul­let 600 Watts is one of the most pop­u­lar NutriBul­let blenders, with enough pow­er to pre­pare decent smooth­ies, and comes at a rea­son­able price. It is cur­rent­ly avail­able in one pack­age of 6 pieces, while in the past, it had more pack­ages (11, 13, and oth­er pieces).

Motor: It has a stain­less steel motor unit, sleek exte­ri­or design, and pow­er­ful 600-watt at-peak motor, which is pow­er­ful enough to make your basic decent smoothies.

Con­tain­ers, blades, and lids: Besides, the six(6) piece mod­el comes with one (1) 24 oz BPA-free Tri­tan copoly­ester cup and remov­able blade assem­bly called extrac­tor blade in NutriBul­let ter­mi­nol­o­gy. At the same time, the 13 –piece blender includes an addi­tion­al 18 oz cup, han­dled cup, extra lids, and dry blade attachment.

The extrac­tor blades are made of stain­less steel and designed for pro­cess­ing wet and dry ingre­di­ents, which means they can make smooth­ies and grind cof­fee or spices.

Con­trols: NutriBul­let 600 Watts blender is designed to oper­ate by press­ing the cup against the base unit. The blender runs while the user con­tin­ues press­ing down the cup and stops work­ing once it is released; it has a design sim­i­lar to a cof­fee grinder—10000rpm one speed.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: The blender is able to process good qual­i­ty smooth­ies, while if you add tough ingre­di­ents such as leafy green, it can out­put some­what chunky results. It does not design for blend­ing hot liq­uids, and you can­not make bul­let­proof cof­fee with it.

It will process frozen ingre­di­ents well only if some liq­uid is added to the cup but will not shave as to snow con­di­tions. It will also make light tasks such as sal­sa, sal­ad dress­ing, and baby food puree­ing very well. You can also grind the spice and cof­fer with this gad­get to decent-qual­i­ty powder.

Sum­ma­ry: This blender is an entry-lev­el pow­er­ful per­son­al blender mod­el that per­forms well, deliv­er­ing good qual­i­ty smooth­ies, sal­sa sal­ad dress­ing, and oth­er light recipes. Besides, it has a fair price for the pow­er and func­tion­al­i­ty it pro­vides and is designed to make a quick smooth­ie and take it in the same cup outside.


NutriBullet Pro 900 Hi-Speed Blender

NutriBullet Pro 900 BlenderThe NutriBul­let Pro 900 watts is an old-gen­er­a­tion blender mod­el that has been present on the mar­ket for many years; how­ev­er, it is a pow­er­ful and pop­u­lar blender. It is avail­able in two pack­ages, 9 and 13 pieces.

It also has Uni­ver­si­ty and Exclu­sive editions.

Motor: It has a pow­er­ful 900 Watts at-peak motor that is stronger enough to turn your favorite whole foods into tasty smooth­ies or shakes. The blender is also equipped with an auto­mat­ic over­heat­ing sys­tem that shuts the blender off if it is over­loaded or over­heat­ed; this gad­get is designed for up to 1 min of con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion; you can resume run­ning the blender after at least 30 sec­onds of rest.

Con­tain­ers, blades, lids: The blender comes with two (2) BPA-free plas­tic cups – the 13 pieces set with two (2) 32 oz. Colos­sal while 9‑piece set with one (1) 32 oz. Colos­sal and one (1) 24 oz. Tall cups – and a selec­tion of dif­fer­ent design lids — Flip-Top Lid, Han­dled Lip Ring, and Com­fort Lip Ring. Both pack­ages include one iden­ti­cal blade assembly.

Con­trols: Like most of the bul­let-style Nutribul­let mod­els, the Pro 900 has no con­trol pan­el and is oper­at­ed with one speed that is acti­vat­ed, and then the user push­es the cup against the base unit. Many con­sumers find this kind of design intu­itive and easy to operate.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: NutriBul­let Pro 900 watts is designed for mak­ing smooth­ies, and it does it well with soft fruits and veg­gies; the firm ingre­di­ents should be cut into small­er pieces for smoother results. Although it is a pow­er­ful blender, it will not homog­e­nize seeds and fruit skin in smoothies.

