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Vitamix Pro 750 Blender Review

vitamix pro 750The Pro­fes­sion­al Series Vita­mix Pro 750 blender is the most expen­sive Clas­sic Series Vita­mix mod­el, which has the same 2.2HP upgrad­ed motor and low pro­file jar as a base­line 7500 mod­el and oth­er for­mer G‑series machines. But it is equipped with 5 pre-pro­grammed set­tings that are quite pop­u­lar with many customers.

So if you are an avid cook or wish to become one, or wish to start a healthy lifestyle, then you may be inter­est­ed in find­ing out more about this pow­er­ful and durable machine that will make your food prepa­ra­tion not only easy but very enjoyable.

Are you also inter­est­ed in alter­na­tive Vita­mix blender options? Check our arti­cle Which Vita­mix to Buy? – Vita­mix Mod­els Explained.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

Functionality and Versatility

Smooth­ie: The Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750 blender does make per­fect­ly smooth smooth­ies out of any ingre­di­ents, you name it. It does not mat­ter what you put in the pitch­er — soft fruits, leafy or hard veg­eta­bles, seed­ed berries, chia seeds, or nuts — you are guar­an­teed to get a silky qual­i­ty drink every time, even with lit­tle water added.

Puree­ing: No doubt the blender also will pul­ver­ize per­fect­ly smooth puree out of any ingre­di­ents with the pre-set pro­gram or vari­able speed. But, again, the tam­per that comes with the blender will be a great help to puree hard or raw veg­eta­bles easily.

Chop­ping can be done with vari­able speed or using the puls­ing mode. This way, you can achieve the desired con­sis­ten­cy for what­ev­er you need it for — coleslaw, sal­sa, sauces, mix­es, sal­ad dress­ing, or any­thing else.

Soup: It will make fresh veg­etable soups heat­ed to boil­ing tem­per­a­ture with fric­tion using the pre-set pro­gram push but­ton. You may also use the vari­able speed dial to cre­ate the con­sis­ten­cy you want or the puls­ing mode to add some tex­ture to a ready-made soup.

Nut milk is no prob­lem for this blender. It will blend per­fect nut milk out of soaked or dry nuts. How­ev­er, you will need a strain­er to sieve your blend­ing for per­fect con­sis­ten­cy, and dairy-free milk.

Ice Crush­ing and Frozen Treats: It crush­es ice eas­i­ly in smooth­ies or frozen fruits for sor­bets. This blender will make nice and nat­ur­al home­made ice cream quick and easy in under one minute.

Nut but­ter: It makes excel­lent, straight, and pure nut but­ter with­out any liq­uids or oil added. You have to use the vari­able speed dial and also use the tam­per to help.

Dough: This blender makes dough for piz­za, cook­ies, and bread. There is a ded­i­cat­ed grain & dough blade con­tain­er, but the stan­dard one also makes the per­fect dough.

Grind­ing: This blender grinds any­thing you wish — cof­fee beans, herbs, or grains. It makes per­fect fresh flour even from very tiny grains like ama­ranths or pop­py or hard ones like rice. This machine eas­i­ly mills ordi­nary grains like wheat.
Vita­mix is the per­fect choice for those who are aller­gic to dairy, gluten, or some­thing else. It will also be indis­pens­able to any per­son with a spe­cial diet or those who want a mul­ti­func­tion­al blender with a per­fect con­sis­ten­cy output.



Speed Settings and Programs

vitamix 750 control panelThe Vita­mix Pro­fes­sion­al 750 blender con­trol pan­el is equipped with 10 vari­able speeds, five (5) pre­set pro­grams, a pulse func­tion, and an ON/OFF con­trol.

It has a turn­ing knob in the cen­ter and two switch­es - the left one is a Pulse func­tion switch­er, and the right one is the ON/OFF switch­er. The turn­ing knob is rotat­ed to the left for the five pre-set pro­grams and to the right for man­u­al­ly con­trolled vari­able 10 speeds. Every speed and pre-pro­grammed set­ting lights up when the knob arrow points to it.

