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Vitamix 7500 Blender Review — Best Legacy Vitamix Model

vitamix 7500 blenderVita­mix 7500 / Series 300 mod­el was released in 2013 with an upgrad­ed 2.2HP motor and some noise and cool­ing sys­tem improve­ments. The Vita­mix 7500 and Series 300 have absolute­ly the same tech­ni­cal para­me­ters and fea­tures but come with dif­fer­ent Recipe Books.

Cur­rent­ly, three (2) major Lega­cy G‑series mod­els are avail­able on the mar­ket ‑7500/Series 300 and Pro 750.

Are you also inter­est­ed in alter­na­tive Vita­mix blender options? 

Check our arti­cle Which Vita­mix to Buy? – Vita­mix Mod­els Explained.
Or vis­it the Vita­mix Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished Blenders – Are They Worth to Con­sid­er? page to find out about bar­gain options.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

Functionality and Versatility

Vita­mix 7500 is a pow­er­ful machine that turns raw food into soup, smooth­ies, or sorbet/ice cream. Here is a detailed guide for those who are unfa­mil­iar with Vita­mix functionality.

Smooth­ie: It blends smooth­ies or shakes from any kind of raw fruit or veg­eta­bles. You can also add nuts, hard cheese, or frozen food blocks, and it does an amaz­ing job. This high-speed unit will eas­i­ly pul­ver­ize straw­ber­ries, blue­ber­ries, black­ber­ries, rasp­ber­ries, or chia seeds added into smooth­ies or shakes with­out any grainy seed tex­ture, whether green or fruit; with added nuts or seeds, the qual­i­ty of smooth­ies will always be of per­fect silky smooth quality.

Frozen ingre­di­ents: The machine eas­i­ly shaves ice with and with­out any liq­uid added into a snow-like con­sis­ten­cy for pro­duc­ing snow cones or frozen alco­holic drinks (mar­gar­i­tas, Pina cola­da, and oth­ers). It makes any frozen dessert or ice cream using the high­est speed and the tam­per, blend­ing the mix­ture for under 30 sec­onds. The cook­book that comes with Vita­mix includes some very nice frozen dessert recipes.

Juic­ing: It is not designed to pro­duce clas­sic juice, which requires sep­a­rat­ing the fiber from a liq­uid. How­ev­er, it is more than capa­ble of mak­ing the smoothest smooth­ies, aka “whole juice.”

Puree­ing: It will puree any hard veg­eta­bles. It is able to puree, for exam­ple, chick­peas or dates with­out water. How­ev­er, for thick purées, you should do it in small batch­es to get a more homo­ge­neous blend.

vitamix carrot soupChop­ping: Chop­ping is done on the pulse or low speed. The speed set­ting is very good and flex­i­ble on this machine, so you get per­fect con­sis­ten­cy every time. It also makes per­fect qual­i­ty sauces and dips at medi­um or high­er speeds.
It is capa­ble of pro­duc­ing enough fric­tion to cre­ate a hot soup, although you have to blend at the high­est speed for up to 6 min­utes in order to reach a steam­ing temperature.

Nut milk: This gad­get has enough pow­er to pul­ver­ize any nut to the con­sis­ten­cy that you can get excel­lent qual­i­ty nut milk after strain­ing through a nut bag. This is an invalu­able func­tion for peo­ple with lac­tose intol­er­ance or those on spe­cial diets.

Vitamix raspberry ice creamNut but­ter: This machine makes nice, smooth raw nut but­ter with the help of a tam­per. How­ev­er, you have to process at least 4 cups of ingre­di­ents because the final nut but­ter should still cov­er the blade. For small­er por­tions, there is a 32 oz. wet-blade con­tain­er that is avail­able as an option­al accessory.

Dough: This gadget’s cook­book includes deli­cious recipes for cook­ies, piz­za, and bread dough. The wet blade con­tain­er, includ­ed in the basic set, is per­fect­ly capa­ble of knead­ing dough.

Grind­ing: The stan­dard wet con­tain­er also will eas­i­ly grind flour, cof­fee beans, or any nuts. It is also able to mill into per­fect flour almost any grain or ker­nel such as buck­wheat, rice, quinoa, or even small ama­ranth or dry chickpeas.