This gad­get is not designed for ice and iced ingre­di­ents pro­cess­ing and will han­dle them only with enough liq­uids added to the con­tain­er. So you bet­ter thaw the frozen ingre­di­ents before then blend­ing them.

How­ev­er, this blender is excel­lent at pro­cess­ing sal­ad dress­ing, sal­sa, and oth­ers. It also can puree baby food but only with enough liq­uid. It also will do decent for grind­ing cof­fee and spices.

While this blender is not designed to han­dle hot ingre­di­ents, it will not make bul­let­proof coffee.

Sum­ma­ry: Although NutriBul­let Pro 900 is a pow­er­ful blender and does good qual­i­ty smooth­ies, it is a bit over­priced. The inves­tiga­tive con­sumer may find the more pow­er­ful blender for the same or low­er price. At the same time, this machine will do a decent job for con­sumers who are in love with the NutriBul­let blender and can­not resist the temp­ta­tion to buy the gad­get from this famous brand.

Fur­ther­more, the mod­el is suit­able for those with either lim­it­ed or enough kitchen coun­ter­tops.  It will fit in any of these two spaces because of its com­pact design. Clean­ing this blender is also has­sle-free since it is done by twist­ing off the blades and using clean soapy water to rinse.


Nutribullet Pro 1000 Blender

nutribullet pro 1000 personal blenderThis is a new blender that was released in 2020. While it is very sim­i­lar to NutriBul­let Pro 900, it has some new exte­ri­or design fea­tures and a more pow­er­ful motor.

Motor: The Pro 1000 mod­el is the true NutriBul­let bul­let style blender; how­ev­er, it comes with more pow­er than pre­vi­ous mod­els (NutriBul­let 600 and NutriBul­let 900) with 1000 watts motor. It also has inno­v­a­tive exte­ri­or design fea­tures that allow users to hold a blender more com­fort­ably and seal the cup and blades bet­ter, ensur­ing no leakage.

Con­tain­ers, blades, and lids: The blender has two (2) 32 oz. Colos­sal and 24 oz Tall BPA-free plas­tic con­tain­ers, the two (2) to-go lids, and a remov­able blade sys­tem to fit both cups.

Con­trols: The same as (NutriBul­let 600 and NutriBul­let 900), the gad­get does not have any con­trol pan­el and is oper­at­ed by con­nect­ing and turn­ing clock­wise the cup against the base unit. How­ev­er, it runs auto­mat­i­cal­ly for 1 min cycle and stops auto­mat­i­cal­ly at its end.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: Like pre­vi­ous mod­els, the Pro 1000 is very good at han­dling smooth­ies and slight­ly bet­ter as it has a more pow­er­ful motor, it does not process ice with­out plen­ty of liq­uid added, and it is OK for some light food pro­cess­ing recipes, and run­ny baby food. It will not process hot liq­uids but will grind cof­fee beans and spices.

Sum­ma­ry: This blender is not much dif­fer­ent from the NutriBul­let 600 and NutriBul­let 900 mod­els; while it comes with a more pow­er­ful motor and thus will do a bit of silki­er smooth­ies, it also claimed to elim­i­nate the leak­ing prob­lem and cost slight­ly more.


NutriBullet Select 2.0 Blender

nutribullet select 2.0 1000 watt personal blenderThis is one of the lat­est Nutribul­let blenders that was released in 2020 and came new to NutriBul­let bul­let styles blender fea­tures such as a prop­er con­trol pan­el and pitch­er with a vent­ed lid.

Motor: The mod­el has a pow­er­ful 1000 watts motor.

