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Vitamix E310 and E320 Explorian Blender — Best Vitamix Budget Models

Vitamix-E310-Explorian-BlenderThe Explo­ri­an E310 and E320 Blenders are the bud­get Vita­mix mod­els that were intro­duced in 2017. These are the only Clas­sic mod­els released after intro­duc­ing the most advanced Smart Sys­tem Prod­uct Line mod­els. These Explo­ri­an mod­els have the typ­i­cal Vita­mix blender’s pow­er and func­tion­al­i­ty but have a min­i­mal­ist look and feel and an attrac­tive price. They are a great deal cheap­er than the pre­mi­um Smart Sys­tem and Clas­sic Prod­uct Line Vita­mix blenders.

Read our hon­est review here to deter­mine if this econ­o­my Vita­mix is the blender you are look­ing for.

Check here our arti­cle Which is the Best Vita­mix Blender to Buy? – All Mod­els Com­par­i­son Guide 2020 for mod­el clar­i­fi­ca­tion guide.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Table of Contents

image 9289749 15102576Functionality and Versatility

Smooth­ie: The blender makes per­fect­ly smooth and free-of-chunks smooth­ies from absolute­ly any raw fruit or veg­gies, includ­ing car­rots, beets, lemons, pineap­ple, etc.  It oblit­er­ates any berries into a juice-like tex­ture with­out any seed residues left in the drink.

Green Smooth­ies: The Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E310 and E320 blenders are more than per­fect for mak­ing green smooth­ies from any type of leafy greens, includ­ing spinach, kale, cab­bage, col­lard greens, or fibrous celery.

Ice Crush­ing and Frozen Treats: The machine pul­ver­izes the ice into the per­fect snow con­sis­ten­cy with­out any effort. So it can pro­duce snow cones, ice cream, slushy drinks, or restau­rants like Daiquiris. A tam­per is an essen­tial tool while pro­cess­ing ice or frozen ingredients.

Whole Juice: The Vita­mix blenders are not juicers and will not make the clas­sic style juice, but they are ide­al for cre­at­ing smooth smooth­ies, aka “whole juice.” You can sep­a­rate fiber from the liq­uid using the strain­er or nut milk bag for the best result.

Soup and hot ingre­di­ents: This gad­get is designed to han­dle hot ingre­di­ents. So it is not only able to process hot liq­uid for soup and make bul­let­proof cof­fee but can heat liq­uid with fric­tion. The machine will heat the liq­uid from the room to the steam­ing 200 F/94 C tem­per­a­ture with­in just 6 min­utes of con­tin­u­ous blending.

Chop­ping, food prep: The machine is equipped with 10 vari­able speeds and pulse func­tion and thus can pre­pare chef-qual­i­ty hum­mus, sal­sa, gua­camole, sal­ad dress­ings, and oth­er dips and sauces. The pulse func­tion is also help­ful for chop­ping veg­gies and nuts. So you have no prob­lem mak­ing per­fect cau­li­flower rice or pesto. In addi­tion, this machine will be indis­pens­able for pro­cess­ing cashew or veg­an almond cheese if you are vegan.

Puree­ing and baby food: This fan­tas­tic machine can puree almost every­thing from pota­toes to car­rots with­out any liq­uid added and pro­duce flaw­less mash­es or baby food.

Nut milk: The Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E310 and E320 machines have more than enough pow­er to process nuts and water into per­fect­ly homo­ge­neous nut milk. Use a nut milk bag to sep­a­rate fiber for bet­ter recipe results.

Nut but­ter: It makes excel­lent almonds, cashew, peanut but­ter, or any oth­er nut but­ter with­out adding any oil. Just place raw or roast­ed nuts into the jar and turn the blender on. You will have to use a tam­per to push nuts down to cre­ate a bet­ter vor­tex, and with­in 1 or 2 min­utes, you will get the creami­est and most deli­cious nut butter.