The wet blade con­tain­er is good enough for occa­sion­al grinding/milling and dough mak­ing. How­ev­er, if you will do it often, it is bet­ter to buy the option­al dry blade con­tain­er so that you do not over­load the wet blade. Any­way, any high-end blender has its learn­ing curve. Even­tu­al­ly, you will learn the pre­cise amount of ingre­di­ents to use for dif­fer­ent recipes or chal­leng­ing tasks like mak­ing nut but­ter, how to use the wet con­tain­er for dry tasks, and the speed to use for dif­fer­ent jobs or recipes, so you will be able to make a deci­sion if it worth for you to invest in any extra acces­sories for this gadget.

Speed Settings and Programs

The Vita­mix 7500/ Series 300 con­trol pan­el is equipped with 10 vari­able speed dial knobs, puls­ing, and on/off tog­gles. These mod­els do not have any pre-set pro­grams and are designed to be con­trolled man­u­al­ly by the user for all tasks. The vari­able-speed func­tion is very use­ful on many occa­sions. Low speed is impor­tant for rough chop­ping ingre­di­ents, and if you make sal­sa or add tex­ture to the soup after it was made to the desired con­sis­ten­cy. The low speeds are also use­ful in elim­i­nat­ing foam bub­bles from smooth­ies, which were blend­ed at high­er speeds. Grad­u­al­ly shift­ing from low to high speed will allow you to cre­ate an orig­i­nal recipe or one mod­i­fied to your lik­ing from the cookbook.

Ease of Using and Cleaning

Set­ting up: This blender has built-in blades, and it is very easy to set up and oper­ate. You just fill the pitch­er with ingre­di­ents, with the soft­er ingre­di­ents going in first, fol­lowed by the hard­er ones. Next, fix the resin-sup­plied lid on the top of the con­tain­er and press to start.

Tam­per: All Vita­mix machines come with a tam­per, and it is designed so that they will not hit the blades. The tam­per is use­ful in many ways. It is usu­al­ly not need­ed for pro­cess­ing food with enough liq­uid, but it is very handy when mak­ing nut but­ter, frozen desserts, or ice cream with lit­tle or no added liq­uid. In addi­tion, you can push stub­born and bulky ingre­di­ents down to the vor­tex dur­ing pro­cess­ing with­out stop­ping the machine with the tamper.

Clean­ing: Although this blender is not dish­wash­er safe, it is extreme­ly easy to clean on a dai­ly basis because it has built-in blades. You can hand wash the lid and con­tain­er after using watery ingre­di­ents or using thick ingre­di­ents, blend it in just 30 sec­onds with water and a few soap drops. You can also pulse and vary the speed to sim­u­late a scrub­bing motion. After clean­ing, just wipe it with a dry cloth. Oth­er­wise, it may become cloudy over time. If it becomes cloudy, just soak the con­tain­er in a mix­ture of cool water and vinegar.

Base Unit and Motor Power

This machine comes with a 2.2 horse­pow­er motor and a blade rotat­ing at 37,000 rpm, the same for all of the G‑Series prod­uct lines. The 2.2HP motor cor­re­sponds to approx­i­mate­ly 1640 Watts. One horse­pow­er at one hun­dred per­cent effi­cien­cy equals 746 Watts. One hun­dred per­cent effi­cien­cy means it runs with­out any attach­ments or loads, and none of these gad­gets are able to oper­ate this way. Rough­ly, it works at 12 amps X 120 Volts, which equals 1440 Watts. This is more than enough blend­ing power.

All Vita­mix motors are also equipped with a ther­mal pro­tec­tion sys­tem and an auto­mat­ic shut-off in the case of motor over­load­ing, and that should def­i­nite­ly increase the lifes­pan of the blenders. The gad­get also comes with a 6 ft. pow­er cord that is clev­er­ly stored under­neath the base unit and hides any unused sections.

