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Best Vitamix Blender for Your Healthy Lifestyle | Top Picks and Reviews

Updat­ed in Decem­ber 2021

I bought my first Vita­mix 5200 blender in 2009, and at that time, it was the only mod­el for Home Use the com­pa­ny offered to cus­tomers. How­ev­er, over the fol­low­ing years, the Vita-Mix com­pa­ny released many blender mod­els; between 2007 and 2017, the man­u­fac­tur­er used to pro­vide more than 30 dif­fer­ent mod­els simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. All of those mod­els were pro­fes­sion­al coun­ter­top types of blenders for Home Use. Today Vita-Mix offers 16 dif­fer­ent full-size mod­els, a few exclu­sive pack­ages pro­duced for select­ed retail­ers (Cost­co, Ama­zon, and oth­ers), and released in the 2020 Vita­mix Immer­sion Blender.

No won­der this mul­ti­tude of mod­els caus­es con­fu­sion, and cus­tomers are often puz­zled with a ques­tion — which Vita­mix blender is the best and which one is worth buy­ing for them?

Table of Contents

What to Consider When Choosing Your Vitamix Blender — Size, Power, and Features

best vitamix blender

Cur­rent­ly, Vita­mix offers four (4) full-size coun­ter­top Prod­uct Lines and one (1) Immer­sion Blender:

  • The Explo­ri­an Series is a bud­get Prod­uct Line;
  • The Lega­cy Series is the old­est one and includes all blenders from the for­mer C‑series and G‑series (Next Gen­er­a­tion) Prod­uct Line;
  • The Ascent Series is the lat­est Prod­uct Line with an array of new intel­li­gent tech­nol­o­gy features;
  • The Vita­mix ONE Blender is a new entry-lev­el device;
  • One mod­el presents the Vita­mix Immer­sion Blender.

Luck­i­ly, the fun­da­men­tal dif­fer­ences between most of these numer­ous coun­ter­top mod­els are insignif­i­cant and, in many cas­es, almost non-exis­tent. Most impor­tant­ly, all full-size mod­els can accom­plish the iden­ti­cal stan­dard Vita­mix func­tions with no dif­fer­ence in per­for­mance qual­i­ty, exclud­ing the new­ly released Vita­mix ONE, which per­forms lim­it­ed tasks com­pared to full-size blenders. Hence, the choice is not as dif­fi­cult as it may seem at first.

The most dis­tin­guish­ing char­ac­ter­is­tic of Vita­mix mod­els is the motor wattage. Vita-Mix uses two motors mod­els in all its full-size coun­ter­top blenders — 2HP and 2.2HP. The Vita­mix ONE comes with an 840 Watts motor. The 2HP motor has been pro­duced for many years since intro­duc­ing the Vita­mix 5000 mod­el in the ear­ly 1990s, and the 2.2HP was first released in 2012 only. How­ev­er, the dif­fer­ence in these two motors’ per­for­mance is negligible.

The oth­er dis­tin­guish­ing fea­tures are the dif­fer­ences in the con­trol pan­el set­tings, capac­i­ty and design of the con­tain­ers, blade assem­blies, extra acces­sories, and smart tech­nol­o­gy fea­tures, which became avail­able with the intro­duc­tion of the Ascent mod­els at the end of 2016.

This arti­cle will clar­i­fy the dif­fer­ences between the Vita­mix mod­el to make it an eas­i­er task for you to decide which Vita­mix blender to buy and which mod­el will serve your require­ments in the best way.

Dis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page.

Top Pick #1: The Vitamix Explorian — A Budget-Friendly Option That Doesn’t Skimp on Quality

Vitamix E310 Explorian Blender

The Explo­ri­an is the bud­get Vita­mix Series that was intro­duced in mid-2017 and is avail­able in 2 mod­els – the E310 and E320. These are the most afford­able Vita­mix blenders with sim­i­lar func­tion­al­i­ty as any oth­er Lega­cy blender but are offered at a $100-$200 low­er price tag.

The E320 and E310 blenders share the fol­low­ing stan­dard parameters:

  • 2HP motor that is enclosed in the orig­i­nal base unit, which bears the design ele­ments of 5200 and Ascent Series base unit;
  • Min­i­mal­is­tic con­trol pan­el which has a 10-speed dial knob, Pulse, and Start/Stop lever but no On/Off switch­er on the back or side of the blender;
  • East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester, clear as glass, shat­ter and tem­per­a­ture resis­tant con­tain­er with tamper;
  • E310 comes with 5‑years and E320 with 7‑years Full war­ran­ty;
  • The 11″ x 8″ x 18″ size dimen­sions and 4.5 ft. pow­er cord;
  • With the blenders pro­file of 18 inch­es, it will fit under the stan­dard kitchen cab­i­net;
  • Cook­book and user manual.

There are some dis­tinc­tions between these two mod­els. The E310 comes with a 48 oz nar­row bot­tom jar and 3 inch­es of inbuilt blades. At the same time, the E320 is equipped with a 64 oz wide base jar and 4 inch­es of inbuilt blades.

The 48 oz nar­row bot­tom con­tain­er is designed to process small­er vol­umes of food, while the 64 oz wide bot­tom con­tain­er han­dles the larg­er food batch­es bet­ter. The min­i­mum pro­cess­ing vol­ume for the 48 ounces con­tain­er is 1–3 cups, and the 64 oz jar holds a min­i­mum of 2–4 cups of pre­loaded food, depend­ing on the thick­ness of the food you are processing.

The Vita­mix E310 blender comes with a 5‑year Full war­ran­ty, the E320 mod­el has a 7‑year Full war­ran­ty, and a cer­ti­fied recon­di­tioned E320 mod­el has only a 3‑year Full warranty.

The low price of E310 and E320 refur­bished machines are reflect­ed in the short­er war­ran­ty and the absence of an on-off switch on the side.