Dough and bat­ter: The Explo­ri­an E310 and 320, the stan­dard WE T blades con­tain­er, kneads with­out much effort per­fect bread or piz­za dough and pre­pares cook­ies or pan­cakes bat­ter.  You may also opt for the DRY blade con­tain­er if you often use the blender to pre­pare dough or grind the flour.

Grind­ing and milling: While a par­tic­u­lar Vita­mix DRY blade con­tain­er is avail­able for flour milling and grind­ing tasks, this blender with a stan­dard WET blade con­tain­er can also func­tion as a spice grinder if need­ed. For exam­ple, it can fine­ly grind flax seeds, make pow­dered sug­ar, or ground cof­fee. But, most impor­tant­ly, it also makes bak­ing qual­i­ty flour from any grains and seeds such as wheat, rice, buck­wheat, and even the tini­est amaranth.

This gad­get can do SO many things that it quick­ly replaces a few kitchen appli­ances, such as food proces­sors, cof­fee grinders, and ice cream makers.

Speed Settings and Programs

Vitamix E320 control panel

The Explo­ri­an E310 and E320 con­trol pan­els are iden­ti­cal for both mod­els. It is min­i­mal­ist and sim­ple to use.

It has 10 vari­able speeds Dial Knob, Off/On, and Pulse Switch­es. You reg­u­late the speed by turn­ing a dial. The tran­si­tion between speeds is smooth. The low speed is real­ly low (around 1400 — 1600 rpm), and the high speed is so incred­i­bly fast that designed to heat liq­uids with fric­tions (23000 rpm — 28500 rpm depend­ing on blade size). The speed con­trol is very soft-start, and if you start acci­den­tal­ly at max­i­mum speed, it will not ramp up but instant­ly increase to the top speed. You acti­vate the Pulse func­tion by press­ing the pulse lever after choos­ing the need­ed speed at the dial knob.

Such a wide range of speeds allows a lot of con­trol over the blend­ing process. The medi­um speed works for blend­ing soft smooth­ies’ ingre­di­ents, while the high is help­ful for hard ingre­di­ents and seed­ed berries. The Pulse fea­ture is handy for chop­ping veg­gies and nuts and is also good when mak­ing sal­sa and sauces.

Base Unit and Motor Power

The E310 and E320 Explo­ri­an mod­els come with iden­ti­cal­ly designed base units and sim­i­lar pow­er­ful Vita­mix 2.2HP (1464 watts), and 12 Amps motors. In addi­tion, the base exte­ri­or design car­ries out some fea­tures from both Clas­sic and Ascent Vita­mix models.

The min­i­mal­is­tic Explo­ri­an E310 and E320 mod­els have the Pow­er On/Off switch on the bot­tom of the base unit. How­ev­er, unlike the pre­mi­um clas­sic Vita­mix Pro 750 and 7500 mod­els, do not light up the con­trol pan­el when the pow­er is on. At the same time, the curvy Accent fea­tures allow the Explo­ri­an mod­el to use the con­ve­nient tam­per hold­er accessory.

The machine base is heavy and well-made; it is also very stur­dy and does not trav­el across the counter even at the high­est speed. In addi­tion, both E310 and E320 gad­gets are equipped with radi­al cool­ing fans and ther­mal pro­tec­tion, so the blenders auto­mat­i­cal­ly stop oper­at­ing if the motor is over­heat­ed or over­loaded. The ther­mal pro­ces­sion sys­tem is usu­al­ly in tall high-end blenders and is designed to extend the blender’s life expectancy.

The Vita­mix E310 and E320 motor have a ball bear­ing tech­nol­o­gy design that means it deliv­ers effi­cient pow­er and reduces wear of the motor, ensur­ing its fan­tas­tic dura­bil­i­ty. No won­der the Vita­mix machines out­per­form blenders with much high wattage. The blender’s per­for­mance depends not only on the motor wattage but also on the set of fac­tors such as motor tech­nol­o­gy, derive con­nec­tion con­struc­tion, blade design, and the pitch­er com­bi­na­tion of fac­tors such as the motor’s design and dri­ve con­nec­tions jar shape and the blade technology.

