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Vitamix Immersion Blender — Is It Best Household Hand Blender?

vitamix immersion blenderVita­mix has been in busi­ness for over 100 years and is known for com­mer­cial and home-use coun­ter­top high-per­for­mance blenders. In March 2021, the com­pa­ny came out with its first immer­sion blender. Is this new device as good as oth­er Vita­mix blenders, and can it com­pete with the high-per­for­mance hand blender already present on the market?

Stay with us to get the answers to all your ques­tion about this new Vita­mix prod­uct.

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Read More: Best Blenders Reviews and Buy­ing Guides

Table of Contents

What Functions Does it Perform?

Soup: Puree­ing soup is the pri­ma­ry func­tion of any immers­ing blender, and Vita­mix makes it per­fect­ly. It is designed to process hot liq­uids and blend your favorite soup right on the stove, Do not for­get, you can sub­merge the wand to up to 2/3rd of the wand length.

Puree­ing: It can eas­i­ly puree cooked pota­toes, sweet pota­toes, broc­coli, and oth­er veg­gies and cook meat into per­fect puree for dif­fer­ent recipes, includ­ing baby food.

You can also puree most of the fruits for cakes or more. The con­tain­er should only be half full or less when a puree from fruit or vegetables.

Mix­ing: You can use it for mix­ing and stir­ring almost any­thing. It will eas­i­ly mix pesto, hum­mus, gua­camole, toma­to sauce, or apple­sauce right in the pot or any con­tain­er, and it also makes per­fect home­made mayo. So you can cre­ate your favorite dress­ings and mari­nades with­out effort. You can also blend a scram­bled egg with it, and it comes out perfect.

Chop­ping: It will chop nuts, bread crumbs, gra­nola, fruits, veg­gies, onion, and others.

Whip­ping cream: You can whip dairy cream for desserts using speed four or higher.

Ice Crushing/Frozen desserts: Some review­ers insist that Vita­mix Immer­sion Blender can­not crush ice. It does; you have to do it the right way. To process ice effi­cient­ly, you have to use a tap­ping motion and keep tap­ping the mix­ture down to the con­tain­er’s bot­tom.  Plac­ing the blender and push­ing it down will not do well.

This device can also make per­fect frozen desserts from frozen fruits, berries, and whip­ping cream or yogurt in under 15 seconds.

Smoothies/Protein shakes: Blend­ing smooth­ies is not a pri­ma­ry func­tion of an immer­sion blender and will not make a silky smooth smooth­ie from stub­born ingre­di­ents like very seeds or kale. How­ev­er, it is per­fect for mak­ing smooth­ies from essen­tial ingre­di­ents like bananas, pro­tein pow­der, soft fruits, and veg­gies, includ­ing car­rots and beets. The nuts can also leave small pieces in the processed drinks.

Bul­let­proof Cof­fee: It is per­fect for blend­ing bul­let­proof cof­fee as it is designed for pro­cess­ing hot liq­uids, while 8500–13500 RPMs are more than enough for this task.

Nut but­ter: It can make nut but­ter bet­ter, but it will not be as smooth and silky as a full-size Vita­mix blender, or a full-size food proces­sor can do. Achiev­ing sat­is­fac­to­ry results will be a rather daunt­ing task, espe­cial­ly if you add some oil or maple/agave syrup to the mixture.

Grind­ing: The device was not designed for grind­ing grains or cof­fee beans.

Milk Foam­ing: It does not have a foam­ing attach­ment and can­not milk foam­ing well.

What Motor Power Does it Have?

Vita­mix Immer­sion blender comes with a pow­er­ful 625 Watt motor with more wattage than most basic coun­ter­top units. The engine is housed in a durable and sol­id stain­less steel and rub­ber­ized han­dle body. More­over, it is designed for more than four min­utes of con­tin­u­ous run­ning com­pared to most hand blenders that can run only 1 minute with­out stopping.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the blender has a plas­tic motor to shaft con­nec­tion dri­ve, mak­ing the blender con­struc­tion not very durable.

The motor is also equipped with an overload/overheat pro­tec­tion sys­tem for safe­ty and shuts off the device when over­loaded. When the pro­tec­tion sys­tem trig­gers, the speed bars start blink­ing, mean­ing it needs to cool for a few min­utes before resum­ing the operation.