Accessories and Attachments

There is a range of extra acces­sories and con­tain­ers that are com­pat­i­ble with the Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E310 and E320 blenders:

Vitamix E320 vs. E310 Blenders

Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E310 Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E320
Motor 2.0HP 2.0HP
Con­trols 10 vari­able speeds, Pulse, Start/Stop 10 vari­able speeds, Pulse, Start/Stop
Con­tain­er 48 oz. 64oz.
Blades 3″ inbuilt 4″ inbuilt
Col­or black, slate, red black, red
War­ran­ty 5 years 7 years
Recipe Book yes yes
Dimen­sion  11 x 8 x 18 in. / 28 x 20 x 46 cm. 11 x 8 x 18 in. / 28 x 20 x 46 cm.
Cord 4.5 ft / 1.37 m 4.5 ft / 1.37 m
Price Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E310 Price, via Amazon


Best Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E320 Price, via Amazon

How to Choose Between Vitamix Explorian E310 and E320 Models

The con­sumer who is look­ing for the cheap­est Vita­mix blender should go for one of the Explo­ri­an mod­els. The Vita­mix offers both mod­els for about 40% cheap­er price than the Ascent series and G‑series Lega­cy mod­els and about 25% cheap­er than Vita­mix 5200 blender. In addi­tion, the cer­ti­fied refur­bished mod­el is usu­al­ly avail­able at a 50% cheap­er price than Ascent and Lega­cy blenders.

Besides, the E310 can process a small­er min­i­mum vol­ume of foods, and with a small­er total capac­i­ty jar, it will bet­ter serve small­er house­holds of 4 peo­ple or less. At the same time, the E320 han­dles 2–4 cups min­i­mum vol­ume, and with a total jar capac­i­ty of 64 oz, it is more suit­able for larg­er house­holds of 4 and more people.

Both Explo­ri­an E320 and E310 blenders will fit under the stan­dard kitchen cab­i­net and release sim­i­lar noise.

Vitamix Legacy Product Line

Vita­mix Lega­cy Prod­uct Line includes:

Top Pick #2: The Vitamix 5200 and Other Former C‑series Models — Classic Blenders That Deliver Powerful Performance

C‑series is the old­est Vita­mix prod­uct line that includes six (6) based mod­els – Stan­dard 5200, Stan­dard pro­grams, Tur­boBlend Two Speed, Three-Speed Tur­bo Blender, 5300, and 6500 — the dif­fer­ences between them are straightforward.

The blenders are divid­ed into two (2) main categories:

  • With a 2HP motor and high-pro­file container;
  • With a new­er design 2.2HP motor, and a low-pro­file container.

Besides, the mod­els inside each cat­e­go­ry dif­fer in the design and func­tion­al­i­ty of the con­trol panel.

Blenders with 2.0HP Motor

vitamix 5200 blender

The 2HP motor blenders are avail­able in 4‑based mod­els – Vita­mix 5200 Stan­dard (could also be sold under the Pro­fes­sion­al Series 200 or 6300 names), Stan­dard pro­grams (also known under Pro­fes­sion­al series 500 and 6500 titles), Three-Speed Tur­bo Blender, and Tur­boBlend Two Speed. These mod­els share the fol­low­ing stan­dard features:

  • 2HP motor with an auto­mat­ic shut-off sys­tem to stop the machine when over­heat­ed which pre­vents the motor breakdown;
  • The motor is enclosed in the clas­si­cal C‑series design base unit;
  • The high pro­file nar­row bot­tom 64 oz jar is made from East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester, the stress and tem­per­a­ture-resis­tant type of polycarbonate;
  • A non-remov­able blade assem­bly with 3 inch­es (in diam­e­ter) dull-by-design blades;
  • The 64 oz con­tain­er is 13.4 inch­es tall;
  • The 64 oz con­tain­er on the top of the base unit and lid will have a total height of 20.5 inch­es. So, the machine with 64 oz. the con­tain­er will not fit under a stan­dard kitchen cabinet;
  • Five (5) or sev­en (7) years Full war­ran­ty, depend­ing on the model.

The blenders equipped with a 2HP motor dif­fer by only con­trol pan­el design and func­tion­al­i­ty. The Vita­mix 5200 (Pro­fes­sion­al Series 200 blender) con­trol pan­el has 10 vari­able speed dials and two switch­ers – High/Variable speeds and a Start/Stop lever.

Where­as the Stan­dard pro­gram (Pro­fes­sion­al Series 500 or 6300) machines con­trol pan­el is equipped with 10 vari­able speeds, Pulse and Start/Stop lever, and 3 pre-set pro­grams (Hot Soups, Frozen Desserts, and Smooth­ies). The Stan­dard Pro­gram mod­el in Cana­da is known under the TNC 3 name.

The Tur­boBlend Two Speed mod­el con­trol pan­el fea­tures High/Low speeds and On/Off switch­es. The Tur­boBlend Two-Speed machine has no vari­able speed dial. Still, this seems suf­fi­cient for many users because it makes these machines very easy to use and equipped with the same pow­er as any oth­er Vita­mix machine.

The Three-Speed Tur­bo Blender con­trol pan­el has Start/Stop and Pulse switch­es and a dial-up knob with Low, Mid, and High speeds.

