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Vitamix Aer Disc Container Review

air disc containerVitamix Air Disc

Vita­mix Aer Disc Con­tain­er: The Vita­mix Air Disc Con­tain­er comes with the stan­dard 48-ounce capac­i­ty Vita­mix Ascent-Series container.

How­ev­er, instead of blades, it has an inbuilt spin­ning disc with holes, which is sup­posed to pull ingre­di­ents down through the holes for aer­at­ing and emul­si­fy­ing them, while the hard­er ingre­di­ents like fruits, herbs, and ice are not pureed. The con­tain­er is designed for Whip­ping, Emul­si­fy­ing, Mud­dling, and Foam­ing tasks with your Vita­mix blender.

Read More: Vita­mix Ascent Series Con­tain­ers Explained

Table of Contents

Vitamix Aer Disc Container Compatibility

The Air Disc Con­tain­er is com­pat­i­ble with Smart Sys­tem (A2300, A2500, A3300, A3500, and Ven­tur­ist V1200) and Clas­sic Series (5200 Stan­dard, Stan­dard pro­grams, Explo­ri­an E320, and Explo­ri­an E320, 5300, 6300, 6500, Next Gen­er­a­tion mod­els – 750, and 7500).

Warn­ing for the Ascent series blenders: Although the Air Disc con­tain­er looks like a Self-Detect Vita­mix Ascent-series jug and is com­pat­i­ble with Ascent machines and works with the Ascent blenders, it is not a self-detect con­tain­er, so the Ascent pro­grams (such as self-clean­ing and oth­ers) will not work with this container.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Vitamix Aer Disc Container Performance

Here is the Vita­mix Air Disc per­for­mance for each task:

Raspberry Whipped CreamWhip­ping: The stan­dard Vita­mix Wet­blade con­tain­er is also able to make decent whipped cream, but the Air Disc Con­tain­er makes it quick­er and appears thick­er. You should select 4–6 Vita­mix speeds for this task. The Air Disc con­tain­er can make hot and cold whipped cream equal­ly well.

I tried to make the Peru­vian cock­tail called Pis­co Sours with the whipped egg white from the Air Disc recipe book­let, and it was amazing.

Foam­ing and froth­ing: The Air Disc excels at mak­ing foam. The stan­dard Vita­mix con­tain­er makes decent foam, too. But the Air Disc jar pro­duces 30–60% more foam for the same time cycle, it can cre­ate both hot and cold foams(try the excel­lent book­let recipe for cold-brewed cof­fee and ice), and it makes excel­lent foam with skim milk and non-dairy milk (I tried the almond and coconut, and it came out fab­u­lous). So you can enjoy your deli­cious foamy hot choco­late or cap­puc­ci­no with few­er calories.

To use the con­tain­er for mak­ing foam, you must run your blender using 2–4 Vita­mix speed.

Emul­si­fy­ing: You can make most of the may­on­naise, dress­ings, and mari­nade recipes in the ordi­nary Vita­mix wet con­tain­er. How­ev­er, Hol­landaise and Aioli have not always turned per­fect in my expe­ri­ence. The Air Disc con­tain­er solves the problem.

I also made a great bul­let­proof cof­fee in the Air Disc con­tain­er, which requires emul­si­fy­ing and foaming.

Mint LimeadeMud­dling: Mud­dling is a bar mixol­o­gy tech­nique to smash and mix cock­tail ingre­di­ents to incor­po­rate fresh fruits and herbs into your drinks. The mud­dling is used to make such pop­u­lar cock­tails as the moji­to, mint julep, or caipirinha.

You will not be able to use a mud­dling tech­nique using your stan­dard Vita­mix con­tain­er. And this area is where the Air Disc is excelled. The Air Disc is designed to extract the fla­vor, pulp, and incense from ingre­di­ents like mint, lemon, orange, and oth­er fruits and herbs, leav­ing the rind and fiber aside, and it does bet­ter than man­u­al mud­dling tech­niques. Air Disc is so straight­for­ward; you slice your fruits, cit­rus, and herb ingre­di­ents, add them to the con­tain­er with water, ice, and sweet­en­ers, and the machine makes all the mud­dling for you. It must be men­tioned because the air disc will not crus, but if you have the ice pieces in the final cock­tails, a bit agi­tates it.