All Vita­mix machines are very well built with all-met­al, durable motor dri­ver connections.




vitamix 64 oz jarThis machine comes with a pre­mi­um stress and scratch-resis­tant poly­car­bon­ate (Tri­tan copoly­ester) con­tain­er, Vita­mix 7500/ Pro­fes­sion­al Series 300 — 64 oz. low pro­file, wide bot­tom, and soft-touch ergonom­ic han­dle, while the Cre­ation Elite which is intend­ed for small house­holds comes with a small­er — 48 oz.- con­tain­er. All pitch­ers have clear marks for ounces, cups, mil­li­liters, and liter measurements.

You can also buy extra con­tain­ers at an addi­tion­al cost — small­er 32 oz. and 48 oz. con­tain­ers with wet blades for pro­cess­ing small batch­es of food, or a 32 oz. con­tain­er with a dry blade for pro­fes­sion­al milling and baking.

Cus­tomers often com­plain that this very expen­sive machine should come with glass con­tain­ers so as to avoid any chem­i­cal leach­ing into food. How­ev­er, this is not pos­si­ble for pow­er­ful blenders because glass is not safe when pro­cess­ing high loads. In the past, many pow­er­ful blenders had met­al pitch­ers, but nowa­days, most pro­duc­ers pre­fer to use stress-resis­tant poly­car­bon­ate for this type of gad­get. How­ev­er, in July 2020, Vita­mix released a new stain­less steel con­tain­er that you can buy as an addi­tion­al one to any of your Vita­mix mod­els’ blenders.


blender wet bladeThis machine is equipped with 4‑inch, 4‑prong stain­less steel blades. All Vita­mix mod­el blades are as dull as a but­ter knife by design. The blades are built-in to the pitch­er and can be removed if need­ed for a thor­ough clean­ing or if you are replac­ing the blade assem­bly, but only with a spe­cial wrench (not includ­ed in a package).

The blender comes with a wet blade con­tain­er that is capa­ble of per­form­ing all func­tions such as mak­ing smooth­ies, chop­ping food, mak­ing soups, ice creams, nut but­ter, grind­ing, milling, and knead­ing the dough. In addi­tion, the option­al dry blade’s small­er 32 ounces con­tain­er can be pur­chased, and this will mill, grind and knead bet­ter with less effort.

Vitamix 7500 Special Features

Col­ors: This machine comes in var­i­ous col­ors, Vita­mix 7500 — black, white, red; Pro­fes­sion­al Series 300 — black, red.

Refur­bished: There are cer­ti­fied refur­bished blenders avail­able for these mod­els. Vita­mix 7500/Professional Series 300 mod­els will be named Next Gen­er­a­tion and cost around $100 less. They come with com­plete­ly new acces­sories and usu­al­ly used-based units which are per­fect­ly con­di­tioned. How­ev­er, the Recon­di­tioned Vita­mix 7500 blenders have a 5‑year war­ran­ty instead of 7 years for the new machines. This choice is worth con­sid­er­ing for those who want to buy this machine at a small­er price.

Using in oth­er coun­tries: The blenders sold in the Unit­ed States come with a 120V/60Hz Input Volt­age and an Amer­i­can plug. So, 110–120 volts machines are suit­able for oper­a­tion in the USA, Cana­da, Cen­tral Amer­i­ca, Japan, Sau­di Ara­bia, and some oth­ers. No Vita­mix machines come with dual volt­age. These gad­gets are not rec­om­mend­ed to use via volt­age adapter for a long peri­od of time but are OK for occa­sion­al use while trav­el­ing. Con­sumers from regions with 220–240 volt­age sys­tems are bet­ter to buy these machines from a local dis­trib­u­tor, which are usu­al­ly much more expen­sive than from the USA. However,


This machine is not loud for this kind of pow­er­ful blender and out­puts at around 60 to 70 deci­bels. It is com­pa­ra­ble to the noise of nor­mal piano prac­tice or vac­u­um clean­er, which will also pro­duce 60 and 70 deci­bels of sound, respec­tive­ly. The noise also depends on the ingre­di­ents you blend and on your kitchen counter mate­r­i­al. So if you place a rub­ber place­ment under the machine, you may great­ly reduce the noise that comes from your gadget.