Blenders with 2.2HP Motor

vitamix 5300 blender

Blenders with 2.2HP Motor include two (2) mod­els — Vita­mix 5300 and 6500. These mod­els share a set of for­mer C‑series and for­mer G‑series typ­i­cal features:

  • The new­er updat­ed 2.2HP motor is typ­i­cal for the G‑series but has a clas­si­cal base unit design that is sim­i­lar to C‑series machines;
  • Low pro­file wider bot­tom 64 oz. con­tain­ers which are made of high-qual­i­ty shat­ter proofed and tol­er­ant to high tem­per­a­tures Tri­tan copoly­ester material;
  • The con­tain­er is 10.1 inch­es tall and, when placed on the base unit with a closed lid a total of 17.5 inch­es; this will fit under the stan­dard 18 inched cabinets;
  • Per­ma­nent­ly inbuilt into the con­tain­er 4 inch­es (in diam­e­ter) blades, that is sim­i­lar to for­mer G‑series blenders;
  • Sev­en (7) years Full war­ran­ty but do not include recipe books.

The 5300 and 6500 blenders dif­fer only by con­trol pan­el func­tions; the Vita­mix 5300 comes with the 10 vari­able speed dial and two switch­ers – Pulse and Start/Stop switch­es. While the 6500 mod­el is equipped with an addi­tion­al 3 pre-sets pro­grams — Smooth­ie, Hot Soup, and Frozen Dessert.

The 5300 and 6500 were pri­mar­i­ly released for sale at Cost­co but are now avail­able from oth­er retail­ers. The Vita­mix 5300 is a very pop­u­lar mod­el because it sells at an attrac­tive price, while Vita­mix 5300 recon­di­tioned blender is avail­able at the piece, sim­i­lar to the Vita­mix Explo­ri­an blenders.

Acces­sories and Attachments

There are fol­low­ing acces­sories are avail­able to buy for the for­mer C‑series Clas­sic blenders:

Vitamix 5200 vs 5300 vs 6500 vs TurboBlend Two Speed Blenders

Vita­mix 5200/

Pro­fes­sion­al series 200

Programs/ Pro­fes­sion­al Series 500/

Vita­mix 6300

Tur­boBlend Two/Three Speed Vita­mix 5300 Vita­mix 6500
Motor 2HP 2HP 2HP 2.2HP 2.2HP
Con­trols 10 vari­able speeds, high speed 10 vari­able speeds, high speed 2 speeds/3 speed, low and high 10 speeds, Pulse, Start/Stop 10 speeds, Pulse, Start/Stop
Pre-sets Hot Soups,

Frozen Desserts,



Hot Soup,

Frozen Dessert

Con­tain­er 64 oz., soft grip 64oz. 64 oz., no soft grip 64oz. 64oz.
Blades 3″ inbuilt 3″ inbuilt 3″ inbuilt 4″ inbuilt 4″ inbuilt
Col­or black, red, white, plat­inum, brushed stainless black, red, white, plat­inum, brushed stainless black, red, slate, cobalt black, red black, red
War­ran­ty 7 years 7 years 5 years 7 years 7 years
Recipe Book yes yes yes no no
Dimen­sion  20.5″ x 8.75″ x 7.25″/cm 20.5″ x 8.75″ x 7.25″/cm 20.5″ x 8.75″ x 7.25″/cm 17.25″ x 8.75″ x 7.25″/cm 17.25″ x 8.75″ x 7.25″/cm
Cord 6ft 6ft 6ft 6ft 6ft
Price Vita­mix 5200 Price, via Amazon  Pro Series 500 Price, via Amazon Vita­mix Two/Three Speed, via Amazon Vita­mix 5300 Price, via Amazon Best Vita­mix 6500 Price

How to Choose Between Vitamix C‑Series Blenders

Any C‑series Vita­mix mod­el can pro­duce excel­lent blend­ing qual­i­ty and out­put a sim­i­lar final result. So, which cri­te­ria should be tak­en into con­sid­er­a­tion by the con­sumer while select­ing the par­tic­u­lar model?

Sup­pose you intend to use the Vita­mix blender for blend­ing small batch­es and large batch­es of food. In that case, you should go for any blender with the 2.0HP motor that is equipped with the clas­si­cal high pro­file nar­row bot­tom con­tain­er — 5200, Stan­dard pro­grams, Tur­boBlend Two Speed,  5300, and 6300 mod­els. The high-pro­file con­tain­er is designed to process small and large batch­es of food with the same degree of qual­i­ty. For exam­ple, this con­tain­er will equal­ly well process from 1 cup to 8 cups of smooth­ies ingre­di­ents with no vis­i­ble qual­i­ty dif­fer­ence. How­ev­er, these mod­els have a pro­file of 20.5 inch­es and will not fit under the stan­dard kitchen cabinet.

The pre-set pro­grams are not designed to per­form any­thing unusu­al that stan­dard mod­els can­not. And the expe­ri­enced and cre­ative cook­er is most like­ly to ignore them because they do not exper­i­ment with food prepa­ra­tion. While those who will use the blender for quick morn­ing smooth­ies and will enjoy the func­tion that allows push­ing a but­ton and walk­ing away (the blender stopped auto­mat­i­cal­ly when the pro­gram fin­ished) will be hap­py with the pre-set pro­grams option.

The Vita­mix 5300 and 6500 low-pro­file con­tain­er mod­els will effec­tive­ly process 2–3 cups of food min­i­mum; these machines will suit a larg­er house­hold that needs to serve 4 and more peo­ple. In addi­tion, the Vita­mix 5300 and 6500 mod­els will eas­i­ly fit into the stan­dard kitchen cabinet.

They are also designed with a slight­ly more effec­tive noise-damp­en­ing sys­tem and suit noise-sen­si­tive customers.

The con­sumer who is look­ing for a bar­gain must con­sid­er cer­ti­fied refur­bished mod­els. Those who still want to buy the non-refur­bished mod­el shell look to the clas­sic 5200 or 5300 mod­el that is often offered at a bar­gain price.