Aquafa­ba: The Air Disc recipe book­let is the source where I first came across the Aquafa­ba term and researched it out of curiosity.

Aquafa­ba (AF) is the water left after cook­ing some legume seeds like chick­peas, which mim­ic egg whites’ appear­ance and nutri­tion­al prop­er­ties (com­prised of pro­teins, car­bo­hy­drates, and oth­er plant sol­u­ble). The Aquafa­ba can be used as a direct replace­ment for the egg white in many veg­an recipes, includ­ing meringues and marsh­mal­lows. How­ev­er, the stan­dard Vita­mix con­tain­er can­not foam the Aquafa­ba to make meringues and marsh­mal­lows, while the Air disc con­tain­er makes it easier.

I made a deli­cious Vita­mix Aquafa­ba Fluff recipe and was sur­prised by the qual­i­ty and test; it was worth trying.

Using and cleaning

Like any oth­er stan­dard Vita­mix blade, the Air Disc blade is per­ma­nent­ly built into the con­tain­er and not remov­able for clean­ing. So you have to clean it in a self-clean­ing way, man­u­al­ly with kitchen uten­sils or in the dish­wash­er (it is dish­wash­er safe).

The Vita­mix AER Disc Con­tain­er comes with an Aer Disc Con­tain­er Recipe Book­let, Low-Pro­file Tam­per, and 3 3‑year Full war­ran­ty. In addi­tion, Vita­mix’s web­site has 28 recipes specif­i­cal­ly designed for the Aer Disc.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the app does not have any recipes for this con­tain­er yet, but Vita­mix promis­es to cor­rect this in the future.

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Cer­tain­ly, the Air Disc con­tain­er is not the most ver­sa­tile Vita­mix acces­so­ry. The Vita­mix blender can per­form Whip­ping, Emul­si­fy­ing, Mud­dling, and Foam­ing tasks with stan­dard Wet Blade con­tain­ers (mind the vol­umes, though), but Air Disc con­tain­ers are designed to make these jobs even bet­ter. So, for some cat­e­gories of users, it could be a very worth­while addi­tion to the kitchen gear.

It is whip­ping dairy full-fat milk near­ly as good as the stan­dard wet con­tain­er. How­ev­er, it is much bet­ter to per­form whip­ping tasks with non-dairy milk and show out­stand­ing results with whip­ping Aquafa­ba, which may bring the cook­ing expe­ri­ence for Veg­ans to a dif­fer­ent level.

If you make a lot of the mud­dling types of cock­tails, mock­tails, and lemon­ades, then these con­tain­ers are wor­thy of your atten­tion. It is excel­lent at extract­ing fla­vor from the fruits and herbs and incor­po­rat­ing them into your favorite drinks; even the pro­fes­sion­al bar atten­dees’ man­u­al mud­dling tech­niques can­not achieve a com­pa­ra­ble result at this task with the Vita­mix Air Disc container.

Vitamix Aer Disc Frequently Asked Question (FAQ):

What does Vitamix Aer disc do?

The Vita­mix Aer disc con­tain­er uses a disc with holes instead of blades, mak­ing it less aggres­sive. So, it is designed for cre­at­ing a vari­ety of tex­tures, includ­ing emul­sions, whipped cream, mud­dled cock­tails, and more.

Can you make cold foam with a Vitamix?

Yes, you can make cold foam with a Vita­mix Aer disc con­tain­er. Sim­ply add cold milk to the con­tain­er, insert the Aer disc, and blend on high speed for about 30–60 sec­onds until the foam forms.

How do you froth milk in a Vitamix Aer disc?

To froth milk in a Vita­mix Aer disc con­tain­er, add milk to the con­tain­er, insert the Aer disc, and blend on high speed for about 30–60 sec­onds until the milk is frothy.

Does Vitamix emulsify?

Yes, the Vita­mix Aer disc con­tain­er can be used to cre­ate emul­sions, which are mix­tures of two liq­uids that don’t nor­mal­ly com­bine, such as oil and vine­gar. The Aer disc can also be used to emul­si­fy dress­ings, sauces, and oth­er recipes.