P.S. The Vita­mix web­site has some mis­lead­ing infor­ma­tion regard­ing the E310 and E320 motors. It is said that E310 has a 2.0HP motor while E320 has a 2.2HP engine. How­ev­er, their blender base indi­cates the same VM0197 motor mod­el, cor­re­spond­ing to the 2.2HP. I con­tact­ed Vita­mix, and they con­firmed that E310 and E320 machines both have 2.2HP motors.


Vitamix Classic 64 ounces container
64 oz./ E320
vitamix 48 oz container
48 oz./E310

The E310 and E320 gad­gets come with East­man Tri­tan Copoly­ester pre­mi­um qual­i­ty, durable, tem­per­a­ture (up to 200F/94C), and shat­ter-resis­tant and glass-like see-through plas­tic pitchers.

There is no Vita­mix blender that exists with the glass con­tain­er because no glass can­not with­stand high stress. The Vita­mix blender is exposed under the 2.2 HP motor and high blade speed. How­ev­er, in July 2020, Vita­mix released a new option­al stain­less steel con­tain­er for cus­tomers who choose not to use plas­tic in their kitchen.

The Explo­ri­an E310 fea­tures a 48 oz nar­row-body and low-pro­file con­tain­er with a plas­tic grip. At the same time, the E320 mod­el has a 64 oz wide­body low-pro­file con­tain­er and rub­ber grip.

Both types of con­tain­ers have a nice spout for pour­ing liq­uid out. The jars have ounces, cups, and mil­li­liters grad­u­a­tions to adapt all recipes. Both jugs are equipped with an iden­ti­cal black rub­ber lid, clear plug, and cus­tom-made tam­pers (9¾ inch­es long for 48 oz. and 11 inch­es long for 64 oz. low pro­file jugs).

There is no Vita­mix blender that exists with the glass con­tain­er because no glass can­not with­stand high stress; the Vita­mix blender is exposed under the 2.2 HP motor and high blade speed. How­ev­er, in July 2020, Vita­mix released a new option­al stain­less steel con­tain­er for cus­tomers who choose not to use plas­tic in their kitchen.

Tam­per: Both Vita­mix E310 and E320 mod­els come with cus­tom-made tam­pers. You usu­al­ly will not need this tool to make smooth­ies and oth­er liq­uid recipes. Still, it is ben­e­fi­cial for assist­ing with cre­at­ing a bet­ter vor­tex when you process thick mix­tures such as nut but­ter or frozen treats recipes.

Wet Container vs. Dry Container

Although the 48 oz. (E310) and 64 oz. (E320) WET con­tain­ers that come with any Vita­mix blender pack­age can process both wet and dry food equal­ly well, but milling and grind­ing in this con­tain­er will grad­u­al­ly make it cloudy. So if you do a lot of bak­ing and grain milling, the option­al 32 oz DRY blade con­tain­er is avail­able that will more pro­fes­sion­al­ly mill flour (with­out cak­ing effect) and knead the dough.

Small Batches vs. Large Batches

As was men­tioned above, the Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E310 blender comes with a 48 oz nar­row bot­tom low pro­file con­tain­er, while the E320 mod­el fea­tures a 64 oz wide bot­tom low pro­file container.

The dif­fer­ence between the size of the blade fit­ting into the diam­e­ter of a 48 oz nar­row bot­tom wet con­tain­er (E310) and 64 oz wide bot­tom wet con­tainer (E320) is more mean­ing­ful than just their capac­i­ty and shape. The pri­ma­ry fac­tor is how they process small and large vol­umes of food.