Top Pick #3: Vitamix Former G‑Series Blenders

vitamix 7500 blender

The for­mer Next Gen­er­a­tion Prod­uct Line includes only five (5) Vita­mix 7500, Pro­fes­sion­al series 300, and Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750. Vita­mix G‑Series prod­uct blenders share the fol­low­ing stan­dard features:

  • The base unit enclos­es the new 2.2 HP motor with an enhanced air­flow man­age­ment sys­tem that is lack­ing in Clas­sic models;
  • An improved noise-reduc­ing sys­tem that makes G‑Series machines 40% less noisy com­pared to C‑Series;
  • Low pro­file wider bot­tom 64 oz pitch­er with an inbuilt 4 inch­es blade. The con­tain­ers are made of East­man Tri­tan copoly­ester pre­mi­um qual­i­ty BPA-free copoly­ester mate­r­i­al and are only 10.1 inch­es tall;
  • The Base unit foot­print is 9.4 x 7.7 inch­es;
  • The assem­bled blender’s height with the pitch­er on the top of the base unit and lid is only 17.5 inch­es, which allows these blenders to fit eas­i­ly under stan­dard kitchen cabinets.

The dif­fer­ences between these machines are pret­ty clear and should not con­fuse the cus­tomers. They dif­fered in the con­trol pan­el design and capac­i­ty of containers.

The 7500 and Pro­fes­sion­al series 300 blenders fea­ture a con­trol pan­el equipped with 10 vari­able speeds, Pulse, and Start/Stop switch­es. These two pack­ages are iden­ti­cal, except they come with dif­fer­ent cook­books; they both come with typ­i­cal Vita­mix Lega­cy mod­els 7‑year Warranty.

The Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750 blender con­trol pan­el has 10 vari­able speed dials, Pulse and Start/Stop switch­es, and 5 pre-set pro­grams — Smooth­ies, Hot Soups, Frozen Desserts, Purées, and Self-Clean­ing. The pre-sets are just the timed pro­grams that auto­mat­i­cal­ly stop the blender after the pre-set time. In addi­tion, the Vita­mix Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750 blender comes with a cook­book, user man­u­al, and sev­en (7) years full warranty.

Acces­sories and Attachments

The Vita­mix man­u­fac­tur­er offers the fol­low­ing addi­tion­al acces­sories and attach­ments that are com­pat­i­ble with the Vita­mix 7500, Pro­fes­sion­al series 300, and Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750 models:

Vitamix 7500 vs. Pro 750 Blenders

Vita­mix 7500/

Pro­fes­sion­al Series 300

Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750
Motor 2.2HP 2.2HP
Con­trols 10 speeds, Pulse, Start/Stop 10 speeds, Pulse, Start/Stop
Pre-sets Smooth­ies,

Hot Soups,

Frozen Desserts,



Con­tain­er 64 oz, wide bottom 64 oz, wide bottom
Blades 4″ inbuilt 4″ inbuilt
Col­or black, red, white black, stain­less, copper
War­ran­ty 7 years 7 years
Recipe Book yes yes
Dimen­sion 17.5 x 9.4 x 7.7 in 17.5 x 9.4 x 7.7 in
Cord 6 ft 6 ft
Price Vita­mix 7500, via Amazon


Vita­mix Pro Series 750, via Amazon


How to Choose Between Legacy former G‑Series Models

It is not dif­fi­cult to decide between Lega­cy (for­mer Next Gen­er­a­tion) blenders. Although these machines are avail­able at high­er price tags than Lega­cy’s for­mer C‑series blender (5200, 5300, stan­dard pro­grams and etc.), they are very pop­u­lar among con­sumers because of the enhanced ven­ti­la­tion sys­tems and less noise release when com­pared to the Clas­sic Explo­ri­an and for­mer C‑series machines.

The Vita­mix 7500, Pro­fes­sion­al series 300, and Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750 blenders will suit best the larg­er house­hold that will serve four (4) and more peo­ple since they han­dle a min­i­mum of 2–4 cups of ini­tial­ly loaded ingre­di­ents (com­pared to the min­i­mum 1–2 cups han­dled by the 5200 mod­els and E310 blenders).

Those who are look­ing for a bar­gain should con­sid­er cer­ti­fied recon­di­tioned Lega­cy G‑Series mod­els. Cus­tomers who are fas­ci­nat­ed with hav­ing the blender with pre-set pro­grams will go for Vita­mix 750. All G‑series mod­els share a slight­ly short­er pro­file than Explo­ri­an ones and will fit under the typ­i­cal kitchen cabinet.

Vitamix Ascent Series Blenders

Ascent Series Blenders belong to the most recent Vita­mix Prod­uct Line that was released on 26 Decem­ber 2016 and rep­re­sent­ed the lat­est engi­neer­ing and tech­nol­o­gy design. These blenders inher­it­ed an ener­gy-sav­ing pow­er­ful motor and effi­cient blend­ing abil­i­ty from typ­i­cal Vita­mix machines. Still, they added many new tech­nol­o­gy fea­tures that promise to make the Ascent Blenders the most advanced for many years ahead.

The Smart Sys­tem Blenders prod­uct line includes Vita­mix Ascent A2300, A2500, A3300, and A3500, and the bud­get Ven­tur­ist V1200 mod­el that is designed for Cost­co. The Ascent Series blenders share the fol­low­ing com­mon features:

