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Vitamix 5300 Blender Review — Best Vitamix Legacy Budget Model

vitamix 5300 blender

Vita­mix 5300 is the fusion mod­el of Clas­sic Vita­mix 5200 and 7500 and has a low-pro­file con­tain­er with a big­ger 4‑inch blade, a 2.2 HP motor, and a pulse func­tion. Even though it belongs to the Vita­mix Clas­sic C‑series prod­uct line, its tech­ni­cal para­me­ters are close to the 7500 mod­el. But what is impor­tant is that this machine is avail­able at a dis­count­ed price with some retail­ers and the Vita­mix 5300 Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned mod­el is one of the cheap­est refur­bished Vita­mix blenders. There­fore, cus­tomers who mind their bud­get but think about Vita­mix may find that the 5300 is a very rea­son­able option.

Are you inter­est­ed in an alter­na­tive Vita­mix Blender Option? Check our articles:

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

Functionality and Versatility

Smooth­ie: The Vita­mix 5300 pul­ver­izes every­thing you put in the con­tain­er into the best qual­i­ty drink. It will make a silky smooth smooth­ie from any tough or green veg­etable, and even tiny seeds from rasp­ber­ries, straw­ber­ries, or blue­ber­ries will be processed into a homo­ge­neous mixture.

Ice Crush­ing and Frozen Desserts: This blender han­dles ice cubes and any frozen ingre­di­ents with or with­out any liq­uid added. It is able to crush ice for frozen desserts and make ice cream or snow cones with­out much effort. You will usu­al­ly need to use a tam­per (which comes with a blender) for mak­ing ice cream or a frozen dessert.

Puree­ing: The Vita­mix 5300 will make a per­fect puree even with­out any liq­uid added from the tough­est veg­eta­bles or meat in 1–2 min­utes. How­ev­er, since this mod­el comes with a wide bot­tom low-pro­file con­tain­er, you will have to fill the con­tain­er with a min­i­mum of 2–3 cups of ingre­di­ents for processing.

Soup/ hot ingre­di­ents: This blender will han­dle not only frozen but also hot ingre­di­ents. It will heat the liq­uid from a frozen con­di­tion to a boil­ing tem­per­a­ture with­in 6 min­utes. This machine does not have any heat­ing ele­ment, but the high-speed blade will heat the food inside the con­tain­er from fric­tion. So, it can make a num­ber of deli­cious soup recipes. Since the blender is ready for the pro­cess­ing of hot ingre­di­ents, it could also be used to make bul­let-proof coffee.

Chopping/food prep: It will chop or mince any fruit and veg­eta­bles with lit­tle or no effort. The machine con­trol pan­el is equipped with a puls­ing func­tion and 10 vari­able speeds that are more than enough for any chop­ping job and for mak­ing deli­cious dips, spreads, and dressings.

Nut milk: The blender will pul­ver­ize any nut into con­di­tion so that you can make nut milk with it after strain­ing it through a milk bag.

Nut but­ter: The blender will make silky smooth nut but­ter with­in 2–3 min­utes with the help of the tam­per, which push­es the ingre­di­ents down into the vor­tex. The only prob­lem is that the low-pro­file con­tain­er that the 5300 mod­el comes with will not han­dle small batch­es of food. To make nut but­ter, you have to use at least 4 cups of nuts for pro­cess­ing. If you intend to make small por­tions of nut but­ter often, then you may ben­e­fit from buy­ing a small­er 32 oz. wet blade container.

Dough/batter: It can make cook­ie bat­ter or knead all types of dough even with the wet blade con­tain­er, but you may be bet­ter off buy­ing the dry blade con­tain­er if you are going to use this machine to make the dough regularly.

Grinding/milling: This blender will mill excel­lent qual­i­ty flour from the wheat berry, tough ingre­di­ents like rice, or tiny seeds like quinoa, ama­ranth, and pop­py seeds. It is also able to make flaw­less pow­der from cof­fee beans or var­i­ous herbs.

Some cus­tomers, espe­cial­ly those who used the Vita­mix 5200, com­plain that the 5300 mod­el may leave chunky pieces of some ingre­di­ents after blend­ing. It is usu­al­ly enough to add more ingre­di­ents or liq­uid to the jar to solve the prob­lem because the Vita­mix 5300 mod­el comes with a wider bot­tom low pro­file con­tain­er, and it is designed to process medi­um to large batch­es of food. If you intend to use this machine to process small batch­es of food, you may need to buy the 32 oz. wet blade con­tain­er. In fact, this mod­el does not blend any worse than the 5200 machines but is just designed for the big­ger vol­ume of food to be processed. There is also a learn­ing curve nec­es­sary to get used to the new design con­tain­er and exper­i­ment with how to use it most efficiently.