The five pre-pro­grammed set­tings are as fol­lows: Smooth­ies, Frozen Desserts, Hot Soups, Puree, and Clean­ing. The blender con­tin­ues to run each of the select­ed timed set­tings until the fin­ish of the pre-pro­grammed cycle. Each pre-set pro­gram has a dif­fer­ent RPM speed and var­i­ous tim­ing pat­terns. For exam­ple, the soup pro­gram heats ingre­di­ents from the blade fric­tion, and it brings the tem­per­a­ture to steam­ing. As a result, you will see steam com­ing out of the top.

Are the pre-sets pro­grams nec­es­sary? Many cus­tomers love the pre-pro­grammed set­tings on the Pro 750 machine. They make the job of prepar­ing drinks and soups much eas­i­er. You just turn on the but­ton and walk away while the Vita­mix is doing the job. These set pro­grams are espe­cial­ly pop­u­lar with peo­ple who use the recipes pro­vid­ed in the cook­book all the time and do not cre­ate their recipes, either because they are very busy or because they have lim­it­ed cook­ing abil­i­ties. All the cook­book recipes are designed espe­cial­ly for the pre-set pro­grams, so when you fol­low the Vita­mix Cook­book recipes, the pre-sets are designed to deliv­er per­fect results with­out con­trol on your side. For exam­ple, if you blend with cho­sen speeds but do not fol­low the exact recipe, you may not achieve the antic­i­pat­ed tex­ture each time. This Pro Series 750 mod­el also pro­vides you with 10 full vari­able speeds that allow you to mod­i­fy any recipes manually.

Some peo­ple mis­tak­en­ly think that this mod­el has a sen­sor that auto­mat­i­cal­ly choos­es the speed or time if it sens­es blend­ed ingre­di­ents’ hard­er, soft­er, or frozen tex­ture. It is only timed pre-set pro­grams, although there is some type of sen­sor. For exam­ple, if you blend your smooth­ie and choose speed 10, then the sen­sor may sense the high load and reduce the speed a lit­tle and return to 10 when the resis­tance is gone. It may tune your set­ting with one or two speeds, but there is not auto-pilot sys­tem that over­rides the user’s choice.

Ease of Using and Cleaning

Oper­at­ing with pre-set pro­grams: The Vita­mix machines are super easy to use, and this attracts many cus­tomers. It has a jar inbuilt blade, so there is no assem­bling or dis­sem­bling required for clean­ing. Instead, place ingre­di­ents in the jar, close the nice­ly fit­ting and secure lid, and it is ready to run with pre-set pro­grams or man­u­al­ly oper­at­ing speeds.

Tam­per: Every Vita­mix machine comes with a tam­per that is designed to help process thick and stub­born ingre­di­ents such as nut but­ter or ice cream eas­i­er and faster.

Clean­ing pre-set pro­gram: Pro­fes­sion­al 750 series mod­el is equipped with a pre-set clean­ing cycle/program. You drop some dish soap in the pitch­er that is half full of water and switch on the dial to the clean­ing mode. This set­ting does a real­ly good job. It is timed for approx­i­mate­ly one minute, with speed vari­a­tions dur­ing the clean­ing cycle. This blender is not dish­wash­er safe, but what could be eas­i­er than a self-clean­ing gad­get. Often, if you use watery ingre­di­ents for blend­ing, it is just enough to rinse with water and some soap. The clean­ing does not take any longer than 2 min­utes. Alter­na­tive­ly, you can clean the blender by hand, just with water, soap, and a brush.

Base Unit and Motor Power

The Vita­mix Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750 comes with a 2.2HP at-peak motor, which is approx­i­mate­ly 1500 Watts. At peak means what the motor is capa­ble of with­out any load. The real pow­er is less. The Vita­mix motor is con­struct­ed with ball-bear­ing tech­nol­o­gy that out­puts a high-effi­cien­cy coef­fi­cient and pro­vides a low wear fac­tor and long dura­bil­i­ty. Besides, the pow­er per­for­mance of the blender does not depend pure­ly on motor watt pow­er. Still, a com­bi­na­tion of fac­tors such as the design of the motor, dri­ve con­nec­tions, blade tech­nol­o­gy, and jar shape. And the Vita­mix 2.2HP almost always out­per­forms much more pow­er­ful blenders with up to 3.5HP. Besides, all Vita­mix mod­els have a ther­mal pro­tec­tion sys­tem with an auto­mat­ic shut­down mech­a­nism acti­vat­ed when the motor is over­loaded, which great­ly extends this machine’s ser­vice life.