  • New base unit design (11″ x 8″ x 17″ in size) with stan­dard 2.2HP motor and stan­dard Vita­mix cool­ing and auto­mat­ic shut-off sys­tems that make the machine long-last­ing and safe;
  • Smart self-detect con­tain­er sys­tem, which allows rec­og­niz­ing the con­tain­er type (64 oz., 48 oz., 20 oz., or 8 oz.) placed on the base unit and auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjust­ing the time and pro­grams to the appro­pri­ate jar;
  • Wire­less Blue­tooth con­nec­tiv­i­ty is designed to con­nect your Ascent Vita­mix blender with the smart­phone’s best blend app and smart scale that allows unleash­ing 500+ recipes and many more;
  • Dig­i­tal or touch­screen pro­gram­ma­ble con­trol pan­el, depend­ing on the model;
  • 10 vari­able speeds, Pulse func­tions, pre-set pro­grams, and pro­gram­ma­ble timer func­tions (depend­ing on the model);
  • 64 oz. high qual­i­ty, impact-resis­tant, low pro­file, and wide bot­tom copoly­ester Self Detect con­tain­ers with 4‑inch blades;
  • New trans­par­ent lid;
  • Incred­i­ble 10 years Full war­ran­ty;
  • Ful­ly dish­wash­er safe means all parts can be washed in the dish­wash­er, exclud­ing the base unit;
  • There are an array of new com­pat­i­ble smart sys­tems prod­uct lines such as 48 oz., con­tain­er, and 20 oz. cup, an 8 oz. bowl, Aer Disc Con­tain­er, smart scales that go with the best app;
  • All Vita­mix Ascent mod­els — A2300, A2500, A3300, and A3500 — will fit under the stan­dard kitchen cab­i­net.

Ven­tur­ist V1200 mod­els do not share all the com­mon fea­tures with the A2300, A2500, A3300, and A3500 mod­els, and their para­me­ters will be out­lined separately.

Top Pick #4: Vitamix Ascent A2500 vs. A2300 — Budget High-Tech Blender with Smart Features

vitamix a2500 blenderThe Vita­mix Ascent A2300 and A2500 (full review) are the basic Ascent Vita­mix mod­els. Although they come with all smart tech­nol­o­gy Ascent line fea­tures, these mod­els have sim­pli­fied con­trol pan­el designs and functionality.

The A2300 and A2500 blenders con­trol pan­els have sim­i­lar­i­ties for both models:

  • The phys­i­cal vari­able speed dial knob,
  • The Pulse, Start/Stop switch­es,
  • The dig­i­tal timer counts up/downtime while the blender runs vari­able-speed or pre-set pro­gram cycles.

The A2500 blender’s con­trol pan­el is equipped with addi­tion­al 3 pre-set pro­gram cycles (Smooth­ies, Frozen Desserts, Hot Soup) that A2300 does not have. These three (3) pre-sets are the only dif­fer­ence between the Vita­mix A2300 and A2500 mod­els. Though the same pre-set pro­grams (and more) could be sent to the A2300 blender using Blue­tooth and the best app smart tech­nol­o­gy, hence this fea­ture makes the dif­fer­ence between these two mod­els almost negligible.

Top Pick #5: The Vitamix A3500 — Premium High-Tech Blender with Smart Features and Customizable Settings

vitamix a3500 blenderThe Vita­mix Ascent A3300 and A3500 mod­els (full review) are pre­mi­um Vita­mix blenders. They are equipped with the lat­est new tech­nol­o­gy fea­tures com­mon for all Ascent Series Vita­mix mod­els and addi­tion­al inno­v­a­tive touch­screen con­trol pan­el design.

Hence, the A3300 and A3500 blenders come with:

  • The dig­i­tal vari­able 10-speed dial knob,
  • The touch­able Pulse, Start/Stop but­tons,
  • The dig­i­tal dis­play that counts up/down blend­ing time,
  • The pro­gram­ma­ble timer allows man­u­al­ly set blend­ing times for your spe­cif­ic recipes.

Unlike the A3300 blender, the A3500 mod­el con­trol pan­el includes an addi­tion­al 5 pre-set pro­grams such as Smooth­ies, Frozen Desserts, Hot Soups, Dips/Spreads, and Self-Clean­ing. How­ev­er, you can send exact­ly the same 5 pre-set pro­grams to your A3300 blenders via the best app facilities.

Vitamix Venturist V1200 Blender

vitamix venturist v1200 blenderVita­mix Ven­tur­ist V1200 is the bud­get Ascent Series blender that is designed for Cost­co. Like the Vita­mix A2300, A2500, A3300, and A3500 mod­els, it has all smart tech­nol­o­gy fea­tures such as self–detect con­tain­ers and wire­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty; how­ev­er, it comes with a dif­fer­ent base unit con­trol pan­el design.

The Ven­turis V1200 base unit fea­tures a com­bi­na­tion of the Ascent and Lega­cy mod­el’s exte­ri­or design elements.

The con­trol pan­el has sim­i­lar to A2300 and A2500:

  • The phys­i­cal vari­able 10 speeds dial knob,
  • The Start/Stop and Pulse switch­es,
  • The Dig­i­tal count up/down the dis­play,
  • The Pro­gram­ma­ble timer (sim­i­lar to A3300 and A3500 models).

Basi­cal­ly, the Ven­tur­ist V1200 has a speed dial knob more resem­bling the A2300 and A2500 mod­els. The pro­gram­ma­ble timer capac­i­tive touch is sim­i­lar to A3500 and A3330 machines, but they pro­trude and must be pressed to acti­vate them.

The Ven­tur­ist V1200 blender, sim­i­lar to the A2300 and A3300, does not come with pre-set pro­grams, but these pro­grams could be sent to the machine via the best app.