The nar­row 48 oz con­tain­er (E310) is bet­ter suit­ed for pro­cess­ing small batch­es of food, while the wide 64 oz jug (E320) han­dles large recipes. The min­i­mum vol­ume of food for the 48 oz con­tain­er han­dles is 1–1.5 cups, while the min­i­mum for the 64 oz con­tain­er is 2–3 cups (depend­ing on the thick­ness of the ingre­di­ents). If you try to process small­er batch­es in a wide bot­tom 64 oz con­tain­er will splash the food around. In addi­tion, the qual­i­ty of the homog­e­niz­ing results will not be as good as the typ­i­cal Vita­mix user is get­ting used to.

So, the 64 oz. A wide­body con­tain­er (E320) is inef­fi­cient in blend­ing small vol­umes like baby food, may­on­naise, nut but­ter, etc. In con­trast, the 48 oz con­tain­er (E310) is very good at pro­cess­ing those small recipes. But the 64 oz wide­body con­tain­er per­fect­ly han­dles a large amount of food in one cycle, while in the 48 oz jar, you will have to run the same vol­ume in two cycles. The wide bot­tom 64 oz con­tain­er is also more func­tion­al for dry chop­ping food than the nar­row containers.

So, the E310 mod­el will suit small­er house­holds of 1–4 peo­ple bet­ter, while the E320 wide bot­tom 64 oz con­tain­er will be suit­able for larg­er fam­i­lies serv­ing 5 or more people.

The own­ers of the E320 mod­el with a wide­body jar may be ben­e­fit­ed from order­ing the extra 48 oz or 32 oz nar­row bot­tom con­tain­er to improve their Vita­mix expe­ri­ence when pro­cess­ing small por­tions of food.


The Vita­mix E310 and E320 blenders are equipped with absolute­ly iden­ti­cal designs, but dif­fer­ent size blades and are per­ma­nent­ly inbuilt into the con­tain­er. The E310 blender has 3 inch­es of four-prong blades built into a 48 oz nar­row-body jar, while the E320 machine comes with 4 inch­es of four-prong blades built into the 64 oz wide­body container.

The blades are made from laser-cut air-craft qual­i­ty stain­less steel with an all-met­al dri­ve sys­tem that ensures per­fect work. In addi­tion, all Vita­mix machines are equipped with a ball-bear­ing type of blade sys­tem that pro­vides a bet­ter lifes­pan, more effi­cien­cy, and less effort­less performance.

Although the blades could be removed with a spe­cial Vita­mix wrench but not rec­om­mend­ed if not instruct­ed by the man­u­fac­tur­ing service.

Ease of Using and Cleaning

Assem­bling, dis­as­sem­bling, and oper­a­tion: As was already men­tioned, the Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E310 and E320 blenders come with the blade assem­bly inbuilt into the con­tain­er. Thus they are straight­for­ward to assem­ble and use.

Assem­bling the blender takes only a few sim­ple steps (1) fill the con­tain­er with ingre­di­ents (liq­uids first, then dry and soft food, leafy greens, hard fruits and veg­gies, and final­ly an ice and frozen ingre­di­ents), (2) place the lid with the plug on the top of the jar until the two tabs snap onto the con­tain­er lip, (3) secure the con­tain­er onto the base. Now it is ready to use. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the blender does not have any lock­ing sys­tem for the jar; you place the con­tain­er on the base unit, and the four shafts keep it stable.

The oper­at­ing blender is also a straight­for­ward process; you have to (1) select the speed 1, (2) press the On/Off switch to start it run­ning, (3) you can also select the required speed by rotat­ing the dial knob any time when blender run­ning, (4) when blend­ing is fin­ished, select the Vari­able Speed 1 and press On/Off switch for soft blender stop. You can also use the tam­per when thick pro­cess­ing mix­tures to help with the vortex.