Can I put my Vitamix pitcher in the dishwasher?

Yes, Vita­mix pitch­ers are dish­wash­er-safe. How­ev­er, wash­ing them by hand with warm water and a mild deter­gent is rec­om­mend­ed to pre­serve their appear­ance and performance.

Can Vitamix be used for dry grinding?

Yes, Vita­mix blenders can be used for dry grind­ing. How­ev­er, it is rec­om­mend­ed to use a sep­a­rate con­tain­er specif­i­cal­ly designed for dry ingre­di­ents, such as the Vita­mix dry grains con­tain­er, to avoid dam­ag­ing the blades of the stan­dard container.

What are the benefits of using the Vitamix Aer disc?

The Vita­mix Aer disc con­tain­er offers sev­er­al ben­e­fits; with this con­tain­er, you can expand the Vita­mix blender’s ver­sa­til­i­ty. Here are the func­tions that the Vita­mix Aer disc does:

  • Allows firmer ingre­di­ents to stay intact while extract­ing essen­tial oils and juice
  • The disc blade aer­ates ingre­di­ents, mak­ing it ide­al for cre­at­ing foam, whipped cream, and oth­er light and airy textures
  • The Aer disc can be used to cre­ate emul­sions, which are mix­tures of two liq­uids that don’t nor­mal­ly com­bine, such as oil and vine­gar. So, you can use it to emul­si­fy dress­ings, sauces, and oth­er recipes.
  • The Aer disc con­tain­er acts like both a mud­dler and a cock­tail shak­er, extract­ing essen­tial oils and juice from ingredients.
  • With the Aer disc con­tain­er, you can make com­plex, time-con­sum­ing sauces, spreads, dips, and dress­ings in min­utes – no whisk­ing required.

What are some recipes that can be made using the Vitamix Aer disc?

Here are some recipes that you can make using the Vita­mix Aer disc:

  • Basic Meringue
  • Bul­let Proof Cof­fee with Macadamia Nut Milk
  • Caffe Mocha
  • Chilled Chai Latte
  • Choco­late Mousse
  • Choco­late Orange Mousse
  • Cold Brew Cappuccino
  • Cold Foam Cappuccino
  • Fresh Fruit Foam
  • Gar­lic Aioli
  • Hot Choco­late
  • Lemon­ade
  • Whipped Cream

These recipes are just a few exam­ples of what can be made using the Vita­mix Aer disc con­tain­er. The pos­si­bil­i­ties are end­less, and you can exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent ingre­di­ents and tex­tures to cre­ate your own unique recipes.

How does the Vitamix Aer disc compare to other blending containers in terms of durability?

The Aer disc con­tain­er has a sim­i­lar dura­bil­i­ty as all oth­er types of Vita­mix con­tain­ers since it is like all the Vita­mix containers:

  • Made of BPA-free East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester, which is a durable and shat­ter­proof mate­r­i­al that is designed to with­stand the rig­ors of dai­ly use;
  • It is also dish­wash­er safe.

Are there any downsides to using the Vitamix Aer disc?

The Vita­mix Aer disc con­tain­er is designed for spe­cif­ic func­tions such as emul­sions, whipped cream, mud­dled cock­tails, and more. The down­sides of this are its lim­it­ed ver­sa­til­i­ty com­pared to stan­dard Vita­mix con­tain­ers and rel­a­tive­ly high prices.

Posted in Vitamix Reviews

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  1. Sylvia Villanueva

    Is this aer disk com­pat­i­ble with vita­mix VMO100 from 2010 if not do you gave any ass­esories that can be used with my vitaix that does the same. I am look­ing for a none blade that will only mix. Thank you

    • lucy

      Hi Sylvia,
      Yes, the Vita­mix Air Disc Con­tain­er is com­pat­i­ble with the Vita­mix VMO100 Blender. The VMO100 mod­el is a com­mer­cial ver­sion of the 5000 mod­els with the same con­tain­er shape blades and motor blade con­nec­tion design.

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