Con­tain­ers: The blender comes with a 32 oz pitch­er with a vent­ed lid, and the 24 oz han­dled cup, which is used as sin­gles serve cup, the 24 oz cup has a to-go lid for tak­ing smooth­ies out. Both con­tain­ers are made from Tri­tan copoly­ester BPA-free mate­r­i­al. The 32 oz pitch­er has also includ­ed a cus­tom-made tam­per for pro­cess­ing tough ingredients.

The set also includes the remov­able blade assem­bly, which is trans­fer­able between the 32 oz. and 24 oz containers.

Con­trols: This mod­el comes with a prop­er con­trol pan­el that is a step for­ward and inno­v­a­tive for NutriBul­let bul­let-style blender’s fea­tures. The full con­trol pan­el expands the blender functionality.

The con­trol pan­el is equipped with five (5) but­tons — Low and High speeds, Extract pre-set cycle, Pulse func­tion, and Pow­er but­ton. The Extract but­ton runs the pre-set cycle and auto­mat­i­cal­ly shuts off auto­mat­i­cal­ly at the end of the cycle only with a sin­gle-serve 24 oz cup while the 32 oz jar with the vent­ed lid runs until the user press­es the pow­er but­ton to stop the blender.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: This 100 watts mod­el has enough pow­er to make good qual­i­ty smooth­ies, includ­ing firm ingre­di­ents like car­rots, pineap­ple, kale, and even flax seeds or chia seeds. How­ev­er, it does not han­dle frozen ingre­di­ents with­out liq­uid added and will process only ice in smooth­ies and slushes.

While it will do light food pro­cess­ing tasks, includ­ing sal­sa, hum­mus, and sal­ad dress­ing, as it comes with low speed and pulse func­tion, the blender also han­dles well-baby food and thick­er recipes like hum­mus and pesto as it comes with the tam­per that does a great job help­ing process such recipes.

You can also do some dry pro­cess­ing, such as pon­der­ing cof­fee beans, seeds, dry herbs, or chop­ping nuts.

Sum­ma­ry: Notably, this new NutriBul­let blender is one of the most suc­cess­ful mod­els. It comes with a few fea­tures which con­sid­er­ably expand the NutriBul­let func­tion­al­i­ty. This mod­el has a con­trol pan­el and is equipped with two speeds and pulse func­tions; it also has a small upward jar that comes with a tam­per and vent­ed lid. At the same time, it remains a com­pact blend that will not occu­py much of the space.

P.S. This blender con­tain­er and blade sys­tem are not com­pat­i­ble with oth­er NutriBul­let models.


Nutribullet Pro Plus Blender

nutribullet plus blenderThis is one of the lat­est Nutribul­let blenders that was released in 2020 and came with a few new to this brand’s bul­let-style blender features.

Motor: The mod­el has a pow­er­ful 1200 watts motor.  The motor is designed for a max­i­mum of 3 con­sec­u­tive 1‑minute cycles to run before it requires 5–6 min­utes of cooling.

Con­tain­ers: It comes with two (2) BPA-free Tri­tan copoly­ester Tall and Colos­sal cups with 24oz and 32oz capac­i­ty, respec­tive­ly. The set also includes two (2) flip-top lids.

This mod­el fea­tures one remov­able blade sys­tem that goes with both containers.

Con­trols: The blender oper­at­ed the same way as most of the NutriBul­let blenders by press­ing the con­tain­er with the blade down and clock­wise. The blender runs for 1 minute and stops auto­mat­i­cal­ly at the end of the cycle. In con­trast, this mod­el comes with one con­trol but­ton for the Pulse function.

Func­tion­al­i­ty:  The NutriBul­let Pro Plus makes even bet­ter smooth­ies than oth­er mod­els from soft and tough ingre­di­ents because it has a more pow­er­ful motor; it is even able to oblit­er­ate almost com­plete­ly most of the berries see not to men­tion chia and flax seeds.

It can also not process frozen ingre­di­ents with­out liq­uid and is suit­able only for mak­ing smooth­ies with frozen fruits and thawed ice. How­ev­er, it can also make good qual­i­ty nut milk.