What Speed Settings Does It Have?

vitamix hand blnder controlsIt comes with speed LED dis­play, the ON/OFF but­ton, and the VARIABLE SPEED button.

The ON/OFF but­ton is respon­si­ble for the start and stops func­tions. So the blender runs only when you press and hold the ON/OFF but­ton and stops when you release the pow­er button.

The speed but­ton reg­u­lates 5‑variable speeds rang­ing from 8500 RPM to 13500 RPM. To increase the vari­able speed, you must press the VARIABLE SPEED button.

The LED dis­play on the top of the shaft indi­cates which speed is at work right now. One bar means the low­est speed, and five bars — the high­est speed. So one press­ing on the VARIABLE SPEDE but­ton will increase speed by one each time. The speed will auto­mat­i­cal­ly drop to 1 if the device is left idle for safe­ty rea­sons. The one led light bar stays on when you plug your blender and will stay on until you unplug it, even if you are not oper­at­ing the device.

Design and Shaft

The Vita­mix Immer­sion blender is a bit hefty but has a sol­id con­struc­tion with a main­ly stain­less steel body, rub­ber­ized grip part, and plas­tic coat­ing at the bot­tom of the blend­ing bell.

The rub­ber han­dle has an ergonom­ic design, so with only two (2) fin­gers, you can con­trol five speeds and ON/OFF but­tons before and dur­ing blend­ing. The ergonom­ic design also pre­vents unin­ten­tion­al hand slip­page and makes all blender oper­a­tions easy and intuitive.

The shaft from the motor base to the end of the blade bell is approx­i­mate­ly 8.9 inch­es long, and the post with­out the blend­ing head has 4.75 inch­es in length. The shaft is long enough for puree­ing soup even in a large saucepan and suit­able for most blend­ing jobs. The post is made of stain­less steel with some BPA-free plas­tic coat­ing at the tip of the blend­ing bell. Gen­er­al­ly, the blender is well-engi­neered, and the good news is that it can process hot liquids.

Attachments and Accessories

vitamix immersion blender bladesVita­mix Immer­sion Blender has only one attach­ment: the shaft with the stan­dard S‑blade, which comes as one piece with the blade and head. All attach­ment parts con­sist of 4 prongs Vita­mix designed blades, 4.75 inch­es long shaft, and a blades bell.

The shaft, the blades, and the blade head are approx­i­mate­ly 4.75″ in length and are all made from stain­less steel.

Besides, the blade head is equipped with a heat and scratch resis­tance guard that pre­vents the pots and pans from scratch­ing. Final­ly, all the Vita­mix wand con­struc­tion allows use direct­ly on the stove, which is rare for a typ­i­cal immer­sion blender, as most of them are not designed to be used with hot liquids.

More­over, the 2.5 inch­es diam­e­ter head is engi­neered to reduce suc­tion and move ingre­di­ents quick­ly through the blades. The Blender is designed to use in a con­tain­er with a 3‑inch or broad­er open­ing, so it can even fit into a 1‑quart wide-mouth Mason jar.

Extra Attachments and Replacements

Although the Vita­mix Immer­sion blender comes with only one attach­ment, it offers a few extra ones you can buy from their web­site or oth­er retail­ers, which include:

  • Immer­sion Blender Whisk: it is intend­ed for prepar­ing aquafa­ba, meringues, eggs, cream, bat­ters, and oth­er recipes.
  • Immer­sion Blender Mini-Chop­per: it is designed for var­i­ous recipes such as cooked and raw veg­gies, chop­ping nuts and bread crumbs, minc­ing gar­lic, onion, greens, and more. Besides, it comes with a 3 cups con­tain­er that you can use as a stor­age bowl.
  • Immer­sion Blend­ing Jar: The Tri­tan copoly­ester 32-ounce jar has a unique shape that helps process ingre­di­ents more effi­cient­ly than in a stan­dard con­tain­er. Addi­tion­al­ly, you can also use this con­tain­er as a to-go cup.
  • Immer­sion Sta­tion: This acces­so­ry is designed to keep all the acces­sories orga­nized in one place.
  • Immer­sion Blender Stor­age Case: it is a stor­age or trav­el case.