Speed Settings and Programs

vitamix 5300 control panel

The Vita­mix 5300 con­trol pan­el is equipped with a ten-vari­able speed dial knob in the cen­ter and two switch­es: the left one is the pulse switch (a new fea­ture for the C‑series prod­uct line), and the right one is the start/stop switch that starts or stops blend­ing when you press it. The ten eas­i­ly adjust­ed vari­able speeds and pulse func­tion offer a lot of flex­i­bil­i­ty to a user and allow you to pre­pare an array of recipes and achieve var­i­ous tex­tures. The selec­tion of low speeds allows you to make chop­ping and to puree easy. For coarse chop­ping, you have to use the puls­ing function.

Ease of Using and Cleaning

Oper­at­ing: This blender has the blade inbuilt into the con­tain­er, and that makes this machine very easy to use. It does not require much effort to set up for run­ning; you just fill it with ingre­di­ents, place the jar on top of the unit base, and it is ready to use. It has no lock­ing mech­a­nism, but it sits safe­ly and secure­ly. With a clever two-part lid-plug design, you can add extra ingre­di­ents at any time dur­ing the blend­ing process with­out stop­ping your blender.

Clean­ing: Clean­ing is also a very easy process that does not require any dis­as­sem­bling. Some­times it is enough to rinse with warm or hot water after use. For the self-clean­ing pro­ce­dure – fill the jar with half the vol­ume of water, add a few drops of liq­uid deter­gent and run for 30–45 sec­onds. Remem­ber, do not leave food in the con­tain­er to dry; oth­er­wise, you may need a dish brush to clean or apply a longer self-clean­ing cycle. The Vita­mix jar is not dish­wash­er safe, but that is not a prob­lem because what can be eas­i­er than self-cleaning?

Base Unit and Motor Power

Vita­mix equips its blenders with pre­mi­um qual­i­ty, durable motors that are like­ly to serve many years to come, and it is not unusu­al when a Vita­mix base unit is still in good work­ing con­di­tion after 30 years of use.

The Vita­mix 5300 blender comes with an upgrad­ed 2.2 HP (1640 watts) at-peak motor with an effec­tive pow­er of approx­i­mate­ly 1380 watts (120V X 11.5A). In addi­tion, it is con­struct­ed with ball-bear­ing tech­nol­o­gy that is known for high effi­cien­cy, dura­bil­i­ty, and low load on the sys­tem, so it out­per­forms many oth­er blenders with sig­nif­i­cant­ly high­er wattage. To pro­tect the machine from over­load­ing, it is also equipped with a radi­al cool­ing fan that cools the machine dur­ing oper­a­tion at high speed and an auto­mat­ic shut-off sys­tem that stops the gad­get when it is over­heat­ed. If the shut-off sys­tem deploys, then you will be able to use it again with­in 45 minutes.

The Vita­mix 5300 mod­el has the stan­dard Clas­sic mod­els (sim­i­lar to Vita­mix 5200 mod­el) inte­ri­or hous­ing, despite the fact that it comes with a for­mer G‑series 2.2HP motor. This base unit is quite heavy and is equipped with a vibra­tion-damp­en­ing sys­tem that makes this blender sta­ble dur­ing oper­a­tion. It does not move over the counter as many oth­er blenders do. This mod­el is also equipped with an ON/OFF switch at the front bot­tom of the base unit, and with this switch, you do not need to unplug your machine when it is not in use.


vitamix 64 oz jar

This blender comes with a low pro­file, the wider bot­tom 64 oz. con­tain­er, which is an upgrad­ed design for the C‑series machines. All 5300 mod­el con­tain­ers are made of pre­mi­um East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester mate­r­i­al (the type of poly­car­bon­ate) that is stress and tem­per­a­ture resis­tant, looks like glass, is almost impos­si­ble to break, and is very durable. Ounces, mil­li­liters, and cups are clear­ly marked on the con­tain­ers for easy mea­sur­ing when you add ingre­di­ents. Vita­mix does not man­u­fac­ture blenders with glass con­tain­ers. How­ev­er, as a result of numer­ous requests from cus­tomers, it was released in July 2020, a new 48 oz. stain­less steel con­tain­er that is com­pat­i­ble with all full-size Vita­mix models.

Vita­mix 5300 blender comes with a high-qual­i­ty, flex­i­ble rub­ber lid that is very easy to close and open. The lid has two latch­es on the sides, hold­ing it secure­ly in place. As a result, it is unlike­ly that it will go off dur­ing the blend­ing process, and there is no need to hold the lid or mon­i­tor while the blender is oper­at­ing. The lid is also equipped with a remov­able plug for adding extra ingre­di­ents while blending.