This blender base unit is quite heavy, and that adds sta­bil­i­ty to this machine. It does not trav­el over the counter, no mat­ter what ingre­di­ents you process. The base unit also comes with an elec­tric wire stor­age sys­tem that keeps the unused cord tidy under­neath the base unit.


vitamix 64 oz jarThe Vita­mix Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750 comes with a stan­dard 64 oz. WET blade Vita­mix con­tain­er. There are also avail­able 48 oz. and 32 oz. con­tain­ers and new 48 oz. stain­less steel con­tain­er with a WET blade to buy as acces­sories for pro­cess­ing small­er por­tions of food, or a 32 oz. dry blade con­tain­er for dough knead­ing and grain milling. All the con­tain­ers are made of pre­mi­um qual­i­ty, East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester and have mea­sure­ment marks in mil­li­liters and liters, with ounces and cups on the oppo­site sides. The con­tain­er tol­er­ates high tem­per­a­tures and is durable and stress-resis­tant. It also comes with a San­to­prene rub­ber lid that sits very tight­ly on the top of the jar. The lid is equipped with two flaps on the sides that allow for easy removal after use. The lid also has a plug that is designed to fit the tam­per or if you want to add extra ingre­di­ents dur­ing blending.

This blender is not avail­able with a glass con­tain­er, even though it is an expen­sive machine. The glass con­tain­ers are not shat­tered-proof when used with high-pow­ered blenders, so all-pow­er­ful blenders come with a strong poly­car­bon­ate or met­al jar. Before 2007, Vita­mix man­u­fac­tured blenders with a met­al con­tain­er, but from 2007 on, it switched to a Tri­tan copoly­ester mate­r­i­al. How­ev­er, in July 2020, Vita­mix released a new stain­less steel con­tain­er that is com­pat­i­ble with all Vita­mix blender models.


This blender comes with a 4‑pronged blade that is made of high-qual­i­ty air­craft-grade stain­less steel. Wet and dry Vita­mix blades have blunt edges by design but are con­struct­ed in a way so that they pro­vide excel­lent per­for­mance, no mat­ter whether they are liq­ue­fy­ing smooth­ies, crush­ing ice, or milling flour.

Although this blender does all the Vita­mix jobs with excel­lent qual­i­ty, includ­ing grind­ing, milling, and mak­ing the dough, you have the option to buy an extra 32 oz. dry blade con­tain­er. This is rec­om­mend­ed only if you are an avid bak­er and often intend to make home-fresh flour, as this blade pitch­er costs around $100. It is only worth invest­ing in if you want to bake chefs-like qual­i­ty bread.

Special Features

Col­or: The Vita­mix Pro­fes­sion­al 750 blender comes in a black, brushed stain­less met­al or a cop­per met­al fin­ish. The black is the least expen­sive one. The stain­less met­al fin­ish is approx­i­mate $50, and the cop­per is $100 more expen­sive than the black one, depend­ing on the spe­cial offers avail­able from dif­fer­ent retailers.

The brushed stain­less and cop­per fin­ish is not real met­al hous­ing but a coat­ing designed to repli­cate met­al applied over the plas­tic hous­ing. This coat­ing is also slight­ly more scratch-resis­tant than plas­tic hous­ing. How­ev­er, the brushed stain­less and cop­per fin­ish­es have a styl­ish look and will com­ple­ment oth­er stain­less steel kitchen appli­ances in your kitchen.

Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished: Vita­mix Pro­fes­sion­al 750 refur­bished machines are avail­able for this mod­el, but they are quite rare and have a wait­ing list with the manufacturer.