Unlike most of the NutriBul­let mod­els, this blender can make chunky dips and sal­sas with the Pulse Func­tion. And cer­tain­ly, it can grind a vari­ety of food, includ­ing cof­fee beans, oat, and dry herbs.

Sum­ma­ry: Notably, The NutriBul­let Pro Plus blender has sig­nif­i­cant improve­ments over the pre­vi­ous mod­els; it starts the 1‑minute cycle at a low­er speed and speeds up toward the end of the cycle. It also stops auto­mat­i­cal­ly at the end of the cycle.


Nutribullet Rx Blender

nutribullet rx blenderThe Nutribul­let Rx is the most pow­er­ful Nutribul­let blender and prob­a­bly the most pow­er­ful bul­let-style blender.

Motor: It has the most pow­er­ful bul­let-style 1700-watts (2.3 HP) motor, which rotates the blades with a 25,000–30,000 rpm speed that is known to be enough for heat­ing liq­uids with frictions.

Con­tain­ers: NutriBul­let RX comes with 34 oz. /1L SouperBlast Pitch­er with 2‑peace lids to allow ven­ti­la­tion and pro­cess­ing hot ingre­di­ents, NutriBul­let Rx 45 Oz Over­sized Cup with Pitch­er Lid, NutriBul­let Rx 30 Oz Short Mug with Lip Ring. All con­tain­ers are made from BPA-free plastic.

The blender comes with one (1) remov­able and trans­ferrable between con­tain­ers 4‑prongs blade made of stain­less steel.

Con­trols: NutriBul­let Rx has a stan­dard for such a pow­er­ful blender con­trol pan­el that includes speed set­tings and start/stop con­trols. The same as oth­er NutriBul­let bul­let-style blenders, it is oper­at­ed once the con­tain­er is fixed to the unit base and runs the 1‑minute cycle.

While it has a pre-pro­grammed 7 min­utes soup set­ting that is acti­vat­ed when the blender runs a 1‑minute cycle, if the user press­es the green but­ton for 2 sec­onds, the blender will shut off auto­mat­i­cal­ly after 7 min­utes of the soup cycle.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: The NutriBul­let RX is a very pow­er­ful blender; with­out a doubt, it has the pow­er to blend silky smooth smooth­ies from soft, tough, and even fibrous ingre­di­ents; it also makes the per­fect green smooth­ie and is able to break even berries seeds pret­ty well.

How­ev­er, it can­not crush ice with­out liq­uid added and make snow cones or frozen desserts.

The NutriBul­let RX is specif­i­cal­ly designed to heat soup via fric­tion, and it does it well. In com­par­i­son, it has enough pow­er to make nut milk but can­not process nut but­ter since it does not come with a tam­per to help this process (though the recipe book claims it can do it). The blender is also able to grind the cof­fee beans and dry herbs.

Since the machine is very pow­er­ful but does not have a low speed or pulse func­tion, it can hard­ly make sal­sa, sal­ad dress­ing, and oth­er chop­ping task recipes.

Sum­ma­ry: It is a most pow­er­ful NutriBul­let blender, how­ev­er, is miss­ing the prop­er con­trol pan­el and speed set­ting and thus is not able to per­form all range of task the NutriBul­let design­er try to copy from high-end blender and Vita­mix S‑series blenders. Thus, it hard­ly could be iden­ti­fied as a suc­cess­ful mod­el, while if you want the most pow­er­ful Nutribul­let blender that makes per­fect smooth­ies, then Nutribul­let is a great choice.


NutriBullet Baby Complete Food-Making System

nutribullet baby food making systemThe NutriBul­let Baby does not have many dif­fer­ences from the Mag­ic Bul­let blender; how­ev­er, it includes extra acces­sories and a com­pre­hen­sive instruc­tion man­u­al about baby weaning.

Motor: The mod­el has a 200 Watts motor, which enables you to extract fresh­ly made nutri­ent-packed baby food.