Clean­ing: Both Explo­ri­an E310 and E320 jars with the inbuilt blades, lids, and tam­per are dish­wash­ers safe. How­ev­er, it is bet­ter to clean it fol­low­ing the self-clean­ing pro­ce­dure, which is a no-brain­er task and includes a few sim­ple steps (1) rinse the jug out, (2) fill it in half with the warm water, and a few drops of soap and (3) run it for the 30 sec­onds on the high­est speed, (4) then rinse again and dry with the cloth.

After blend­ing a thick mix­ture before plac­ing the jar into the dish­wash­er or start­ing a self-clean­ing pro­ce­dure, you may need to extra hand clean it to remove all left outs or run the machine cou­ple of clean­ing 30-sec cycles to clean the sticky food from the jar walls.

Warranty and Customer Service

The Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E310 Blender comes with five(5) years of (reflect­ed in the blender is a low­er price) FULL WARRANTIES, while the E320 machine has the 7 years refur­bished mod­els with three (3) years of FULL WARRANTIES.

The full war­ran­ty cov­ers parts, labor, ship­ping, and returns ship­ping both ways. In addi­tion, the Vita­mix war­ranties are trans­fer­able, and you will be cov­ered with a full war­ran­ty even if you bought a sec­ond-hand gadget.

You can reg­is­ter your war­ran­ty for a new or pre-owned blender online at or by call­ing the Cus­tomer Ser­vice Depart­ment (1.800.848.2649/ 1.440.235.4840).

Vita­mix cus­tomer ser­vice is the best in the busi­ness. They are very friend­ly and help­ful, answer all your ques­tions, and are avail­able over the phone dur­ing busi­ness hours.

Vitamix Explorian E310 vs. Explorian E320 Blenders

Vitamix E310 Explorian Blender
Vita­mix E310
Vitamix E320 Explorian Blender
Vita­mix E320

Both blenders are designed, motor pow­er, con­trol pan­el, and func­tion­al­i­ty identical.

The Vita­mix E320 and E310 mod­els dif­fer ONLY by type of con­tain­ers and blades. E310 Blender has a 48 oz nar­row bot­tom con­tain­er with a per­ma­nent­ly inbuilt 3 inch­es WET blade sys­tem, while the E320 machine has a 64 oz wide bot­tom con­tain­er with inbuilt 4 inch­es WET blades.

The dif­fer­ence seems neg­li­gi­ble at first sight, but in fact, it means if you have a small house­hold, you bet­ter buy an E310 blender, while if you serve more than four peo­ple every day, you are bet­ter off with a big­ger jar E320 machine.

But it is more than just that. The Vita­mix ini­tial­ly made all its blenders regard­less of jar capac­i­ty with nar­row bot­tom con­tain­ers and 3 inch­es blades. The Vita-mix com­pa­ny first released the blenders with low pro­file wide bot­tom 64 oz con­tain­ers with Next Gen­er­a­tion Series mod­els. Since then, some Vita­mix vet­er­an users have start­ed to com­plain about Vita­mix blenders’ wors­en­ing quality.

The prob­lem was, in fact, that 64 oz low-pro­file wide-bot­tom jugs do not process small batch­es of food as well as nar­row-bot­tom con­tain­ers. So to achieve the have a com­pa­ra­ble qual­i­ty of food blend­ing, you have to process 1.5 cups of ingre­di­ents in a nar­row bot­tom jar vs. 4 cups of ingre­di­ents wide bot­tom jug.

Most own­ers of Vita­mix E320 blenders with 64 oz wide bot­tom con­tain­ers will undoubt­ed­ly pre­pare a few small recipes like sal­ad dress­ings, may­on­naise, nut but­ter, baby food, and frozen desserts. So, they may ben­e­fit from buy­ing an addi­tion­al nar­row bot­tom jar with 32 oz or 48 oz capac­i­ty to main­tain the Vita­mix blend­ing quality.

Remem­ber that buy­ing a Vita­mix E310 blender with a nar­row bot­tom con­tain­er will give you more ver­sa­til­i­ty with small recipes than with E320 machines with a wide bot­tom container.