The 64-ounce con­tain­er size is designed to blend medi­um to large batch­es of food that are equal to at least 2 cups or more. For easy pro­cess­ing, the ingre­di­ents should cov­er the blade to cre­ate the nec­es­sary blend­ing vor­tex. So if you intend to process a small amount of food often, then you may ben­e­fit from buy­ing an extra 48 oz, 32 oz wet-blade con­tain­er or a high pro­file 64 oz. container.


The 5300 mod­el has a non-remov­able blade built into the con­tain­er. The blade is 4‑pronged and 4‑inches in diam­e­ter and is specif­i­cal­ly designed for a wide bot­tom, low pro­file con­tain­er (all high pro­file con­tain­ers of the Clas­sic mod­els have a 3‑inch blade). It is made of high-qual­i­ty, air­craft-grade hard­ened stain­less steel and is dulled by design so that it will not have a prob­lem of dulling over time and is safe to touch when cleaning.

This blender comes with the wet type blade ( you can buy the dry blade sep­a­rate­ly) that is intend­ed to process liq­uid ingre­di­ents and does a very good milling and grind­ing job, and the same wet blade can also knead the dough. How­ev­er, if you plan reg­u­lar­ly use the blender for milling/grinding and dough knead­ing, it may over­load the motor and scratch the con­tain­er. There­fore, spend­ing the extra mon­ey and buy­ing the 32 oz dry blade pitch­er in this instance may be worth it. The dry blade pitch­er is avail­able on the Vita­mix web­site and from many oth­er retailers.

Special Features

Col­ors: This blender comes in two col­ors only – black and red.

Tam­per: Vita­mix 5300 comes with the 11-inch long tam­per that can be used only with the 64 oz low pro­file con­tain­er. It is not suit­able for 32. oz., 48 oz. or 64 oz high-pro­file containers.

Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished: There are reconditioned/refurbished blenders avail­able for this mod­el, and they come with a new pitch­er, blade, tam­per, lid, and plug, while the motor usu­al­ly comes from the returned unit (one that did not nec­es­sar­i­ly have a fault). Any­way, Vita­mix-cer­ti­fied refur­bished machines have a very good rep­u­ta­tion, are cov­ered with a 5‑year, FULL war­ran­ty, and are like­ly to serve as long as an orig­i­nal mod­el. More­over, they are very rea­son­ably priced, and at some retail­ers, they are priced less than a stan­dard Vita­mix 5200 recon­di­tioned machine.

Use in coun­tries out­side of the USA/Canada: The blenders sold in the USA come with a stan­dard USA/Canada plug, not a dual volt­age plug. The units bought through Euro­pean retail­ers come with a 220–210 volt sys­tem. It is pos­si­ble to use this machine with the volt­age adapter in oth­er coun­tries, but in this case, it is not cov­ered by the warranty.


The Vita­mix is a pow­er­ful blender, and it is quite noisy but prob­a­bly qui­eter than most of the oth­er pow­er­ful blenders. The mod­el 5300 out­puts noise of about 80 deci­bels, which is slight­ly less than the stan­dard Vita­mix 5200 but loud­er than the G‑series, qui­eter mod­els. For a bet­ter idea, the out­put of 87–95 deci­bels could be com­pared with noise com­ing from traf­fic when you hear it from inside your car. How­ev­er, you can always use a sil­i­cone pad hold­er under­neath your blender to dis­si­pate the sound com­ing from it.

Warranty and Customer Service

The Vita­mix 5300 blender comes with the stan­dard Vita­mix 7‑year FULL war­ran­ty and a cer­ti­fied refur­bished mod­el with a 5‑year FULL war­ran­ty cov­er­ing all repairs and replace­ments and pro­vid­ing free ship­ment. With­out a doubt, the Vita­mix war­ran­ty and cus­tomer ser­vice are the best in the indus­try, and the man­u­fac­tur­er will replace any parts and repair any issues with no ques­tions asked. Besides, the Vita­mix war­ran­ty is trans­fer­able (it cov­ers even sec­ond-hand machines), and you can reg­is­ter it online or via phone with the ser­i­al num­ber pro­vid­ed on the unit base of the machine.

This blender also comes with a 30-day mon­ey-back guar­an­tee. If you change your mind, you will be able to return it with the free ship­ping provided.

Optional Accessories and Attachments

vitamix dry container

There are a few addi­tion­al acces­sories avail­able for this blender model.

48 oz. stain­less steel con­tain­er that could serve as an addi­tion­al nar­row bot­tom jug for pro­cess­ing small recipes and has out­stand­ing dura­bil­i­ty that will last as long leg­endary Vita­mix motors last.