Con­tain­ers: The Baby blender set includes 32 oz./900ml Batch bowl with lid, the 12 oz./355ml Short han­dled cup with a reseal­able lid, six (6) X 6 oz stor­age cups with date dial lids, and a tray. It also includes two (2) sil­i­con freez­er stor­age trays with six (6) units X 2 oz serv­ings. The stor­age cups and Batch Bowl are made of BPA-Free, non-tox­ic and durable plastic.

The set also comes with a wet (cross) remov­able blade assem­bly for the blend­ing recipes and a dry (flat) blade for grind­ing tasks.

Con­trols: The blender oper­at­ed like most bul­let-style blenders by push­ing clock­wise the cup against the motor base unit. It does not have any speed or controls.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: No doubt, it blends most of the ingre­di­ents for baby food; how­ev­er, you have always added some liq­uid to the cup while pro­cess­ing wet ingre­di­ents. The dry blade can bowd­ler­ize any grains and oats for adding to the baby recipes.

Sum­ma­ry: Com­po­nents of this Baby blender are dish­wash­er-safe, and there­fore clean­ing these parts is quick and easy. The set also includes detailed instruc­tions and a recipe for baby wean­ing cov­er­ing sev­er­al top­ics such as signs the baby wants to eat, instruc­tions on what gad­get you need for baby wean­ing prod­ucts, and month-by-month instruc­tions for whin­ing infor­ma­tion. At the same time, any blender can do a baby food job, while the NutriBul­let baby blender includes many extras you may find helpful.


NutriBullet Combo Blender

nutribullet blender combo 1200 wattThis is the only full-size Nutribul­let blender man­u­fac­tured by Nutribul­let. It is avail­able in two mod­els. The ZNBF30400Z one only comes with the full-size pitch­er, and the ZNBF30500Z mod­el has an addi­tion­al per­son­al-size attachment.

Motor: The blender has a 1200 Watts motor, an auto­mat­ic over­heat­ing sys­tem, and a cool­ing fan.

Con­trols: Both Nutribul­let full-size blenders have three (3) speeds and are thus more ver­sa­tile than their bul­let-style blenders. How­ev­er, the NutriBul­let Com­bo mod­el (ZNBF30500Z) with per­son­al blender attach­ment and the mod­el with only a full-size pitch­er (ZNBF30400Z) have a dif­fer­ent con­trol panel.

The blender with only a full-size jar is equipped with the fol­low­ing con­trols- ON/OFF, LOW, MED, HIGH speeds, and PULSE but­tons. While the Com­bo blender with sin­gle-serve attach­ment comes with all sets of con­trols, the non-com­bo mod­el has one addi­tion­al but­ton — ON/OFF, EXTRACT, LOW, MID, HIGH speeds, and PULSE but­tons, and one EXTRACT extra but­ton. In addi­tion, the extract but­ton is respon­si­ble for 1 min smooth­ies pre-set cycle and runs with both con­tain­ers – the full size and sin­gle serve one.

Con­tain­ers, blade, and lids: The NutriBul­let with the only full-size jar (ZNBF30400Z) comes with a BPA-free plas­tic 64 oz./1800ml pitch­er and blade per­ma­nent­ly inte­grat­ed into it. The full-size pitch­er also comes with a vent­ed lid to han­dle hot ingredients.

The NutriBul­let Com­bo mod­el (ZNBF30500Z) has the same 64 oz .pitch­er with a per­ma­nent blade and an addi­tion­al 24 oz and 32 oz cups sin­gle serve with two to-go-lids and a remov­able blade sys­tem to fit both sin­gle-serve cups.

Both mod­els also include a tam­per to help process thick ingredients.

Func­tion­al­i­ty: This 1200 watts blender has enough pow­er to make qual­i­ty smooth­ies and shakes and process soft and tough ingre­di­ents, includ­ing leafy greens; it also can blend seeds and nuts with­out chunks leav­ing in the drink. How­ev­er, it has the same for the Nutribul­let blender prob­lem and can crush ice only with liq­uid added; thus, it can­not make frozen treats but suits for slush­es and margaritas.