Use in coun­tries out­side of USA/Canada: Vita­mix Pro 750 sold in USA designed for oper­a­tion in USA, Cana­da, and oth­er coun­tries that sup­port 110–120 volt­age sys­tems (most of Cen­tral and South Amer­i­ca region, Japan, Tai­wan, and Sau­di Ara­bia). The gad­get can be used via a volt­age trans­former but only over a short peri­od as the man­u­fac­tur­er advised. Oth­er­wise, it could com­pro­mise the func­tion­al­i­ty of the blender. How­ev­er, the 220–240 ver­sion of this mod­el is avail­able in the UK, Aus­tralia, and a few oth­er Euro­pean coun­tries. But UK retail­ers have the most com­pet­i­tive price for the 220–240 volts Vita­mix Pro 750 blender.


All the G‑series Vita­mix blenders, includ­ing Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750, have an upgrad­ed base unit sys­tem regard­ing noise. This gad­get pro­duces 85–93 deci­bels depend­ing on the speed and the ingre­di­ents it is pro­cess­ing, and that is com­pa­ra­ble to the noise of con­ver­sa­tions in a restau­rant. It also should be men­tioned that the stan­dard large 64 oz. and 48 oz. con­tain­ers pro­duce con­sid­er­ably less noise than the wet or the dry 32 oz. pitchers.

The stan­dard solu­tion to reduce the sound made by any kitchen gad­get is to place a rub­ber mat under­neath the base unit.

Warranty and Customer Service

The Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750 mod­el comes with a 7‑year Full War­ran­ty, which is the same for most Vita­mix prod­ucts. A full war­ran­ty means that the man­u­fac­tur­ers cov­er all ship­ping and repair costs, and there is no extra charge. The Vita­mix War­ran­ty is trans­fer­able with­in 7 years between 2 or more pos­si­ble users and starts from the date of pur­chase. To start the War­ran­ty, you have to fill out and send the war­ran­ty card includ­ed in the pack­age or reg­is­ter online or via tele­phone with cus­tomer ser­vice by pro­vid­ing the ser­i­al num­ber that can be found at the back of your machine’s base unit.

Vita­mix has an excel­lent rep­u­ta­tion for its cus­tomer ser­vice. How­ev­er, keep in mind that you also have the option to return your Vita­mix with­in 30-days from the date of pur­chase if you find that this blender does not suit you.

Vitamix Professional 750 Blender Optional Accessories

All the Vita­mix pitch­ers are inter­change­able, and all will go with any blender mod­el. So the Stan­dard Vita­mix 48 oz., Wet blade, 32 oz. Wet blade and 32 oz. Dry Grain blade pitch­ers avail­able from any retail­er and man­u­fac­tur­er will go with this Vita­mix Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750 model.

Vita­mix 48 oz.  Wet Blade Stain­less Steel Con­tain­er will sat­is­fy the most demand­ing health-aware cus­tomers’ require­ments and pro­vide tremen­dous durability.

Vita­mix 48 oz. Wet Blade Con­tain­er is usu­al­ly bought for small house­holds or sin­gle peo­ple who want to process small­er por­tions of food. Some cus­tomers also buy this con­tain­er when they have an issue with space in the kitchen and want to fit this machine under the kitchen cabinet.

Vita­mix 32oz. Wet Blade Pitch­er will ben­e­fit peo­ple who often process very small por­tions of food such as baby food. Pro­cess­ing nut but­ter is also eas­i­er to do in a small­er con­tain­er, and this con­tain­er has a small­er blade and thus requires few­er ingre­di­ents to cov­er the blades to avoid air pock­ets and allow quick and smooth processing.

Vita­mix 32 oz. Dry Grains Con­tain­er is designed for more effi­cient pro­cess­ing of grains and knead­ing all types of dough eas­i­ly. The dry blades have a slight­ly dif­fer­ent design than wet ones, and this ensures a chef-qual­i­ty milling and knead­ing job.

Vita­mix Per­son­al Cup Adapter: The Per­son­al Blender attach­ment for the Clas­sic models.

There are also 3 spat­u­las Vita­mix sets avail­able from dif­fer­ent retail­ers. The spat­u­las will help eas­i­ly remove thick blends from all types of containers.

Set Includes

The Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750 blender comes with a stan­dard pack­age from all retail­ers, and the set includes a G‑series 2.2HP base unit, 64 oz. Wet blade con­tain­er, rub­ber lid with plug, tam­per, Get­ting Start­ed Guide, instruc­tion­al DVD, and Cre­ate Cook­book with over 200 recipes.