  Explo­ri­an E310 Explo­ri­an E320
Base unit with Motor power 2.2HP (1464 watts) 2.2HP (1464 watts)
Con­trol Panel 10 vari­able speeds, pulse, and On/Off lever 10 vari­able speeds, pulse, and On/Off lever
Con­tain­er 48 oz, nar­row body 64 oz, wide body
Blades 3‑inch diam­e­ter 4‑inch diam­e­ter
Tam­per 9¾ inch­es long 12½ inch­es long
War­ran­ty 5 years Full 7 years Full

Recon­di­tioned  3 years Full

Set Includes

  • Base unit with 2.2HP motor;
  • 64 oz. or 48 oz. Con­tain­er with lid;
  • Tam­per;
  • User Man­u­al;
  • Cook Book;
  • War­ran­ty card.

For more Vita­mix recipes, check their web­site here.

Optional Accessories and Attachments

Both 48 oz nar­row bot­tom (E310) con­tain­er and 64 oz wide bot­tom con­tain­er E320 are inter­change­able between both machines. Besides, any Explo­ri­an blender is com­pat­i­ble with all Vita­mix Clas­sic con­tain­ers. So, there are a few jugs (replace­ment or addi­tion­al) avail­able to use with these machines:

The Vita­mix also sale some oth­er use­ful accessories:

  • Per­fect Blend Smart Scale and Recipe App;
  • Tam­per Holder;
  • Blade Scraper.

Special Features

Col­ors: The Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E310 machine is only black, while the E320 blender comes in black and red colors.

Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished: The dis­count­ed Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E320 cer­ti­fied refur­bished mod­el is avail­able with a 3‑year Full Warranty.

Use in coun­tries out­side of the USA/Canada: The blenders sold in the USA or Cana­da are equipped with 110–120 volt­age; they could be oper­at­ed in the North and South Amer­i­ca region, Tai­wan, Japan, Sau­di Ara­bia, and oth­er coun­tries with the same voltage.

The brand makes 220 — 240 volts mod­els for inter­na­tion­al use, and you can find them via local dis­trib­u­tors. The gad­gets with a 110–120 volt­age sys­tem could be used only via a volt­age trans­former in coun­tries with a 220–240 system.


The Explo­ri­an E310/E320 is a very pow­er­ful machine; no won­der it is noisy. Even though it is one of the qui­etest machines among the high-end blenders, it still out­puts around 90 deci­bels at the low­est speed and 97 deci­bels at the high­est speed.

The sil­i­con pad under­neath the base will damp­en the noise com­ing from the work­ing gad­get. Alter­na­tive­ly, most sen­si­tive to noise, peo­ple can use earplugs.


Both Explo­ri­an E310 and E320 blenders have only 11in x 8in/ 28cm x 20cm foot­prints and will not occu­py a lot of your kitchen counter space. Both mod­els E310 and E320, with the con­tain­ers on the base unit, have an 18in/46 cm pro­file and fit under stan­dard upper cab­i­nets. The 4.5ft cord is coil reeled neat­ly under­neath the base.

Vitamix E310 and E320 Explorian Blender Pros and Cons


  • Has a rea­son­able price for a pow­er­ful High-end blender;
  • Ver­sa­tile and per­forms all func­tions like any oth­er Vita­mix machine;
  • Built to last;
  • Very easy to use and clean;
  • Extend­ed war­ran­ty com­pared to oth­er brands;
  • The Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E310/E320 fits under most kitchen cabinets;
  • Has excel­lent cus­tomer service;


  • The new E310 and recon­di­tioned E320 blenders have a short­er war­ran­ty than oth­er Vita­mix models.

Consumer Reviews

The Vita­mix deserves its rep­u­ta­tion to be the best machine in the indus­try, and Explo­ri­an E310 and E320 blenders are not an excep­tion to it. Almost epic jubi­la­tion this blender has reaped over the years is gen­uine. Add the best cus­tomer ser­vice in the indus­try, and you can grab near­ly ide­al gad­gets for your kitchen.