While this blender adver­tise­ment insists this gad­get can make soups, it can­not han­dle hot liq­uids. In addi­tion, the user man­u­al rec­om­mends lim­it­ing the blend­ing cycles by 1 min despite the blender’s abil­i­ty to run longer.

Besides, this blender can make nut but­ter but only with extra oil added. It is also suit­able for mak­ing baby food and light food pro­cess­ing recipes like mak­ing sal­sa or sal­ad dressings.

Although the blender is capa­ble of grind­ing cof­fee beans and spices, man­u­fac­tur­ers do not rec­om­mend using the machine for such tasks.

Sum­ma­ry: In gen­er­al, this is quite a suc­cess­ful Nutribul­let blender with speed set­tings and pulse func­tions that expand that gad­get’s func­tion­al­i­ty com­pared to bul­let-style machines.



Last­ly, nine (9) NutriBul­let blenders are cur­rent­ly avail­able to buy, and the intro­duc­tion of oth­er new mod­els is ongo­ing. Do you won­der how to choose the best one among all these mod­els? It is not so difficult.

The Mag­ic Bul­let mod­el is the basic one that has only 250 watts motor and comes with a few small cups. It is suit­ed main­ly for baby food or light tasks such as mak­ing small batch­es of sal­ad dress­ing or sal­sa; it is not a prop­er smooth­ie blender.

The NutriBul­let 600 watts, Pro 900 watts, and Pro 1000 watts are quite sim­i­lar in their abil­i­ties to make smooth­ies while dif­fer­ing in the pow­er which means the more pow­er­ful motor, the silki­er smooth­ies it makes. Addi­tion­al­ly, the NutriBul­let Pro 1000-watt runs auto­mat­i­cal­ly in 1 mins cycle and stops while the 600 Watts and 900 Watts mod­els you gave pulse manually.

The NutriBul­let Pro 1200 watts mod­el has even more pow­er­ful motors, even bet­ter qual­i­ty blends, and comes with a pulse func­tion that expands its func­tion­al­i­ty slightly.

The new NutriBul­let Select Blender, no doubt, is quite a func­tion­al mod­el. It makes good smooth­ies and comes with an almost prop­er con­trol pan­el with two speeds, an auto­mat­ic cycle, and a Pow­er but­ton. It is a kind of fusion of a bul­let style and a full-size blender.

The full-size and Com­bo Nutribi­ul­let mod­els are excel­lent and func­tion­al blenders; they have a prop­er con­trol pan­el and a pow­er­ful motor. But, at the same time, it is a slight­ly over­priced mod­el; it could still be considered.

The NutriBul­let RX mod­el tried to mim­ic the cur­rent­ly dis­con­tin­ued Vita­mix S‑series blender; how­ev­er, it is far from per­fect. Although it has a pow­er­ful motor lack of a prop­er con­trol pan­el makes the NutriBul­let RX blender poor­ly designed.

Final­ly, Nutribul­let Baby Blender is just not dif­fer­ent from any blender on the mar­ket with 200 watts of motor func­tion­al­i­ty. But, at the same time, the set of extra acces­sories may make it attrac­tive to the new mums.

Posted in Other Blenders Reviews, Best Products, NutriBullet Reviews

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  1. Tom

    I won­der if some­body knows what is the dif­fer­ence between “Z: and “ZC” mod­els (e.g. znbf30400z vs znbf30400zc). Hard to find info…

    • lucy

      The price varies depend­ing on region/country and retail­er, click on the link under the blender mod­el, and it will redi­rect you to the local Ama­zon so that you may have an idea about the price.

      El pre­cio varía según la región/país y el minorista, haga clic en el enlace deba­jo del mod­e­lo de licuado­ra y lo redi­ri­girá a Ama­zon local para que pue­da ten­er una idea sobre el precio.

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