32 oz, 48 oz wet blade con­tain­ers: This blender comes with a low pro­file pitch­er that is designed for pro­cess­ing at least 2 cups of ingre­di­ents, so the small­er size con­tain­er may be an option for house­holds that are like­ly to process small batch­es of ingre­di­ents. Sup­pose you are an avid cook and will use the blender to make nut but­ter, sal­sa, and sal­ad dress­ing, or you need to process baby food that is usu­al­ly made in small­er vol­umes. In that case, these con­tain­ers are also an option you may want to consider.

32 oz. dry blade con­tain­er: The 32 oz. dry blade con­tain­er is the choice for bak­ing enthu­si­asts who intend to mill a lot of grain and knead a lot of dough.

Per­son­al Cup Adapter: The sin­gle-serve blender attach­ment is com­pat­i­ble with Vita­mix Clas­sic models.

Spat­u­las: There is also a set of 3 spat­u­las avail­able with Vita­mix. These spat­u­las are designed with a nar­row head and are use­ful for pulling out stub­born ingre­di­ents such as nut but­ter or spreads.

Set Includes

Vita­mix 5300 comes with

  • a 2.2 HP motor base;
  • a 64 oz. low pro­file container;
  • Rub­ber lid with a plug;
  • 11 inch­es cus­tom-made tamper;
  • a Get­ting Start­ed Plus book that includes 70 recipes.

This mod­el pack­age does not include the stan­dard Vita­mix fan­cy cook­book and instruc­tion­al DVD. How­ev­er, you can always check the manufacturer’s web­site for an excel­lent recipe resource.



The 5300 mod­el with the low pro­file pitch­er and lid on the top of the base unit is only 17.25 with a foot­print of 8.75 inch­es x 7.25 inch­es. How­ev­er, the base unit is quite mas­sive, and with a weight of about 11 lbs, this machine is very sta­ble dur­ing operation.

The blender is also equipped with a long two ft. pow­er cord that can be stored neat­ly under­neath the base unit, and the flex­i­ble plas­tic cable retain­ers tight­ly hold the unused part of the cord and return it to its posi­tion after usage.

Pros and Cons


  • As are all Vita­mix blenders, this machine is ver­sa­tile, well-made, and durable. It pro­duces an impec­ca­ble qual­i­ty of blending;
  • The 5300 blender comes with such new C‑series prod­uct line fea­tures as an upgrad­ed 2.2 motor, a pulse func­tion, and a low-pro­file container;
  • With the new low-pro­file jar, this blender is like­ly to fit under most kitchen cabinets;
  • This machine is one of the most afford­able Vita­mix mod­els with select­ed retailers.


  • It is designed for pro­cess­ing medi­um to large batch­es of food, and you may need to buy an addi­tion­al small­er con­tain­er if you intend to process small­er vol­umes of ingredients.
  • Unlike all oth­er Clas­sic mod­els, the blender comes with no sep­a­rate Cook­book and instruc­tion­al DVD. But the pack­age includes the Get­ting Start­ed Guide with 70 recipes, and you can also check out the great Vita­mix web­site recipes resource.

Vitamix 5300 Blender Consumer Reviews

This mod­el has been around for a while on the mar­ket, so it has quite a few con­sumer reviews. It has a high rat­ing with Ama­zon, Wal­mart, and Cost­co con­sumers, and this is not sur­pris­ing as it is pro­duced by a well-known and trust­wor­thy manufacturer.

Vitamix 5300 Blender Price

Ama­zon has a fan­tas­tic offer for this par­tic­u­lar mod­el and under­bids many oth­er retail­ers and the man­u­fac­tur­er’s price. And if you decide to go for the Vita­mix 5300 recon­di­tioned mod­el, which is often avail­able at a dis­count­ed price.


Vita­mix 5300 Blender (Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned), via Vitamix


Vita­mix has man­u­fac­tured an expen­sive but excel­lent indus­tri­al-qual­i­ty blender for many years, and their machines have a gen­uine rep­u­ta­tion for being one of the best on the mar­ket. They are of high qual­i­ty, durable, and made in the USA. This 5300 com­bines the best fea­tures of the flag­ship 5200 and the 7500 machines. Although it is not the lat­est Vita­mix mod­el, it is still very pop­u­lar because, along with Vita­mix Explo­ri­an blenders E320 and E310, the 5300 mod­el remains one of the most afford­able ver­sions of the Vita­mix that will make a great option for cus­tomers who are look­ing for a bar­gain Vita­mix blender.

Will you be inter­est­ed in an alter­na­tive Vita­mix Blender Option? Check our articles:


Posted in Vitamix Reviews

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