Vitamix E310 and E320 Explorian Blender Price

Yes, the Vita­mix blenders are pricey and cost 2–3 times more than the ordi­nary entry-lev­el blenders, but they also work a few times bet­ter. The Explo­ri­an machines are the ones that must meet the require­ment of the entry-lev­el con­sumer who is look­ing for Vita­mix; they are cheap­er than the major­i­ty of oth­er models.

The E310 and E320 cost less than the Ascent series and old­er clas­sic series mod­els (yet, often avail­able at a dis­count­ed price) with most retail­ers and have the 5 (five) years and 7 (sev­en) years Full War­ran­ty, respec­tive­ly. In con­trast, the cer­ti­fied recon­di­tioned E320 mod­el is avail­able twice as cheap as the leg­endary Vita­mix Pro 750 blender and comes with a 3‑year Full War­ran­ty. Addi­tion­al­ly, all Vita­mix machines are built to last and will like­ly serve you for 15 or more years.

Ama­zon often offers a dis­count­ed price for the Explo­ri­an models.

BUY NOW via Amazon

BUY NOW via Vitamix


If you want a no-brain­er but GOLD STANDARD blender for a min­i­mal price, the Explo­ri­an E310 and E320 must be your choice. It is a high-per­for­mance bar­gain machine that per­forms all the func­tions any oth­er Vita­mix blender does but has a sim­ple design with no “bells and whis­tles” fea­tures the more expen­sive Vita­mix mod­els built with.

Also, it has a choice between blenders for small and large house­holds. The Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E310 mod­el will bet­ter suit a small­er home with 1–4 peo­ple because its small­er 48 oz con­tain­ers can process small vol­umes of food well. In com­par­i­son, the E320 mod­el will be the option for fam­i­lies of 5 and more peo­ple because it will han­dle the larg­er batch­es of food in one cycle and process the larg­er min­i­mum food recipes.

Nev­er­the­less, the big­ger house­holds may buy an addi­tion­al small­er 48 oz. or 32 oz nar­row bot­tom con­tain­er for pro­cess­ing small por­tions tasks for sal­ad dress­ings, nut but­ter, and frozen desserts.

Besides, if you want to com­pare this recent bud­get Vita­mix mod­el with the clas­sic Vita­mix bud­get machine, read our com­pre­hen­sive Vita­mix 5200 Blender Review.

Check here rel­e­vant articles:

Which is the Best Vita­mix Blender to Buy? – All Mod­els Com­par­i­son Guide 2020 for mod­els clar­i­fi­ca­tion guide,

Vita­mix Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished Blenders – Are They Worth Con­sid­er?  find out about bar­gain options,

Vita­mix Clas­sic Con­tain­ers — Guide 2020 to learn about all Vita­mix con­tain­ers types,

Vita­mix Aer Disc Con­tain­er Review pro­fes­sion­al bar-style container,

Vita­mix Stain­less Steel Con­tain­ers Review the new con­tain­er so many cus­tomers waited.


Posted in Vitamix Reviews, Hot Offers!

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  1. Doug

    Explo­ri­an con­tain­ers are dish­wash­er safe (like the ascent series). Com­bined with the 48 ounce size which will blend small quan­ti­ties and fit in a fridge door, make this (I think) the best option for small fam­i­lies and sin­gles at any price.

    • lucy

      Hi Danielle, The Vita­mix E310 has a 48 oz pitch­er capac­i­ty and it is more than enough for 2 peo­ple to make smooth­ies and also for 4 peo­ple. It will out­put at max­i­mum filled capac­i­ty 2 cups X 24 oz and 4 cups X 12 oz. You can also run anoth­er smooth­ies cycle, with Vita­mix it usu­al­ly takes less than a minute. Cer­ti­fied recon­di­tioned Vita­mix E320 comes with 64 oz pitcher. 

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