Warranty and Customer Service

The Vita­mix 7500 and Pro­fes­sion­al Series 300 machines come with a 7‑year, full war­ran­ty, which means that the com­pa­ny will pay all ship­ping costs no mat­ter what hap­pens to your gad­get. It will also replace any part and make repairs with no ques­tions asked. How­ev­er, the Cre­ation Elite machines come with only a 5‑year full war­ran­ty despite the fact that it is the exact same machine, the only dif­fer­ence being that it has a 48 oz. con­tain­er instead of a 64 oz. con­tain­er. The com­pa­ny also offers a 30-day mon­ey-back guar­an­tee. If you do not like the machine for any rea­son, you can return it free of charge with­in this peri­od of time.

Cus­tomer Ser­vice is excel­lent, and the peo­ple are always very polite, help­ful, and respond directly.

Optional accessories

vitamix dry containerVita­mix offers some extra acces­sories you can buy online from dif­fer­ent retailers.

Wet Blade con­tain­ers: Some cus­tomers may find that the new low-pro­file con­tain­er is too large for pro­cess­ing small batch­es of food since it has a wider bot­tom and requires more ingre­di­ents to cov­er the blade lev­el for effort­less pro­cess­ing. To solve this prob­lem, the small­er 32 oz., and 48 oz. pitch­ers with a wet blade assem­bly are avail­able to buy as option­al acces­sories. The 32 ounces con­tain­er is per­fect for serv­ing sin­gle-serve tasks and small batch­es of baby food. Nut but­ter is also much eas­i­er to make in the small wet con­tain­er because the ini­tial vol­ume of nuts is reduced sub­stan­tial­ly as it gets milled, and it may not cov­er the blade lev­el of the con­tain­er for fur­ther homog­e­niz­ing of the mix, and here the 32 ounces con­tain­er will be a great help.

The 48 oz. wet blade pitch­er is small enough for a sin­gle serv­ing and capa­ble of fix­ing ingre­di­ents for a small house­hold. This small house­hold pitch­er is also good for a kitchen with lim­it­ed space as it eas­i­ly fits under most kitchen cabinets.

If you intend to do a lot of milling, grind­ing, and knead­ing, then you may find it ben­e­fi­cial to buy the dry blade 32 ounces con­tain­er as an extra acces­so­ry. Although the wet blade does milling and knead­ing tasks very well, the dry blades have a slight­ly dif­fer­ent design and push the vor­tex up instead of down (wet blades), so the milling and knead­ing are done much eas­i­er, quick­er, and with bet­ter qual­i­ty. The 32 oz. dry blade con­tain­er is rec­om­mend­ed if grain milling and knead­ing is done reg­u­lar­ly in your kitchen; oth­er­wise, it is not worth the extra investment.

vitamix spatula

Dry Blade con­tain­er: If you intend to do a lot of milling, grind­ing, and knead­ing, then you may find it ben­e­fi­cial to buy the dry blade 32 oz. a con­tain­er as an extra acces­so­ry. Although the wet blade does milling and knead­ing tasks very well, the dry blades have a slight­ly dif­fer­ent design and push the vor­tex up instead of down (wet blades), so the milling and knead­ing are done much eas­i­er, quick­er, and with bet­ter qual­i­ty. The 32 oz. dry blade con­tain­er is rec­om­mend­ed if grain milling and knead­ing are done reg­u­lar­ly in your kitchen; oth­er­wise, it is not worth the extra investment.

Per­son­al Cup Adapter: The Per­son­al Blender Attach­ment for the Vita­mix Clas­sic Series blender.

Stain­less Steel Con­tain­er: The new Vita­mix option­al con­tain­er was released in July 2020 as an answer to a request from many customers.

Spat­u­las: This lit­tle long spat­u­la with its nar­row head will help you remove thick food such as nut but­ter, hum­mus, ice cream, and oth­ers from the container.

It is also worth men­tion­ing that all Vita­mix con­tain­ers are inter­change­able, regard­less of the mod­el, prod­uct line, vol­ume, and blade type.