Besides, you can eas­i­ly buy all replace­ment parts and acces­sories that are always avail­able from the Vita­mix web­site or oth­er retailers.

Assembling and Cleaning

Assem­bling: The blender is very easy to assem­ble and dis­as­sem­ble; you have to fas­ten the wand to the han­dle by twist­ing it counter-clock­wise until you hear the click.

Clean­ing: The clean­ing is also an easy task; the blade attach­ment is dish­wash­er safe. How­ev­er, the best advice is to do a hand clear­ing as it extends the life of the device. For hand clean­ing, you have to sub­merge the wand into any con­tain­ers with water and a few drops of wash­ing liq­uid and run it for 10 seconds.


It is not real­ly noisy and releas­es the noise of about 56–67DBs (sim­i­lar to the con­ver­sa­tion in restau­rants) on speed 1–5 when you blend soft ingre­di­ents like cooked veg­gies. If you com­bine ice, it will release more noise.


Vita­mix Immer­sion Blender comes with three years Full War­ran­ty, which means it will be repaired and exchanged free of charge, includ­ing ship­ping cost, or refund­ed if it fails any ty time dur­ing the three years since your purchase.

Besides, Vita­mix pro­vides plen­ty of resources online on using the device and recipes you can try, and they also have the best Cus­tomer Sup­port in the industry.


Like oth­er immer­sion blenders,s Vita­mix has a very small foot­print of only 3 x 3 inch­es and a pro­file of about 18 inch­es. It also comes with 5 feet cord length that allows you to man­age it eas­i­ly dur­ing food preparation.

The weight of 2.86 lbs also feels a bit heavy, so it will not break your arm or wrist.

Country of Production

The Vita­mix immer­sion blender was engi­neered in the USA while man­u­fac­tured and assem­bled in China.

Set Includes

  • Motor Body;
  • Attach­ment with S‑blade;
  • A brief “get­ting start­ed” pam­phlet with some guidelines;
  • User man­u­al.

The blender does not include any recipe book, but the Vita­mix web­site has sev­er­al recipes for their immer­sion blender.

Pros and Cons


  • Pow­er­ful 625 Watts motor;
  • Easy one-hand oper­a­tion ergonom­ic wand design;
  • Equipped with five (5) dif­fer­ent speeds rang­ing from 8500 RPMs to 13500 RPMs;
  • Designed to run up to 4 min­utes with­out stopping;
  • Heat resis­tance bell guard to pre­vent pots and pans from scratching;
  • A few extra attach­ments are avail­able to buy to expand blender functions;
  • Easy to set up and clean;
  • Comes with three (3) years Full Warranty;



  • They are man­u­fac­tured and assem­bled in China.
  • Has a plas­tic blade-to-motor dri­ve connection.


Vita­mix Immer­sion blender is a high-end device avail­able at a high-end price. How­ev­er, it is undoubt­ed­ly worth the mon­ey. It is bet­ter to spend a lit­tle more on a pow­er­ful qual­i­ty blender that lasts for many years than buy a cheap device that will go out quickly.




The Vita­mix Immer­sion Blender is undoubt­ed­ly one of the best hand blenders on the mar­ket and can com­pete only with the leg­endary Bamix hand blender. How­ev­er, this device will not per­form all func­tions the full-size Vita­mix blender can and will not serve as a per­fect sub­sti­tute for it. How­ev­er, do not dirt many dish­es if you want to blend your sim­ple morn­ing smooth­ies in any con­tain­er, includ­ing a sin­gle-serve cup or Mason jar. In that case, you often do prep recipes or a vari­ety of small recipes and look for a handy blender that is easy to set up, use, and clean. Then the Vita­mix immer­sion blender is worth try­ing, and you will not be disappointed.

It has a mighty motor, five (5) speeds for var­i­ous tasks, and good Vita­mix results that serve a niche pur­pose. At last, it is well built, comes with three years full War­ran­ty that is very good for the immer­sion blender, and thus promis­es to last hope­ful­ly for many years. More­over, if you have been a Vita­mix fan for many years as I am, this prod­uct will def­i­nite­ly meet your most demand­ing expectations.

If you con­sid­er alter­na­tive options, check our arti­cle, The 8 Best Immer­sion Blenders for all Bud­gets.


Posted in Immersion Blenders, Vitamix Reviews

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