Accessories and Attachments

A2300, A2500, A3300, and A3500, and the Ven­tur­ist V1200 are com­pat­i­ble with the fol­low­ing acces­sories and attachments:

 Vitamix Ascent A2300 vs A2500 vs A3300 vs A3500 vs Venturist V1200 Blenders

A2300 A2500 A3300 A3500 Ven­tur­ist V1200
Motor 2.2HP 2.2HP 2.2HP 2.2HP 2.2HP
Con­trols 10 speeds, Pulse, Start/Stop 10 speeds, Pulse, Start/Stop 10 speeds, Pulse, Start/Stop 10 speeds, Pulse, Start/Stop 10 speeds, Pulse, Start/Stop
Pre-sets Hot Soups,

Frozen Desserts,


pro­gram­ma­ble timer pro­gram­ma­ble timer,


Hot Soups,

Dips & Spreads,

Frozen Desserts,


pro­gram­ma­ble timer
Con­tain­er 64 oz., wide bot­tom, clear lid 64 oz., wide bot­tom, clear lid 64 oz., wide bot­tom, clear lid 64 oz., wide bot­tom, clear lid 64 oz., wide bot­tom, clear lid
Blades 4″ inbuilt 4″ inbuilt 4″ inbuilt 4″ inbuilt 4″ inbuilt
Col­or black, red, slate, white, black, red, slate, white black, gray brushed stain­less met­al fin­ish, black stain­less met­al fin­ish, red, cop­per met­al fin­ish, graphite met­al fin­ish, white black, red, slate, white
War­ran­ty 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years
Recipe Book yes yes yes no yes
Dimen­sion  11 x 8 x 17 in 11 x 8 x 17 in 11 x 8 x 17 in 11 x 8 x 17 in 10.5 x 8 x 17 in
Cord 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft
Price Vita­mix A2300, via Ama­zon


Vita­mix A2500, via Ama­zon


Vita­mix A3300, via Amazon


Vita­mix A3500, via Amazon


Ven­tur­ist Price, via Amazon


How to Choose Between Ascent Machines

Vita­mix Ascent A2300/2500 vs. A3300/3500 mod­els vs. Ven­tur­ist V1200 have iden­ti­cal motors and jars but dif­fer only by exte­ri­or and con­trol pan­el design and func­tion­al­i­ty. If you are attract­ed by the self-detect and wire­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty fea­ture but pre­fer the bud­get mod­el, go for A2300 or 2500. If you wish to buy the flag­ship and best blender on the mar­ket with the pro­gram­ma­ble fea­ture, you should select A3300 or A3500 blender. How­ev­er, if you want a blender with all-new Ascent fea­tures and a pro­gram­ma­ble timer but have a tight bud­get, then the Ven­tur­ist V1200 blender will be a per­fect option for you.

Despite being the newest prod­uct line, the Ascent blenders’ prices do not go beyond the usu­al price range for Vita­mix blenders. For exam­ple, the Ascent A2300 and A2500 blenders fall in the same price range as Vita­mix Lega­cy­former G‑series machines (7500 and Pro 750), while the most advanced 3300 and 3500 mod­els have a slight­ly high­er prices. How­ev­er, the Vita­mix web­site or Ama­zon often offers a good dis­count for these machines. In addi­tion, the Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished Ascent mod­els are avail­able even at a con­sid­er­ably low­er price.

Vitamix ONE Blender

vitamix ONE blenderThe Vita­mix ONE Blender was released in 2021. This is a full-size coun­ter­top machine with a com­pact base unit and a small 32-ounce con­tain­er.

This Blender is sup­posed to replace the Vita­mix s30, s50, and s55 Space Sav­ing or S‑Series Prod­uct Line Ben­ders released in 2014–2015 and dis­con­tin­ued in 2019. How­ev­er, the Vita­mix One can­not per­form all stan­dard Vita­mix func­tions the late Vita­mix s30, s50, and s55 Space Sav­ing mod­els do.

The Vita­mix ONE Blender machine comes with the fol­low­ing tech­ni­cal parameters:

  • Com­pact base unit with enclosed 840 watts-at-peak motor;
  • Con­trol pan­el equipped with dial knob fea­tur­ing vari­able speeds, ON, and OFF functions;
  • Foot­print mea­sur­ing 8 inch­es wide, 11 inch­es long, and pro­file — 17 inch­es, so it eas­i­ly fits under any kitchen cabinet;
  • Weight: 6.25 lbs;
  • The 32-ounce BPA-free impact-resis­tant Tri­tan copoly­ester containers;
  • Per­ma­nent­ly inbuilt into con­tain­er blade assem­bly with 2.5 inch­es in diam­e­ter blade;
  • The cus­tom tamper;
  • Equipped with a 2‑year Full Warranty;
  • It is NOT COMPATIBLE to the Lega­cy or Ascent Vita­mix containers;

The Vita­mix One Blender is designed to per­form the fol­low­ing functions:

  • It makes our green silky smooth­ies and pro­tein shakes even from the most chal­leng­ing ingre­di­ents, sim­i­lar to Lega­cy and Ascent blenders;
  • Process ice cubes quick­ly, even with­out liq­uids added, so it is suit­able for alco­holic and non-alco­holic slash­es like margaritas;
  • Han­dles frozen desserts and thick smooth­ies well;
  • Makes thick dips like hum­mus and pesto;
  • Pre­pares excel­lent baby food;
  • Make amaz­ing sauces or dressings.
  • It is not designed for mak­ing nut but­ter, hot soups, and grind­ing grains or cof­fee beans;

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, there are no extra acces­sories or attach­ments avail­able to buy for Vita­mix ONE Blender at the moment. Anoth­er untyp­i­cal Vita­mix blender fea­ture of this machine is the dial knob that reg­u­lates the con­tin­u­ous speed and inter­mit­ten­cy of all Vita­mix blenders. Besides, the low­est speed is not very low and ramps up a bit at the start. It also does not have a PULSE function.

Vita­mix ONE
Motor 840 watts/1.12HP
Con­trols Vari­able speeds, ON, OFF
Pre-sets ____
Con­tain­er 32 oz
Blades 2.5″ inbuilt
Col­or black
War­ran­ty  2 years
Recipe Book no
Dimen­sion   8″ x 11″ x 17″
Cord 4 ft
Price Vita­mix One Price, via Amazon


 Who might Vitamix ONE be for

As Vita­mix men­tions itself, the One Blender is the entry Vita­mix mod­el for small house­holds of 1–2 peo­ple or stu­dents’ accom­mo­da­tion. It per­forms essen­tial blender func­tions to the top-notch qual­i­ty as any oth­er Vita­mix pro­fes­sion­al mod­el for home use. It is well built, easy to use, takes very lit­tle counter space, and is pret­ty light­weight for such a good blender. You can eas­i­ly take it on trav­el with you or use it for your RV trips.