Set Includes

The 7500 and Series 300 blender pack­ages include:

  • G‑series 2.2HP base unit,
  • 64 oz. Wet low pro­file wide bot­tom container,
  • rub­ber lid with plug, Cus­tom tamper,
  • Get­ting Start­ed Guide, Instruc­tion­al DVD
  • Recipe Book (Sim­ply Fresh-Whole Food ‑7500 mod­el and Cre­ate Cook­book Series 300 model).


This machine is quite big with a base unit weight of 13 pounds and a 7.7 x 9.4‑inch foot­print. How­ev­er, with a height of 17.4 inch­es when the low pro­file con­tain­er is seat­ed on the base unit, it usu­al­ly fits under stan­dard kitchen cab­i­nets. The ship­ping weight of the gad­get, with all books and acces­sories includ­ed, is 19.7 pounds.

Pros and Cons


  • Vita­mix 7500 is one of the lat­est prod­uct line blenders for the pro­duc­ing com­pa­ny. It is a very pow­er­ful, mul­ti­task­ing, and ver­sa­tile machine that per­forms all of its func­tions on a pro­fes­sion­al lev­el. It makes excel­lent smooth­ies, chops food, mills grain, kneads dough, makes hot soup, and makes ice cream, all at the high­est lev­el of quality.
  • The machine has inter­change­able jars, and any jar size or blade type will fit any Vita­mix machine.
  • It is a very durable and well-built machine and has a 7‑year full war­ran­ty, one of the best on the mar­ket. In addi­tion, its cus­tomer ser­vice has a very good rep­u­ta­tion for being respon­sive and helpful.
  • This mod­el fits under most kitchen cabinets.


  • All Vita­mix machines are expen­sive. The com­pa­ny releas­es a huge vari­ety of mod­els and pack­ages, and cus­tomers can be con­fused about choos­ing the right machine.

Vitamix 7500 Blender Consumer Reviews

Despite the high price, this machine is very pop­u­lar among con­sumers, and peo­ple appre­ci­ate its good qual­i­ty, dura­bil­i­ty, and excel­lent cus­tomer ser­vice. There are a large num­ber of con­sumer reviews if you com­bine all the dif­fer­ent Ama­zon retail­ers, so there is plen­ty of infor­ma­tion out there if you need extra con­fir­ma­tion for your choice.


The price fluc­tu­ates a lot for this blender, depend­ing on the retail­er and any spe­cial offers avail­able. Many retail­ers offer free ship­ping for this blender. Since Ama­zon keeps com­pet­i­tive prices, it often offers less expen­sive units than the pro­duc­er web­site. Check here for the Vita­mix 7500 best deal price for this blender.

Cus­tomers also should check the Pro­fes­sion­al Series 300 mod­el Ama­zon offer that is often avail­able at the spe­cial offer or the Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned Vita­mix 7500/Series 300 mod­els.




Vita­mix 7500 is cer­tain­ly one of the best blenders on the mar­ket. It has the lat­est motor despite the fact that Vita­mix released the newest Smart Sys­tem prod­uct line blenders but used the same motor for the Clas­sic G‑Series.

The 7500 will suit those look­ing for the Clas­sic Vita­mix mod­el and pre­fer the man­u­al­ly con­trolled ver­sion because they do not need pre-pro­gram set­tings or feel that they do not want to pay the extra $100 (price dif­fer­ence between the man­u­al­ly con­trolled mod­el and the mod­el with pre-set programs).

The 7500 and Series 300 machines both come with 64 oz. low pro­file wide bot­tom con­tain­ers suit larg­er house­holds bet­ter because they han­dle bet­ter big batch­es of food (min­i­mum 2 cups). Pro­fes­sion­al Series 300 has the same tech­ni­cal para­me­ters as the 7500 mod­el but has an extend­ed choice of cook­book recipes, which will be use­ful for peo­ple with lim­it­ed cook­ing abil­i­ty who are look­ing for extra guid­ance for bet­ter per­for­mance in their kitchens.

Do you want to find out which Vita­mix blender suits you best? Then, go to our Vita­mix Blender Guide arti­cle and reviews.


Posted in Vitamix Reviews, Hot Offers!

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