In addi­tion to the stan­dard Pro Series, 750 is avail­able in a Vita­mix 750 Pro­fes­sion­al Arti­san Bak­er Pre­mi­um pack­age that includes an addi­tion­al 32 oz. dry blade con­tain­er and an extra Whole Grains Cookbook.


These mod­els come with a low-pro­file con­tain­er that was specif­i­cal­ly designed to fit under most upper kitchen cab­i­nets. It is 17.4 inch­es tall, with the pitch­er and the lid placed on the top of the unit base. How­ev­er, this machine has quite a large foot­print of 9.4 x 7.7 inch­es and will take up some space on your coun­ter­top. In addi­tion, the ship­ping weight of the pack­age is approx­i­mate­ly 20.4 lbs.

Vitamix Pro 750 Blender Pros and Cons


  • Vita­mix Pro 750 is a very ver­sa­tile blender that per­forms all func­tions, from cook­ing soup to mak­ing ice cream, up to very high standards.
  • The blender is equipped with pre-set pro­grams for those who do not like any guess­work while prepar­ing food, but it has vari­able speed recipe mod­i­fi­ca­tions for the con­ve­nience of fam­i­ly mem­bers who do not like pre-sets.
  • It is a very well-built machine with a long lifes­pan. The ear­li­er mod­els have life­long dura­bil­i­ty, and most like­ly, the G‑series will also per­form as well.


  • It is a very expen­sive blender and will suit only those who do a lot of home cook­ing or a health enthu­si­ast who will use this machine for every pen­ny it costs.
  • The sin­gle fea­ture of 5 pre-set pro­grams charges quite a con­sid­er­able pre­mi­um of around $100 if com­pared to the Vita­mix 7500 machine.

Vitamix Pro 750 Consumer Reviews

Vita­mix is a well-known and pop­u­lar pow­er­ful blender, and there are around 450 reviews on Ama­zon, even for this rel­a­tive­ly recent mod­el. The aver­age Ama­zon rat­ing is 4.7.


The Vita­mix Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750 price varies with dif­fer­ent retail­ers and over time. This hap­pens because the man­u­fac­tur­er offers spe­cial deals from time to time on this machine, and major retail­ers try to under­bid it or keep it close. Check here for the best deal with Ama­zon that often under­bids the manufacturer’s price.



Ama­zon also offers Flex­i­ble Financ­ing Options for sales over $599, so you may con­sid­er one for this blender.


Although the Vita­mix Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750 is not the lat­est Vita­mix mod­el, it has quite a high price tag com­pared to oth­er Lega­cy mod­els and has approx­i­mate­ly the same price as the most advanced Vita­mix mod­el today, the Ascent A3500 blender.  Nev­er­the­less, the Pro 750 blender is very pop­u­lar with the con­sumer, most of whom think for some rea­son that it is the most advanced model.

The con­sumer who con­sid­ers buy­ing the Pro 750 mod­el must be sure that it will be used for every pen­ny paid for it. The per­son con­sid­er­ing buy­ing it must plan to use this machine often, make smooth­ies, and exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent recipes. Using it often and enjoy­ing the pre-set pro­grams is also a must because this fea­ture alone will cost the con­sumer a $70 pre­mi­um over the same 7500 mod­el but with­out these 5 pro­gram set­tings. Oth­er­wise, it is worth con­sid­er­ing the 5200 Stan­dard, Explo­ri­an, and 7500 mod­els, or the lat­est Ascent series  Ascent A2300  or A2500 blenders that are avail­able at a 15%-20% cheap­er price. Peo­ple with lim­it­ed cook­ing skills but who want to start a healthy diet jour­ney will def­i­nite­ly ben­e­fit from this mod­el, as it allows you to pre­pare most of the sophis­ti­cat­ed recipes pro­vid­ed in the Vita­mix cook­book with­out any prob­lem as far as the user is concerned.

Do you want to find out which Vita­mix blender suits you best? Then, go to our Vita­mix Blender Guide arti­cle and reviews.

Posted in Vitamix Reviews

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