Vitamix Immersion Blender

vitamix immersion blenderVita­mix Immer­sion Blender is the first and the only hand blender Vita-Mix com­pa­ny released in 2021. This machine does not per­form all typ­i­cal Vita­mix pro­fes­sion­al blender func­tions how­ev­er still a very pow­er­ful and mighty immer­sion blender (hand device).

The Immer­sion blenders come with the fol­low­ing set of parameters:

  • 625 Watts/0.84HP motor shelled  stain­less steel and rub­ber body;
  • ON/OFF but­ton, 5‑speed but­ton, and LED dis­play that shows the run­ning speed;
  • One stain­less steel S‑blade remov­able attachment;
  • Three (3) years Full war­ran­ty;
  • The only 3 x 3 x 18 inch­es dimen­sions and 5 feet cord length;

A Vita­mix Immer­sion Blender can­not replace the full-size machine, but it can per­form a wide range of fol­low­ing tasks:

  • Puree soup, baby food, veg­gies like pota­toes for side dish­es, fruits for cakes, and more;
  • Mix food preps recipes such as dips, mayo, sal­ad dress­ings, and sauces;
  • Chop veg­gies, bread crumbs, nuts, and others;
  • Whip cream;
  • Make frozen desserts and beverages;
  • Blend silky smooth­ies and pro­tein shakes;
  • Process Bul­let­proof Coffee;

This machine does not come with the blend­ing cup or oth­er attach­ments; how­ev­er, you can buy some oth­er addi­tion­al acces­sories separately:

  • Immer­sion Blender Whisk;
  • Immer­sion Blender Mini-Chopper;
  • Tri­tan copoly­ester 32-ounce immer­sion blender Jar and to-go cup;
  • Acces­sories Orga­niz­er Station;
  • Immer­sion Blender Stor­age Case.
Vita­mix Immer­sion Blender
Motor 625 Watts/0.84HP
Con­trols 5 vari­able speeds, Start/Stop
Blades Remov­able s‑blade
Col­or Stain­less steel and black
War­ran­ty Three (3) years
Recipe Book no
Dimen­sion  3 x 3 x 18 inches
Cord 5 ft
Price Vita­mix Immer­sion Blender Price, via Amazon

Who might Vitamix Immersion Blender be for?

Vita­mix Immer­sion blender is one of the best hand blenders on the mar­ket hand blender and will suit those who use hand blenders a lot for food prep recipes, puree­ing soup, and oth­er small recipes. At the same time, it is not a sub­sti­tute for a full-size coun­ter­top blender as it is not designed to per­form the tasks the coun­ter­top blender will do.

Vitamix Certified Reconditioned Blender

Vita­mix offers renewed blenders for most of the mod­els, includ­ing Lega­cy, Explo­ri­an, and Ascent Prod­uct Lines. These renewed or Cer­ti­fied Recon­di­tioned mod­els come with new acces­sories such as con­tain­ers and tam­pers and may have slight­ly used body units with­out vis­i­ble wear and tear signs. The blenders that are sold as renewed come from over­stock, returned machines, or those that were used for live demon­stra­tions in the past. All these machines go through a rig­or­ous cer­ti­fi­ca­tion process before they are sold as cer­ti­fied recon­di­tioned models.

Over­all, the renewed or Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished mod­els are a great option for buy­ing this high-end blender for peo­ple on a bud­get. For more details on the renewed Vita­mix machines, check our arti­cle Vita­mix Cer­ti­fied Refur­bished Blenders — Are They Worth Consider?

How to Choose Between the Vitamix Explorian, Legacy, Smart System Machines

Any Vita­mix blender, from the eldest Vita­mix 5200 Clas­sic C‑Series blender to the lat­est Vita­mix Ascent A3500 machine, is able to out­put a fan­tas­tic job. The final blend­ing results from any of these mod­els would be almost impos­si­ble to dis­tin­guish. The dif­fer­ence between all Vita­mix mod­els is main­ly in exte­ri­or appear­ance and con­trol pan­el char­ac­ter­is­tics, which do not sig­nif­i­cant­ly affect per­for­mance abil­i­ty. These fea­tures con­duct a pre­cise val­ue for dif­fer­ent cus­tomers. So the cus­tomer may select the machine the most appeal­ing in aes­thet­ic terms or usabil­i­ty features.

Explorian Blenders

If you are look­ing for a bar­gain Vita­mix, your obvi­ous choice is the cheap­est among all Vita­mix blenders Explo­ri­an E310 and E320. They have a sim­ple design, no elec­tron­ics to break down, leg­endary Vita­mix dura­bil­i­ty and war­ran­ty, a very pow­er­ful motor like Clas­sic G‑series and Ascent machines, and per­form all the func­tions any oth­er Vita­mix machine does.

Addi­tion­al­ly, you can select between the E310 and E320 mod­els. The Explo­ri­an E310 blender fea­tures the 48 oz jar that excels at small and medi­um vol­umes of food, the process from 1 cup to 5.5 cups of liq­uid ingre­di­ents, and is designed for small house­holds of 4 peo­ple or less. While Explo­ri­an E320 blender with a 64 oz jar is designed for pro­cess­ing larg­er batch­es of food from a min­i­mum of 2 to a max­i­mum of 7.5 cups and suits larg­er house­holds of 4 or more members.

Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E310, via Vitamix 

Vita­mix Explo­ri­an E320 (Recon­di­tioned), via Vita­mix 

Legacy Blenders

The Lega­cy Prod­uct Line includes the most exten­sive vari­ety of mod­els, serv­ing any cus­tomer pref­er­ences, exclud­ing the high-tech wire­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty fea­tures, which the Ascent Vita­mix mod­els represent.

The major­i­ty of Vita­mix vet­er­ans trust that the for­mer C‑series 5200 or Stan­dard mod­el is the most ver­sa­tile blender that does any task per­fect­ly, and they stay loy­al to this machine. The blender has the clas­sic 64 oz jar with a nar­row bot­tom and 3 inch­es blades, so it allows exper­i­ment­ing with very small batch­es of ingre­di­ents with­out the need to buy the small­er extra con­tain­er for this pur­pose. The clas­sic high-pro­file pitch­er can process start­ing from 6 ounces (1 cup) for liq­uid food and 3 cups for nut but­ter recipes. If you intend to exper­i­ment with small and large vol­umes of food and want the per­fect result for any of your recipes, then the 5200 is the best choice for you.

The Vita­mix Stan­dard Pro­grams mod­el is also avail­able, which is very sim­i­lar to 5200 machines but comes with extra three (3) pre-set pro­grams that allow slight­ly expand­ing the uni­ver­sal func­tion­al­i­ty of the machine. So, if you come across a deal for stan­dard Pro­grams Vita­mix blender, do not hes­i­tate to grab it.

Those who still want clas­sic blender con­trols that nev­er break but pre­fer qui­eter Vita­mix machines must go for the for­mer G‑series 7500 or Pro­fes­sion­al series 300 mod­els. If you would like to have the pre-set pro­grams, then Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750 with a pre-set pro­gram option is the best choice for you. The Pro750 mod­el is avail­able with a pre­mi­um met­al fin­ish for the base unit option.

The for­mer g‑series machines 7500, Pro­fes­sion­al series 300, and Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750 are avail­able with the low pro­file con­tain­er that han­dles larg­er food start­ing from 2 cups min­i­mum for liq­uids and 3.5–4 cups for nut but­ter recipes, splash­ing more than the nar­row bot­tom 5200 mod­el. How­ev­er, the 7500, Pro­fes­sion­al series 300, and Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750 wide bot­tom con­tain­er needs less tam­per help when pro­cess­ing smoothies.

In con­trast, the Vita­mix 7500, Pro­fes­sion­al series 300, and Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750 blenders are about 40% qui­eter than the 5200 and Stan­dard Pro­grams machines. There­fore, the noise-sen­si­tive cus­tomer should splash extra bucks to buy one of the for­mer G‑series machines.

Vita­mix 5200 Blender, via Ama­zon 

Vita­mix Lega­cy Blenders, via Vita­mix 

Vita­mix 7500 Blender, via Amazon 

Ascent Blenders

If you are keen to have the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy blender with all breath­tak­ing fea­tures, then the Smart Sys­tem Ascent blenders are beyond doubt what you are look­ing for. These mod­els are avail­able to use with sev­er­al acces­sories specif­i­cal­ly designed for the smart sys­tem blenders, such as dif­fer­ent capac­i­ties and func­tion­al­i­ty jars. In addi­tion, the wire­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty tech­nol­o­gy allows you to send 17 pro­grams to the machine to use them, sim­i­lar to pre-set pro­grams, paired with a smart scale, and the Best app lets you try over 5000 recipes.

The A3300 and A3500 also come with a pro­gram­ma­ble timer func­tion so that you can exper­i­ment with new and cus­tom-made recipes. Vita­mix con­firms it will con­tin­ue to intro­duce new high-tech fea­tures in the future, so you sure­ly will be up-to-date for many years ahead with the blenders.

Apart from all these fan­cy “bells and whis­tles,” the Ascent mod­els pledged to be the qui­etest Vita­mix prod­uct line. The A3500 mod­el with the met­al fin­ished base unit is 2–3 deci­bels more silent than the plas­tic body Ascent models.

Peo­ple who what the lat­est mod­el but have a tighter bud­get should look at the Vita­mix Ven­tur­ist V1200 mod­el. Although It has a less sleek exte­ri­or design and releas­es more noise than oth­er Ascent mod­els, it comes with all ascent blenders’ hi-tech fea­tures and a pro­gram­ma­ble timer that makes it sim­i­lar in func­tion­al­i­ty to the Ascent A3300 blender.

Vita­mix Blenders, via Vitamix

Ven­tur­ist V1200 Price, via Vita­mix 

Vitamix Immersion Blender

An immer­sion blender is not a sub­sti­tute for a full-size blender. It is designed pri­mar­i­ly for food prep tasks but is able to make decent smooth­ies and frozen desserts. So, if you love cook­ing and are not crazy about smooth­ies but enjoy doing them from time to time, then the immer­sion blender is your option.

Space Saving Vitamix ONE Blender

Con­sumers who are look­ing for a small entry-lev­el machine that takes small counter space could be tak­en on trav­el or used in an RV or stu­dent dorm but do not intend to make nut but­ter, mill grains, or knead dough should go for Vita­mix ONE gad­gets. No doubt, it will do the stan­dard blender tasks such as smooth­ies, shakes, food preps tasks, and even mix­ing thick mix­tures to a high-qual­i­ty lev­el than any oth­er pop­u­lar blender on the mar­ket such as Bre­ville, NutriBul­let, or Nin­ja blenders. There is no such small blender on the mar­ket with a com­bi­na­tion of qual­i­ty, func­tion­al­i­ty, and dura­bil­i­ty para­me­ters com­pa­ra­ble to Vita­mix ONE.

To our read­ers: We would like to let you know that you can find the rewrit­ten copy of this orig­i­nal review here, the same as many oth­er reviews. For con­fir­ma­tion, you can com­pare the date of the review publication.

Posted in Vitamix Reviews, Best Products

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